Labia enlargement: indications and methods for changing shape

A woman strives to be beautiful in everything and the intimate sphere is no exception. The more a woman is aware of her own sexuality, the more confident she feels in communicating with men. Therefore, for many women, the real problem is hypertrophy or, conversely, underdevelopment of the vulva. Because of such disorders, they are embarrassed about their body and experience severe stress when communicating with the opposite sex. It is not surprising that intimate plastic surgery is very popular.

Modern plastic surgery has a rich arsenal of manipulations that allow you to correct the size of the vulva. They are all quite safe.

General information about the organ

The labia majora and minora are not just folds of skin. These formations have several important functions. First of all, it is a two-level protection of the genitourinary system from infection and negative environmental factors.

The labia minora provide protection to the urethra and vaginal opening. They are lined with soft epithelium and resemble moistened petals pressed tightly against each other. Also, these formations do not allow the internal mucous membranes to dry out.

The labia majora provide protection to the labia minora from external influences. A pair of large skin folds also acts as a thermostat, protecting the genitourinary system from hypothermia or overheating.

Ideally, the large lips should completely cover the small lips and not touch the inner thighs or each other. It is also allowed for the small lips to partially extend beyond the edges of the large lips, but not more than 10 mm. Anything more is pathology.

Causes of labia enlargement

The size of skin folds can change for a variety of reasons. Doctors conditionally divide them into 3 large groups:

  • Genetic. Most often, hypertrophy or insufficient development of the vulva occurs in those women who were born prematurely or with low birth weight. Doctors say that this feature of the female body is very often determined by heredity. In the first stages of a girl’s life, this structural feature of the external genitalia does not in any way affect her self-esteem and does not cause discomfort. However, during puberty or during the first sexual intercourse, the vulva may change in size. This causes discomfort in the girl and provokes the development of complexes.
  • Individual characteristics and inflammatory diseases. Very often, the external genitalia hypertrophy after acute or chronic vulvitis. The same can happen after lymphadenitis. Sometimes skin folds increase due to increased production of male sex hormones. Finally, lip ptosis can occur in women who have suddenly lost excess weight.
  • Injuries or mechanical impacts. With age, all women experience stretching of the vulva. It reaches its maximum values ​​between 50 and 60 years of age. In some women, hypertrophy of the intimate zone is observed after the birth of several children. Moreover, even having sex can lead to such a defect.

This is not a complete list of reasons that cause changes in the size of the lips major and minor. But these reasons are the most common.

Indications and contraindications

Before any surgical procedure, a woman must undergo a full medical examination and consult with specialized specialists. This is necessary to identify indications and possible contraindications for surgery.

Disproportionately enlarged or asymmetrical large lips can cause a lot of trouble for a woman. Due to this defect, sweating develops and thermoregulation of the genital opening and vagina is disrupted. The inevitable abrasions create a breeding ground for the development of pathogenic bacteria. As a result, instead of protecting the genitals, the labia majora become conduits for infection.

It makes sense to correct large lips in the following cases:

  • There are significant age-related changes.
  • Ptosis of large skin folds is noted after childbirth.
  • Asymmetrical arrangement of folds.
  • Flabbiness of folds with loss of their shape.
  • Deformation of the perineal tissue.

Doctors can perform intimate plastic surgery at the request of the patient if she simply wants to change the shape of the vulva. However, in some cases, refusal is possible. There are a number of contraindications for surgery:

  • Chronic liver diseases.
  • Urogenital infections, including sexually transmitted ones.
  • Immune system disorders.
  • HIV.
  • Critical days.

Naturally, if the cause of the refusal can be eliminated, then doctors perform intimate plastic surgery.

Be sexually active

The tissues and muscles in the perineal area are especially susceptible to age-related changes if they do not receive regular stimulation and blood flow. Normal blood flow ensures the release of lubrication in sufficient quantities and helps a woman achieve orgasm, which, unfortunately, becomes increasingly rare with age.

You should also keep in mind that male sperm also has a rejuvenating effect due to the content of certain hormones and fatty acids.

Enlargement of large folds

With normal development of a woman's genital organs, the labia majora should cover the labia minora. However, for some women, for certain reasons, this is not observed. In this case, it is necessary to enlarge large skin folds in order to return them to the ability to perform their main functions. This goal is achieved in the following ways:

  • Correction with mesothreads. This is a painless operation that involves the use of special threads that cause an increase in the volume of skin folds. The threads, some time after insertion, dissolve, but the enlarged forms remain.
  • Lipofilling. This method involves inserting adipose tissue taken from the patient herself under the skin folds. At the same time, the small lips go deeper. Essentially, this is just a visual correction, but it is in great demand because it has a minimal recovery period.
  • Intimate filling. This technique is based on the introduction of hyaluronic acid fillers into the soft tissues. This approach is good because it provides a comprehensive effect on the external genitalia. Not only does it plump up the lips, it also provides better hydration to the mucous membranes and enhances collagen synthesis.

After intimate plastic surgery, a woman will gradually stop experiencing psychological discomfort. After some time, her confidence will return and she will begin to experience sexual satisfaction from communicating with her partner.

Operational classification

There are several options for increasing the problem area, which differ in duration and indications. The decision about which version is ideal for each specific victim is made by the treating gynecologist. To do this, he uses data from the patient’s medical record, her genetic predisposition, as well as the results of clinical tests.

The collected information will help determine which manipulation will be most productive. This can be intimate filling, lipofilling or liposuction.

The doctor always chooses the option that will be the most effective and least traumatic at the same time. This is especially true for situations where it is possible to avoid cutting delicate tissues in the area of ​​the reproductive system. Contraindications and possible side effects are taken into account separately.

The easiest to use is intimate filling, which is an injection of hyaluronic acid. This component has become a frequent companion of various cosmetic products. It is used for lip augmentation, as well as for aesthetic facial procedures. The method carries:

  • minimal risk of an allergic reaction;
  • safety;
  • excellent biological compatibility with human cells.

Patients like that they don’t have to spend several days in the inpatient department of the hospital after plastic surgery. Instead, after recovering from anesthesia, it is enough to remain under observation for several hours, and if successful, immediately go home.

The initial effect lasts approximately one year. During this time, the girl will be able to understand how much the change will help her, and whether she will need to repeat the manipulation in the future.

The increase occurs with minimal risk of injury, which became possible thanks to the development of a special biopolymer gel containing hyaluronic acid. Administration occurs using blunt-ended sterile cannulas along with gel.

The advantage of acid is accelerated breakdown. Due to this unusual property, the gel can be carefully delivered to the deep tissue layer of the lip, while completely avoiding the risk of getting into the blood vessels. The result is designed to please not only with aesthetics, but also with functionality. The labia will perform the protective duties assigned to them as it is inherent in them by nature.

When a doctor suggests using lipofilling, it means collecting fat from the victim’s body in order to move it to the labia. Everything is done using a special tool kit that allows you to successfully capture the required amount of fat from the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.

Liposuction is performed using a slightly similar principle, which is also in demand among patients. In any case, the correction should be carried out under the control of anesthesia. The format of anesthesia remains dependent on the chosen method of correcting the deficiency. But even local anesthesia should be carried out after a preliminary allergy test. Such care at the preparation stage will help mitigate the risks of developing an allergic reaction or intolerance to the components of the drug.

In total, plastic surgery lasts about 50 minutes, which includes the anesthesia phase. It is extremely important to make an appointment on a specific day of the calendar cycle - four days before the start of your period.

It is important not to ignore the doctor’s advice to undergo a series of tests, as their results help to identify latent contraindications such as hidden inflammatory processes. In this situation, you will first have to undergo a course of therapy directed against the infectious lesion, and only then engage in labia enlargement.

Ways to reduce

It is possible to visually determine the enlargement of large skin folds if their size exceeds 4 cm. Moreover, both all lips and individual areas of them can be enlarged.

Typically, the increase occurs when the level of androgens in the body increases or due to age.

To reduce the labia majora, the following techniques are used:

  • Resection of excess tissue. Most often, tissue is excised in a vertical direction, less often in a horizontal direction.
  • Liposuction. The doctor removes excess fat tissue between the thigh and pubis.

In both cases, intimate plastic surgery can be performed both under local anesthesia and general anesthesia. The choice of pain relief depends on the patient’s wishes and medical indications.

The duration of each operation does not exceed one hour. Full recovery after correction takes 3 weeks. At the same time, a woman must carefully care for her intimate area, because the shape of her lips depends on this.

Preparation for surgery of the intimate area

Despite the relative ease and high speed of the procedures, they must be carefully prepared. First of all, it is important to consult with your doctor and undergo a preliminary examination: ECG, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, smear for bacterial flora, blood tests for syphilis, hepatitis B and C, clinical blood test, etc. – depending on the operation, the list of tests and preparatory procedures may vary.

The most optimal time for the operation is from the fifth day after the end of menstruation to the fifth day before it begins.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to carefully observe the hygiene of the intimate area, using special cosmetics whenever possible. When choosing a suitable product, pay attention to the GINOCOMFORT washing gels. They are intended for daily use, and due to their carefully selected composition, they delicately cleanse the intimate area, give a feeling of freshness throughout the day, and keep the vaginal microflora protected from harmful bacteria. The products of the GINOCOMFORT line were developed by specialists from the pharmaceutical company VERTEX and have the necessary documents and certificates.

Reasons for Labiaplasty

Most often, correction of small folds is done at the request of a woman who does not like the aesthetics of the intimate area. Modern methods make it possible to make small folds smaller or larger and give them any shape.

From a medical point of view, indications for plastic surgery are:

  • The length of the labia minora is more than 4–6 cm.
  • Small folds protrude beyond the large folds by more than 3 cm.
  • Folded or scalloped with pronounced pigmentation of the edges of the folds. This indicates their constant rubbing.
  • Decreased sensitivity of the vulva after injury or prolonged mechanical exposure.
  • The folds are underdeveloped or completely absent. In this case, enlargement of the labia minora is required using injections of biopolymers and hyaluronic acid.

It is worth noting that women who have never given birth are not recommended to undergo intimate plastic surgery. The fact is that such intervention can lead to complications during childbirth in the future.

Labiaplasty cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • The woman has severe heart failure.
  • She has asthma.
  • The patient suffers from neurological diseases or has mental disorders.
  • Increased body temperature for no apparent reason.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Insufficient blood clotting.
  • Infectious diseases of the genital area.

Intimate plastic surgery is contraindicated for girls under 18 years of age. They will have to grow up to use the services of plastic surgeons.

Operative types of intimate correction

They are performed under local spinal anesthesia; if necessary, general anesthesia can be used.

Labiaplasty – intimate plastic surgery of the labia majora and minora

The procedure is done to improve the external appearance of the genital organs after injuries or due to congenital aesthetic defects. An indication for correction of the labia minora, labia majora and tissues adjacent to the clitoris may also be a feeling of discomfort in everyday life, for example, when cycling or horse riding. In addition, intimate plastic surgery of the labia eliminates the “camel’s hoof” effect when wearing tight trousers. Labiaplasty is one of the most widely indicated surgeries and can be done regardless of age, fertility or other criteria.

Vaginoplasty – perineal plastic surgery

Intimate vaginal plastic surgery, which involves restoring the original shape of the vagina or reducing it to improve sensitivity during sexual intercourse and obtain regular orgasms. Intimate correction of the vagina is prescribed for prolapse of the walls and cervix, postpartum injuries and scars from vaginal rupture, as well as in the absence of sexual satisfaction due to a stretched vaginal opening.

During the surgical procedure, the specialist removes excessively stretched tissue and also further strengthens the vaginal muscles. If necessary, the operation can be supplemented by raising the anterior vaginal wall.

Intimate clitoral plastic surgery

The main reasons for correction of the clitoris are weak (or completely absent) orgasms and aesthetic defects: the clitoris is either too small, which does not allow full pleasure during sexual contact, or, conversely, its size is excessively large and it protrudes too much from the outer labia . Correction of the clitoris gives bright and frequent orgasms.

The key method of performing operations on the clitoris is excision, in which excess folds are partially removed or the clitoral hood, which prevents sufficient stimulation of the organ during intimate contact, is trimmed.


Operations to restore virginity or artificially remove the hymen are not so popular compared to other procedures for plastic surgery of intimate organs, but despite this, modern gynecologists are ready to provide these services in almost every medical center. Hymenoplasty and defloration have an affordable price and short duration - many clinics perform them on the same day of treatment.


One of the subtypes of vaginoplasty, which solves the problem of vaginal prolapse after difficult or repeated childbirth by lifting it or installing an implant if the woman no longer plans to have children. The only type of plastic surgery in women is performed in a hospital under epidural or general anesthesia and requires mandatory observation for 8 days after surgery. The operation lasts 1.5 hours, in the first three days you can eat only liquid food to minimize the need for bowel movements, in the next 2 weeks you cannot sit for a long time.

Resizing Methods

The choice of one method or another depends on what result the woman wants to get, the size of the vulva and the presence or absence of asymmetry.

You can reduce small wrinkles in the following ways:

  • Wedge resection. The essence of the operation is to cut out V-shaped flaps on each side of the vulva. After suturing the edges of the wound, the lips are reduced in size, but at the same time retain their natural appearance.
  • Linear resection. This is a very simple but effective procedure. The doctor performs a W-shaped removal of excess tissue, which allows the vulva to be given a more rounded shape. The main disadvantage of this operation is the possible loss of tissue pigmentation.
  • Laser labiaplasty. Compared to other techniques, it provides more precise incisions, absence of scars and rapid postoperative recovery, but its price is much higher.

Very often, at the request of a woman, lip reduction surgery is combined with clitoral plastic surgery and correction of the shape of the genitals. In this case, the time spent on the operating table increases.

Prices for services

Price On credit*
Restoring lost volume of the labia majora 26750 rub. from RUB 2,673/month
Correction of the shape of the labia minora 17100 rub.
Complete correction of age-related and postpartum changes: restoration of the volume of the G-spot, labia majora, intimate plastic surgery 50300 rub. from 5,027 rub./month
Increasing the volume of the clitoris - clitoroplasty 13900 rub.
Increase in G-spot volume (augmentation) + correction of vaginal volume 21400 rub. from RUB 2,139/month
Moisturizing and improving the tone of the labia majora 16050 rub.
Moisturizing and improving the tone of the labia minora 16050 rub.
Reduction of vaginal volume 17100 rub.
Consultation with a plastic surgeon for surgery 0 rub.

Average cost of services
You can find out how much our plastic surgery services cost on average by calling in St. Petersburg: +7

SM-Clinic surgeons will develop an individual operation plan for you, since surgical body correction is often planned and carried out in a complex manner. The exact cost is calculated individually after consultation with a doctor.

Plastic surgery on credit and in installments

Recovery period

After the operation, the woman remains in the hospital for only a short time. If surgical procedures were performed under local anesthesia, the patient can go home a couple of hours after surgery. When general anesthesia was given, then the woman would have to stay in the clinic for 1 day so that the doctors could make sure there were no complications.

While at home, a woman should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • In the first 2 days, it is advisable to adhere to bed rest.
  • Take antibiotics strictly as recommended by your doctor.
  • After seven days, undergo examination by a gynecologist and surgeon.
  • Keep physical activity to a minimum.
  • Treat postoperative sutures daily.
  • Abstain from sex for 3 weeks.
  • Do not wear tight or synthetic underwear.
  • Refuse to visit the sauna and bathhouse, and do not take a hot bath.

There is no need to remove sutures after surgery, since doctors use absorbable suture material for labiaplasty.

As for scars, they usually disappear within six months.

Postoperative Tips

No doctor will announce the exact timing of the rehabilitation period, since everything depends on the type of procedure and the individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, it is so important to listen to the medical recommendations received specifically from your treating specialist.

In order for recovery to be faster and less painful, experts insist on taking accompanying medications. Their name, dosage and schedule of administration must be prescribed by the doctor. Changing even the order of taking pills is strictly prohibited.

Since correction of the labia usually does not require a long stay in the hospital, the woman is sent home on the same day at her own responsibility. This means that the patient will have to be especially careful about personal intimate hygiene without stopping taking the prescribed pills.

If a representative of the fair sex is already taking some narrow-profile medications to stabilize her health due to a chronic illness, then it is necessary to inform the doctor about this in advance. Not all prescribed medications can be combined well with each other.

It is worth preparing for the fact that in the next few days the state of health of the operated lady may be far from ideal due to:

  • swelling;
  • bloody discharge;
  • pain in the delicate area.

In order not to aggravate the clinical picture, and also to promote speedy healing, you need to follow simple rules. We are talking about refusing to visit the solarium, drinking alcoholic beverages, tight, constricting underwear, and active physical activity.

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You also need to take care to protect yourself from possible hypothermia of the entire body.

Possible complications

Although intimate plastic surgery is not considered a complex surgical procedure, complications can still develop after it. True, the likelihood of such a development of events is small. According to statistics, complications develop in 6% of cases.

Typically, patients encounter the following complications:

  • Bruising in the perineum.
  • Sensation of tightness in the vulva.
  • Bleeding.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.

Complications after intimate operations also include the discrepancy between the planned goals and the achieved result. To minimize the risk of developing postoperative complications, you need to carefully select a clinic and attending physician.

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