Laura Keosayan: “I could talk to my parents on any topic”

Laura Keosayan is a popular theater and film actress, as well as a descendant of the famous Keosayan cinematic dynasty. In the creative family, only boys were born, so when the grandfather learned that a granddaughter was born, he refused to believe it and decided that he was simply being played. Initially, he was generally wary of the girl, and then he became completely attached to his little granddaughter with all his heart. By the way, he was the first to see in her the real successor of the acting and directing dynasty. It was quite difficult for Keosayan herself, having such popular relatives. She was worried that she might become their pale shadow. However, over time, everything worked out for her, the girl found her own calling. She has a serious filmography, because she is often offered leading roles.

Laura Keosayan: biography

The actress was born on February 8, 1982 in Moscow. She is a representative of a famous creative dynasty. Laura's grandfather, Edmond Keosayan, was a talented director. It was he who directed the legendary film “The Elusive Avengers” in the 60s. Our heroine’s grandmother was a sought-after actress. The peak of her career was in the 70s and 80s. We couldn’t help but mention another “star” relative of Laura. We are talking about her uncle Tigran Keosayan. He proved himself both as an actor and as a director. The actress’s mother (Anaida) is a professional artist. But after marriage, she decided to devote herself to housekeeping and raising children. Laura has a younger brother, Edmond.

Why does it hurt?

Painful sensations in the area of ​​the left kidney may not indicate pathology. Sometimes the unpleasant phenomenon is associated with physical overexertion. But basically, pain still occurs due to illness. It can be:

  1. Nephroptosis is characterized by displacement of the kidney or its descent.
  2. Pyelonephritis is inflammation of the renal pelvis.
  3. The formation of a cyst - the pelvis and ureter of the kidney are compressed, which causes pain.
  4. Hydronephrosis - urine accumulates in both organs, but pain always manifests itself in the left kidney.
  5. Malignant formation.

Often, aching pain in the left kidney occurs due to congenital pathologies, when the organ has formed with an anomaly. Not every physician can detect tripled renal parts or congenital stenosis in the ureter without differential diagnosis.

Not only nephrological diseases cause pain in the left kidney; diseases of other organs are often associated with pain.

The following can be distinguished:

  • Ulcer of the duodenum or stomach.
  • Inflammatory process in the pancreas.
  • Inflammation of the pelvic organs.
  • Gallstone pathology.
  • Aortic aneurysm.

Often pain in the area of ​​the left kidney is caused by osteochondrosis, when the nerve endings of the vertebrae become inflamed. The symptoms resemble kidney pathology, so diagnosis must be careful.


Our heroine grew up as an obedient and homely girl. Her beloved grandfather Edmond was involved in her upbringing. He instilled in his granddaughter a love of cinema. When Laura was 5 years old, her grandfather approved her for a role in his film “Ascension”. The girl brilliantly coped with the task assigned to her by the director.

Laura Keosayan lived in India for several years. She went there with her father, who represented Sovexportfilm. Everything in this country was a wonder for the girl.

At the age of 13, the future actress appeared in the video “Fiddle Violin,” created for the song of the same name by Igor Sarukhanov. The girl did not pass the auditions. Her uncle, Tigran Keosayan, appointed her to play the role of a Jewish girl. After all, he was the one who worked on the creation of the video.

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Laura Keosayan is a Russian actress. Laura Keosayan viewers from her work in films and TV series: “Love on a Knife’s Edge”, “Silver Lily of the Valley-2”, “Gypsy Girl with a Way Out”, “Vera. Hope. Love”, “Fate’s mysterious tomorrow”, “The only man”, “Juna”.

Biography of Laura Keosayan

Laura Keosayan was born on February 2, 1986 in Moscow, USSR. The Elusive Avengers in the 60s . Grandmother Laura Gevorkyan acted in films a lot in the 70s and 80s ( “Somewhere an oriole is crying.”, etc.). Uncle Tigran Keosayan is a famous director and actor. He directed the films: “The Hare over the Abyss”, “Mirage”, “Silver Lily of the Valley” , “Poor Sasha” and others, and starred in some of his own films, as well as in films by other directors. Father David Keosayan is a film director who directed the melodramas “The Three Half-Graces” and “The Mistress.”

Laura grew up as an active child, but not a Skoda. Her grandfather was very involved in her upbringing. At the age of 13, Laura Keosayan appeared in the video “Fiddle Violin” for the song by Igor Sarukhanov , which was filmed by her uncle Tigran Keosayan.

While still at school, Laura did not see herself as an actress - she dreamed of becoming an economist. However, after entering MGIMO she quickly realized that numbers were not her thing, but she completed her studies. Then she entered the Shchukin School.

Finding yourself

It would seem that Laura's future is predetermined. Her famous relatives hoped that she would continue their work. At first Laura wanted to go a different route. As a high school student, the girl thought about becoming an economist. No one was able to convince her.

Having received a certificate of secondary education, Laura Keosayan (see photo above) went to apply to MGIMO. The girl successfully passed the exams and was enrolled in the Faculty of Economics. Our heroine was pleased with herself. But already in her second year she became bored with numbers and economic terms. Laura increasingly thought about building an acting career. The brunette was able to pull herself together and graduate from MGIMO. Immediately after defending her thesis, she went to audition for the theater school. Shchukin. And she managed to enter this university without any connections.

Pain not related to the kidneys

It often happens that the cause of pain in the left kidney is not a nephrological disease. In this case, painful sensations are associated with pathologies in other organs

To determine which organ is injured, it is necessary to pay special attention to all existing symptoms. Often pain on the left side of the kidney is associated with the following abnormalities:

  • Inflammation of organs located in the pelvis. With such pathologies, women feel pain not only in the kidney, but also in the ovaries.
  • Ulcer in the stomach or duodenum.
  • Inflammatory process in the pancreas. With pathology, in addition to pain, undigested food remains in the stool are observed.
  • Aortic aneurysm, in which the blood vessel dilates and causes pain. The disease poses a great danger to human life and requires prompt surgery.
  • Gallstone disease is characterized by yellowing of the skin and colic in the gallbladder.

Often, painful sensations in the kidney area are associated with radiculitis or osteochondrosis. In the first case, the nerve roots become inflamed and severe pain occurs, radiating to the lower back. This sign can easily be mistaken for a renal abnormality. With osteochondrosis, the spine is affected. The patient ceases to feel the limbs fully, aching pain occurs that spreads to the legs and both kidneys.

First film roles

Laura Keosayan appeared on wide screens in the film “Silver Lily of the Valley-2,” directed by her uncle. This happened in 2004. Her father also offered her cooperation. Laura played in his films such as “The Three Half-Graces” and “The Mistress.”

After receiving a diploma from “Pike”, our heroine got a job at the Theater. Vakhtangov. She participated in almost every performance. At first, the girl got minor and episodic roles. But she was happy about that too. Laura was involved in such performances as “The Shore of a Woman”, “White Acacia”, “Carlson” and others.

Treatment methods

After receiving the test results, the doctor prescribes treatment to eliminate pain in the left side. Drug treatment is used to painlessly cope with the problem. Taking into account the pathology and its stage, the patient can be treated in a hospital or at home. If a serious deviation is diagnosed, the patient is left in an inpatient setting, where his condition can be constantly monitored.

In case of pyelonephritis, the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs. If nephroptosis is diagnosed, a special bandage is recommended that will allow the kidney to stay in place. Conservative treatment includes a vitamin complex and drugs that increase immunity. In addition to medications, the patient is recommended to follow a special diet and perform special therapeutic exercises twice a day.


If the discomfort is associated with a cyst or malignant tumor, then only surgery is recommended. Surgical intervention can be performed in several ways, depending on the pathology and degree of injury to the organ. In medicine, percutaneous puncture is practiced, in which the cyst is pierced and drainage is installed. This method is not considered safe, since there is a possibility of infection of the organ during the procedure.

A popular method is laparoscopic surgery, which is also safe. The surgeon makes several small incisions through which he inserts instruments and an endoscope. This way the cyst is removed. For the patient, this method is most acceptable, since the rehabilitation period is significantly reduced and proceeds easier.

The most severe operation is considered to be abdominal surgery, which involves an incision in the abdominal cavity. This method is used when the cyst has changed its appearance or for malignant tumors. Cancer is treated with open surgery and conservative therapy, which includes chemotherapy, radiation, hormonal and immune therapy.

Career continuation

The actress with Armenian roots gained all-Russian fame in 2007. This happened after the release of the detective drama “Love on a Knife’s Edge.” Keosayan got the main female role in the film. She successfully got used to the image of Laura Sarkisova.

This was followed by an offer to star in the 8-episode melodrama “Gypsy Girl with a Way Out.” Laura carefully studied the script and agreed.

Between 2008 and 2011. the actress starred in several TV series and feature films. Among them we can highlight: “Loving Do Not Renounce”, “The Only Man”, “The Last Romans” and so on.

Medical appointments

It is logical that pain management therapy is aimed at treating the problem that caused the pain syndrome.
A course of antibiotics suppresses bacterial infections, and special deposit-destroying drugs are prescribed to combat stones. With advanced urolithiasis, surgery cannot be avoided, as with a developing cancer tumor. Urgent dialysis or organ transplantation is performed for a patient with acute renal failure.

Sometimes treatment consists of proper rest, avoiding excessive exercise and maintaining a balanced diet that excludes the consumption of salt, phosphorus and potassium. Plenty of clean water is also recommended.


Laura managed to get used to the image of an anesthesiologist in the series “Sklifosovsky”. Her colleague on the set was the famous and beloved actor Maxim Averin. He highly praised Laura's performance, calling the girl a true professional.

At the end of September 2015, the series “Juna” was released on Channel One. Many actresses wanted to play the famous healer. But the director approved Laura for the main role. She fit the type better than others.

What now

Now the actress’s heart is free, but she is in no hurry to commit herself to new relationships - work means much more to her than new novels. One of the actress’s last works was the main role in the TV series “Juna,” whom Laura once knew personally, but met her only once, so the healer’s manners and habits had to be studied from books.

In order to bring her appearance as close as possible to the image she was performing, Laura Keosayan had to wear complex makeup based on special glue for a long time, because of this, the actress ended up in the hospital after filming - the ingredients of the glue penetrated the blood, which caused intoxication of the body.
But even after this, Laura never regretted playing this role, because she considers Juna a unique person and an amazing woman. In contact with

Laura Keosayan: personal life

The first love came to our heroine at the age of 15. Laura and her relatives went to the USA. There she met a handsome guy from Ireland. It was love at first sight. The guy also liked Laura. They walked along the street, visited cozy cafes and admired the city at night. Soon Keosayan returned home. The girl did not want to part with her lover. The young people continued to communicate, being thousands of kilometers away from each other. They called each other almost every day. Laura periodically flew to visit him. But over time, their communication faded away. Everyone started their own life. The youthful love has passed.

Keosayan met her future husband while a student. Their meeting took place on the set of the film “Gypsy Coming Out.” This is the young actor Ivan Rudakov. The guy and the girl did not immediately notice each other. Ivan had his own fans. And Laura put her personal life in the background.

Mutual feelings arose when the young people began to communicate closely. Soon Ivan proposed his hand and heart to his beloved. Laura had no choice but to agree. The fruit of their love was the daughter Seraphim. Unfortunately, the family idyll did not last long. The initiator of the break in relations was Laura Keosayan. Her husband supported her in this decision. In 2013, the acting couple officially divorced. However, they remained on friendly terms.

Folk remedies

You can relieve discomfort with the help of folk remedies. In folk medicine there are many recipes for various infusions, decoctions and teas that will eliminate the problem in men and women. It is recommended to prepare a decoction based on chamomile and mint: use a tablespoon of each herb and pour boiling water over it. An oil compress using sunflower oil with the addition of chamomile will help cope with cramps. For a compress, you need to take preheated oil and apply it to the sore spot.

A decoction of rose hips, St. John's wort and calendula is considered an effective remedy in combating the problem. A tablespoon of herb is poured with boiling water and then taken orally. In folk medicine, it is recommended to prepare milk compresses, for which a bandage is moistened in warm milk and applied to the painful area. All remedies are aimed at eliminating painful spasms and promoting muscle relaxation. It is recommended to use the above methods during the first attacks.


When your left kidney hurts, you should seek help and find out what the problem is. To diagnose a pathology, the doctor first conducts an examination and finds out what signs are present and how long ago they appeared. Then the patient is prescribed a general urine and blood test, the results of which will indicate protein and an increased number of leukocytes. Blood is donated for biochemistry to determine creatinine, magnesium, calcium and other substances in the body. The following instrumental studies are carried out:

  • ultrasound diagnostics of kidneys and organs located in the abdominal cavity;
  • angiography, which examines blood vessels using a contrast agent;
  • diagnosis of the spine using x-rays;
  • urography of the kidney using a means that is illuminated;
  • biopsy of a diseased kidney, which consists of analyzing tissue from the injured area.

Nagging pain in the kidney should not be ignored, since these sensations may indicate a chronic course of the disease. The above diagnostic procedures are mandatory. If there are suspicions of other diseases and if the attending physician considers it necessary, then additional examinations are prescribed.

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