Caring for laminated eyelashes immediately after the procedure: dos and don’ts

Long fluffy eyelashes with a perfect curve are always in fashion and will complement any look of every girl. Until recently, beauty salons offered their clients only a radical transformation - extensions. This procedure allows you to achieve perfect eyelashes in a couple of hours, but has a whole list of contraindications and requires compliance with special rules during the wearing period. Lamination is a completely different matter. This is an alternative procedure to extensions that is beneficial for hair. What’s especially nice is that caring for laminated eyelashes is simple and does not require any special skills. Let's look at the nuances in more detail.

Eyelash lamination: what is it?

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Lamination is a professional nourishing salon hair mask with a long-term effect. During the procedure, the master applies a serum to thoroughly cleansed eyelashes, the active component of which is keratin. Using a special device resembling curlers, the hairs are given a bend suitable for their length. The result of lamination is more voluminous, beautifully curved eyelashes. They look natural and healthy.

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If the natural color of the hairs is too light for the procedure, a special serum with pigments is used, giving them a darker shade. Lamination is a caring procedure that can stimulate eyelash growth and improve the condition of hairs. The effect of such a mask can be noticed immediately. Lamination not only improves the appearance of eyelashes, but also protects them.

The nourishing serum envelops each hair and forms a thin film that protects from the external environment and ultraviolet rays. What’s especially nice is that the results from this mask last for 1-3 months. How long lamination will last in each specific case depends on the individual characteristics of the body and compliance with care recommendations after the procedure.

When is it performed?

Lamination is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. To get beautiful and well-groomed eyelashes.
  2. Unpreparedness for expansion.
  3. For straight, light eyelashes that lack thickness and volume.
  4. Anatomical factors - hairs grow downwards.
  5. Allergy to mascara.

The procedure is ideal for residents of megacities. Eyelashes suffer from the negative effects of natural factors, but polluted air is especially harmful to them.

Features of care on the day of the procedure

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Eyelash lamination is a salon procedure that must be performed by a specialist trained in this technique. Carrying out such a procedure at home is dangerous to health. On the day of visiting the salon, it is recommended not to plan social events. Eyelashes are transformed immediately after lamination, but they need special care over the next 24 hours. It is advisable to come to the salon without makeup on your eyes, since the master will still start by completely cleaning this area.

For any vision problems, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist about the possibility of the procedure. Immediately after lamination, your eyes may be very itchy. This is a normal reaction and the discomfort usually goes away within a day. How to organize care for laminated eyelashes immediately after the procedure? On the day of the procedure, it is better to try not to touch your eyes again. It is advisable not to wet the area around them and refrain from using cosmetics.

In the first 24 hours, the composition continues to be actively absorbed. The hair may look sticky and greasy. Do not under any circumstances try to comb them, curl them additionally, or wash off the oil. Such actions can ruin the entire result of salon care.

Why is there no result?

The effect may not be noticeable or may be unsatisfactory in the following cases:

  • the master is not very experienced in carrying out the procedure;
  • lamination was performed during menstruation, pregnancy, lactation - hormones have a strong impact on the result of all cosmetic manipulations;
  • oral contraceptives are used - they also affect the hormonal system;
  • if natural eyelashes are short and brittle, they are not able to withstand the weight of keratin;
  • when the eyelashes are sparse, a beautiful curve is created.

First day: recommendations and prohibitions

Within 24 hours after the lamination procedure, you cannot visit the solarium, sauna or bathhouse. It is not recommended to use decorative eye cosmetics on the first day. Makeup remover cleansers are also prohibited in this area. Caring for laminated eyelashes on the first day after the procedure involves the complete elimination of mechanical influence.

Hair should not be combed or rubbed with cotton pads or tampons. Try to sleep on your back or side, without pressing your face into the pillow. Lamination is a strengthening procedure, which means that no additional nutrition is required for the hairs immediately after it.

Advice from experienced cosmetologists

For a long-lasting effect from lamination, you should listen to the recommendations of the experts:

  • sleep on your back (can be on your right or left side);
  • at first, avoid physical activity to prevent sweat from getting on your eyelids;
  • refusal of aggressive cosmetics and care products;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding (i.e. during periods of hormonal surges), it is better to refuse the procedure in order to avoid zero results or the appearance of allergies;
  • lamination can (and is even necessary for healthy eyelashes) to be carried out after removing hair extensions.

The already familiar hair lamination is now increasingly being applied to eyelashes, making them healthier, fuller and more beautiful. How long lamination of eyelashes lasts depends on the subsequent care for them.

Hygiene rules

How to wash your face with laminated eyelashes correctly so as not to spoil them? For hygiene procedures, it is best to use warm water at a comfortable temperature. Water that is too hot or too cold can shorten the life of the lamination effect. For this reason, you should refrain from contrasting face washes.

After the first day after the procedure, the use of caring cosmetics is allowed. You should choose the most delicate products without alcohol or fat. Don't rub your eyelashes too hard. Their bending will not be damaged by such an effect, but lamination will last much less than it could. For the same reason, after washing, you should not diligently wipe the eye area with a towel; just gently blot it. Allow the hair to air dry naturally, and then comb it with a special comb.

Difference from Botox

Botox and eyelash lamination have common features, so many people confuse the procedures. The difference is this:

  1. After Botox you can wash your face, your eyelashes will be beautiful immediately after the procedure.
  2. The preparations are saturated with valuable components, but during lamination a thin film is created that protects the hairs from the negative effects of the environment.
  3. An average of 1 hour is spent on lamination, and at least 2 hours on Botox.
  4. The thickening of the cilia during lamination is stronger.
  5. Both procedures are quite expensive, but Botox is more expensive.

The similarities are few contraindications, similar effect, similar execution technique.

Decorative cosmetics

After the lamination procedure, many girls significantly simplify their eye makeup or abandon it altogether. But what should those who are not ready to give up cosmetics completely do? Mascara for laminated eyelashes should be chosen in the category of products for sensitive eyes. Avoid using waterproof cosmetics; they cannot be removed without cotton pads and sponges. Choose a product that can be easily washed off with plain water.

If you use eyeliner or eye shadow in your makeup, it is also better to choose non-waterproof products. Laminated eyelashes can be painted with mascara (if more than a day has passed since the procedure), but it is recommended not to do this every day. The more often you use decorative cosmetics, the faster the nutritional composition will be washed off and the hairs will return to their original natural state.


Eyelash lamination is divided into the following types:

  1. Modeling. Used for unruly eyelashes. The product used in this case includes weighting components. During the procedure, the shape of the eyelashes is adjusted and the hairs are fixed in the required position.
  2. Coloring. Gives eyelashes a lasting, natural shade. The pigment is able to penetrate into the structure of the curls and be fixed by the laminating composition, so the coloring is permanent.
  3. Medicinal. It is chosen to restore the structure of curls and strengthen the follicles. In addition to oil and vitamins, the ingredients include plant extracts and silk proteins.

Care treatments for laminated eyelashes

24 hours after the lamination procedure, you can continue your usual care for the skin around the eyes. Use any serums, creams and gels, try to apply them to the eyelids without touching the hairs. No special care is required for laminated eyelashes. For maximum effect and its long-term preservation after the procedure, you can periodically make oil masks. Best suited for eyelashes: castor, peach and almond oils.

It is convenient to apply the selected composition using a special comb or brush from an old mascara (you must first rinse). Oil should be applied to eyelashes from the middle to the tips. It is advisable to make this mask before going to bed and not wash it off. Apply the oil carefully, trying to avoid getting it on the skin. Oil masks can be done 2-3 times a week at regular intervals.

Is it possible to wear makeup?

After lamination of eyelashes, there are no clear instructions and restrictions on the use of mascara, except for its prohibition during the first day. However, it is important to handle it carefully so that the eyelashes retain their effect longer.

You need to start with the fact that the product must be fresh. Dry mascara leaves a large number of lumps when applied to the hairs, and also comes into very harsh contact with them during this process. This ensures that there is no slipping along the smooth structure of the hair.

When performing makeup, instructions are also provided:

  1. The product should be applied in one layer. This is enough to color your eyelashes, but will not weigh them down during the day.
  2. When applying mascara, it is important to avoid the appearance of lumps. If there are any, thoroughly rinse the brush you use to apply mascara and warm the tube containing it in warm water. This will soften the composition, which facilitates its careful application.
  3. When you remove your makeup, you should not use a cotton pad with a micellar base, as using it will rub your hair. It is better to use a gentle method - foam or soft gel for washing and removing cosmetics.

If you apply makeup following the instructions of the cosmetologist, this will not cause harm or side effects to the lamination result, and its effect will be noticeable for a long time.

Contraindications for eyelash lamination

When performed correctly, eyelash lamination is a safe and beneficial procedure. The main contraindication to its implementation is any eye disease. Lamination can be done for visual impairments, even for those who wear contact lenses. The procedure should be postponed in case of infectious diseases and general malaise. You should not do lamination immediately after any surgical interventions.

Many cosmetologists do not recommend this procedure for pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is believed that in large quantities keratin can be harmful to the baby. There are no other contraindications for the procedure. It is very important immediately after it to organize proper care for laminated eyelashes at home and listen carefully to your body. The components of the nutritional whey may cause an individual allergic reaction. If, 24 hours after lamination, symptoms such as itching and/or redness of the eyes are observed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How often can I do it?

If you properly organize home care for laminated eyelashes, the results of the procedure can last for up to three months. Typically, craftsmen give their clients a guarantee for a period of 1-1.5 months. How long the volume and curl of the eyelashes will last depends on the structure of the hairs, the degree of their damage and some other individual characteristics. The lamination is washed off gradually, while the hairs look quite attractive and natural. And this is another advantage of this caring procedure over extensions. Since lamination is a harmless procedure, it can be done in courses, without breaks.


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Cost of the procedure

Hair lamination serums are quite expensive. Accordingly, the procedure itself cannot be cheap. The cost of eyelash lamination for a beginning artist starts from 1,000 rubles. In a prestigious salon in a large city, the price for this service can reach 5,000 rubles. The procedure usually lasts no more than one and a half hours.

No prior preparation is required from the client. If desired, lamination can be combined with hair coloring. We recommend that you carefully select a salon and a specific specialist. An experienced specialist will tell you in detail about all the nuances of the procedure and advise how to properly care for laminated eyelashes.


  • Eyelashes acquire a beautiful curve and healthy shine.
  • The natural appearance of the eyelashes is preserved.
  • There is no feeling of heaviness or the presence of something foreign.
  • There are no restrictions on the use of cosmetics, including decorative cosmetics.
  • Eyelashes are not afraid of water, steam, high temperatures - you can swim, sunbathe, go to the bathhouse and sauna.
  • The procedure does not cause discomfort.
  • The composition does not require removal; no additional post-procedures are needed.
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