Sveta Bilyalova: biography, photos before and after plastic surgery

Today Instagram is one of the most famous social networks. Here you can find many popular and famous representatives of the fair sex, and one of these girls is Svetlana Bilyalova.

It is worth noting that she has already collected a large number of subscribers on her page, and such success is due to the charming appearance of this lady. On the Internet you can find photos of what the Instagram star looks like before and after plastic surgery.

The early years of Sveta Bilyalova

Svetlana Bilyalova was born on June 20, 1989 in Moscow, where she lives to this day. Absolutely nothing is known about the girl’s parents, although previously the model often mentioned that she grew up in a wealthy family and never needed money. Sveta once joked that her parents did everything to prevent her from turning to “sponsors” for help. It is also known that Bilyalova has a sister.

Svetlana's childhood was unremarkable. She went to school, learned languages ​​and communicated with peers. The future model was not at all distinguished by its bright and memorable appearance. In addition, her parameters and height were far from those of a model, and everyone knows how high the competition is in agencies.

After school, Bilyalova entered the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia at the Faculty of Advertising and Public Relations. Unfortunately or fortunately, the girl’s life turned out differently, and she did not work in her specialty. Nevertheless, the knowledge acquired during her studies certainly came in handy later.

Actor career

Svetlana is very popular on the Internet. But despite this, she has little fame as a blogger and model. Bilyalova strives to become an actress and conquer Hollywood.

Sveta Bilyalova has already appeared in the videos of many famous Russian musicians. Thus, she often collaborates with artists of the Black Star label. She starred in Sokolovsky’s video for the song “Fragments of the Soul.” And she collaborated with the famous Olga Buzova.

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Now Bilyalova is trying in every possible way to get into the world of cinema. She develops her acting skills and charisma. Therefore, it is possible that soon we will see Svetlana in a new acting role.

Biography and parameters

Date of BirthJune 20, 1989
Place of BirthMoscow Russian Federation
Height166 cm.
Weight46 kg.
Breast89 cm.
Waist58 cm.
Hips88 cm.
Hair colorDark chestnut
Clothing size42
Shoe size37
CitizenshipRussian Federation

Popularity and modeling career

The road to the modeling world opened for Bilyalova thanks to Instagram. After all, as mentioned earlier, modeling agencies did not welcome Sveta with open arms. The girl was separated from her modeling career and popularity by her typical appearance and small height (only 167 cm). However, if you are really serious and determined, if you are not afraid of difficulties and are not going to give up on your goals, life will reward you with victory over all your efforts. This happened with Svetlana.

“Initially, I showed everyone my sporting successes, because I gained a lot of weight after giving birth. I gained 25 kilograms, I'm not lying. And then she dropped them in three months.”

She is largely grateful to her parents, who not only approved of all her endeavors, but also helped financially at first. It was they who paid for her modeling school and various manipulations with her appearance. While Svetlana was striving to achieve the ideal and attract attention, she began running social networks, where she uploaded her photos daily. “Initially, I showed everyone my sporting successes,” the model recalls, “because I gained a lot of weight after giving birth. I gained 25 kilograms, I'm not lying. And then she dropped them in three months.”

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Hope you have great Monday Guys !♥️ Here is a little game to make you some $$$. If we like these games I'll make them regularly ? Guess what time I was born? Time range 5 mins. Sending 100$ to the first 5 of you? Will share results? Guys, hello! Have you decided to hold a little competition for you? I will send 6500 to the card to anyone who guesses the time of my birth within the range of 5 minutes. Will the first 5 guessers win?

Posted by Sveta Bilyalova (@svetabily) Apr 8, 2022 at 12:02 PDT

Bilyalova admits that she experienced that period very painfully, so she tried to erase all memories of it. She was very proud of her body, so she was not at all shy about putting it on display for everyone to see. “You need to understand your strengths. For some it’s their looks, for others it’s their sense of humor. Some are a good mother, some are good cooks, and some are models. Therefore, I think that it’s definitely worth showing your strengths on Instagram,” shares Svetlana.

“You need to understand your strengths. For some it’s their looks, for others it’s their sense of humor. Some are a good mother, some are good cooks, and some are models. Therefore, I think it’s definitely worth showing off your assets on Instagram.”

Popularity did not take long to arrive. Thousands of new subscribers every day and an endless stream of likes indicated that Sveta had chosen the right strategy. She did not participate in modeling castings or beauty contests, but with the rapid growth of her popularity, various agencies began to notice her. So, determination did its job, and the young model was showered with offers of cooperation and lucrative modeling contracts.

Later, she joined the models of the MAVRIN studio of the popular photographer Alexander Mavrin, who, together with his team of sexy beauties, conquers the world in search of the best angles and views. Collaboration with Mavrin brought her even more fame - the number of her subscribers on Instagram is about to cross the five million mark.

Photo by Sveta Bilyalova and Diana Melison

Thanks to filming with Mavrin, Svetlana Bilyalova met model Diana Melison, with whom they struck up a very close friendship. From their photographs together, it is clear that if the girls do not live together, they at least spend a lot of time with each other. However, fans of the models have repeatedly suggested that such friendships are more likely to be benefits than sincerity. Whether this is a marketing ploy or really kindred spirits have found each other, only the girls themselves can answer.

Today, Bilyalova continues to delight her subscribers with photographs, travels a lot and, of course, does not forget to work, because in the future she still needs to achieve many more goals and desires.

Photo of Sveta Bilyalova before plastic surgery

The parents of the burning brunette are quite wealthy, as Svetlana herself said, so she evaluates men solely by their personal qualities. Their financial condition is not so important to her. In addition, now Sveta herself already earns enough money so that she does not need anything.

She does not advertise her personal life, but it is still known that she has a boyfriend and even a son. The child's name is Danya and he is about 4 years old. However, it is unknown whether Svetlana is married. There are several photos on Instagram showing the model with her little son.

There were rumors on the Internet that Sveta had a special relationship with another model, Diana Melison. But the girl denies this information. She says they have similar interests, are comfortable with each other and enjoy spending a lot of time together. It is unknown when such a close friendship began between the girls. Many people believe that this relationship is just a smart marketing ploy. After all, Diana, like Sveta, has several million subscribers, many of whom follow the lives of both girls on the social network. Fans have taken well to the eternal friendship that the girlfriends write about on their pages. It cannot be said unequivocally that the relationship between them is insincere. Most likely, the girls simply decided to use them to increase their popularity.

The most scandalous moment in Svetlana’s career was the day when subscribers got hold of her old photos. If before this the girl was still trying to deny the fact that she had resorted to the help of plastic surgeons, now it was pointless. Photos taken in high school indicate that Svetlana looked different as a teenager. Blurry facial features, a wide nose, not too voluminous lips - all this is no longer there, and from the photo on Instagram there is a girl who looks like Barbie. Although Svetlana’s figure has always been a subject of envy for women and admiration for men. Slender and fit, she looks elegant and petite.

Filming in videos

Svetlana Bilyalova’s list of interests includes not only photo projects. The girl managed to try herself and her strengths in filming video clips for popular performers. For example, she played a cameo role in the video for the well-known song “Beard” by Timati and MC DONI. The video was released in the summer of 2014, and to date it has almost 54 million views.

Sveta Bilyalova in Timati Beard's video (Backstage)

Sveta also appeared in the video “Fragments of the Soul” by Vlad Sokolovsky, where she played the main role of Vlad’s lover. She admits that filming these kinds of scenes is very easy for her, because it’s only on camera that everything looks frank and sexy. In fact, there is always laughter, jokes and fun on set. She got a similar role in the MARS (Marseille) video for the song “Draw”. At the end of 2015, a video was released by the young performer Misha Mavrin “What's up”, in which such well-known media personalities as Olga Buzova, Nelly Ermolaeva, Nita Kuzmina and Svetlana Bilyalova took part.

Sveta Bilyalova in the video “Fragments of the Soul”

“I really like acting in videos,” the model shares, “I’m still closer to video work than photography. I get tired of photography, but video shooting is something new for me, and it’s very interesting.”

But roles in video clips are not the limit. Sveta often says that she dreams of starring in films, and in the coming years she intends to fulfill this dream too. When asked what genre of cinema she sees herself in in the near future, the model admits: “Yes, I love forensic science, and also fairy tales. For example, "Harry Potter" and "The Lord of the Rings". And my favorite films are “The Imitation Game”, “Rock and Rolla”, “The Godfather”. In addition, Sveta once admitted that she absolutely loves it when actresses play the roles of crazy people, and she wouldn’t mind trying on this role.

“Yes, I love criminology, and also fairy tales. For example, "Harry Potter" and "The Lord of the Rings". And my favorite films are “The Imitation Game”, “Rock and Rolla”, “The Godfather”.

Photos of Svetlana Bilyalova after plastic surgery

In the photos taken after plastic surgery, you can see the results of mammoplasty and lip shape correction. Previously, Svetlana also did not have such a magnificent bust. In addition, in recent photos, where the girl is wearing only a thin T-shirt, it is clearly visible that her breasts are elastic and even without a bra they retain their shape perfectly. The increase in bust size is perhaps the most noticeable change in Svetlana’s appearance. In school photos, the girl's breasts were a maximum of size 1. Now the size of the bust has increased significantly, and in the upper part it begins to look very voluminous. This effect can only be achieved by performing an operation.

As for the lips, this too could not have happened without the help of plastic surgeons. They looked much more natural before. Trying to make them plumper, Svetlana eventually achieved that they took on the shape of a fish. The girl's nose also looked different. It was quite large and wide. After rhinoplasty, the nose became more elegant and thin, decreasing in size by almost 2 times.

If you compare photographs taken several years ago and the results of recent shootings, it becomes obvious that the cheekbones have also undergone changes. They became tall and graceful. In addition to changes in facial features and breast enlargement, some fans suspect Sveta that she removed several lower ribs, which is why her waist became so thin. However, these are just guesses, because the girl’s figure has always been slim and fit. Sveta regularly plays sports, goes karting, and goes on bike rides. With such an active lifestyle, it is possible to achieve such a figure and a wasp waist without the help of plastic surgery, especially since the girl has good genetics: she is naturally thin.

Svetlana Bilyalova doesn’t have many photos on her Instagram page, but she looks perfect in all of them. This is largely due to well-chosen angles and the work of professional photographers, but the appearance that has changed after plastic surgery plays a significant role in creating successful shots. From a pretty girl, Svetlana Bilyalova turned into a real beauty and, thanks to her seductive figure and regular facial features that remind her of Barbie, she was able to gain enormous popularity among subscribers on Instagram and among ordinary fans beyond it.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko

Personal life and birth of a son

Svetlana does not talk about relationships at all. Of course, she is credited with many novels and introduced to every man with whom she happens to be close. But Bilyalova does not comment on her personal life and does not name any names, so fans can only guess.

It is known that Sveta has a son, Daniel, who today is approximately five or six years old. She no longer lives with the child’s father, Dmitry Melnikov. Very little is known about Sveta’s family life, because she does not often please her fans with photographs of her child. Some say that the model's son lives with his grandmother while his mother conquers new heights in the modeling business.

Modeling and blog

Sveta knows very well what exactly needs to be posted so that the number of subscribers begins to grow. In 2016, she was invited to the program “KipyaTALK” as an expert on photography and blogging. According to her, you don’t have to look like a model to be popular. It’s enough to find what you love to do and what people will like. This could be humor, photographs, poetry and much more.

Sveta was not always a fashion ideal. After giving birth, she gained more than 25 kg. It was training videos that became the first content on her Instagram blog. People liked watching the girl's transformation. After some time, she achieved the desired results (90-60-90). After this, Bilyalova switched to a vegetarian diet and began to stay in shape.

In the process, Bilyalova began filming entertainment content. In the video she makes fun of various funny life situations. In 2016, the girl became a guest of the “Live Broadcast” program. She was on the show with bloggers Igor Sinyak. There she shared some information about her life. And she stated that she made such a figure without medical intervention.

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New rumors constantly appear on the network about the unnaturalness of Svetlana’s breasts and buttocks. This excitement began after fans compared old and new photos of Bilyalova, which are strikingly different. According to the model, anyone can achieve such results if they persistently pursue their goal.

It’s interesting that Sveta herself considered herself unsuitable for the modeling business. Since her height is 167 cm, and often this is not enough. But as it turned out, this did not become a hindrance for her. Now Bilyalova is a famous model. She collaborates with famous clothing brands. Advertises swimsuits and underwear. Candid photos of Sveta can be seen on Instagram and simply on the Internet.

Bilyalova before and after plastic surgery

Despite the fact that the model has a bright, exotic appearance by nature, because the beauty has Tatar roots, this was not enough to conquer the modeling world.

Teenage photographs of Bilyalova became the reason for heated discussions on the Internet, because the young girl who looked at them from the photographs had nothing in common with the Svetlana Bilyalova whom everyone knows now. The photographs clearly show that the girl changed the shape of her nose, cheekbones and enlarged her lips. In addition, mammoplasty is visible to the naked eye - increasing breast volume.

Photo of Sveta Bilyalova before and after plastic surgery

The model itself does not comment on its changes. She is very proud of her body, because she once managed to lose 25 kilograms, and now sport is an integral part of her life. And she prefers not to answer questions about plastic surgery at all. Perhaps she considers such changes not plastic surgery, but cosmetic procedures, which she often advertises on Instagram. So, just recently, Bilyalova improved her facial contour and said that several more procedures are in the pipeline to improve the skin.

A selection of short videos with the participation of Sveta Bilyalova

A few more photos with the beautiful brunette.


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Sveta Bilyalova now

Now Sveta’s life and work involve constant moving around the world. Bilyalova collaborates with international brands, for which she shoots humorous commercials and posts them on her channel. The model does not hide the fact that she comes up with scripts for her videos herself. She also directs these videos.

The Instagrammer spends a lot of time in the United States, where she lived in Los Angeles for a year and later moved to New York. In May 2022, Bilyalova posted an Easter congratulations post online, which was received with ridicule and anger by her subscribers. The beauty appeared naked in the photo, and her breasts and bikini area were covered from prying eyes only by her eggs. Previously, the model appeared in front of cameras in an improvised swimsuit made of toilet paper and a medical mask. The post was dedicated to the quarantine due to the coronavirus, which was being introduced in Russia at that time.

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