I use essential oils to make my own homemade massage oil. I am sharing 7 best recipes that are suitable for different occasions.

Massage oils are an integral part of body care. Ready-made mixtures infused with herbs and spices are incredibly valuable for our body. First they enter the skin, and then into the tissues, delivering vitamins and microelements to the cells.

After a pleasant procedure, the condition of the epidermis improves, subcutaneous fat deposits are reduced, regeneration processes are launched, and muscles are strengthened. And the fragrance of essential oils fills the entire room, making you forget about pressing problems and allowing you to experience true pleasure. Today we will talk about how to prepare massage oil at home to get even more pleasure from the procedure.

Basic massage oil recipe

Necessary materials:

  • 2 tablespoons of base oil, for example, from sweet almonds, apricot kernels, sesame seeds, grape seeds;
  • 10-12 drops of essential oils (choose a product that will suit your massage goals);
  • dark glass bottle.

To make your homemade beauty product, measure your carrier oil into a separate container, such as a measuring cup. Then slowly add the appropriate essential oils. Pour the mixture into a dark bottle and shake well to combine.

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Be sure to date and label each bottle so you can remember what it is.

Shake well before each use. Pour about 1 teaspoon into your hands and gently massage into skin. This recipe can be doubled or tripled for a larger batch, just make sure the ratio of essential oil to base oil remains the same.

Caution when working with oils (butter, vegetable, margarine)

The use of vegetable and fatty oils is not always equally beneficial for your intimate caress. For example, many couples are interested in whether it is possible to use sunflower oil, butter or margarine instead of lubricant? Theoretically, yes, since all these products have excellent sliding properties.

However, it is worth understanding here that the components of these foundations are not intended for use in the genital area. And although they, like other oils, will allow you to glide and relieve dryness, overusing them can lead to the completely opposite effect. For example, there is a risk of irritation and even swelling of the mucous membranes. Therefore, the use of the above products is not recommended by doctors and other specialists.

In addition, oil can destroy the structure of latex, which leads to a violation of its integrity.

Head massage

This procedure involves pressing on various points of the head, most often on the temples. Gentle and rhythmic movements relieve accumulated tension, bringing relaxation and emotional relief. A mixture of essential oils will help you with this:

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  • peppermint - 6 drops;
  • rosemary - 4 drops.

Add them to the basic recipe above. Rub ½ teaspoon into temples and base of neck to enhance strength and focus.

How safe is it to use Vaseline?

Another sensational remedy that bosses and their subordinates often talk about is Vaseline. The affordability of the price and the presence of a suitable viscous structure that can facilitate movements during sexual intercourse makes many couples think about using it. But is it as good and safe as they say? Let's start with the fact that this product is very difficult to wash off. It not only remains on the skin, but also leaves unattractive greasy stains on clothes and linens.

Further, the use of this substance can lead to disruption of the normal microflora of your partner’s vagina. This can ultimately lead to the proliferation and accumulation of bacteria and fungi. Moreover, sometimes the use of this product causes redness and even burning of the skin. And finally, Vaseline destroys the protective layer of the condom and damages it. The same applies to the sex toys you use.

Soothing facial massage

Consists of stroking and gentle kneading of the face and neck, often used in cosmetic and hairdressing procedures. Add it to your nightly skincare routine and your face will thank you. Use esters:

  • incense - 3 drops;
  • roses - 3 drops;
  • geranium - 2 drops;
  • carrot seeds - 2 drops.

Add them to 30 grams of a carrier oil such as jojoba or rosehip and shake well. After washing your face, apply a few drops of this product to your fingertips. Lightly massage the skin in small circles, starting at the chin and moving upward.

Can I use baby cream for lubrication?

Some couples claim that baby cream can be used instead of anal lubricant. This judgment is true and at the same time erroneous. So, on the one hand, such a unique lubricant perfectly moisturizes and is absorbed into the skin. It's just good if you use it on an outside surface.

With deeper contact with the mucous membrane of the genital organs, the cream may not be absorbed at all. As a result, fatty and insoluble components of this product may remain inside you, which will become an excellent habitat for various pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

In addition, the use of fat-containing cream leads to the destruction of the material from which the condom is made, which jeopardizes your sexual intimacy.

Leg activation

Stimulate the lymphatic system with massage combined with dry brushing. Use essential oils:

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  • juniper berries - 4 drops;
  • grapefruit - 2 drops;
  • cypress - 1 drop;
  • lemon - 1 drop;
  • sweet orange - 1 drop.

Add them to 30 ml of base oil and mix well. Massage the skin in upward circular motions, paying special attention to areas with cellulite. This oil can be applied before or after dry brushing.

Expert opinions 5

Of course, lubricants prepared at home are convenient, because they can be used at any time. However, doctors believe that such drugs should not be abused. With prolonged use, they can change the microflora of the vagina, as a result of which natural lubrication will cease to be released. This problem can only be solved by the intervention of a specialist who will select the right treatment.

So, what can be used instead of lubricant, according to experts? Gynecologists are confident that home-prepared lubricants can be used no more than once a month. The rest of the time it is better to resort to special lubricants that can be bought at any store. As a rule, the effect of such drugs has been tested in laboratory conditions and cannot cause harm. And thanks to the variety offered by manufacturers, everyone will find something they like and can afford.

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Ayurvedic aromatherapy massage

One of the main ways to restore balance in Ayurveda is to clear the pathways in the body so that everything can move freely, allowing it to perform various functions with ease. In this case, massaging the body with Blissed Out oil gets the blood and lymph moving, while inhaling the Breathe Easy Blend helps calm and restore easy breathing.

Breathe Easy Breathing Mix:

  • 5 drops peppermint essential oil;
  • 10 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 1 tablespoon grape seed oil or sweet almond oil.

Blissed Out Massage Blend:

  • 20 drops of sweet orange or grapefruit essential oil;
  • 10 drops of sandalwood essential oil;
  • 40 ml sesame or grape oil.

Mix ingredients for each recipe in separate bottles. Shake well before each use.

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Which is better not to use 2

Many people believe that Vaseline can easily replace a special lubricant. And it really moisturizes very well, but it can also do a lot of harm. In addition to the fact that the drug leaves unattractive stains on underwear, it can harm women's health. Since its structure is quite oily, clots can remain in the vagina and it is extremely difficult to remove them from there. Thus, Vaseline residues can become an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

For the same reason, doctors do not recommend using baby creams. They are difficult to wash out and can cause thrush and other diseases.

Under no circumstances should you use creams and oils that have a warming effect. Not only will this not bring pleasure, but it can lead to a burn to the vaginal mucosa. If such a drug does come into contact with the genitals, they should be washed with plenty of water and consult a doctor immediately.

Drugs with a cooling effect can also be dangerous to women's health. In order not to harm your partner, it is better to avoid creams containing mint, menthol and red pepper. Otherwise, a romantic evening may end in the hospital waiting room.

Many couples use shampoos and shower gels as lubricants. Theoretically, this is allowed, but in practice it is better not to use such means. They do not have a moisturizing effect, and in some cases they completely dry out the vaginal mucosa. Because of this, microcracks may appear, which can lead to inflammatory processes.

As a rule, problems after using such a “lubricant” appear not only in women, but also in men. To avoid unpleasant consequences, shampoos and shower gels should be used only for their intended purpose.

How to do Ayurvedic massage

Prepare two mixtures by mixing each in a separate bottle. Fill the bathtub and make sure the room is warm.

Inhale Breathe Easy and think of a favorite or beautiful place. Inhale again and imagine all the muscles in your body relaxing.

Pour a small amount of Blissed Out oil into your palm and warm it by rubbing your palms together. Massage your face, rubbing the product in firm circular motions onto your forehead, cheeks and chin. Massage your entire body in the same way, and also apply pressure several times to the larger muscles, especially the shoulders and neck.

Take a bath and think about beautiful places and favorite things. Repeat this procedure every couple of days if you are going through a stressful period, and continue monthly for greater benefits.

Types of lubricants i

First of all, you should know what a lubricant is and what structure it has. Currently there are:

Thanks to its viscous structure, perfect gliding is achieved. However, it has its drawbacks: very often there are marks on the fabric that are difficult to remove.

They are easily washed off with water, do not destroy the latex composition and at the same time have a fairly low price. Despite this, they have a significant disadvantage - they are absorbed into the skin very quickly, and accordingly, the consumption of such a product will be many times greater.

This type of lubricant is ideal for people with very delicate skin in the intimate area. As a rule, it does not cause irritation and promotes soft gliding. The only but significant drawback is incompatibility with condoms.

Perhaps the best lubricants have a gel structure. It leaves no marks, does not cause allergic reactions and retains moisture for a very long time. Also suitable for all latex products. Of course, the cost of such a lubricant will be significantly higher than others. However, in this case the price corresponds to the quality.

Quote of the Day

There is one thing that a person cannot have enough of: the desire for a woman.

Quote of the Day

If every woman needs it, there won't be enough men.

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To have sex, a woman needs a reason: a man only needs a place.

A few tips and warnings

Let's look at a few important practical considerations associated with the use of essential oils and certain restrictions that apply to them.

Pregnant women, due to the effect on hormonal levels, should not use products from: cypress, juniper, fennel, lavender, marjoram, lemon balm, peppermint, rosemary, rose, chamomile, sage and thyme.

Before going out into the sun, you should not treat your skin with a product made from: bergamot, lemon, grapefruit, lime, tangerine, orange.

Due to the strong impact on the psyche of children, the following oils should be avoided: bergamot, tea tree, rosewood, eucalyptus, geranium, juniper, rosemary, sandalwood, clary sage, thyme.

What can you use instead of intimate lubricant at home: a simple recipe

Incredibly, not only household chemicals, but also ordinary fruits can have adhesive and enveloping, and most importantly, sliding properties. Who would have thought that a wonderful lubricant could be prepared from products lying in the refrigerator and any available materials.

For example, did you know that you can use a ripe banana and running water instead of intimate lubricant? To prepare such a lubricant, you must perform the following steps:

  • take a ripe banana and peel it;
  • cut the banana into small circles and place it in a blender;
  • grind the fruit in a blender and place the pulp in any small container (you can use a cream jar);
  • Add some water to the delicious banana mixture.

Natural lubricant is ready. The main advantage of this product is its naturalness and the absence of any adverse reactions of the body. This is due to the fact that bananas generally do not cause allergies. It does not irritate, but moisturizes the skin. In addition, since the composition you prepared is completely edible, it is perfect for preliminary oral sex. Here's what you can use instead of lubricant.

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