What does a girl's bust size 2 look like in photos and in real life?

Anastasia Volochkova

The famous ballerina Volochkova always looks great. The figure she always watches for is ideal: legs, hips, stomach. But Nastya’s breasts have really let us down, with her size 3 it would be great to walk around, but in more covered things, and not post a photo in a swimsuit, where all the shortcomings of sagging breasts are visible. Even despite criticism from both fans and ill-wishers, Anastasia is in no hurry to go under the plastic surgeon’s knife.

The most common types and shapes of breasts2

Whichever of the types listed below your breasts belong to, they probably have their own characteristics that distinguish them from the breasts of, for example, your friend. It is also possible that your breasts fit the description of several types at once, and you have no idea which one to classify them as. Yes, that happens too.

Ready to explore your body? Take time out of your busy schedule and spend it solely on yourself. Sit comfortably in front of the mirror and make sure that no one will disturb you.

So let's get started. Your breasts may be one of these types:

  • Archetypal

It is considered the “standard” of the female breast. Round, full with neat nipples. For a girl with this type of breast, buying a bra does not cause any special problems. Most manufacturers of women's underwear produce models specifically for this shape.

  • Asymmetrical

A fairly common case is that more than half of the entire female population of the planet have breasts that are different from each other. For some girls this is almost unnoticeable, while for others (when there is a difference of a whole size) it causes a lot of complexities and problems with choosing the right bra. When choosing a bra, you should focus on larger breasts so that nothing is squeezing.

  • Athletic

Characterized by more pectoral muscles and a wider chest. Occurs in female athletes. When choosing a bra, make sure that the belt does not squeeze your chest and that the cups are the right size.

  • Bell shaped

This type of breast has a narrower base and a rounded bottom. It is more common in girls with curvy figures. Balconette bras are suitable for this type.

  • Close-set

The interthoracic space is very small or practically non-existent. Breasts touch even without a bra. Underwear with a narrow and low bridge (connecting the bra cups) is suitable.

  • Cone-shaped

It is believed that this type is more common in girls with miniature forms. Cone breasts, as the name suggests, are not round, but rather elongated (cone-shaped). Sports bras, bandeaus and push-up models are suitable.

  • With nipples in different directions

Quite a common type. Nipples pointing in different directions is normal from a medical point of view. A bra with a plunging neckline will do.

  • Downward

Also a fairly common type of breast. It occurs in women of all ages, both curvy and small. Closed top bras are suitable.

  • Round

Breasts of this shape are equally round and full both at the base and below. Owners of such breasts should pay attention to bras with wide straps and a closed cup.

  • Wide set

Characterized by a large interthoracic space. Bras with a front clasp are suitable.

  • Narrow and long

Breasts are elongated, nipples point down. Often found in girls with small breasts. Soft bras, bandeaus and push-up models are suitable.

  • teardrop-shaped

Round chest, slightly wider towards the bottom. Such breasts need good support, so you should pay attention to bras with wide straps and a belt.

Olga Orlova

The singer, the famous host of the TV show “Dom-2” looks simply stunning and, despite her age, fresh and young. On the social network Instagram on Olga Orlova’s page you can see many photos where she shows her figure in full glory.

Interesting! In the reality show “Dom-2” you can see a completely different look of the singer: her breasts have sagged quite a lot and have been asking for the help of a plastic surgeon for a long time.

What does breast shape depend on?3

Mainly from genetics. But there are several other factors:

  • Weight

Sharp fluctuations in weight negatively affect not only your health, but also the elasticity of your skin and the beauty of your breasts.

  • Sport

You can slightly lift your chest by properly pumping your pectoral muscles with exercises.

  • Age

With age, breasts lose firmness and may sag. This is especially true for large breasts.

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding

May affect the shape, size and firmness of the breasts.

Breast size 5: gift or punishment

Questions about whether a woman has size 5 breasts are attractive are counterproductive and unhelpful. A wise woman will love herself and her body in the state that nature has endowed her with.

But in order to maintain such pristine parameters for as long as possible, you need to regularly work on yourself and take care of your body.

The key to beautiful breasts is a healthy body and soul, strong muscles, normal hormonal levels and a balanced diet.

Of course, large breasts mean a greater need for self-improvement work. The fifth breast size requires a woman to have strong pectoral and back muscles, harmonious hormonal levels and normal functioning of the thyroid gland, healthy skin and figure. If all these criteria are left to chance, at the age of about 30 a woman will begin to have problems with the mammary glands and skin. The breasts will gradually deform and lose volume, back problems will appear, and hormonal levels will be disrupted. A large, lush bust needs timely and properly designed self-care, based on an integrated approach.

Russian and Ukrainian stars with large busts

Anna Semenovich

According to Anna, her luxurious size 5 breasts are not the work of surgeons, but a creation of nature. The ex-soloist of “Brilliant” complains of discomfort and the need for the services of a massage therapist. But figure skating fans remember the times when Semenovich performed without outstanding curves. The media have repeatedly discussed that the singer’s x-ray after fluorography showed implants. In addition, the paparazzi noticed strange spots and stitches on the woman’s naked body.

Nadezhda Granovskaya

The former lead singer of the group “VIA Gra” is distinguished by her rather large figures. The singer is size 6, but journalists' questions about the origin of her charms are ignored. At the beginning of her career, Nadezhda said that the volumes were natural, “grown on village sour cream and milk.” Intrusive paparazzi found out about a repeat operation in Germany. The reason for which was the second-rate products that were installed in Kyiv. The implants caused allergies.

Svetlana Loboda

The Ukrainian woman proudly declares the naturalness of her size 3 bust, inherited from her mother’s side. Although in the clips and photos the value seems more impressive, reaching up to 5th. In an interview, the singer convinces that she knows how to properly present the “gift” by choosing the right underwear. The seductive silhouette is supported by touring, yoga and dietary restrictions. According to rumors, Svetlana recently underwent another intervention, replacing old implants.

Masha Malinovskaya

The blonde was remembered for her appearance on the Muz-TV channel, working as a VJ. The size of the TV presenter’s breasts at that time had already reached 5. Maria does not hesitate to say that she improved her natural characteristics. The girl's graceful nose is also the result of a visit to a plastic surgeon.

For some time, Malinovskaya was a member of the State Duma deputies.

Irene Ferrari

The socialite had her bust enlarged twice. In 2010 she was a size 7. After the unpleasant incident, the lady once again turned to the doctors, who did 10. During the flight to the USA, the star’s silicone burst, Ferrari filed a lawsuit against the airline. The compensation of 100 thousand dollars was spent on updating the bust. Irene also had her waist and hips shaped and her two lower ribs removed.

Maria Zarring

The size of the Muscovite bust is much larger than that of other Russian women. There are no foreign items inside, the “wealth” is real. With a height of 165, Zarring is a size 12, acts in films, fashion shows, and performs in burlesque shows. The celebrity participates in beer festivals, but does not smoke or drink. Maria admitted that she carries pins in her pocket, pricking with them those who want to touch the girl’s curves.

When to worry5

The size and shape of the breast can change due to hormonal changes in the body, age and other reasons. But there are a number of symptoms, the appearance of which may indicate the presence of the disease:

  • Soreness;
  • Redness and bruising;
  • Nipple discharge;
  • Swelling and compaction;
  • Sudden changes in the appearance of the nipples (for example, a previously elongated nipple becomes inverted).

The breasts may become sensitive on certain days of the month, but still, if suspicious symptoms appear, it is worth getting examined.

Is it worth surgically enlarging the mammary glands?

Almost every second girl wants to enlarge her breasts one size larger. There are various methods and methods for this. For example, plastic surgery, exercise, proper nutrition, water procedures. Each of them has its own results. But most of these methods must be followed by every girl to maintain health. Natural breast size 2 is a beautiful bust that can be fitted with any beautiful and elegant underwear. Plastic surgery will be very expensive. Therefore, almost every girl does not go for this method.

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