How to determine and measure breast size in women. Photo, size table

Beautiful breasts are the undoubted pride of every woman, an attribute of her femininity. From a scientific point of view, breasts are necessary for the fairer sex to feed babies, since their milk contains all the necessary vitamins and other beneficial substances that provide the child with the opportunity to develop immunity in the first months of his life. However, a woman’s bust is also a sign of her sexuality and desirability in the eyes of men. At the same time, bust size 4 combines the attractiveness of size and symmetry of shape.

Basic tissue of the female breast

About 70% of the breast is glandular tissue, which consists of alveoli separated from each other by small canals. In general, there are 15 or 16 alveoli, which are divided into smaller lobules. Each such lobule is separated from the rest by a thin layer of adipose tissue. The breasts of any mature girl have the indicated structure, but its size and shape vary significantly from one representative of the fair sex to another.

From the nipple comes a central duct, into which hundreds of smaller ducts flow from the entire breast. This network of tubules is connected to small alveoli, which contain many small mammary glands. The function of the latter is to produce milk. It is through the nipple that the baby is fed, while the volume of the bust does not affect the productivity of the mammary glands.

Why is it not enough to know the alphanumeric code for your laundry?

What determines whether your underwear fits well on you? From many elements: matching the cup to the volume and shape of the mammary glands, accurately selecting the straps and belt of the bra and the quality of the material.

Look for the size of the sternum in women; the table will not give you an understanding of how the volume of the bust, underwear or bodice of the dress is determined.

Firstly, we are not talking about a flat chest bone, but about the volumetric parameters of the bust and rib cage when measured under the mammary glands.

Secondly, the size tables do not coincide not only among manufacturers from different countries, but there is also a lack of clarity among domestic manufacturers.

Thirdly, if you were able to correctly determine what kind of bust you have, the “size parameters” will not describe the shape of the mammary glands.

Fat deposits, muscles and nerve endings

In addition to the glands, every girl’s breasts consist of 30% adipose tissue. When a woman begins to gain weight, some of the excess fat is also deposited in her breasts, which leads to an increase in this substance in them by up to 50%. This phenomenon can be observed in representatives of the fairer sex with bust size 4 and any other. This fact is one of the natural ways to increase the size of this beautiful part of the female body.

The third place in the total number of tissues that make up the breast is occupied by muscle tissue, which makes up only 5% of the total volume. The muscles provide elasticity to the breasts and do not allow them to sag, that is, they play an aesthetic role and practically do not add volume to the bust.

In addition, there are a huge number of nerve endings on the surface of the breast and its nipples, so their mechanical stimulation can even bring some women to orgasm or simply excite them and prepare them for the start of sex.

Four: advantages and disadvantages

Despite the strong belief that men are attracted to large, full breasts, there are a number of advantages to having a breast size of four and many pitfalls that most people are not even aware of. And only by comparing the pros and cons of such a bust can one understand how justified women’s desire to have large breasts is.

Advantages of a fourth bust size:

  • A woman can freely choose all kinds of styles of clothing and underwear, even the deepest and most daring neckline.
  • Lush breasts will always be the center of attention of others.
  • With the help of a large bust, a woman can hide some of the flaws in her figure.
  • A woman with large breasts will not want to seek the help of a plastic surgeon for breast augmentation.

In turn, the fourth breast size hides a number of disadvantages:

  1. Lush breasts themselves are heavy in weight, which will soon lead to their sagging.
  2. Due to sagging, the skin in the chest area stretches and becomes flabby, losing tone and elasticity.
  3. Over time, the pectoral muscles cannot cope with such a heavy burden, and the breasts at a fairly young age of a woman lose their elasticity and shape.
  4. After lactation, size four breasts are problematic to recover.
  5. Large breasts are more often at risk of neoplasms.
  6. A heavy bust leads to diseases of the spine and stoop.
  7. Discomfort during sports and active movements.
  8. Lush mammary glands are less sensitive to caresses.
  9. Inconvenience during sleep.

As you can see from the above pros and cons of a bust of this size, it is worth understanding that there are many more difficulties with large breasts than advantages.

Form development process

The process of forming a woman's bust is multi-stage. It begins from the moment a teenage girl gets her first period. So, during menstruation, at the beginning of the cycle, the female genital organs, in particular the ovaries, begin to actively work, releasing a large amount of female hormones into the blood. The main hormones responsible for breast growth are estrogen and especially progesterone. It is the latter hormone that gives impetus to the formation of alveoli and glandular tissue. As soon as menstruation ends, breasts stop growing.

Further, with each menstrual cycle, the development of glandular tissue and alveoli occurs and their subsequent inhibition. As a result, the stepwise growth of the bust continues for a long time. The rate of breast growth depends on a number of factors:

  • Genetic characteristics.
  • The amount of hormones released into the blood.
  • The health and general emotional state of the girl.

Sexual activity and pregnancy are also two powerful factors that determine breast size. For these reasons, girls and women may eventually develop a bust size of 4 or even larger. According to general statistics, if we take age into account, a woman’s breasts can increase in size up to 27 years.

All bra sizes: Italy, France, Spain, Australia, USA, England – table

Having learned to determine breast size (how to determine it, ask women in detail above), according to the Russian system, you can easily find out what the markings on underwear from any manufacturer mean and whether the chosen bra is suitable.

English and American-made linen is marked according to measurements in inches , and since an inch is equal to 2.45 cm, then, accordingly, the size will differ by approximately the same factor. Size 70, for example, will match 32, 85 will match 38, etc.

The Italian marking is the simplest, and resembles the usual first, second, third sizes, since the volume under the bust is determined by numbers from 1 to 12, where a girth of 65 cm corresponds to 1, 70 - 2, 75 - 3, etc.

In Australia, it is customary to determine the size of a product using numbers from 8 to 30. French and Spanish manufacturers use a different system: they mark underwear with numbers from 80 to 135 in increments of 5 units, as in Russia.

In some cases, a double size may be indicated in both centimeters and inches separated by a fraction. Then the size will look like 30/65, 32/70, 34/75, 36/80, etc. This concerns the volume under the bust.

Regardless of the number specified, the fullness of the cup is also taken into account. It is written in the usual way - in Latin letters. But there are slight differences in the markings of the cups, although they are not so significant.

As can be seen from the table, in Italy and Australia they do not use size AA, but instead of the letter E, which is next in order, they use a combination of two D. Because of this, there is a discrepancy of one order of magnitude compared to other markings.

Manufacturers in England and the USA also use DD instead of E. In America you can still find the DDD size, which corresponds to Russian and German F or Italian and English E.

Breast size measurement

The breast is a delicate organ of every girl, so it requires proper care. One of the important aspects of such care is the correct selection of a bra. In order to do this, you can do it in two ways:

  1. Try on all kinds of underwear in the store.
  2. Know your size clearly and choose the appropriate option among a limited number of models.

The second option is considered more acceptable and correct, since it eliminates the possibility of selection errors and saves a lot of time. Statistics show that 60% of women wear the wrong bra size.

To find out the correct breast size, it is enough to measure two parameters: the girth along the most protruding parts of the chest, that is, the nipples, and the girth under the breasts. Then you should take the difference of the first and second values. The result obtained is checked against the table of standards and a conclusion is drawn about the specific size.

The following table shows the correspondence between the obtained sizes and the markings of the bra cup:

Size numberDifference in cmCup markings
nullto 10A.A.
first10 — 14A
second14 — 16B
third16 — 18C
fourth18 — 20D
fifth20 — 22E


If you are reading this article on a mobile device, scroll left in the table to see all columns.

A countryCup sizeAvg.Min.Max.BMI
1USA (white)>F1668645298629
3USA (rest.)E1089327185129
6Great BritainD879264149427,1
12New ZealandD640192108828
23South AfricaB38611665629,5
38Dominican RepublicB35810760927,4
48Costa RicaB2999050828,0
63Ivory CoastA1875631824,2
65South SudanA18656316
75Eq. Guinea A1725229225,8
86South KoreaA1464424823,1
88Burkina FasoA1394223622,1
91Papua N. Guinea128<4021825,8
93Sri Lanka126<4021423,7
99Solomonov Fr.119<4019527

cup size is European standard. The table shows the Average , Minimum and Maximum breast volumes in ml for each country. BMI - body mass index. Source

Factors influencing the choice of bra

Knowing a specific size is not the only factor according to which a bra is selected for a given woman. The fact is that companies produce different models, allowing slight variations in sizes.

In addition, even the formed female mammary gland is not constant in volume; it changes its size depending on the monthly cycle. It should also be taken into account that about 65% of ladies have an asymmetrical bust, in which the left breast is usually slightly larger than the right, and the cups of all bras are absolutely symmetrical. All these factors must be taken into account when choosing suitable, and most importantly, comfortable underwear.

What and how do we measure?

Typically, breast parameters for selecting underwear are determined by several measurements.

Measurements are carried out:

  • using a tailor's meter;
  • standing and bending parallel to the floor.

It is advisable to have an assistant carry out the measurements, this reduces the error. Measure:

  • bust along the midline of the nipple, determining breast volume (BC);
  • volume of the chest under the mammary glands (OPG)

You don’t need to tighten the meter too much, you will get not your size, but your neighbors with a less magnificent bust. If the measuring tape is tightened too loosely, the purchased underwear will be significantly larger than required.


Women with bust size 4, after correctly measuring the two girths, should get a difference between their values ​​from 18 to 20 cm. This difference corresponds to a cup marked “D”.

In addition to the cup size, the bra also has a belt length. This value corresponds to the circumference under a woman's bust. In Russia, the following standards have been adopted for the size of a bra belt, which are suitable for girls with values ​​2 cm larger and smaller than those given in the following list:

  • 65;
  • 70;
  • 75;
  • 80;
  • 85;
  • 90;
  • 95;
  • 100;
  • 105;
  • 110.

For example, if a woman with a 4 bust size, after measuring her parameters, received a chest value of 110 cm and an underbust value of 91 cm, then a bra marked 90D should be suitable for her.

It should be noted that the cup size does not correlate in any way with the size of the bra belt, that is, a woman with size 4 can wear both 80D and 90D underwear, which is determined by the individual characteristics of her body structure and her physical shape.

When do glands form and what do their volumes depend on?

The growth of glandular tissue begins at the age of 10-11 years. By the age of 14, girls, as a rule, become the owners of a confident one or one and a half. By their fifteenth birthday, young ladies “wear” a deuce. After 16 years, the active growth phase is completed and in the future the bust can only grow a little until the age of 20, usually stopping at a C grade.

This is the middle option. If your parameters are different from those indicated, this does not mean that your breasts are not developing correctly. The norm may be different breast sizes. How do you know if your specific volumes are small, large or normal?

Photos depicting women of different sizes give some idea. But the easiest and most reliable way is to visit a gynecologist.

The volumes filling the bra cups depend on the quantity:

  • fatty;
  • glandular tissue in the mammary gland.

How to determine which type of fabric predominates in you? In slender women, glandular tissue definitely predominates. In crumpets, most likely, the volume is determined by about half fat. The volume of OPG depends on the individual characteristics of the skeleton and the presence of excess fat.

The volume of glandular tissue is determined by genetics or pathology. When asked which option is yours, a mammologist or gynecologist can answer.

Rules for caring for size 4 breasts

Representatives of the fairer sex with bust size 4 (photo below) experience strong effects of gravity, their pectoral muscles weaken more than those of girls with a smaller size. In order for your bust to have an attractive and fresh shape, you need to know and follow some rules for caring for it:

  1. Do exercises every day to strengthen your chest muscles.
  2. The use of creams and other products that help moisturize the skin.
  3. Proper nutrition and selection of the appropriate bra size.

It is very important to choose the correct size of underwear. If the bra is smaller than necessary, the bust will look compressed, the blood exchange in it will be disrupted, which can have negative consequences for health. On the contrary, too loose underwear leads to weakening and atrophy of the muscles, as a result of which the breasts quickly lose their aesthetic appearance.

It is very important to choose the right bra size when a woman is breastfeeding. At this time, her breast size has increased, so it is recommended to purchase special bras with elastic cup material and supporting suspenders for better breast fixation.

Endocrine causes of breast growth disorders

Most often, the reasons for the lack of breast growth lie in endocrine pathologies:

  • Ullrich-Turner syndrome;
  • Adrenogenital syndrome;
  • Kallmann syndrome - ovarian failure of the hypothalamus;
  • delayed sexual development;
  • ovarian agenesis;
  • appendicitis dysgenesis;
  • Iatrogenic ovarian failure.

Each of these diseases is characterized by low levels of female sex hormones. At the age of puberty, this becomes the answer to the question of why a girl’s breasts do not grow.

Treatment of hormonal disorders is carried out using replacement therapy. The time of initiation of treatment should coincide with the natural onset of puberty.

Most hormonal disorders are associated with estrogen deficiency. Therefore, treatment is based on the use of drugs of this hormone. The dosage schedule depends on the disease.

  • For Ullrich-Turner syndrome, estrogen treatment begins at age 12. Monotherapy with this hormone is carried out for a year. In the second year, progesterone is added, which is introduced from the second phase of the cycle to imitate its normal rhythm.
  • In the case of adrenogenital syndrome, treatment requires the use of corticosteroids. They are supplemented with estrogens and, if necessary, also progesterone.
  • Kallmann syndrome is caused by a lack of hormones in the hypothalamus. Therefore, gonadotropins are prescribed for treatment from the age of 12.
  • GnRH is used for idiopathic delayed puberty when the exact cause is unknown. They are served in a pulsating mode.
  • Iatrogenic ovarian failure is usually caused by radiation therapy or chemotherapy. In her case, treatment is carried out according to a hormone replacement therapy regimen, in which, after the first year of estrogen monotherapy, progesterone is administered on the 14th day of the expected cycle.

Endocrine disorders that lead to poor breast development often have a number of other symptoms. With adrenogenital syndrome, this means short stature, stocky build, and large muscle mass. Often, an imbalance of hormones manifests itself in the abnormal development of the external genitalia and clitoral hyperplasia.

You can read more about hormonal drugs, their contraindications and side effects in our articles:

Celebrities with bust size 4

Many women show off their breasts, while others prefer to reveal only what they consider necessary, without showing off their attributes. Be that as it may, reliable data on the bust size of celebrities is well known.

What a bust size 4 looks like for the American actress Kate Upton can be seen in the following photo.

Another American celebrity, Kim Kardashian, also has this size. You can see what her bust size 4 looks like in the photo.

The famous singer and composer Katy Perry has gorgeous D-cup breasts. What a photo with a size 4 bust of the singer looks like is shown below.

It is interesting to note that as a teenager, Katie was ashamed of her expressive forms, which she began to possess by the age of 19. Currently, she is one of the most beautiful girls in the world and has millions of fans.

And again about the sizes...

Surprisingly, according to statistics, the vast majority of women do not know their true breast size.
Why is this happening? The fact is that until some time ago there was no single universal scale of underwear sizes in the world. There were national and continental scales (for example, the American scale, English, European continental, etc.), but even they often fail. And even different manufacturers consider it a good decision to introduce their own original scale.

As a result, women get confused in their heads. Having opened the linen drawer, you won’t immediately answer the question of what size, because... Each brand and each brand has its own.

Convenient calculator and scale table

If you don’t have the time and desire to understand all the wisdom and study the theory and history of the issue, you can immediately make a calculation using our online bra size calculator (the calculator works on a universal scale accepted by most of the world's major manufacturers of high-quality lingerie). You simply enter your measurements and the calculator shows your size. Below we offer advice on how to take measurements correctly - do not neglect it!

If you want to know the correspondence of different scales , please refer to our table. For convenience, we propose to compare the most understandable parameter - chest circumference in centimeters with the two most popular scales - European continental and English / American:

If you are looking for a gift for your loved one , there is no need to use dubious recommendations. Contact an experienced sales consultant at a specialized online lingerie store in an offline boutique. Our consultants have experience in helping a man with this difficult issue: contact our online consultant for choosing underwear.

If you are interested in the “higher mathematics” of lingerie production and business or you want to feel more confident when shopping in lingerie stores, the specialists of the online store of beautiful lingerie “V Kruzhevy” will share their working information with you.

Would you like to see bras and swimsuits in your size in stock and on order? Select the desired size from the list at the bottom of the page or in the “Size Calculator” in the “Bra Size Chart” section, click on the desired link

Jokes aside – health is more important!

There is a half-joke/half-method for determining bra size by analogy with fruit: 1st breast size is a kiwi, 2nd size is an apple and so on... orange, grapefruit, melon. This humorous recommendation is usually offered to men when choosing a gift for their beloved.

However, it is important to remember that experts categorically do not recommend determining breast size visually by eye or by touch: after all, not only appearance and beauty, but also comfort, well-being and even health depend on the right choice.

A bra that is too tight impairs blood circulation; a bra that is too loose does not provide sufficient support for the breasts, which can lead to shoulder fatigue and poor posture. Health comes first!

How to take measurements correctly

Underbust measurement: Take a measurement directly under your bust with the tape measure parallel to the floor. It is important to take a deep breath. This should be the smallest possible measurement. Round the resulting number as follows - you have 72.5 cm, write 70 cm
You have 76 cm, write 75 cm
That is, choose a smaller number that is a multiple of 5

Standing chest measurement (A): Stand straight, arms down. Here it is better to take the help of a friend, sister or mother. Try to find the level at which the chest girth is maximum. It is better to take measurements in a T-shirt or bra with soft cups, without pads. This should be your “reference” bra, i.e. in it, the shape of the breast should satisfy you as much as possible.

Bent-over chest measurement (B): After removing your bra, bend forward (back parallel to the floor) and measure your chest circumference. It's better if someone helps with this.

We take the average of measurements A and B. For example, A is 96 cm, and B is 104 cm. (96+104)/2=100. The average value should be used to calculate bust size. We enter it in the lower window of our calculator

Sometimes, when calculating bra size, professional brafitters reduce what they measured under the bust by 5 cm.

. And it is this value that is used to calculate the size using a calculator. Accordingly, the letter indicating the bra cup size changes upward. For example, under the bust 70. On the chest - 84. It turns out 70B. And after reducing the belt to 65, the size comes out to 65D (which usually surprises and pleases the client very much).

The advantages of this measurement:

  • The belt will hold the chest better, because it should bear the main load, and not the straps, for example.
  • The mammary glands will be guaranteed to be inside the cup, well framed. The shape is beautiful.
  • Plus, the bra will last longer, since the belt will stretch over time anyway. And if you first fasten it on the outer row, then over time, when it grows larger, you will simply need to fasten it on the adjacent rows.

We collected information from our clients who underwent professional brafitting in different places, from our foreign suppliers and from American brafitting experts (in fact, they are the founders of this area and remain the most advanced so far).

If we summarize the information that we received, then based on the sum of points, a decrease of 5 cm is the most preferable option

than, for example, 10 cm, as groomers sometimes recommend. It fits better without any discomfort.

Some of our clients, whose brafitters reduced their waistband by 10 cm, subsequently complained about this approach. We often hear this story from our clients. After brafitting, the client came out, and everything was very beautiful, but the feeling was “well, okay, sort of.” After a week, the discomfort became more and more noticeable. The belt, reduced by 10 cm from the measurement under the chest, caused unpleasant, painful sensations, especially for clients with sensitive skin. Therefore, the client decided to come to the lingerie store to choose a less tight bra under the breasts.

Of course, everything is individual. Of course, we need to consider different approaches and try.

We think that a 5 cm shift in the size of the belt is a very good option. In any case, it’s definitely worth trying, not forgetting to move your cup size up a couple of sizes. Sometimes it is difficult to implement this in stores, since it is not easy to find a good range of sizes so that there are cups 65F, 65G, 65H, etc. Still, these are rare sizes in regular stores. And sometimes 70F is a problem.

But the lingerie store “In Laces” has such an opportunity.

. We are increasingly expanding and deepening the size ranges so that the client buys something that really fits well, and does not compromise on sizes, etc. For example, it’s not a very correct option, if a woman is 70G, buy 75D or 75F - that is, go in the direction of increasing the belt, although in stores they often call these sizes interchangeable. You can try to go in the opposite direction. Replace 70 with 65, for example. But not 70 to 75!

Two magic signs: breast size in centimeters and cup size

The traditional scale of 1st size, 2nd size and so on... is now rather an anachronism. Such one-dimensionality did not take into account the wide variety of options that domestic and foreign manufacturers have been offering their customers for several decades.

Breast size is determined by two parameters:

  • girth under the chest (determines the size of the bra belt in centimeters), indicated by a number (from 65 to 125 - on the European scale; from 30 to 54 - on the English / American scale).
  • the difference between the maximum chest girth at the protruding points and the girth under the bust - it is this difference that determines the cup size, i.e. its depth. Indicated by letters of the Latin alphabet: from A to ... O.

If this difference is about 11 cm, then cup A The difference between measurements is 13 cm - cup B 15 cm - cup C 17 cm - cup D 19 cm - cup E 21 cm - cup F.

A modern bra size is a two-digit number and a letter (and sometimes two letters).

It's simple! It would seem... BUT!!!

Size scales of different countries: let's try to figure it out

Manufacturers of underwear from different countries are still “debating” how to correctly indicate the size of a woman’s breasts. Disagreements concern both the girth under the bust and the volume of the cup.

Underbust circumference in different countries

In Russia everything is simple. For example, size 75 means that the measurement under the bust is about 75 cm. If you buy an English or American bra, the Russian bust size will be designated as 75, English / American - 34.

Bust size chart
Bust size in cm (under bust)Breast sizes in Russia, European continental sizeEuropean, English and American bust sizes

The full range can be seen on our size chart

These 2 types of sizes are most often used. Russian is designated RU, English is UK, American is US, European is EU (we mean European continental). But sometimes another type of size is found on French bras - FR.

It no longer makes practical sense to describe breast sizes by country, but we suggest taking a look:

Table of correspondence between Russian and French breast sizes
Russian size (circumference under the bust)French size (under bust)

Let us repeat: the current trend is that the main size is considered to be the European continental size - EU (coinciding with the modern Russian size). And gradually manufacturers are switching to the European scale. The French scale is indicated as additional information for those who are used to navigating by it.

Bra cup depth in different countries

As for the cup size, everything is quite simple here up to size D, because... in all scales A, B, C, D - the same.

Then the fun begins. Most representatives of continental Europe designate sizes larger than D as E, because They don’t overthink it, but simply follow the English alphabet - A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, etc. But the British and Americans introduce the designation DD . European size F in English / American scale is E.

Cup depth
European continental scale EUEnglish/American scale UK/US

The full range can be seen on our size chart.

In Russia, as in the European scale, they use the sequence of the English alphabet - A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H.

Therefore, do not be surprised that next to RU - 75E you will see EU - 34E, UK - 34DD, US - 34DD, FR - 90E. It's the same size. It’s just that in Russia it’s size 75E, in continental Europe it’s 34E, and in England it’s 34DD. And if in centimeters, then this describes a woman who has about 75 cm under her breasts and about 94 cm across her chest.

Everything is complicated, but there is good news: the European continental size EU is becoming increasingly popular, i.e. universal , it is increasingly indicated on tags, and many manufacturers are even completely switching to this universal scale. Brands that respect their customers still continue to label their products according to several size scales.

For a long time, Fantasie, Elomi, Freya had the English main scale, but since 2015 they switched to the European continental scale. The European scale includes Primadonna, Glamorise, Simone Perele, Chantelle, Wonderbra, Felina Conturelle, Shock Absorber, Aubade, Marie Jo, Mey, Passionata, DKNY.

Manufacturers such as Panache and Curvy Kate still have the main scale in English, but the European size EU is always indicated next to the English UK size.

For the convenience of customers of the “V Kruzhevy” store, we convert all sizes to a universal scale that coincides with the European one. You can see a large table of the correspondence between breast size in cm and different size scales in our online calculator.

Men who like small breasts3

It is believed that the average size of a woman's breasts has increased over the last hundred years from 34 to 36. Researchers believe the obesity epidemic is to blame. In other words, more and more of the world's population is now suffering from excess weight. And this leads to the fact that the breasts become larger.

Meanwhile, on the catwalks of fashion houses you can see girls of anorexic appearance with almost flat chests. It is known that top models often marry male celebrities and businessmen. That’s why it turns out that many of the richest and most popular women in the world have very small breasts.

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