What size six breasts look like: we’ll find out for sure

It is almost impossible to find men who are indifferent to breast size 5. Such a lush and appetizing bust will capture the attention of even women. The stereotypes that a large bust is the ideal attractive breast for men today have no basis or basis.

For some, the fifth breast size is a reward of nature, for others it is rather a heavy burden, for others the fifth breast size will seem like a real ugliness. And such controversial views lead to additional discussions about what a bust size 5 looks like, what advantages and disadvantages it has, and whether it is worth working on enlarging such breasts.

What does breast size 5 look like and how to measure it

Visually, experts compare breast size 5 with medium-sized ripe melons.

These are the exact circumferences and dimensions of a woman with a bust size of five. Large breasts that practically do not fit in a bra, attracting the attention of others with a rich cleavage area.

Girl with size 5 breast photo

Measuring the exact breast size is necessary for any woman who buys underwear without first trying it on. This is especially true for owners of such large breasts, because a tight bodice will lead to stagnation of blood circulation and have a detrimental effect on the mammary glands. A bra that is too spacious, on the contrary, will not tightly hold the mammary glands when walking and active movements, which will contribute to further sagging of the bust.

Natural breast size 5

So, to clarify your breast size, you need to take two specific measurements with a measuring tape:

  1. Calculation of the girth of the torso directly under the mammary glands.
  2. Measuring the diameter of the body at the most protruding point of the chest.

From the two figures obtained, the difference is calculated and compared with the size table. For breast size 5, this difference will be 20-21 cm. Thus, calculating two girths will help a woman make sure whether nature has really awarded her a bust size of five.

Beautiful girl with breast size 5 in the photo

You can read more about ways to measure breasts accurately and by eye in this article.

Sizing chart

Of course, you need to be prepared for the fact that with the results obtained it will not always be possible to easily understand the sizes of imported bras. Many countries, in particular European ones, have their own size tables, which you have to rely on when placing an order.

Europe / RussiaEnglandFranceItalySpainUSAAustralia

Cup volume

To determine the volume of the cup, you need to divide the breast size at the two most protruding points by two . The following table will help you match the cup sizes of foreign manufacturers.

Europe / RussiaEnglandFranceItalySpainUSAAustralia

Parallel size

If the bra model you like is not available, you can use the selection of the so-called “parallel size”. It is quite possible that it will “fit” even better, emphasizing the advantages of the figure, but, as you understand, there is no guarantee.

Parallel Dimensions Chart
75A = 70B
80A = 75B = 70C
85A = 80B = 75C
75B = 70C = 80A
80B = 75C = 70D
85B = 80C = 75D
90B = 85C = 80D
90D = 85E = 80F

Pyaterochka: pros and cons of large breasts

As a rule, women of large build and curvaceous build have a fifth breast size. It is almost impossible to meet a miniature, fragile girl with large breasts on the street; most likely, it will simply be the work of a plastic surgeon.

Nature distributes the mammary glands more rationally and logically.

Naively believing that large natural breasts are a gift, women do not even imagine how many pitfalls are hidden behind such a visually attractive bust size of 5.

Advantages of size 5 breasts:

  • Such breasts will always look good in clothes of any style.
  • A curvaceous woman can afford the most revealing cutouts in her clothes.
  • Lush breasts help a woman divert attention from figure flaws.
  • A breast size of five will help a woman stand out from the crowd and attract attention from the opposite sex.

In turn, the following factors can be attributed to the disadvantages of size 5 breasts:

  1. Under their own weight, the mammary glands begin to sag and lose their elasticity earlier than usual.
  2. The skin in the décolleté area becomes flabby early, and stretch marks may appear.
  3. After lactation, such breasts practically do not restore their original shape.
  4. Large mammary glands are often prone to neoplasms.
  5. Large breasts interfere with the free choice of underwear.
  6. Feelings of discomfort during sleep.
  7. No sports bra will contain your breasts while playing sports.
  8. Heavy breasts lead to problems with the spine and stooping.
  9. Possible psychological discomfort of a woman regarding the condition of her breasts and excessive attention from others.
  10. Inability to lead an active lifestyle.

Thus, it can be understood that large breasts, in addition to aesthetic beauty, involve a number of problems and a state of discomfort for its owner. If you don’t take care of your bust, very soon a breast size of five will attract many negative consequences for a woman’s health.


Size 7 breasts have always attracted the gaze and admiration of men. However, statistics have proven that such a bust is of interest to all people and even women: some people like it, while others are disgusted. Experts estimate that up to a million women around the world have large breasts. This size can rightfully be called special and it is difficult for its owners to select underwear and other clothes.

Breast augmentation up to size 6

Most likely, few people will need to increase their size five breasts to a size six, but such breasts require work on the body and correction of shape on a regular basis. In order to avoid doubts about whether such large breasts are attractive to the opposite sex, you need to follow several recommendations for caring for them.

  • Correction of diet . In order for the fifth breast size not to lose its external characteristics and beauty, you need to replenish the body with vitamins and microelements, and also keep your hormonal levels normal. You can add extra volume to your mammary glands by eating foods that contain healthy fats. Hormonal levels, in turn, can be normalized with the help of products that contain plant hormones. A list of breast enlargement products can be found here.
  • Physical exercise . A detailed course of exercises is given in the corresponding section; with the help of these exercises, you can strengthen the pectoral and back muscles. The former will keep the mammary glands at the desired height, preventing sagging. The latter are responsible for the strength of the back, which will not slouch under the weight of the mammary glands and cause pain. Also, through training, blood circulation in the mammary glands improves, allowing them to be nourished and receive oxygen. The elasticity and tone of the bust directly depend on this, which is important for size five.
  • Water procedures, namely contrast shower . The rhythmic change in water temperature for the skin of the breast is simply a magical remedy that returns youth, tone and original parameters to it. Self-massage will help enhance the beneficial effect of a shower.
  • Cosmetical tools . To correct shapes and increase bust size, cosmetics manufacturers have created special creams that contain a special female hormone. Their regular use will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the female breast.

If you adhere to the methods described above in a comprehensive manner, the first results of transformation of size 5 breast enlargement will be noticeable after 1-1.5 months of working on yourself.

Fat deposits, muscles and nerve endings

In addition to the glands, every girl’s breasts consist of 30% adipose tissue. When a woman begins to gain weight, some of the excess fat is also deposited in her breasts, which leads to an increase in this substance in them by up to 50%. This phenomenon can be observed in representatives of the fairer sex with bust size 4 and any other. This fact is one of the natural ways to increase the size of this beautiful part of the female body.

The third place in the total number of tissues that make up the breast is occupied by muscle tissue, which makes up only 5% of the total volume. The muscles provide elasticity to the breasts and do not allow them to sag, that is, they play an aesthetic role and practically do not add volume to the bust.

In addition, there are a huge number of nerve endings on the surface of the breast and its nipples, so their mechanical stimulation can even bring some women to orgasm or simply excite them and prepare them for the start of sex.

Breast lift and reduction

For most men, the fifth breast size becomes a source of aesthetic pleasure, in turn, the owners of such a magnificent bust themselves are looking for all sorts of ways to lift and slightly reduce their breasts. All this is associated with a number of inconveniences and consequences of wearing large mammary glands.

  1. Nutrition adjustments . The woman will need to create a calorie and fat deficit. Also, the food should not contain salt, which retains fluid and weighs down the mammary glands. It is better to replace side dishes with vegetables. The diet should consist mostly of protein foods.
  2. Exercises (for example, an excellent complex for breast lift). A number of exercises and workouts described in the corresponding section of our website should be performed with greater intensity. This will somehow dry the body and outline the relief.
  3. Home remedies of traditional medicine, namely creams for the mammary glands, which need to be rubbed. They contain wild mushroom, guarana, ginger root or a mixture of cream, egg and onion.

When combined, these methods of breast lifting and reduction work much faster.

Basic tissue of the female breast

About 70% of the breast is glandular tissue, which consists of alveoli separated from each other by small canals. In general, there are 15 or 16 alveoli, which are divided into smaller lobules. Each such lobule is separated from the rest by a thin layer of adipose tissue. The breasts of any mature girl have the indicated structure, but its size and shape vary significantly from one representative of the fair sex to another.

From the nipple comes a central duct, into which hundreds of smaller ducts flow from the entire breast. This network of tubules is connected to small alveoli, which contain many small mammary glands. The function of the latter is to produce milk. It is through the nipple that the baby is fed, while the volume of the bust does not affect the productivity of the mammary glands.

Breast size 5: gift or punishment

Questions about whether a woman has size 5 breasts are attractive are counterproductive and unhelpful. A wise woman will love herself and her body in the state that nature has endowed her with.

But in order to maintain such pristine parameters for as long as possible, you need to regularly work on yourself and take care of your body.

The key to beautiful breasts is a healthy body and soul, strong muscles, normal hormonal levels and a balanced diet.

Of course, large breasts mean a greater need for self-improvement work. The fifth breast size requires a woman to have strong pectoral and back muscles, harmonious hormonal levels and normal functioning of the thyroid gland, healthy skin and figure. If all these criteria are left to chance, at the age of about 30 a woman will begin to have problems with the mammary glands and skin. The breasts will gradually deform and lose volume, back problems will appear, and hormonal levels will be disrupted. A large, lush bust needs timely and properly designed self-care, based on an integrated approach.

What inconvenience does breasts cause to their owner?

If you think that big breasts are beautiful, then to some extent you are right. But perhaps this is one advantage of the bust. Basically, the presence of large forms has continuous shortages:

  • pain in the back, lower back;
  • limited mobility;
  • frequent shortness of breath;
  • headache;
  • stooped gait.

Shortness of breath and unpleasant pain in different parts of the body appear because a woman’s spine bears a strong load, since each breast weighs at least 1.5 kilograms. With such shapes, it is difficult to play with children, play sports, and even do your hobbies, since any movements will be difficult to perform.

Benefits of large breasts

what size 8 breasts look like , now let's talk about the advantages of a large bust.

  • hides figure flaws (big hips, protruding tummy);
  • protects during transport accidents;
  • the space between the breasts is used as a purse, which many women do.

There are many stories when a voluminous bust saved women from death during transport accidents. Of course, the forms will suffer from this, but the head will remain intact.

Form development process

The process of forming a woman's bust is multi-stage. It begins from the moment a teenage girl gets her first period. So, during menstruation, at the beginning of the cycle, the female genital organs, in particular the ovaries, begin to actively work, releasing a large amount of female hormones into the blood. The main hormones responsible for breast growth are estrogen and especially progesterone. It is the latter hormone that gives impetus to the formation of alveoli and glandular tissue. As soon as menstruation ends, breasts stop growing.

Factors influencing the choice of bra

Knowing a specific size is not the only factor according to which a bra is selected for a given woman. The fact is that companies produce different models, allowing slight variations in sizes.

In addition, even the formed female mammary gland is not constant in volume; it changes its size depending on the monthly cycle. It should also be taken into account that about 65% of ladies have an asymmetrical bust, in which the left breast is usually slightly larger than the right, and the cups of all bras are absolutely symmetrical. All these factors must be taken into account when choosing suitable, and most importantly, comfortable underwear.


Women with bust size 4, after correctly measuring the two girths, should get a difference between their values ​​from 18 to 20 cm. This difference corresponds to a cup marked “D”.

In addition to the cup size, the bra also has a belt length. This value corresponds to the circumference under a woman's bust. In Russia, the following standards have been adopted for the size of a bra belt, which are suitable for girls with values ​​2 cm larger and smaller than those given in the following list:

For example, if a woman with a 4 bust size, after measuring her parameters, received a chest value of 110 cm and an underbust value of 91 cm, then a bra marked 90D should be suitable for her.

It should be noted that the cup size does not correlate in any way with the size of the bra belt, that is, a woman with size 4 can wear both 80D and 90D underwear, which is determined by the individual characteristics of her body structure and her physical shape.

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