Breast enlargement by 1, 2 and 3 sizes

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular surgeries today. This is not surprising, because modern methods of plastic surgery offer many options, regardless of the patient’s initial data and how many sizes you want to enlarge your breasts.

Any breast augmentation clinic offers many options for breast enlargement by 2 sizes or more, as well as minor correction of the shape and volume of the mammary glands.

Today we will look at all possible methods, and we will start with breast enlargement by 1 size.


  • Breast enlargement methods
  • Types of breast augmentation surgeries
  • A little about the implants themselves
  • Indications for plastic surgery
  • Rehabilitation and contraindications

According to statistics, about 80% of men are attracted to breasts of the third size, 13% choose larger breasts (fourth and above) and only about 7% of males like small breasts.
Of course, these are just numbers; when building a relationship, breast size is not fundamental. And yet... about 60% of all women on our planet are not satisfied with their breast size, want to have breast enlargement surgery, or have already done so. How can you enlarge your breasts? What methods are truly effective and will not cause harm to health? What are the dangers of breast enlargement creams and gels that are widely advertised and sold on the Internet?

Breast enlargement methods

Today, every female representative is bombarded with dozens of tempting offers, united by the promise and even the guarantee of breast enlargement without surgery or the need for endoprosthetics.

The most advertised method is a “magic” cream or gel, which allows you to get a full bust with “simple rubbing” in just a few weeks. Indeed, when using such a cream, breasts may increase slightly - due to the huge dose of hormones contained in such products. But no one knows how the “experiment” will end. This could be infertility, hormonal imbalances, menstrual irregularities, constant poor health, etc.

Some lovely ladies try to adjust their breast size and improve their shape by performing special exercises. However, as a rule, with regular exercise, muscles are pumped up. But glandular tissue, the volume of which determines the size of the breast, does not increase.

Patients of our clinic shared the following experience: breast enlargement can be done with the help of hormonal drugs. The results of these attempts were always disastrous: serious hormonal imbalances, weight gain, and disruption of the functioning of internal organs.

The conclusion is simple! Today, there are only two methods of breast augmentation - endoprosthetics, when breast volume is created using implants, and contour plastic surgery, its type - lipofilling, when the breast is modeled using the patient’s own fat.

All other options are, at best, a waste of time, effort and money. At worst, there are health problems that will have to be corrected over a long period of time.

Small (zero) breast augmentation - important features of the operation

With a size zero bust, you can be absolutely happy and satisfied with yourself. But often this feature still becomes the cause of psychological complexes and disappointments for its owner, and negatively affects a woman’s self-esteem and the quality of her intimate life.

Neither miracle diets, nor special exercises, nor magic pills will allow you to cope with underdevelopment of the mammary glands. Enlargement of small (zero) breasts using mammoplasty is the only effective way to solve the problem. Installing an implant in such patients has its own characteristics: if there is a deficiency of native tissue, the surgeon must be especially careful in planning the operation so that the endoprosthesis looks natural and does not contour.

Features of size zero breast augmentation

The main thing is that it is important to understand: with an initially small bust, even with the help of plastic surgery, it is unlikely that you will be able to make breasts of the 3rd or 4th size. And the question here is not about the experience and professionalism of the doctor, but about the intricacies of the operation itself.

It is not enough to install a breast implant - you need to make the result of mammoplasty as natural as possible. But in women with small glands, there is a pronounced lack of muscle and subcutaneous fat tissue, which makes the edges of the endoprosthesis more difficult to hide and make them invisible. As a result, they easily contour and become noticeable visually and to the touch.

For the same reason, it is not possible to install large-volume implants in patients. In addition to the fact that there simply is not enough tissue to accommodate them, there is a risk of developing ischemia, which can provoke unnecessary complications.

How to choose the right size

The volume of the implant is selected based on the initial parameters of the patient’s mammary glands.

  • The doctor pays attention to the base of the gland: if its width is, for example, 12 cm, then the endoprosthesis is chosen in the appropriate size, no more than 12–12.5 cm in diameter.
  • The maximum volume of an implant that can be installed in miniature women of asthenic type, as a rule, does not exceed 400 ml.
  • The final size of the bust after the intervention consists of the parameters that were before the plastic surgery and the volume of the installed endoprosthesis. For example, a patient with initially zero breast measurements after mammoplasty will receive a maximum size of 2. If a woman initially had at least a “one,” then the result of the surgeon’s work can become a full-fledged “three.”

Features of implant installation As for surgical access, breast size is not particularly important in this case. The surgeon makes the choice based on the anatomical characteristics of the patient and her personal wishes. Mammoplasty is performed using one of the traditional methods:

Periareolar - the surgeon makes an incision along the border of the areola. This method of access is suitable for all types of implants; it leaves a small and inconspicuous scar. Among the disadvantages is the likelihood of loss of nipple sensitivity, often temporary. Axillary - involves installing an endoprosthesis through an incision located in the armpit. In this case, the gland tissue is minimally injured, and the scar can be seen if the woman raises her hands. The technique is more complex, and this necessitates increased demands on the professionalism of the surgeon who will perform mammoplasty. Submammary - with this type of operation, the surgeon’s scalpel moves along the natural fold that is located under the breast. The gland tissues are almost not injured. Compared to the two previous methods, this one is safer for the patient. But women who have a zero bust need to take into account: it will be more difficult to hide a postoperative scar, since due to the structural features of the gland, they have practically no inframammary fold.

Safely increasing breast size

If you have a desire to change the size of your breasts towards enlargement, and at the same time correct its shape, plastic surgeons will offer you two types of operations - lipofilling or prosthetics with implants.
Breast augmentation: lipofilling. The essence of the operation is to transplant the patient’s fat tissue, taken from the “problem” areas (and processed in a special way).

This method of augmentation is classified as contour plastic surgery; its features are as follows:

  • the missing volume is replenished with autologous material, the use of which eliminates allergic reactions and rejection;
  • is characterized by minimal trauma;
  • no postoperative scars remain;
  • makes it possible to correct asymmetry;
  • relevant if an increase of one to one and a half sizes is required;
  • allows you to get the most natural and natural breasts (in appearance and touch).

The main disadvantage of lipofilling is its “fragility”: the implanted adipose tissue resolves over time (partially or completely) and the breasts return to their previous shape and volume. As a rule, the procedure lasts for several years; the duration of the effect will depend on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Breast augmentation with implants. Endoprosthetics is the most popular surgical method of breast augmentation, which makes it possible to achieve the desired bust size and volume for life. Modern implants do not require replacement, are especially durable and last for decades. In this case, we are talking about a full-fledged surgical intervention with a long recovery period, during which the surgeon installs implants.

Types of anesthesia

The type of anesthesia chosen is influenced by the general condition of the patient, the presence of any diseases, and existing contraindications.

Also, the method of anesthesia used depends on the surgical technique and the personal preferences of the surgeon. Naturally, the choice is always discussed with the client.

Possible anesthesia options:

  1. General anesthesia. This option is prescribed in the absence of contraindications. It greatly facilitates the doctor’s work, since there is no need to optimize local anesthesia. The cost is within 30 thousand rubles.
  2. Sedation. Represents a superficial sleep, from which it is easier to get out. Has far fewer complications. Sometimes combined with local anesthesia. Costs around 20 thousand rubles.
  3. Local analgesia. It is prescribed if the manipulations being performed are not extensive, and also if there is a ban on other types of anesthesia. The price starts from 10 thousand rubles.

Of course, the choice of pain management also falls on the patient’s shoulders. However, if she does not have sufficient knowledge in this matter, it is recommended to trust a professional.

This will help prevent the development of many complications that require repeated surgery.

All the most important things about breast lift with threads and how effective the procedure is. In this article we will talk about the separation of the rectus abdominis muscles after childbirth.

Follow the link if you are interested in reviews about the breast augmentation procedure with hyaluronic acid .

Types of breast augmentation surgeries

All operations using implants can be ranked according to two criteria: by the site of access (incision) and by the location of the implant.

Where can the incision be made to insert and place the implant? In a variety of areas - in the armpits (axillary approach), under the breasts (submammary access, considered a classic), along the edges of the nipple areola (periareolar) and even in the navel area (transumbilical).

The submammary approach has remained the most common and safe for decades. An incision under the breast allows you to fully control all manipulations, create a pocket for placing implants and place implants of any size, any shape. But in certain cases, breast augmentation through the nipple and armpit is relevant.

The issue of access is decided by the surgeon after examination on an individual basis, taking into account the wishes of the patient herself and the characteristics of the initial data of her breast. For example, breast augmentation through the armpit is not practiced in cases where there is sagging or asymmetry of the breast. An incision through the nipple is not made if large implants are required. If the patient wishes to combine breast augmentation with abdominoplasty, the surgeon may decide on a transumbilical approach. The surgeon considers the appropriateness of a particular approach through the prism of many nuances, which can be learned more about during a consultation.

Where is the implant placed? Options are also possible here: under the soft tissue of the mammary gland, under the fascia of the pectoral muscle, under the pectoral muscle itself. Also, in some cases, the surgeon considers it advisable to combine - the upper part of the implant is placed under the muscle, and the lower part - under the gland.

The implant is usually placed under the gland if the glandular and fatty tissues are sufficiently developed and “capable” of hiding the edges of the implant. Breast augmentation under the gland is the most common option of augmentation mammoplasty, which is widely practiced in our clinic.

The advantages of this “subglandular” mammoplasty are: shorter duration and shorter recovery period, better breast lift with ptosis, less painful sensations for the patient. However, with thin skin and a lack of tissue volume, the implant can be palpated and its edges will appear. With this placement, the likelihood of the formation of such a complication as capsular contracture increases. In addition, over time, the appearance of secondary ptosis (sagging) is possible due to stretching of elastic tissues that “cannot withstand” the weight of the implant.

When the gland tissue becomes thinner or its volume is insufficient, the surgeon usually decides to place the implant under the pectoral muscle. “Axillary” mammoplasty allows you to obtain a lasting aesthetic result: especially reliable fixation of the implant is ensured. The risk of capsular contracture formation is also reduced; the contour of the implant is not visible or palpable even in women with “absent” breasts. The disadvantages of axillary placement include a longer recovery period and severe pain in the patient in the first days after the intervention (relieved with painkillers).

The question of where to place the implant is decided by the surgeon at the stage of planning the operation. As a rule, the doctor justifies his decision in detail and explains to the patient why this or that placement location will be optimal in her case.


In addition to the fact that implants are produced by different manufacturers, which significantly affects their price, they have different variations of internal filling.
Pricing is determined by the clinic that provides the services. Sometimes the markup on artificial breasts is 50 and even 100%.

According to their location, breast implants are:

  1. Subfascial. They are installed under the pectoral muscle, which helps ensure the most reliable fixation. Cost from 30 thousand and above.
  2. Subpectoral. Part is located under the mammary gland, the second part goes under the muscle. The price starts from 25 thousand rubles.
  3. Axillary. They are inserted through an incision on the side of the chest. The cost is 25-30 thousand.

The surface of the implant can be smooth or rough. The second option is more anatomical, therefore a little more expensive. Its average cost ranges from 30-35 thousand rubles.

The shape of artificial breasts can be round or teardrop-shaped. This does not significantly affect the price, so freedom of choice here is not limited by funds.

Depending on the filler, the price for one implant is:

  • saline costs 25 thousand rubles;
  • silica gel balls (bioimplant) - 30 thousand rubles;
  • the cost of the silicone version ranges from 50 thousand rubles.

Installing any of the implants has its advantages and some disadvantages, so their choice should not be taken from the point of view of economy.

Their quality and basic characteristics determine the woman’s future health, the presence or absence of large scars on the chest, loss of shape in the future, and so on.

The types of implants are described in more detail in the video.

The final choice of implant rests with the patient. If the doctor does not allow this, having made a decision for her, we can talk about the surgeon’s unprofessionalism.

Before and After Photos

A little about the implants themselves

An implant is an anatomical prosthesis designed to enlarge the breast, as well as eliminate ptosis by filling the volume. The implant consists of a shell and filler. The latest generation of implants is represented by a thin silicone shell with a barrier layer that prevents the filler from leaking out in the event of a rupture. By the way, all high-quality implants (from trusted manufacturers) have shells that can withstand a load of one or two tons. That is, when choosing high-quality implants, the risk of rupture is reduced to almost zero. Fillers for implants are hydrogel, silicone gel or saline solution.

In general, today implants are presented in such a variety that not only the patient, but also the surgeon himself can become confused. The shape of implants is round and anatomical. The implant shell can be smooth or textured. The texture of the shell prevents the formation of capsular contracture.

Implants also differ in profile, which can be low, medium, high and ultra-high, and in height (low, medium and full). Naturally, sizes also vary. The most popular are from 200 to 400 ml.

Each implant is usually assigned a number, and the patient receives a full package of documents for the implants, including a lifetime replacement guarantee (given in case of rupture, and sometimes also in case of capsular contracture formation). Global manufacturers can afford to give a lifetime guarantee because they are confident in the high quality of their products.

Indications for plastic surgery

Standard indications for augmentation mammoplasty are the following:

  • the patient is dissatisfied with the size of her breasts and wants to enlarge them, give them a beautiful shape, and correct sagging;
  • breasts have ceased to be attractive under the influence of certain factors (sudden weight loss, pregnancy, feeding);
  • congenital underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of the mammary glands is observed;
  • asymmetry of the mammary glands is observed;
  • the mammary gland has been lost (partially or completely).

Augmentation mammoplasty is an operation that is performed solely at the request of a woman who aims to bring her breasts to the desired shape and size. Sometimes endoprosthesis replacement is combined with a breast lift - if there is a need to eliminate sagging that cannot be eliminated by placing implants alone.

Enlarge your breasts by 1 size

For a small increase, filler techniques are usually used, that is, substances that fill the breast tissue with injections. For these purposes, it is used as breast lipofilling (when one’s own adipose tissue is used to increase breast volume) or the Macroline filler gel is used.

During lipofilling, adipose tissue is taken from areas of the patient’s own body (abdomen, thighs), and then, after a special cleaning procedure, it is injected into the mammary glands and allows both to achieve a slight increase and to correct the asymmetry of the mammary glands.

Macroline gel is developed on the basis of hyaluronic acid, and gives very good results, especially with breast enlargement by 1 size, as well as for improving the contours of the mammary glands. Filling techniques are effective and safe, but they also have a drawback - they cannot achieve results once and for all, so injections must be repeated over time. In addition, these methods do not work if a woman wants to enlarge her breasts by 2-3 sizes or more.

How does breast augmentation with implants work?

The operation can last from an hour to three to four hours and is performed only using intravenous sedation.
During the operation, an incision is made and then a so-called pocket is formed, into which the implant is placed. After placing the implant, the tissues are sutured, sutures are applied, and the implant is fixed with compression garments. In any case, a mark from the operation will remain, because there are no seamless breast augmentation operations. But! By trusting an experienced surgeon at our clinic, you can be sure that the scar will be invisible (over time).

How to choose the right clinic

In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you must carefully study all the information about the clinic where the operation will take place. It would be useful to find out the experience and experience of the surgeon, his qualifications.

The success of the manipulations and, as a consequence, the result depends on how qualified the specialists work in the center, as well as the quality of the equipment with which the intervention will be carried out.

What you should pay attention to:

  1. Number of services offered. The more the clinic can provide, the better. This means that the staff is fully staffed, thanks to which they can anticipate and prevent almost all emergency situations.
  2. Permission to provide such services, relevant licenses, diplomas. As a rule, in large centers such papers hang in frames in the most visible place.
    If they are not observed, you can request all the papers from the registrar, who is obliged to provide them upon request. Certificates should be carefully checked for the organization and address provided. The date of issue indicates the length of service of the hospital.
  3. The doctor has the necessary retraining certificates. This suggests that the surgeon is constantly expanding his knowledge and increasing his experience in this field.
  4. Availability of intensive care. A prerequisite for a good clinic.
  5. The presence in the price list of clauses about carrying out all the necessary tests on site. This takes the clinic to a higher level.

You should also talk to the doctor who will perform the operation. He must calmly and thoroughly answer all questions that the patient asks him.

Attention should be paid to the entire staff. They must be welcoming, correct, and friendly.

In the video, a specialist will tell you how to choose the right plastic surgeon and clinic.

Rehabilitation and contraindications

Discharge from the hospital occurs on the second or third day after the intervention. The patient goes home wearing special compression garments, which she was “dressed” in immediately after the operation. At first, she may experience pain. Returning to work (subject to low physical activity) is allowed after 7-10 days. During the first three weeks, it is recommended to limit the motor activity of the arms and upper body to the maximum (sedentary activity is especially important in the first 5 days). Standard recommendations also apply: exclude baths, swimming pools, saunas, and sports.

What else is extremely important? Do not remove or unbutton your underwear on your own initiative. For the first 7-10 days, the doctor will unfasten the underwear only during the examination. Then he will explain to you how to carry out hygiene procedures and when, to what extent, you can remove your underwear. To obtain the desired result, these recommendations must be followed strictly!

The patient observes the final result of mammoplasty two to three months after the operation. If breast augmentation was performed by our surgeons, and the patient followed all the recommendations, the result is always pleasing: the breast turns out to be the “ordered” shape and size.

There is a whole list of contraindications for mammoplasty, which our surgeons take very seriously:

  • oncological diseases and severe pathologies of internal organs;
  • chronic diseases during exacerbation and viral infections;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • diseases for which general anesthesia is not recommended;
  • mastopathy, unhealed lesions in the chest area;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • high probability of keloid scar formation;
  • condition after recent radiation therapy (if placement of an implant under the gland is planned);
  • autoimmune diseases.

Questions our patients ask

  • Will it be noticeable that the breasts are “made”, that “there are implants”? Our specialists select and install implants in such a way as to achieve maximum naturalness. This means that your new breasts will look “like your own”; it will be impossible to determine the presence of implants by touch.
  • Is it possible to breastfeed after mammoplasty surgery? If there is such a desire, of course, it is possible and necessary. Modern intervention techniques make it possible to fully preserve the ability to breastfeed after argumentative mammoplasty.
  • Where to buy implants? Implants are available in the clinic or are ordered specifically for a specific patient. Manufacturers do not sell implants to “everyone” - only to clinics and specialists licensed to perform operations.
  • Will breast and nipple sensitivity remain after mammoplasty? If the operation is performed by an experienced professional, sensitivity will not be affected in any way. If a periareolar approach is used (through the areola of the nipple), sensitivity will be reduced immediately after surgery, but then it will be restored.

Breast augmentation: where to do it

We invite you to the DECA clinic! Our experienced surgeons have already helped thousands of lovely ladies find the breasts they dreamed of. An individual approach, when all aspects are taken into account, attentive attitude towards patients and meticulous work - these are the three components that guarantee the desired result for each of our patients!

Where does your dream come true? With the consultation of a surgeon. Make an appointment now! You will receive comprehensive answers to all your questions, you will be able to “try on” the new breast and, if desired, set a date for the operation.

Beautiful breasts of the desired size can become your advantage in the very near future. Waiting for you!

Other factors

When the most basic expenses are calculated, the cost of a hospital stay no longer seems so exorbitant. It also varies depending on the clinic and the nutrition they can offer to their patients.

On average, a day in a hospital costs about 3,000 rubles. You will need to spend at least 3 days in the hospital. Total 9000.

The patient also pays for all supplies, staff gloves, pain relief injections, medications, and so on. All this is included in the price indicated in the price list of the medical center for plastic surgery.

The clinic's share is calculated if the surgeon does not work on their staff. She can charge within 30-40% of the total amount for the location of the operation.

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