How to make lips soft at home: folk recipes

A lip scrub should be in the arsenal of any girl who takes care of herself. Its use makes lips smooth, soft and moisturized, giving them a well-groomed and attractive appearance. He helps:

  • heal peeling and cracks;
  • remove the stratum corneum;
  • speed up the removal of a permanent (if you no longer like it);
  • cause blood flow for juiciness and swelling.

The main thing is not to overdo it: the skin of the lips is 3-4 times thinner than the rest. In addition, it is completely devoid of sebaceous glands and hair. We can say that lips are defenseless against cold, wind and sun - therefore they need special care. The scrub along with a nourishing balm/oil maintains a healthy appearance. For you, a selection of the best beauty products in our opinion!

How to make lips soft at home

To prevent lips from suffering from dryness, they need to be provided with regular care, which boils down to the use of various products in the form of masks, oils, and scrubs. If you carry out such procedures daily, you will be able to prevent the appearance of cracks. How to make your lips soft and tender without using store-bought products? It is extremely important not only to apply nourishing compounds, but also to clean the surface from time to time using a homemade scrub. Peeling must be done at least 2 times a week. A regular toothbrush does this job perfectly.

Factors that contribute to dry and chapped lips

The main factor leading to dry and cracked lips is climate. In fact, two situations are particularly favorable for this:

  1. Very low outside temperature. The phenomenon intensifies with strong cold winds.
  2. Prolonged exposure to the sun.

Other reasons can only increase the risk of chapped lips:

  • regular exposure to chlorine, such as in swimming pools;
  • excessively frequent use of lipstick;
  • taking certain medications that have dry skin as a side effect;
  • natural aging of the body, which makes the skin less elastic and reduces collagen production;
  • the presence of diseases such as diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, psoriasis;
  • very acidic foods, such as lemons or tomatoes;
  • some chemical compounds in toothpaste;
  • deficiency or overconsumption of vitamin B or A;
  • allergies to certain cosmetics or products that cause lips to swell and become a source of aggression.

Our lips are also the most damaged by dryness because we all make the same mistake.

The first reflex, when our lips are dry and there is a feeling of tightness, and there is no nourishing balm at hand, we run our tongue over our lips to moisturize them. And this is an unforgivable mistake, since even if you wet your lips a little with saliva, it will instantly, but temporarily, bring relief. Since saliva quickly evaporates and dries the lips even more, since it contains enzymes that play an important role in the chemical digestion of certain substances contained in food, and these same enzymes, when in contact with the lips, can have a negative effect in the form of tissue dehydration.

Scrub recipes

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To prepare scrubs at home, you will need affordable products that help remove dead particles and nourish your lips with beneficial substances. Before applying the scrub to your lips, you need to soak a cotton pad in warm water, squeeze it out and apply it to your lips for at least 5 minutes. This procedure helps soften the skin, so the scrub will cope with the task more effectively.

Proper diet and vitamins for lip skin

The question that immediately arises is, are we properly hydrating our bodies? We're probably not drinking enough water. To speed up the regeneration of the skin of the lips and improve the condition of the whole body, you need to regularly drink 2 liters of water a day in small portions.

As for the diet, it cannot be complete without fresh vegetables and fruits. The diet should contain foods high in easily digestible vitamins A, E and B.

If you cannot provide yourself with the required amount of vitamins through your diet, you should go to the pharmacy for valuable vitamins.

Coconut oil and brown sugar scrub

To prepare the scrub you will need:

  • brown sugar (1 tbsp);
  • liquid honey (15 ml);
  • coconut oil (10 ml).

You need to combine sugar and honey. After this, you need to add oil to the mixture and mix the components thoroughly. Apply the scrub to steamed lips, massage for 30 seconds, rinse with warm water and apply a cream with nourishing properties.

Lip masks

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A lip mask is an effective remedy that eliminates flaking, nourishes, and moisturizes. You can apply it to your lips every other day. In the autumn-winter period, when the skin suffers from dryness and weather conditions, procedures are recommended to be carried out daily.

Lip care in autumn

How to take care of your lips when it gets colder outside? The problem is that the heating season begins in the fall, so the skin gradually feels dissonance due to differences in street and room temperatures. This stress leads to increased dryness.

It is important to moisturize your lips as often as possible and use special creams and balms. During this period, it is better to avoid matte lipsticks, which dry out the skin too much. Pay attention to cosmetics with vitamins A and E: they will speed up regeneration.

Mask with sour cream

This fermented milk product can be applied separately or used as a base for preparing nourishing masks. If sour cream alone is used, it should be applied to the lips in several layers, each of them should be allowed to dry. As soon as the sour cream dries, you need to keep it on your lips for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and pat your lips dry with a soft, clean towel. An alternative to sour cream can be kefir.

Recipe 1

To prepare a moisturizing mask you will need:

  • fat sour cream (1 tsp);
  • olive oil (10 ml);
  • lemon juice (a few drops).

All components of the mask must be mixed, applied to the lips, left for about 20 minutes, and rinsed with warm water.

Recipe 2

For the nourishing mask you need to prepare:

  • sour cream (1 tsp);
  • carrot juice (1 tbsp.).

It is necessary to combine the components, apply to the mixture for 5 minutes, rinse.

Recipe 3

The mask has nourishing and moisturizing properties. Ideal for dry and chapped lips. To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

  • sour cream (1 tsp);
  • cucumber juice (1 tbsp.).

The components should be mixed and applied to the lips for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Recipe 4

This mask based on fermented milk products makes lips smooth, soft, eliminates all cracks and peeling. To prepare the product you will need:

  • cottage cheese (10 g);
  • cream (1 tsp).

Grind the cottage cheese with cream, apply a thick layer to the lips, leave for 10 minutes, rinse with water.

Vitamin mask

This mask is considered universal. It can be applied to the lips to prevent cracking and peeling, or used as a remedy for chapping. To prepare it you will need:

  • olive oil (10 ml);
  • liquid honey (1 tbsp.);
  • vitamins A and E in liquid form (1 capsule each).

All components must be mixed, applied to the lips, let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes, rinse with warm water, blot with a napkin and lubricate with balm or hygienic lipstick.

The main reasons why lips are damaged

The skin consists of several layers: hypodermis, dermis and epidermis. This last surface layer is designed to protect against aggressive external influences, since it consists of a hydrolipid film, partly produced by the sebaceous glands.

There are no sebaceous glands or melanocytes on the lips. It is for these reasons that lips are especially sensitive, easily damaged and most susceptible to external aggression (rain, wind, cold, etc.).

The extent of lip damage depends on the degree of dryness. A slightly dehydrated lip will look a little dry. Slight peeling may then appear. As dehydration continues, flaking becomes more intense, giving the lips a pale appearance. Finally, as dry skin becomes more severe, cracks may appear on the lips, which can cause bleeding. At this point, the person begins to feel pain with every movement of the mouth.

Paraffin mask

To prepare the mask, you need to melt a small slice of cosmetic paraffin in a water bath and apply the composition to your lips in several layers, cover with a terry towel, and rinse off after 10 minutes with warm water. Before the procedure, your lips must be lubricated with olive oil. And after removing the mask, use a rich cream.

How to make lips plump and soft

If you lack volume, you can make a mixture that will increase blood flow to the skin and make your lips look fuller. For this mask you will need:

  • ground chili pepper (1 tsp);
  • grape seed oil (2 tbsp.);
  • honey (15 ml);
  • Vaseline (15 g);
  • rice flour (1 tbsp);
  • lanolin (10 g);
  • glycerin (15 g).

You need to mix pepper, flour and honey, then pour in base oil. The mixture should be placed in the microwave for 20 seconds and all other ingredients should be added. The mask should be applied to the lips while hot. After half an hour it should be washed off. If the composition stings too much, it can be removed before the prescribed time.

Oils and fats

To protect your lips from chapping and make them soft and tender, you must have various oils and fats in your lip care arsenal. However, it is important to use them correctly.

How to quickly make soft lips at home? If they are very weathered, you need to combine 1 tsp. beeswax with apricot or olive oil, add a little Vaseline and chamomile infusion to the mixture. This mask should be left on the lips overnight.

Another night mask that softens and moisturizes lips is prepared from pork fat (0.5 tbsp) and honey (1 tbsp). Before preparing the mask, the fat must be melted in a water bath.

Calendula flowers can be used to prepare an anti-inflammatory remedy. The raw materials must be poured with vegetable oil (of your choice), leave for about 12 hours in a dark place, then heat the liquid in a water bath, cool and strain.

If cracks often appear on your lips, you can apply a mixture of sage and honey decoction to them.

Hazelnut oil has equally effective wound-healing properties. The product must be applied to the lips at least 2 times a day.

Herbal and natural active ingredients to treat dry and chapped lips

Lips are an important element for facial beauty, participating in verbal and visual communication, as well as food consumption. However, the skin of the lips is 5 times thinner than the skin of the body, so they need to be given special attention.

The lethal weapon against chapped lips and optimal hydration throughout the day is lipstick! Make it a rule to use paraben-free and paraffin oil-free lipstick because when there is too much of it, the skin rejects it, which increases dryness. Long-lasting shiny, matte or very dark lipsticks can prevent your lips from breathing.

Lip balm can also provide a layer of protection against the adverse effects of wind and cold. It can be used with confidence even when we are staying at home to lock in moisture inside the lips, while providing additional hydration due to the active ingredients it contains (especially if the balm is of good quality and contains essential oils).

Lip balm not only prevents dehydration, but also closes cracks on the lips, thereby preventing them from becoming infected.

Be careful, as many products found in lipsticks and lip balms can cause dehydration and aggravate irritation. This is the case with:

  1. Aluminum salts, menthol, eucalyptus, phenol and camphor. Menthol, camphor and phenols only cause a state of imaginary comfort, and sometimes even increase dehydration.
  2. Silicone oil is another very common ingredient (it's also found in lipsticks and glosses for added longevity), but it only promotes dehydration.
  3. Salicylic acid (although it has proven anti-inflammatory properties) in balms can promote dry lips and flaking.
  4. If you have acne-prone skin, it is best to avoid cosmetics containing petroleum jelly. Although this substance is very effective for dry lips, some users with acne-prone skin claim that these products can clog pores too much and contribute to the appearance of blackheads.

No less interesting article: 5 best recipes for making honey with turmeric to combat seasonal diseases

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Lip balm

A homemade balm is ideal for surface care. How to make lips smooth and soft? It is necessary to combine almond oil and cocoa butter, 2 ampoules of vitamin E and a piece of beeswax in equal parts.

All components of the balm must be placed in an enamel container and placed in a water bath. As soon as the wax begins to melt, you need to stir the mixture using a wooden stick. If the balm has too thin a consistency, you can add a piece of wax to it. The resulting product should be poured into a glass jar. Apply to lips in the morning and evening.

Lip care in winter

In winter, the temperature difference is felt even more clearly, so it is important to moisturize your skin as often as possible. Caring for your lips in winter also involves proper, balanced nutrition: at this time the body especially lacks vitamins.

If you have a habit of moisturizing dry lips with your tongue, you need to get rid of it. This has a detrimental effect on the skin at any time of the year, but because of the cold, the negative effect is especially pronounced. It’s better to train yourself to lubricate your lips with balm as often as possible.

Massage for delicate skin

What can you do to make your lips soft and moisturized? This will require an integrated approach. In addition to applying masks, scrubs and balms, you need to carry out a procedure such as massage.

A terry towel or toothbrush is suitable for massaging your lips. You can also perform a massage without the use of additional devices. It is enough just to massage them with the pads of your fingers. As for time, the duration of such a procedure should be about 5-10 minutes.

You can use ice cubes to massage your lips. After the procedure, lips will become softer and brighter. You need to massage not only your lips, but also the area around them.

Other factors

Try to instill new healthy habits. They will benefit your body. The most basic rule is sufficient water intake per day. If you notice that your lips are too rough and dull, then this is the first thing to do. Just multiply your weight by 0.03 and get your daily drinking water intake in liters. Water will change not only your lips, but your skin as a whole. It will become more elastic and soft.

Avoid licking your lips, especially in strong winds or cold. This dries them out greatly and can cause irritation, which does not have a very pleasant effect on our appearance and sensations.

Bite your lips less, as this can cause cracks or open wounds to form on them, and they will look very sloppy. To make it easier to get rid of this habit, simply use chewing gum or put your tongue between your teeth; this, of course, does not look very beautiful, but your lips will be fine.

Additional recommendations

How to make lips soft? Certain rules must be followed:

  • To remove lipstick, use cosmetic milk.
  • Drink at least 2-2.5 liters of clean water daily.
  • Introduce into the menu foods that are rich in vitamins A, E, B.
  • Take vitamin complexes that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Apply moisturizers to your lips regularly.

How to care for your lips in summer

Summer is a time when the skin is regularly exposed to ultraviolet rays. Many people like to get a chocolate tan, not even suspecting that in fact it is an aggressive protection of the skin in response to sun exposure. Therefore, it is better to wear a wide-brimmed hat, be in the shade more often, use sunscreen and use lipstick with a light texture.

Apply lip balm every couple of hours: summer is especially hot, so sweat and constant drinking of refreshing drinks will simply erase the protective product.

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