How to make retinoic peeling at home - the best recipes

Yellow peeling (retinoic) is one of the most effective products in modern cosmetology. It allows you to fight hyperpigmentation, blackheads, post-acne, age-related changes and other skin problems. The advantages of this procedure are minimal trauma, short rehabilitation period and low risk of complications.

Principle of action and effectiveness of retinoic peeling

First of all, let's clarify the terminology. Yellow peeling is called retinol and retinoic. Many (even experts) equate these two procedures. Meanwhile, they have some differences. Thus, retinol peeling involves the use of vitamin A. Retinoic peeling is the treatment of the skin with retinoic acid, which contains retinoids - artificial substitutes for vitamin A.

The first option is softer and does not have such an aggressive effect on the epidermis. But at the same time, it is less effective in the presence of serious problems.

The second option can be classified as superficial-median procedures. Therefore, the impact is somewhat more powerful. However, such manipulation requires more careful preparation and longer recovery.

The principle of action of retinoic peeling is as follows: the active components, coming into contact with the skin, penetrate into the epidermal tissues. They regulate processes in cells and intercellular spaces, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, and have an exfoliating effect.

Yellow peeling at home can do the following:

  • removing a layer of keratinized cells from the surface;
  • improvement of oxygen metabolism, nutrient absorption;
  • stimulation of the production of protein compounds responsible for the condition of the skin;
  • activation of regenerative processes;
  • comprehensive improvement of the epidermis;
  • normalization of blood microcirculation;
  • strengthening local immunity;
  • improving skin hydration;
  • lifting effect;
  • alignment of microrelief and skin tone;
  • removal of hyperpigmentation;
  • prevention of inflammatory processes, acne, pimples, blackheads, comedones;
  • prevention of skin cancer.

Before moving on to the question of how to do yellow peeling at home, let’s pay attention to the indications and contraindications.

Effect of the Yellow Peeling course:

  • Mediderma yellow peeling promotes the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, the removal of toxins and the narrowing of pores. Comedones and inflammation are eliminated.
  • The skin is cleansed of dead cells.
  • Yellow Peel significantly rejuvenates, slows down the aging process, and activates collagen synthesis.
  • The skin regains its elasticity and density.
  • The number of fine wrinkles is significantly reduced. A lifting effect is observed. A complex process of eliminating biochemical changes in photo- and bioaging takes place.
  • An even, natural, healthy skin tone returns. The effect of retinols reliably blocks the production of melanin. Thanks to the whitening effect, pigmentation and acne marks are eliminated.
  • Traces of fatigue disappear, swelling disappears.
  • There is an improvement in the barrier properties of the skin, and the capillaries are strengthened. The likelihood of new growths occurring on the skin is reduced.
  • The epithelium is restored, the smallest scars dissolve, irregularities are smoothed out.

Indications for use

Retinol peeling at home is recommended for women aged 30-35 years. Cosmetologists say that there is no point in doing such a procedure for younger ladies without good reason. This is too aggressive for their skin.

Direct indications for peeling with retinol include the following conditions and defects of the epidermis:

  • signs of photo and chronoaging;
  • facial wrinkles and skin folds;
  • loss of elasticity, sagging, sagging;
  • change in the structure of the oval of the face;
  • acne, comedones, sebaceous plugs, pimples, milliums;
  • increased oily or dry skin;
  • hyperkeratosis and keratomas;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • scars, scars, post-acne.

Peeling with vitamin A or its derivatives at home will help to effectively cope with the above problems.

Manufacturers of cosmetics in the description of preparations for self-retinoic peeling indicate all the precautions that must be strictly observed.

Indications for yellow peeling:

The peeling procedure can be used for any skin type and allows you to get rid of many aesthetic problems. This type of peeling eliminates:

  • rashes,
  • hyperpigmentation,
  • signs of photoaging,
  • wrinkles,
  • reduces enlarged pores and oily skin,
  • removes small scars
  • rejuvenates the skin.

Mediderma retinoic peeling can be performed according to indications or used before an important event. The components included in its composition affect only the surface layer of the skin; this peeling also goes well with other cosmetic procedures.

Are there any contraindications to the use of yellow peeling?

As we have already found out, peeling with retinoic ointment at home, as well as other products containing vitamin A or its derivatives, is a useful and effective procedure. However, despite all the advantages, this type of cleansing, healing and rejuvenation of the skin has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account in order to exclude possible side effects.

Retinol peeling is prohibited in the following cases:

  • during exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • at elevated body temperature, regardless of genesis;
  • allergy to aspirin;
  • individual intolerance to any of the components of the selected product;
  • diseases of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, serious pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • herpetic infection in the acute stage;
  • damage to the integrity of the skin at the site of application of the working composition;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • oncology of any localization;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

If you are taking medications containing vitamin A, the procedure is strictly prohibited, otherwise severe burns may occur. At least six months must pass after the course of such therapy.

Now let's move directly to the question of how to make yellow peeling with your own hands.

Retinol when planning pregnancy

The combination of yellow peeling and pregnancy planning is also undesirable. A course of 4-6 peeling procedures based on retinol creates a vitamin resource in the skin, which lasts for about 3 months. All this time, the dermis will be nourished with retinoic acid molecules, which will promote visual rejuvenation. Therefore, the aesthetic effect of yellow peelings lasts longer than from other medium or superficial procedures.

In response to the question of how long it should take after yellow peeling for pregnancy to proceed without fears and complications, cosmetologists recommend a period of at least 3 months before the expected date of conception. Therefore, if you are thinking about adding to your family in the near future, refrain from retinoic exfoliation and replace the procedure, for example, with glycolic, milk or multifruit peeling.

There are situations when a woman has done yellow peeling without knowing that she is pregnant. An unplanned or sudden pregnancy that coincides with a course of retinoic exfoliation should not be a cause for concern. After all, doctors do not confirm the relationship between the effect of retinol on the skin and the development of abnormalities in the fetus. Therefore, yellow peeling done on the eve or in the early stages of pregnancy can only have aesthetic benefits.

It is better to find out information about how long it is not recommended to become pregnant after retinoic peeling procedures from your cosmetologist or gynecologist.

The best retinoic peeling recipes

You can make retinoic peeling at home using ready-made preparations that are sold in pharmacies or beauty salons. This option is simple and the safest, since all components of the product are balanced. In the annotation, manufacturers indicate the concentration of acids, the presence of auxiliary components, and the protocol for the procedure itself.

Read the instructions carefully and follow all the advice. This minimizes the risk of unpleasant consequences such as burns, severe peeling, cracking of the skin, swelling, and hyperemia.

However, you can prepare the composition yourself from components purchased at the pharmacy. It is clear that retinoic acid will be the main component.

The simplest recipe for retinoic peeling:

  • retinoic acid 20% - 3 ml.;
  • distilled water – 3 ml.

Pour water into a non-metallic container and carefully add the acid (in exactly this order!) Using a soft fan brush, apply the composition to a previously prepared face and leave overnight. In the morning, rinse with plenty of cool water. To thoroughly remove any remaining product, use a makeup remover. Pay special attention to the area at the corners of the nose and along the hairline. Then lubricate your skin with rose oil - rub a few drops in your palms and apply to your face.

The composition of yellow peeling at home, which will effectively cope with excess oily skin:

  • retinoic acid 10% - 1.5 ml.;
  • salicylic acid – 1.5 ml.;
  • distilled water – 3 ml.

First you need to carefully mix the acids in a glass or enamel bowl. Then pour the acid mixture into the water (not vice versa!). Apply an even layer to prepared facial skin with a cosmetic brush. Leave after drying for 7 hours. After this, rinse off with a cool rein and lubricate the skin with panthenol.

Retinoic peeling recipes are very simple. But before applying the composition to the face, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, place a drop of the product on the inner side of the elbow and leave for 6-7 hours. If there are no severe reactions or allergic manifestations after this time, it can be used for its intended purpose.

Effect on the embryo

Doctors are of the opinion that retinoids have a teratogenic effect, they negatively affect the process of fetal formation and provoke developmental pathologies.

For this reason, professionals from the beauty industry are trying to find out whether a woman has pregnancy plans in the near future and whether she is breastfeeding.

There are no scientifically proven facts that retinol, which penetrates into the body of the expectant mother from peeling preparations, provokes mutations in the fetus. But it was found that retinoic acid molecules have the ability to penetrate cell membranes and contact proteins in the cell nuclei. This process does not affect the transport of genetic chains from the mother to the baby’s body.

The amount of retinoic acid in the peel may not be enough to transform the genetic code.

Tests on the effects of retinoids on the fetus were performed exclusively on mice in laboratory conditions. No facts have been found to prove the teratogenic effect of vitamin A and its artificial analogues.

Pregnant women have never been tested for fetal pathologies under the influence of retinoic acid. For this reason, pregnancy and lactation are included in the list of contraindications for yellow peeling. In this case, doctors play it safe.

How to prepare your face - pre-peeling period

Preparation for peeling begins 2-4 weeks before the intended procedure. 4 weeks will be required if your skin is too tanned, oily, or there are signs of severe hyperkeratosis. In all other cases, pre-peeling care is halved.


  • refuse to visit the solarium, bathhouse, sauna, and do not expose the skin to excessive sun exposure;
  • do not use cosmetics containing highly concentrated acids;
  • regularly apply cream with glycolic acid or retinols - this will help soften the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Then, when applying the composition, maximum impact is guaranteed.

Yellow peeling at home is practically no different from the same procedure in the salon. In particular, according to the rules of preparation for manipulation.

The protocol for the procedure itself is standard:

  • cleansing from makeup, dust and dirt;
  • surface treatment with an active composition;
  • The exposure time depends on the chosen product. Manufacturers indicate this parameter in the finished product; when using a home remedy - an average of 5-7 hours;
  • removal of workers. It is suggested to either rinse with plenty of cool water or wipe with a soda solution;
  • application of cream - panthenol, a special post-peeling, moisturizing, nourishing cream. When purchasing a finished product, aftercare products may be included in the kit.

Note! During exposure, discomfort may occur in the form of burning, tightening, and tingling. As a rule, the burning and tingling sensation passes quickly, and tightness is quite normal. If the discomfort is too severe, you should immediately wash off the peeling composition and lubricate the skin with panthenol.

Negative effects on the mother's body

A pregnant woman may develop an allergy after a yellow peeling procedure. A similar reaction is caused by components in peeling products.

Important! If a woman still decides to undergo this procedure, despite her situation, she must undergo an allergy test.

A drop of the product is applied to the wrist or the inner bend of the elbow. Usually an allergy, if any, appears after a quarter of an hour. The absence of itching or redness means that the peeling product will not cause an allergic reaction.

We recommend: Chemical peeling with salicylic acid. Why and how is it carried out in the salon and at home?

In addition to allergies, a woman during pregnancy may experience headaches due to an excess amount of retinol in the body. Other negative consequences include:

  • swelling;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • fragility of hair and nails.

How to care for your skin after procedures

The rules for skin care after yellow peeling are no different from the standard rules for any chemical facial cleansing.

  1. You should avoid visiting places with high humidity and temperature (sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool), and do not expose your skin to natural or artificial insolation. The time limit is at least a month.
  2. Lubricate the skin with products containing panthenol or other products that promote rapid restoration of epidermal tissue.
  3. To moisturize, use natural-based creams and thermal water. Maintain drinking regime.
  4. Do not use scrubs (any kind) for at least a month.
  5. Before going outside, be sure to apply sunscreen with an UV protection rating of at least 30.

Retinol facial peeling at home is best planned for the weekend. And even better - on vacation, so that you can fully recover and not have complexes due to the inevitable side effects (skin darkening, peeling).

Yellow exfoliation and pregnancy

During pregnancy, yellow peeling is undesirable for several reasons.

Risks to fetal development

Despite the lack of evidence on the tetragenic nature of retinol and its synthesized analogues, as well as on the systemic effect of the drug and its accumulation in the blood plasma, it is better for pregnant women to refuse yellow exfoliation sessions. Especially in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. In the early stages, the contact between the mother and the embryo has not yet been formed, because the common vascular network is just beginning to form. In any case, you need to warn the cosmetologist in advance that you are expecting a baby.

Mom's allergies

The body of a pregnant woman may respond with an allergic reaction to the components of the retinoic peel. Therefore, if you nevertheless decide in favor of such exfoliation, while you are pregnant, ask your cosmetologist to conduct an allergy test before the peeling session. To do this, apply a drop of the product to the thin skin of the wrist, the inner bend of the elbow or behind the ear. An atypical reaction will appear within 10-15 minutes. If itching or redness does not appear, the peeling preparation will not cause allergies.

Possibility of side effects

During pregnancy, the peeling procedure can go wrong. Firstly, because the expectant mother’s body is sensitive to external influences and unfamiliar odors. Secondly, because pregnancy is a time of hormonal changes in the female body. Changing hormone levels may cause unexpected pigmentation, pimples, or redness to appear after a peel.

The decision to perform yellow peeling on the eve of or during pregnancy is made by each woman independently. Of course, most cosmetologists will not undertake a retinoic procedure knowing that the client is pregnant. But some young ladies in the weather prefer to keep silent about it for beauty reasons. Considering specialists’ doubts about the “harmlessness” of retinol and its safety for the normal formation of the fetus, it is still better to warn the specialist about the planned conception or pregnancy before the exfoliation session.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

Experts recommend chemical peelings in salons. This precaution is understandable. Acids are quite aggressive substances. And if something goes wrong, a professional will quickly understand the situation and be able to effectively neutralize the composition, which is difficult to achieve on their own.

Cosmetologists do not recommend:

  • carry out the procedure during the season of high solar activity. It is better to postpone manipulations until autumn or winter;
  • the interval between sessions is at least 3 weeks. The course averages 4 procedures. Can be repeated no more than once a year;
  • a month before and a month after retinol peeling, do not use scrubs so as not to injure the skin;
  • follow all rules of pre-peeling preparation and post-care.

Making yellow peeling at home is not that difficult. But how to carry out the procedure correctly, whether there are indications and contraindications, which home recipe or purchased product to choose - it is better to find out from a cosmetologist.

Benefits of the procedure

  • The gentle effects of Retises CT Yellow Peel allow you to peel during periods of moderate solar activity.
  • Natural peeling components do not cause any irritation. The occurrence of side effects is completely excluded.
  • Recovery occurs in a short period of time.
  • A positive result is noticeable even after 1 procedure.
  • Yellow peeling can solve many aesthetic skin problems.
  • Suitable for absolutely all skin types.

Scheme - how to properly apply cream or ointment

In order to quickly revive the skin, when applying a cosmetic product, you should follow these rules:

  • Treat the skin with a toner that does not contain alcohol.
  • Apply a thin and even layer of cream with gentle, slow movements, moving upwards and to the sides, and also taking into account the direction of the massage lines.
  • The product is not rubbed in, but distributed gently with light superficial movements.
  • When there are a lot of crusts, the cream is applied 5 times a day. Once the dead skin comes off, two times is enough.
  • You will have to use sunscreen or emulsion for 2-3 months before leaving the house.

Carefully! Quick, hasty strokes cause harm to the skin - stretch and injure.


Before and after

The consequences of peeling are conventionally divided into expected and unexpected. The expected consequences include a normal skin reaction to mechanical stress.

Unexpected consequences are negative side effects that arise as a result of the individual reaction of the body. The patient's skin condition worsens, the rehabilitation period is delayed indefinitely. In severe cases, additional treatment is required.

In addition to TCA and yellow peeling, cosmetology also includes almond peeling and glycolic peeling.


After yellow peeling, the result is not long in coming; the rejuvenation effect comes immediately and lasts for a year. When fighting wrinkles and red spots after acne, yellow peeling is the most delicate.

In terms of effectiveness, yellow peeling is inferior to trichloroacetic peeling. However, TCA is not a peel and the recovery time after it is longer than after other types of exfoliation.

Important! TSA is a medical procedure rather than a cosmetic one.


Almond exfoliation is suitable for removing the upper layers of the epidermis, eliminating keratinized particles and acne.


Glycolic peeling is based on glycolic acid. This acid is suitable for all skin types and can be used from the age of 15. Glycolic peeling exfoliates the damaged layer of the epidermis and cleanses pores. The characteristics are very similar to almond peeling.


Ready-made kits for doing retinoic cleansing yourself can be purchased in salons, professional cosmetics stores, and also ordered online.

The ingredients for making a retinoic peel are available at most pharmacies and are sold without a prescription. You will need to buy:

  • application brush,
  • mixing container,
  • gloves,
  • cotton buds.

If the skin needs an easier cleansing option, it is recommended to prepare not a retinoic, but a retinol peel according to the recipe at home. To do this, you can use Carrot's Peel from the Russian company ARCADIA. The product has a gentler effect on the skin, which makes the epidermis restoration process faster.

The kit is designed for two sessions and includes Retinol, Day and Night cream, Instructions for use.

First, the active retinol composition and cream are applied, then the mask is left for 15 minutes, the residue is blotted, but not washed off.

Carrot's Peel is a professional product that is used in salons, so it is quite difficult to purchase it for home use.

The price for the retinoic complex ranges from 85 €.

Peeling Purles LABORATORIES DE BEAUTY (France) also belongs to the category of professional products, but the kit - a retinol ampoule (4%) and a mask with an anti-aging complex - allows you to perform yellow facial peeling at home.

At the first stage, Retinol is applied, then the Mask, which should be rubbed in until completely absorbed.

Wash off after 6-8 hours.

The cost of one set is about 30 €.

You can perform retinoic peeling at home using the following recipe:

  • Apply glycolic cream to cleansed skin, softening keratinized particles of the epidermis;
  • Without washing off the cream, apply retinoic ointment;
  • Leave the mask on for 45 minutes;
  • Neutralize acids with a mixture of soda and water;
  • Wash off after 6-8 hours.

After such a retinoic peeling, you must follow the same care rules as when using professional products.

Retinoic exfoliation sessions can be repeated up to 5 times with an interval of 1 month.

When can you start using creams and ointments?

After the peeling procedure, swelling, peeling, crusts are visible, the skin begins to heal.

Attention! During this period, it is allowed to use only medicinal creams and ointments with anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties, which are recommended by a cosmetologist. During the first 7 days, cells actively divide, new fibers are formed, which requires moisture and nutrients. At this stage, it is necessary to use products that help wounds heal, soothe inflammation and soften the skin.

On the 3rd day, apply a moisturizer suitable for your skin type to your face, which is tight with dehydration. After 5-7 days, moisturizing with the help of natural masks and decoctions, and the use of nourishing cream are allowed.

Important! If peeling was done in winter, use a nourishing cream more often than a moisturizer.

How yellow peeling affects the skin

Many patients love yellow peeling because immediately after the procedure, the skin acquires a color like after tanning. This is followed by two days of active peeling, then a pink, fresh complexion and completely smooth skin are left. Spots, scars, post-acne, pores become less noticeable after peeling. The synthesis of collagen and elastin is activated. Small facial wrinkles disappear, the severity of deeper age wrinkles decreases.

Indications for use of yellow facial peeling

  • Correction of fine and deep wrinkles.
  • Prevention of age-related changes.
  • Photoaging.
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Acne (possibly).
  • Post-acne.

Contraindications to the use of yellow facial peeling

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Liver failure.
  • Taking systemic retinoids (isotretinoin).
  • Exacerbation of Herpessymplex and other dermatoses.
  • Sensitive skin.
  • Tendency to hyperpigmentation.
  • Inflammatory elements at the peeling site.
  • Rosacea.
  • External use of adapalene and other retinol derivatives to avoid hyperreaction.
  • Individual intolerance to components.

TOP 13 creams and ointments for application after peeling

Mandatory care after exfoliation includes the application of moisturizing and soothing creams, the choice of which affects the speed of wound healing and the reduction of discomfort.


Cream with dexpanthenol or provitamin B5, coenzyme.

Regenerates, heals, and copes with redness and itching in a short time.

Dexpanthenol with vitamin B5

The ointment improves cell metabolism and normalizes protection from external influences.

Compacts collagen fibers and restores tissue and water balance, helps with irritation.


Bepanten ointment is used after damage with medium and deep peeling. The dexpanthenol substance penetrates the tissue, becoming pantothenic acid.

The ointment is useful for accelerating regeneration, healing microcracks and eliminating irritations. Apply a thin layer with light rubbing, first 5 times, then in the morning and evening.


Solcoseryl ointment or gel is used after chemical peeling. With blood proteins from calves.

Helps saturate cells with oxygen and produce collagen, enhancing regeneration and accelerating healing. Reduces swelling and inflammation. For post-peeling care and complications with burns.

Vegefarma Cream

Vegefarma Cream is used after laser and chemical peeling. Contains rapeseed and sunflower oil, milk proteins, chamomile and fireweed flower extracts.

Antibacterial, fights inflammation, moisturizes. Used to prevent infections. Relieves redness and irritation.

Baby cream

Regular children's cream for use after superficial and medium peeling 7-10 days after the procedure.

With plant extracts and oils, natural animal fats, beeswax, silicon dioxide, kaolin and other substances. Nourishes, moisturizes, helps protect the skin during sudden temperature changes.


The ointment contains calendula and witch hazel, echinacea and yarrow, chamomile and daisy, arnica, St. John's wort and belladonna.

Anesthetizes, relieves inflammation, irritation and discomfort. Removes swelling with redness. Corrects complications.


Methyluracil ointment is used after deep peeling or if complications arise. Protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, promotes healing by accelerating cell regeneration. Relieves inflammation.

Hydrocortisone ointment

Hydrocortisone ointment for treatment after skin trauma by medium and deep peeling. With the hormone hydrocortisone, lanolin, pentol and stearic acid.

After applying the ointment, the skin does not itch, redness and swelling disappear. Antiallergenic agent.


Protective cream Christina with zinc oxide, shea butter, rosehip and jojoba. With carnauba wax, red clay, alaria extract, vitamins A and E and bisabolol.

Regenerates cells, protects against UV rays, eliminates rashes on oily skin. For a tonal effect. Apply to problem skin of oily and dry type.

Terra mater

Terra mater cream is used after acid peeling and mechanical cleaning. Contains centela asiatica, collagen and vitamin complex.

Moisturizes, gives calm, after which redness and acne disappear, the skin heals faster. Easily spread over cleansed skin and wait 5 minutes.

Bioderma sensibio forte

Bioderma sensibio forte (Sensibio Forte) is useful after laser peeling. With vitamin A and active natural substances.

Hypoallergenic, moisturizing, relieving irritation and inflammation. Apply day and evening to sensitive skin in case of irritation.

La Roche-Posay Hydreane

Composition of moisturizing cream for dry and very dry skin “La Roche-Posay Hydreane” with hydrolipids and glycerin, black currant oil, apricot kernels, coriander and thermal water enriched with selenium. Contains karite butter and bio oils.

Soothes, nourishes and moisturizes. Restores tissue. For dry skin, apply to face and neck twice daily.

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