Restoring the lipid layer of the skin: everything you need to know about it

From this article you will learn:

  • Types of cell regeneration
  • Affects cell regeneration
  • Stimulating cell regeneration: the most effective ways
  • Medicines to stimulate cell regeneration

Stimulating cell regeneration is the key to long youth. During the functioning of the human body, various life-supporting processes occur unnoticed by the person himself. Division, self-renewal and replacement of aged cells with new ones are among the most important. It is cell regeneration that promotes growth, maturation, healing of wounds on the body, and the very existence of a person. As soon as the regeneration processes slow down, physiological old age gradually sets in. If regeneration stops completely for any reason, this will lead to inevitable death.

To achieve longevity, it is important to pay special attention to the regeneration of the body and be able to take care of yourself.

What is facial skin regeneration (restoration)?

Regeneration is the process of skin restoration. It has its own certain cyclical nature. First, epidermal cells divide and grow, gradually rising into the upper layers of the skin. On the outside, they die and peel off, making way for new cells.

With age, this cyclicity slows down and regeneration takes more and more time every year:

  • Up to 25 years is approximately 28 days;
  • From 25 to 35 years old - 29;
  • At 35-45 years old - 31 days;
  • Between 45-55 years - 32 days;
  • After 60 years - 2-3 months.

Due to slow regeneration, the skin loses its tone and becomes more susceptible to external irritants (UV radiation, stress, environment, mechanical damage, etc.)

But not only because of age-related changes, the skin loses its ability to recover. Other reasons:

  1. Decreased immunity;
  2. Stress,
  3. Excessive exhausting physical activity or its complete absence (physical inactivity);
  4. Poor nutrition;
  5. Hormonal changes in the body;
  6. Living in a big city with a high degree of pollution.

How to improve the condition of your facial skin

To keep your facial skin looking young, you need to take care of it. Otherwise, the epidermis becomes thinner and the stratum corneum thicker. Because of this, barrier functions are also disrupted. As a result, dryness becomes more and more, peeling and wrinkles appear.

To prevent this or at least minimize it, special care is needed. Cosmetics (creams, scrubs, serums, etc.) will help here, but primarily exercises and self-massage. In advanced courses from Melannette you can get rid of wrinkles, restore skin tone and healthy color.

Features of facial skin regeneration

The dermis is renewed every day. The total weight of renewed human cells over a lifetime is about 18 kg.

The skin is divided into layers. And if the stratum corneum is renewed in about 2-3 weeks (at a young age), then the deeper layers sometimes require more than a month.

When any damage or inflammation appears on the face (or any other part of the body), this process slows down. It is important to remember that the deeper the damage, the higher the chance of scars, scars and age spots.

Doctor's consultation: when is it necessary?

It is recommended to see a doctor, even if the wound does not seem serious. In addition, there are a number of cases when you cannot do without the help of a specialist. Such cases include:

  • continued bleeding from the wound - it may be necessary to stop it by ligating the vessel, applying a suture, or using a hemostatic sponge;
  • foreign bodies remaining in the wound, contamination;
  • wounds caused by heavily contaminated, rusty, painted, grease-coated objects;
  • wounds with signs of inflammation;
  • wounds caused by animals;
  • suspicion of a fracture, dislocation, ligament rupture.

In addition, it is not recommended to try to use certain medications on your own. The doctor prescribes an ointment for wound epithelization.

How to speed up skin regeneration

To speed up the healing of various defects, you need to remember several important points:

  1. Proper nutrition - your diet should contain as many vegetables, fruits and herbs as possible, rich in vitamins A, C, E, PP;
  2. Rest - it is during sleep that our body is able to fully recover. By the way, it is precisely because of this that you should not skip the cleansing stage in the morning. The face is completely covered with dead particles, which can cause inflammation if not removed;
  3. The elimination of bad habits - a person who smokes or often drinks alcoholic beverages is immediately visible. And not only does it spoil your appearance. It also slows down the regeneration processes.

You can also use special products that help natural processes go faster. Such methods are divided into 2 categories:

  1. folk,
  2. medicinal.

Popular folk remedies:

  • Bodyagi root - fights bruises well and resolves small scars. Usually the powder is used by mixing it with water and oil;
  • Calendula - its flowers have a strong anti-inflammatory effect and also stimulate drying of wounds. Make a tincture, moisten cotton pads with it and wipe the damaged area;
  • Aloe - rids wounds of germs. Can be used pure or added to your daily skincare products;
  • Sea buckthorn oil - nourishes and stimulates the dermis;
  • Jojoba oil - softens, stimulates epithelization, and also lightens age spots.

All these products can be purchased at any pharmacy. They don't cost much, but they help a lot. Also look for them in the cosmetics you use.

Medicinal methods include all medications, ointments and gels that are prescribed by a doctor in case of any damage.

Home first aid kit

However, if we are talking about a universal remedy, which is better to have in a home medicine cabinet and which is suitable for all family members, then preference should be given to dexpanthenol preparations, which are approved for use in children from the first days of life, in pregnant women and women during lactation. Since at each stage of the wound process different forms of release of this drug are recommended, it would be optimal to have an ointment and a cream or gel combined with an antiseptic in the first aid kit.


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Types of cell regeneration

There are 2 types of regeneration:

  1. Physiological - restoration of organs, cells and tissues after they are damaged during the life of the body. This is, for example, renewal of the epidermis, cornea, etc.
  2. Reparative - restoration of a body part or organ after injury and other damaging factors.

Stimulating regeneration not only allows you to maintain youth much longer. Cell renewal and division are responsible for growth and wound healing. If this process stops, the person will simply die.

The human body is capable of starting regeneration in a normal “every day” mode and in an emergency mode when some kind of emergency occurs. Every day, the skin changes, hair and nails grow, and in emergency cases, cuts and inflammations heal, and bones grow together.

At the first aid stage

The process of its healing in the future largely depends on how effectively and competently first aid is provided when receiving a wound. Therefore, as first aid you need:

  • stop the bleeding,
  • wash the wound, clean it of dirt and foreign bodies.

To stop bleeding, a tourniquet is used (when applied, be sure to indicate the time when it was applied) or a pressure bandage. It is advisable to wash the wound with an antiseptic solution, hydrogen peroxide (which, by the way, helps stop bleeding) or, in extreme cases, with clean water. It is important to remove any foreign particles from the wound surface - each of them can subsequently become a source of purulent inflammation and, as a consequence, complications of wound healing. Large debris, slivers, and fragments are removed using tweezers.

Is it worth using drugs to accelerate facial skin regeneration?

Regeneration is a natural, ongoing process. And most often the body does not really need additional help.

But you can massage with a dry brush to quickly get rid of dead skin cells. For this you will need a special brush. It will not only rid the surface of the face of dead particles, but will also clean dirt from the pores, speed up metabolic processes, the movement of blood and lymph, and also improve the flow of nutrients into cells. As a result, you will look younger and healthier.

Massage with vacuum cups also helps speed up regeneration. Make it with plant-based squalane serum for best results. Miracle jars will help you forget about swelling, improve skin tone and get rid of wrinkles. They can also be used to get rid of scars, stretch marks and scars.

A gua sha massager is another wonderful tool for renewing the skin. “Gua sha” in Chinese means “scrape off all the bad things.” First of all, this concerns dead cells. In addition, such a massage accelerates metabolic processes in the body.

And in case of injury, you will need special restorative agents. For example, ointment with arnica and a fresh cut of potato will help against bruises, and after-sun cream will help against sunburn.

Of course, the body can cope with many injuries on its own, but if there is an opportunity to help it, use it. This will prevent the appearance of scars and age spots.

With age, regeneration processes slow down, so the use of auxiliary products becomes a necessity. At the “Flourish” marathon, you will learn about the best techniques for self-massage and body cleansing, as well as Annette’s most secret techniques in the fight for youth and beauty.

TOP 3 creams for restoring the lipid layer

  1. A nnemarie Borlind is a fluid with ceramides.

This cream has a light texture and is suitable for all skin types. You can use it as a serum. It has practically no calming properties; the main emphasis is on strengthening and restoration.

Approximate cost: from 3500 rub.

  1. D ado Sens – soothing emergency cream.

The composition contains soothing and healing components such as allantoin, panthenol, licorice extract, magnesium, bisabolol, black currant oil, ceramides-3, ceramides-6, yeast extract for problem skin.

Cost: from 1000 rub.

  1. D ado Sens is an anti-aging fluid cream with ectoine.

This fluid with ectoine is an excellent replacement for the AnneMarie Borlind fluid. They are identical in smell and texture, although this manufacturer does not use fragrances at all. As a result, the fluid can also be used for sensitive skin.

Cream with ectoine is aimed at restoring the lipid skin barrier and has anti-aging properties.

Components: ectoine, ceramides, isoflavones, silicon.

Ectoin strengthens the skin and protects it from the harmful effects of the external environment, and prepares it for frosty air. Isoflavones from iris and clover increase elasticity. Silicon strengthens connective tissue. Ceramides help in restoring dehydrated, irritated skin.

Cost: from 1200 rub.

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