Deep atraumatic back cleansing: a luxury or a necessary procedure

From this article you will learn:
  • What is atraumatic cleaning
  • Who is recommended for deep atraumatic back cleansing?
  • What are the stages of the deep atraumatic cleaning procedure?
  • Who is contraindicated for deep atraumatic back cleansing?
  • What is the result of deep atraumatic cleaning

Very often we don't pay attention to the health of our back skin until problems arise. But summer comes, and you want to bare your shoulders (or a dress with an open back requires it), then you have to blush because of your negligence in relation to the skin of your back. Try to understand that only the skin of your face requires care. Deep atraumatic back cleansing is a new care procedure. Let's take a closer look at it.

What is deep atraumatic back cleansing?

The term “atraumatic” reveals the meaning of this cosmetic method. The surface of the skin is cleaned carefully, without injury. At the same time, the procedure is considered deep and is carried out in a salon using professional products.

When talking about cleaning, we mean peeling using chemicals or using ultrasound. In the process of cleaning the back, the specialist uses a certain set of acids. They are not concentrated enough to leave a burn (this is used in medium peeling), but they are quite suitable for removing dead cells, sebaceous plugs in pores, and sebum.

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What to do next?

Unlike most other peels, which act more aggressively on the skin, for example, chemical peels, redness and swelling will last on the skin for a couple of hours - a maximum of a day, then everything will return to normal. However, this does not mean that the procedure can be immediately forgotten:

  • It is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics for at least a day (ideally three).
  • It is not advisable to use alcohol-containing skin care products for several days.
  • At first, you should refrain from visiting the sauna and bathhouse.
  • When going outside, especially if peeling was carried out in the summer, it is necessary to apply a cream with a high level of protection to the skin.

If precautions are not taken after cleansing, excessive peeling and spot inflammation may appear on the skin, so in no case should you ignore your doctor’s advice, even if it seems unnecessary to you.

Who is recommended for deep atraumatic back cleansing?

It is believed that cleansing should occur independently, i.e. without outside help. The sebaceous glands secrete enough secretion onto the surface of the skin to keep it smooth and soft, and its protective function to work.

Due to the deplorable state of the environment, the influence of ultraviolet radiation, hormone dysfunction and improper care, the condition of the sebaceous glands becomes worse. There is an excess of fat on the skin. If dead cells are not exfoliated in time, they accumulate in the ducts of the sebaceous glands. When exposed to air, fat oxidizes, which causes comedones - the so-called “black spots” - to appear. The source of inflammation is called acne (or scientifically, acne), and such skin is considered problematic.

Cleaning is prescribed for the following cosmetic defects:

  • Excessive sebum secretion;
  • Increased dryness;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Blackheads, pimples;
  • The appearance of acne;
  • Formation of age spots;
  • Photoaging;
  • First age wrinkles;
  • Aging skin;
  • Gray or uneven skin color;
  • Uneven skin surface.

Acid solutions have a beneficial effect on skin of any age. In addition, atraumatic back cleansing normalizes the synthesis of your own collagen and elastin fibers, which means that the process of rejuvenation is underway.

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Indications for cleansing the skin in this way

Detailing the information related to carbon peeling, it can be noted that it is effective in the following cases:

  • Signs of aging become obvious on the skin: deep wrinkles, sagging, decreased tone.
  • The presence of comedones, acne, post-acne is noted - but not in the acute stage.
  • Seborrhea.
  • The skin becomes uneven and loses elasticity.
  • Pigment spots appear - for example, as a result of excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin or as a consequence of age-related changes.

Carbon peeling is suitable for any skin type, but it is especially effective for eliminating problems that arise with oily skin: enlarged pores, excessive shine, and excessive secretion of skin secretions. It fights well against acne and its consequences. The reason is simple: the laser beam has a warming effect on the layers of the epidermis, and bacteria, which often become the source of acne, die.

Age restrictions: from 18 to 60 years. In adolescence, the skin is still young enough to undergo such procedures. After 60 years, it is recommended to consult with your doctor in advance, since laser carbon peeling is a hardware procedure.

Contraindications to deep atraumatic back cleansing

Although cleaning is safe and low-traumatic, it happens that its implementation may be unacceptable. First of all, this concerns individual intolerance to drugs contained in the acids used.

In addition, there are some other contraindications:

  • Skin diseases, including eczema, herpes, psoriasis;
  • Pustular skin lesions caused by an increase in the number of staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria;
  • Damage to the epidermis (burns, cuts, abrasions);
  • Keloid scars;
  • Large or unusual moles;
  • Oncological diseases.

When these phenomena are not observed, nothing will interfere with the back cleaning procedure.

Skin of any age (no matter what quality) needs care, which will result in a disinfecting, restorative, rejuvenating and nourishing effect.

Maximum results can be achieved if the skin is not damaged and there is no risk to blood vessels. The effect lasts for a long time and does not require a tedious recovery period.

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What else is good about laser carbon peeling?

In addition to its high efficiency, painlessness, and quick recovery, the advantage of this type of skin cleansing is that it can be performed at any time without reference to the season, as is the case with all other peels, the ideal time for which is the period from mid-October to mid-April .

So, if there is a need to urgently take care of your appearance at another time of the year, it is better to give preference to non-invasive laser carbon peeling.

In addition, carbon peeling has virtually no side effects. It can also be combined with some other cosmetic procedures: applying a peptide mask to the skin, superficial chemical peeling, mechanical cleansing. This is due to the fact that under the influence of carbon, the pores open well and the skin is more receptive to any other means and manipulations.

What are the benefits of deep atraumatic back cleansing?

  • No mechanical injuries that occur during banal home cleaning with your hands, when you have to press, stretch and even slightly tear the fabric;
  • Carrying out a procedure that is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive, dry, inflamed, aging skin;
  • Minimum contraindications (cleaning can be carried out even with progressive rosacea);
  • Ridding the epidermis of comedones, pustules (pimples or blackheads), relieving inflammatory processes in certain areas;
  • No traces after the procedure (redness disappears in a matter of hours);
  • Instant transformation of the skin after cleansing, that is, you don’t have to wait until the skin becomes perfect.

Interestingly, a small concentration of acids makes the procedure painless and does not cause inconvenience. With atraumatic back cleansing, you can only feel a slight tingling sensation if the skin is hypersensitive. Please note that cleaning with acids does not risk spreading infection to the skin. At least, the anti-inflammatory result of cleaning is great, as evidenced by the rapid disappearance of redness.

It is of great importance that the procedure can be performed even in spring and summer. If you have the necessary preparations and knowledge, cleaning can be done at home. Treatment of a certain area of ​​the skin with products is also practiced.

Where to begin?

If you want to do laser carbon peeling, the first thing you need to do is visit a doctor for a consultation. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to take a course, which usually includes up to 4-5 procedures every one to two weeks, although one-time peeling is also possible, for example, before an important event.

The doctor will tell you about this in more detail after examining the skin, identifying the range of existing problems and hearing from you what result you want to achieve. It should be noted right away that the procedure is not cheap, but the result, if, of course, you complete the entire course, is worth it.

Also, at the first visit, it is necessary to inform the doctor about existing health problems, since the procedure has a number of contraindications. A sensitivity test to the nanogel will also be required to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction during the cleaning itself.

If the decision to undergo laser carbon peeling is positive, before the procedure it is necessary to abandon any other facial cleansing and the use of products with abrasives.

How to perform deep atraumatic back cleansing using chemical peeling

Cleaning is carried out in several stages.

  1. Standard treatment with a cleansing agent based on skin type. Thanks to the product, fat is dissolved, a layer of cosmetics and dust is erased.
  2. Peeling using a chemical solution based on fruit acid. The clean skin of the back is covered with a mask that protects the skin from external pollution. It opens the pores and partially dissolves dead skin cells of the epidermis. This cleaning is quite feasible at home using low concentration acids. If you want to get the effect of rejuvenating and healing your skin, you should use the mask no more than once a week. To remove inflammation, you can apply it every day.
  3. Peeling using high concentration acids. Typically, glycolic acid is combined with sour juice or extract of a certain fruit or berry (lemon, apple, grapes, raspberries, oranges), enzymes of papaya, figs. While applying the mask, the specialist gently massages the skin, helping the acid penetrate deeper into the skin. Increasing the concentration enhances the effect of the procedure: pores open more, the skin warms up, and blackheads can be easily removed.
  4. Next, the peeling procedure with enzymes is carried out. It contains whey protein. The goal of this stage is to completely open the pores and make the skin of the back as moist as possible.
  5. After completing the peeling procedure, the cosmetologist moisturizes the skin. To do this, cover it with napkins soaked in a moisturizer. Ten minutes is enough - and the napkins are removed, and the skin is treated with antibacterial lotion.
  6. The procedure for deep atraumatic back cleansing ends with the application of a special mask with a calming effect to the skin. It contains ingredients that will help remove inflammation and close enlarged pores.

The compositions begin to work immediately after application and within a couple of days after the procedure. During this time, sebaceous plugs dissolve, pores become cleaner, the skin brightens and looks younger.

Carbon + laser = effective skin cleansing and rejuvenation

This formula really works. What is its essence?

Many people already know about the laser device and its wonderful effect on different layers of the epidermis. If you add an absorbent nanogel based on carbon dioxide - this is carbon - to the laser beam, you will get a wonderful way to get rid of horny skin cells, comedones, skin secretions and stimulate the production of your own collagen and elastin in the epidermis. This, in principle, is the ultimate goal of any skin cleansing.

Deep atraumatic back cleansing using ultrasonic peeling

The procedure for cleansing the back using ultrasound is divided into several stages. At the first stage, the cosmetologist cleanses the skin with lotion or milk intended for this procedure. Then, using vaporization (steaming), it opens the ducts of the sebaceous glands so that cleaning is more effective.

An excellent result is achieved by ultrasonic cleaning, but a specialist may recommend using a combined back cleaning that includes several types of effects. Combined cleaning combines a hardware method (vacuum or ultrasonic) and mechanical cleaning of the back skin.

The products used for back cleaning have disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties. Each stage corresponds to certain preparations: preparatory, cleansing, final. In addition, the drugs are actively active for two more days after cleansing, during which the result of the procedure becomes evident: all the “plugs” disappear, inflammation goes away, the oily sheen is replaced by a healthy matte finish.

Cleaning time takes approximately 120 minutes.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • Cleansing the skin;
  • Toning;
  • Use of enzymatic peeling (as prescribed);
  • Skin preparation (application of hydrating gel);
  • Ultrasonic peeling procedure using a special device;
  • Applying a mask (if necessary) and unobtrusive massage;
  • Application of nourishing serum and finishing cream.

At the last stage of cleaning, special masks, lotions, and creams are used that have a protective effect. They close enlarged pores, promote skin restoration and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

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Why do acne appear on the back?

There are several reasons: disruption of normal ventilation (this happens if you often wear clothes made of synthetic, poorly breathable fabrics), improper hygiene (frequent or infrequent washing), visiting a solarium (it dries out the skin), excessive production of sebum due to hormonal and other disorders.

The health of the skin is also affected by poor nutrition (excessive love of sweets, spicy and fatty foods), allergies (for example, to washing powder or certain types of products), and seasonal decreased immunity.

Depending on the factor that provoked the appearance, acne on the body can be of different types: blackheads - comedones (usually observed with increased fat content and enlarged pores), red convex acne - signal inflammation of the comedonal cavity, ulcers (this is the third stage, purulent rashes appear if ordinary comedones are not treated).

Who should not undergo carbon peeling?

Since carbon skin cleansing is a hardware procedure, contraindications to its implementation always remain. These include:

  • Skin damage in the treatment area, exacerbation of herpes.
  • Exacerbation of a chronic disease (preliminary consultation with your doctor is required).
  • A diagnosed malignant tumor, regardless of its location.
  • Pathologies of blood vessels and heart, low blood clotting, diabetes mellitus.
  • The proximity of blood vessels to the surface of the skin.
  • Acute infectious condition (for example, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections).

Carbon peeling is not recommended for women expecting and breastfeeding.

Thus, non-invasive laser carbon peeling is a great way to transform yourself quickly and without much hassle (this can be done, for example, on a weekend). Moreover, the effect will be noticeable after the first procedure, and the lasting result after a course of peelings lasts up to 3 months. For all this to become a reality, it is necessary to choose a qualified specialist who has good skills in working with a laser, and therefore will do everything competently and without violating the methodology.

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