Ideal facial proportions, or the principle of the “golden ratio”

The secret of perfect beauty lies in certain proportions of facial features. How close is your face to ideal? Let's try to find out!

The ideal face - what is it like? In fact, this is not a matter of taste, but of mathematical calculation. The secret of perfect beauty lies in certain proportions of facial features. How close are you to the ideal of beauty? Let's try to find out!

American scientist Dr. Stephen Marquardt, who has spent 30 years studying the differences between beautiful (generally beautiful - models, actresses) and average female faces, knows a lot about the patterns of an ideal face.

We perceive a woman’s face as ideal and beautiful if all its features are located at a certain distance from each other, that is, they are subject to the rule of the “golden ratio”, which was developed by the thinkers of ancient Greece.

In numerical terms, it can be written as a ratio of numbers 1:1.618. This means, for example, that the ideal mouth should be 1.618 times wider than the nose, and each of the front first incisors should be 1.618 times wider than the adjacent (second) incisor, and so on.

Ideal face mask scheme

Markworth combined the ideally proportional features into a specific mask scheme.

With its help you can determine how close to perfection a face is. Of course, the mask changes depending on the race, we are considering the European type of face.

Marilyn Monroe

Stefan Markworth identifies five types of faces: beautiful, attractive, average, unattractive and repulsive. The photo shows the first three.

He also invented the smile mask to determine the perfect smile.

Experiment - face before and after

Dr. Markworth, with the help of his mask program, was able to significantly bring women’s faces closer to the ideal.


“I think I look good, although if I could change something, I would probably change my eyebrows... Because they are one higher than the other and because of this my face looks comical.”

Stefan's take: “She has beautiful eyes - they fit perfectly into the mask, but she's absolutely right about the eyebrows. I had to adjust one of them to fit the mask. In addition, I softened the outline of the lower jaw and narrowed the nose a little.”

Black eyes, passionate eyes

Chris Solomon found that the most beautiful eyes are not green or blue, but brown. Why? Because it is the most common iris color. But we remember: a person loves “average appearance.”

The ideal shape is almond-shaped. By the way, it is considered the most symmetrical. L'Oréal specialists claim that owners of such eyes do not need to correct the shape of their eyelids with makeup; they do not need it. Simply highlighting your natural almond shape is enough.

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The width of ideal eyes is 0.23 units, the distance from the center of the pupils to the outer and inner corners of the eyelid is 0.48.

People's opinions:

“The new lips don’t suit her. But the face overall looks prettier, I think.”

“She began to look better and somehow... younger. Yes! Younger than his years."

“These are two completely different faces! In the first photo, everything is proportional, but the lower part of the face doesn’t look very good - is there a double chin there?”


“Probably my eyes are my best feature. I don't like my nose - it's very wide. If I decided to have plastic surgery, it would be exactly this that I would change.”

Stefan's opinion: “She has beautiful cheeks, but I had to correct the lower jaw: I made it smaller. I widened my close-set eyes so that they fit more accurately into the boundaries of the mask. The tip of the nose had to be narrowed a little, and the upper lip had to be made fuller.”

How long will it take to wait for positive changes?

We are confident that the opportunity to discuss with a doctor all the nuances and parameters of your future smile, as well as to see it in a special computer program or on a mobile phone device at the stage of treatment planning, will start the process of positive changes in your life right away.

The first result will be visible immediately after fixing the orthopedic structure that you agreed with the orthopedist, even if it is temporary or adaptive and will be installed for only a few months. First of all, disharmony will go away, and the proportions of the face will become more correct. After 5-7 days, the soft tissues adapt to the new teeth. But the transformation process will not end there, especially for those patients who did not have many teeth before treatment.

Anatoly Ivanovich, 74 years old

“I went to many clinics, but I stayed here. The operation was carried out under anesthesia, I did not feel anything and everything went smoothly and painlessly. And the wonderful thing is that now I can smile beautifully, I have changed - and all my loved ones noticed it! Thanks to all the doctors who created my new smile!”

  • complete restoration of bite
  • the opportunity is available immediately and everything is almost without restrictions
  • beautiful smile and self-confidence

watch a video with the patient

Patients with complete edentia need to understand that tooth loss has occurred over the years, and all body systems have had time to adapt to these changes. After prosthetics, it will take about a year for all changes in the dentofacial system to produce the desired intended effect - this is why wearing an adaptive prosthesis is so important when implanting with immediate loading.

“Changes in the bite and occlusal surface change chewing habits, entail a restructuring of the muscle frame, and the joint needs time to get used to the new position. Activation of the chewing load in atrophied areas - areas of missing teeth - will gradually restore the tone of the facial muscles, as a result - facial features will change and improve, new proportions will be formed.”

Chorny Stanislav Vladimirovich, orthopedic dentist, work experience over 20 years

We create smiles by working with our souls! Your new teeth will not only be beautiful, but also as comfortable as possible. Free consultation and 3D diagnostics!

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People's opinions:

“She suits her new oval face and almond-shaped eyes. I like the second option, it’s very attractive.”

“Yes, of course, she has become better than she was!”

“In the first photo there is a living woman, and in the second she looks like a doll.”


“They always told me that I have large and expressive eyes - that’s why they suit me. But I would add volume to my lips. And you know, I was once seriously worried about my nose; it seemed to me that it was very big.”

Stefan's Take: “She looks adorable, but I did change a few things. I made my lips plumper and raised their corners - in my opinion, it turned out more attractive. I corrected the shape of the chin and made the cheekbones a little wider - as a result, the contour of the face became more defined.”

Modern technologies

Modern plastic surgeons are unlikely to compare a person’s face and an ideal mask by eye. There is no place for approximation in this industry, but literally jeweler precision is needed. Fortunately, a famous plastic surgeon has created a computer program that allows you to model the ideal face using the golden ratio.

All you need to do is upload a photo of your face. It must be done according to certain rules (the head must be kept straight, looking at the hands extended forward). Next comes the processing procedure, which consists of applying an ideal mask to the image that determines the golden ratio of the face. The program outputs a corrected photograph, from which the surgeon can determine the scope of work. Well, the client will be able to evaluate the expected result of the operation and finally dispel all doubts about its necessity.

Worth o does not always mean “good”. Sometimes an improved face loses its zest. This is why many clients refuse surgery after evaluating the results that the program produces.

People's opinions:

“I am more interested in the first option. The second face, although it looks better, does not look like Carrie at all. Just a different person."

“The girl began to look older, which is not very good, and her eyes became less expressive. The first photo is better."

“Really, the second option is better. The cheekbones are more graceful, and the face has become more friendly, because the corners of the lips have been raised.”


“I really wish my eyes were bigger. The longer I look at them in the mirror, the more convinced I am that they really are different sizes.”

Stefan's opinion: This is an attractive woman, she has a good face shape that almost completely matches the mask. Still, I softened the contour of the lower jaw to make the oval of the face more streamlined. There were a few other small changes: I slightly enlarged my upper lip and eyes and narrowed my nose a little.”

As for men?

The concept of perfect proportions of a male face is somewhat different from the female ideal. Here are the qualities of an ideal male face that physiognomists deduced from surveys of thousands of people:

  1. Larger space between the eyes.
  2. A small narrow nose with a straight bridge. The length of the correct nose is 5.8 cm.
  3. High cheekbones.
  4. Narrow face.
  5. The width of the forehead is equal to half its height.
  6. Straight eyebrows.
  7. The segment from the eyebrow to the hairline is 6 cm.
  8. Thick hair.
  9. The location of the ears corresponds to a third of the oval of the face.
  10. Slightly swollen lips.
  11. Perfectly symmetrical face.

People's opinions:

“Wow, how great they remade it! Everything has improved!”

“The eyes have become bigger, and the lips are now just super. In general, I like her more than all the girls - she has become a downright sultry beauty.”

“Although in the second photo the girl looks friendlier, I have a feeling that something wasn’t done to her: the oval of her face could probably be improved further.”


“I am very relaxed about my appearance. For example, I have no illusions about my eyes. They are too small to be considered beautiful, and I am sure that beautiful eyes are the main sign of a beautiful face.”

Stefan's take: “One side of the face was wider than the other, so I evened them out. The lower lip was reduced, and the nose was made smoother and a little longer.”

History of the term

The term “ideal facial proportions” was not established in art, science, or medicine in exactly this form. However, even in antiquity, there were mathematically verified relationships that were considered ideal.

The first scientist who mentioned this was the famous philosopher and mathematician of Ancient Greece - Euclid. He has a theory according to which, when dividing a segment into unequal parts, its larger part is related to the smaller one exactly to the extent that the entire segment is larger than its larger part.

Euclid used this relationship to draw a regular pentagon. According to other sources, the “golden” ratio (“golden section”) was calculated by Pythagoras using the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians.

He believed that everything in the world is built on the law of harmony and beauty, which is embodied in living and inanimate nature. This unit of harmony is a proportional ratio of 1:1.618.

The rule of the “golden ratio” was actively used by artists and sculptors of the Renaissance. For the art of this period, as for Antiquity, the main idea was the harmony of the universe.

Religious philosophers of the 14th-16th centuries took up this idea with interest, interpreting it according to Christian views.

God used mathematical principles to create the Universe. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​creating a harmonious world, where everything is orderly and perfect, is expressed in the works of the Renaissance humanists - Leonardo da Vinci, Alberti, Raphael and others.

The ratio 1:1.618 has been used since time immemorial, but the term “golden ratio” appeared only in the 19th century, thanks to the German mathematician Martin Ohm.

In the 20th century, plastic surgeon Stephen Marquardt, while correcting facial defects, tried to figure out what exactly makes a face attractive. His searches led to the theory of the “golden ratio”.

The doctor suggested that the nose has the shape of a triangle, the base of which is 1.618 times less than its length. A pentagon can be obtained from a triangle. Thus, he created a “beauty mask” with ideal proportions, which consists of these two figures, located taking into account a known ratio.

The closer the mask was to the proportions of a particular person, the more beautiful his face seemed. The discovery of a plastic surgeon played a decisive role in the further development of the beauty industry.

People's opinions:

“The upper part of the face did not need to be changed, it seems to me. But the lips and cheekbones were corrected well.”

“In my opinion, after the changes the girl became masculine. She is much prettier in the before photo.”

“There was no need to change the lips. And the eyes became more expressive after the changes.”

After the treatment, all five girls became very similar: correct eyes, correct eyebrows, correct noses. If girls in life were so correct, we would all die of boredom, honestly!

Golden ratio in nature

The rules of the golden ratio of the face did not arise out of nowhere. Studying nature in detail, scientists have come to the conclusion that many of its creations obey this law. Even the Holy Scriptures say that everything in nature obeys a certain law. Scientists just have to find confirmation. Animal horns and their tusks are structured like a shell, but if we talk about humans, the ear can be considered the most striking example (it’s not for nothing that it’s called the pinna). Through centuries of research, it was possible to establish that the golden ratio can be seen in sunflower seeds, pine cones, cacti, and flower petals. They clearly show a spiral shape and the Fibonacci series. And the most striking example, perhaps, is the sea shell. This is a perfect geometric shape, considered the standard of the golden ratio.

Perfect beauties

Elizabeth Hurley, Jennifer Lopez, Charlize Theron, Beyoncé, Jessica Simpson, Oksana Fedorova, Reese Witherspoon, Monica Bellucci, Carmen Electra, Ekaterina Strizhenova, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Zhanna Friske...

Celine Dion, Scarlett Johansson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Vera Brezhneva, Alina Kabaeva, Natalia Vodianova, Adriana Lima, Megan Fox, Uma Thurman, Anne Hathaway, Chloe Sauvignier, Kim Kardashian...

You too can check your face to see if it matches the ideal. You will need:

  • Camera
  • A friend who will take a photo
  • Mask drawing (print and cut it out)
  • Tracing paper to copy the mask
  • Scanner and computer
  • Ruler

You need to take a photo from a certain angle. For this:

- look straight into the lens; raise your palms strictly horizontal to the floor

- so that the base of the index finger touches the opening of the auricle;

- tilt your chin until the photographer gives you a sign: the tips of your index fingers should be in line with the lower border of the iris;

- now relax your face and close your teeth so that they lightly touch each other (don’t squeeze!), your lips shouldn’t be tightly compressed either;

- Without moving your head, lower your hands. You're ready to take photos. The print must be at least 13x18 cm.

In your photo, draw a straight line connecting the pupils, and another one connecting the corners of the lips.

Draw a straight line from the line.

Do the same on your copy of the mask.

Enlarge (or reduce) your copy of the mask (a scanner or copier will be useful for this) to a size at which the vertical line in your photo will coincide with the same line on the mask.

Redraw the mask of the required size onto tracing paper, combine the images and compare carefully.

How to make your nose more beautiful and change the proportions of your face?

We all differ in our own characteristics in appearance. Each has its pros and cons. By nature, a person strives to emphasize the advantages of appearance. To visually correct an imperfect face, you can use several methods:

  • hairstyle – if you choose the right haircut, abandon bangs or add them, you can visually change the perception of your face shape. Chubby girls need to comb their hair behind their ears to extend their jawline. Protruding ears will be covered with a curly, fluffy hairstyle. Girls with deep-set eyes will benefit from bangs that slightly cover their eyebrows;
  • makeup – women have mastered this art since ancient times. Pencils, powder, lipstick, blush, eye shadow and mascara - all this helps correct imperfections in appearance. Beautiful makeup can correct the proportions of the face. A wide face can be narrowed a little using a foundation that is a shade darker. Blush on the cheekbones will give your face a triangular shape. To visually reduce the chin, you need to apply a dark tone to its protruding part.
  • fillers - beauty injections that model the oval of the face. These injections tighten the skin, corners of the lips, eyebrows and even hide the nasal hump.
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