How to properly steam your facial skin before applying a cleansing mask

The process of cleansing the skin seems very simple: wash your face and that’s it. However, few people know that washing before using a mask is not enough. Procedures for rejuvenation, moisturizing, restoring and toning facial skin will not work 100% without following certain rules concerning not only the correct mixing of components, applying the mixture, but also cleansing the face. Take preparing your skin as seriously as preparing the mask itself (read about the correct method of using a mask here -).

What you will learn:

  • The importance of proper skin preparation
  • Skin preparation methods, tips Steam bath
  • Compresses Dry
  • Wet
  • Cleansing
      1 Option
  • Option 2
  • Option 3
  • Video: cosmetologist on skin cleansing
  • Caution in use
  • How to steam your skin

    • fill a small metal or ceramic container with boiling water;
    • then you can add a couple of drops of essential oil;
    • wait until the steam cools down a bit;
    • lower your face above the steam at a distance of at least 20 cm and cover with a towel;
    • sit with your eyes closed over the steam for several minutes.

    Important! The duration of steaming should not be more than 10 minutes, and if the skin is dry, then 5 minutes is enough.

    Skin preparation methods, tips

    Experts in the field of cosmetology identify several methods for cleansing the skin before a mask.

    Steam bath

    One of the most effective methods of preparing the skin is the use of steam baths before the mask. It's easy to prepare. It is necessary to boil water and pour it into a deep bowl.

    To keep the water from cooling longer, take a plastic basin. Now we bend over the vessel and cover ourselves with a bath towel. You can use a sheet or thick blanket. The water will gradually cool down, so keep the kettle next to you to add hot liquid.

    Of course, steam baths are also good with ordinary water , but if you take the trouble to brew different herbs, the effect will be amazing. As a rule, linden, medicinal chamomile, and mint are brewed. Rosemary leaves (mallow, rose hips) and lavender work well. If it is possible to collect the material for the steam bath yourself, then make preparations for the winter period. Products for such procedures can be purchased at a green pharmacy.


    Another important procedure that will help prepare your face for applying a mask is a compress. It can be used on any skin type immediately before main cleansing. Compresses are divided into two main types: dry and wet.


    This type of compress is a regular bandage . This can be a medical bandage folded in layers or a thin layer of cotton wool. A dry compress can be used after a steam bath to calm the skin. This is how we protect it from irritation and various external factors. Keep the dry compress for no more than five minutes.


    A wet compress is used instead of a steam bath. It is also very effective.

    For aging pale skin, it is better to use a contrast compress. You need to alternate two fabrics: wet one in hot water and the other in cold water. Of course, water alone is not enough for dull skin. It is necessary to infuse chamomile, mint, linden blossom or birch leaves. We alternate the fabric at least 5 times.

    Using hot applications and warming masks for steaming

    To carry out steaming using hot applications, you need: herbal decoction or boiling water, a towel or napkin made of natural fabric. You need to moisten the cloth in the liquid, wring it out and place it on your face. You need to lie with the cloth on your face for about half an hour until it partially cools down.

    Important! The napkin or towel should not be too hot, as this can cause a burn.

    For steaming, you can use special warming masks, which you can buy at the pharmacy, or make your own according to the following recipe: Mix a tablespoon of honey, vegetable or olive oil and egg yolk. Next, heat the mixture in a water bath and spread a thin layer on your face, excluding the area around the eyes and lips. You need to sit with the mask for about 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

    The importance of proper skin preparation

    Proper preparation will contribute to better skin perception of the beneficial substances of the mask.

    Procedural step-by-step implementation will help achieve the following results:

    1. Compresses/steam baths will warm the skin, soften it, and prepare it for stress-free cleansing.
    2. Blood flow increases. Pores open , blood vessels dilate.
    3. Compresses/steam baths are good for relaxing muscles.
    4. Cleansing helps remove acne and blackheads, and is generally effective in caring for problem skin.
    5. The skin is toned and is ready to absorb all the benefits contained in the mask.


    A face mask is an effective product for high-quality facial skin care; with its help, you can quickly restore the tone, elasticity and healthy glow of the skin.

    But do not forget about some rules, neglecting which all efforts may simply not give the desired effect and even cause harm in the form of allergic reactions.

    Traditional medicine is especially rich in recipes for effective and healthy masks for the face and body. Proper use of natural products is the key to long youth and healthy skin.

    So, let's look at how to properly apply a face mask prepared at home, including such aspects as preparing it and washing it off, as well as preparing the skin of the face.

    Skin preparation:

    Remember, applying a mask to the face should only occur after complete cleansing of the skin! (see Stages of skin cleansing

    ). This means that you cannot apply the mask to a face that has decorative cosmetics (foundation, powder, blush, etc.), as well as to skin that is lubricated with any cream, because it can prevent the beneficial substances of the mask from penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin.

    Even if the mask you choose is intended specifically for deep cleansing of the skin or is characterized as a peeling mask, it can only be applied by washing with a special gel or wiping the skin with cosmetic milk.

    To cleanse the skin, use the usual products that you use daily for this purpose (milk, lotions, tonics suitable for a specific skin type; washing your face with various foams and gels, or with soap). For dry facial skin, if there is no decorative cosmetics on it, it is enough to simply wash your face thoroughly with warm water.

    Then it is advisable to make a steam bath or facial compress with chamomile, sage or linden herbs. This procedure will open the skin pores and remove remaining dirt, preparing the face for more active penetration of nutrients into the deeper layers of the skin.

    Also, after cleansing the skin, if necessary, you can do a facial peel.

    Super peeling or “Hollywood cleansing” at home
    ), using exfoliating scrubs.

    Preparation of the mask:

    To prepare the mask, you will first need some small bowl (it is preferable to use glass or porcelain dishes), and spoons (tea and tablespoon) in order to measure the proportions and, of course, stir the composition.

    Also, in some cases, you may need things like a wooden masher (for mashing fruits, berries and vegetables), a juicer, a coffee grinder, and a mixer.

    The most important thing in making masks is to use only fresh homemade products! And applying the mask to the face should occur immediately after preparing it. Almost all natural masks are used only once, and are never stored until the next use.

    Applying the mask:

    The next step is to test the composition of the mask for an allergic reaction of the body. To do this, apply a little product to a small area of ​​skin and wait a while. If there is no reaction (in the form of a rash, redness or itching), then you can apply the mask to your face

    So, after you have cleansed your skin and prepared the mask, you need to apply it to your face (or to certain areas of the skin, depending on how the recipe states). This can be done simply with your hands (liquid and oily masks), a sponge sponge (creamy masks), a brush, a cotton swab, or using brushes and spatulas specially designed for this purpose (very thick masks), which can be purchased at cosmetic stores. All this must, of course, be immaculately clean. Using special devices for applying masks, you can make the procedures in your personal home beauty salon more accurate and speed up the preparation for them.

    By the way, the most suitable place for this is the bathroom, where there is no fear of getting anything dirty while applying the mask, and warm air enhances the effect of the product you have chosen. Just don't have a steam room. Intense heat does not promote the absorption of nutrients, but helps remove toxins, so steamed skin is ideal for face and body scrubs or, in extreme cases, deep cleansing masks.

    The mask should be applied from the bottom up, along massage lines, starting from the chin (and if necessary, the neck) and ending with the forehead.

    Make sure that hair is completely removed from your face, then apply the mask, moving first from the chin to the earlobes, then from the corners of the lips to the middle of the auricle, then from the nose to the temples, and then from the middle of the forehead to the temples, and hair parts of the head.

    The areas of skin around the eyes, lips, and thyroid gland on the neck should remain open—applying the mask to these areas is contraindicated (except when indicated in the prescription). Protect your eyes and the area around them with cotton pads, first soak them in tea leaves or just lukewarm clean boiled water.

    Keep in mind that in order to get the most results, after applying the mask, it is best to lie down (or sit in a comfortable chair), close your eyes, and relax. It is advisable to even turn on some relaxing music. Just dream, breathe evenly.

    It is highly undesirable to do anything, walk or talk with a mask on your face.

    A few more points:

    Some masks, especially those based on fruits and berries, tend to flow, so in order not to stain your hair and clothes, it is recommended to use special hair caps, for example, such as for a shower, and cover your shoulders and décolleté with a towel (one that will not It's a shame if it gets dirty). Also, if you lie down on the bed with the mask applied, it is advisable to lay something under you in the head and shoulder area to prevent the mask dripping from your face from getting on your bed linen. You need to keep the mask on your face exactly as long as indicated in the recipe. The duration of the procedure depends on the type and condition of the skin, as well as on the quality of the face mask. Typically this time ranges from 10 to 30 minutes. This applies to a greater extent to hardening mixtures, which turn into a film and do not allow open pores to breathe. The main sign that it is time to remove the mask is that it hardens and dries out. If suddenly the mask begins to tighten the skin very much, or you experience any other discomfort from it, it is better to wash it off immediately.

    Removing the mask:

    Proper application of face masks also requires proper removal. Experts recommend not to rush and if there are no more precise instructions in the mask recipe, follow the following procedure:

    — Remove the mask with light movements, avoiding efforts that can stretch the skin. First, use a cotton cloth or cotton swab dipped in lukewarm water and moisten the masked areas using a blotting motion. If the mask has thoroughly dried out since application and has formed a kind of film, then do not try to wipe it off or “tear” it off your face, this may cause skin irritation. Wash off any remaining mask that could not be removed with a swab or cloth. — Masks are washed off, mostly with water alone, without using soap or other cleansers.

    — For oilier skin types, it is better to wash with cool water; for dry skin, on the contrary, it is better to wash with warm water. The mask must be washed off very carefully.

    — A special soft sponge can also be used for this purpose; you must first wet it and remove the mask from your face with it. After particles of the mixture are removed from the face, the skin should be wiped with a special lotion or rinsed with cold boiled water.

    — At the end of the procedure, be sure to wipe your face with lotion and lubricate with a cream that matches your skin.

    Contraindications for applying masks to the face

    • The presence of irritation or pustular rashes on the skin.
    • If there is excessive growth of facial hair and dilated skin vessels, the application of masks is contraindicated.
    • Allergic reactions to mask components
    • Multiple pigmented neoplasms on the facial skin
    • A drying mask should never be applied to the neck!
      And lastly:

      Regardless of what masks you choose for your skin, be it moisturizing or nourishing facial masks, after this procedure your face needs to rest. Try to avoid bright facial expressions, spend at least one hour in silence, be silent and dream about a wonderful transformation (how refreshed you became after applying the mask :o). Under no circumstances should you go outside immediately after a face mask and cream; here you should also wait at least 1.5 hours.

      Masks are recommended to be used 1-2 times a week, alternating moisturizing compositions with nourishing masks.

    If you use them more often, it can irritate the skin and even weaken it. But if you use them less often, then there will be no visible effect from them.,

    Now you know how to properly apply masks to your face, so I wish you good luck in mastering such an area as home cosmetology.

    Always be beautiful!

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    How often can you apply a mask to your face?

    It is recommended to use the drugs in courses, as they have a cumulative effect. The universal rules are as follows:

    • cleansers are applied to oily skin once every 3 days, to normal skin - once a week, to dry skin - once every 2 weeks;
    • moisturizing and rejuvenating can be used every other day for a course of 8-12 procedures. For prevention, it is recommended to do it once a week;
    • nutritious ones are used once a week;
    • Anti-inflammatory medications should be taken until the skin condition returns to normal.

    Morning is suitable for applying any masks. Before lunch is the best period to combat oily skin. In the evening, you can apply cleansing compositions with a peeling effect.

    Why steam your face?

    Steaming the skin is necessary not only to facilitate the cleansing of pores, although this is the main purpose of the procedure. Exposure to steam has a stimulating effect on the capillary network, sebaceous glands, nutrition and blood flow in tissues.

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    As a result, steaming the facial skin promotes:

    • improving local blood flow;
    • increased nutrition of facial skin cells;
    • removal of accumulated toxins along with the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
    • improving complexion;
    • increased oxygen flow to tissues;
    • increasing facial skin tone, rejuvenation.

    You can steam your face yourself at home. Before the procedure, you need to cleanse your facial skin, remove your hair and collect it with an elastic band or hairpin. Steaming can be done in several ways.

    You can consult a cosmetologist. The doctor will tell you how to steam your facial skin at home so as not to harm, but to achieve the desired effect.

    Cleansing oily and combination skin

    How to determine if you have oily skin type? It’s very simple: wash your face thoroughly with water at room temperature and baby soap (with soap, special cleansers are not suitable), pat dry with a clean towel and wait three hours, while doing your usual activities and being in a cool room. After the allotted time, place a thin piece of paper on your nose - if an oily trace remains on it, it means you have oily skin. However, do not rush to get upset: those with oily skin develop wrinkles on their faces on average 5-8 years later than women with dry skin. And with proper care and proper cleansing of the face, such skin can look quite decent.

    This is interesting: About 30% of girls aged 16-20 have oily skin, and only about 10% of adult women. Meanwhile, the most common skin type is combination, when the T-zone is oily and the cheeks are dry. Approximately 70% of women aged 30-45 have this type of skin.

    Oily facial skin is caused by increased activity of the sebaceous glands. This is either a hereditary trait or an acquired defect caused by hormones. It is not for nothing that “peak fat content” occurs during puberty and pregnancy (and sometimes menopause). If problems with oily skin become catastrophic, it is necessary to undergo examination by a dermatologist and endocrinologist, since it is impossible to cleanse oily facial skin at home with cosmetic products alone.

    What people with oily skin should not do:


    When the skin is warmed up with a compress/bath, we proceed to cleansing. Let's consider the varieties of this procedure.

    1 Option

    Massage your face with the scrub. For greater convenience, we use a sponge. Light circular movements will cleanse the skin without stretching or microcracks.

    Option 2

    Another cleaning method is also possible. A sponge soaped with cleansing foam is sprinkled with fine sea salt and soda. You need to move the sponge over your face carefully, do not press too hard. Leave the mixture on your face for five minutes. Wash off the product with water at room temperature.

    Option 3

    For skin prone to irritation , rolled oats flour is mixed with soda and diluted with water. This mixture is gently rubbed into the skin and then washed off with cool water.

    Video: cosmetologist on skin cleansing

    Thermoactive cosmetics

    Cosmetics with a thermal effect have the same effect. There is no need to steam the skin before applying them, as they do this with the help of special components that activate blood circulation. This is an ideal method for those for whom warming procedures are contraindicated. It is recommended to apply to damp skin, hold for 3 to 7 minutes, rinse with cool water.

    Due to the presence of plant extracts and oils, such masks additionally care for the skin. If steaming is carried out before a nourishing, moisturizing or anti-aging mask, they should be applied after 15-20 minutes.

    It’s easy to use thermal masks; you can choose an option for any skin type. Just check for tolerance before first use. We conducted an analysis and selected 5 effective steaming masks.

    Thermoactive cosmetics1Garnier steaming mask with zinc Clear skin150 ₽
    2Vitex COSMETOLOGY thermal warming mask Elasticity and nutrition160 ₽
    3Compliment face mask Coenzymes of Youth Q10plusR Steaming35 ₽
    4One hundred beauty recipes Warming mask 7 active oils115 ₽
    5Organic Kitchen facial bath mask 50° steaming140 ₽

    Garnier steaming mask with zinc Clear skin

    Rating: 4.8

    Suitable for oily and combination skin. Eliminates oily shine, effectively cleanses pores of blackheads, exfoliates the top layer of the epidermis. Contains clay, zinc, salicylic acid, glycerin, urea. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, gently steams and opens pores.


    • cleanses pores well;
    • whitens;
    • relieves inflammation;
    • smells good;
    • acts quickly;
    • washes off easily.


    • dries the skin;
    • may cause irritation.

    Vitex COSMETOLOGY thermal warming mask Elasticity and nutrition

    Rating: 4.7

    Mineral cleansing mask based on clay for all skin types. Apply to a damp face; when combined with water, the thermal components heat up, steam the skin, and open the pores. Grape seed and wheat germ oils nourish, moisturize the skin, make it soft, and smooth out wrinkles.


    • effectively cleanses pores;
    • does not dry;
    • easy to apply and wash off;
    • the skin becomes elastic and moisturized.


    • for a thermal effect, you need to apply the mask in a thick layer;
    • not suitable for sensitive skin;
    • contains parabens.

    Compliment face mask Coenzymes of Youth Q10plusR Steaming

    Rating: 4.6

    Budget cleansing mask for all skin types with a rejuvenating effect. Contains clay, volcanic powder, glycerin, chamomile oil, camellia extract, coenzyme Q10. Steams the skin and cleanses pores. Nourishes and moisturizes, smoothes out fine wrinkles. The skin after use is smooth, even, moisturized.


    • opens pores;
    • steams gently;
    • suitable for sensitive skin;
    • does not dry;
    • mattifies;
    • evens out complexion;
    • easy to apply.


    • contains mineral oil, parabens;
    • Strong smell.

    One hundred beauty recipes Warming mask 7 active oils

    Rating: 4.3

    An effective thermal mask with natural composition for all skin types. Contains a complex of extracts and organic oils, glycerin. Nourishes and moisturizes the skin, increases elasticity. Gently warms, improves blood circulation, thanks to which the active components better penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. After use, the skin is smooth and the pores are easily cleaned.


    • does not cause irritation;
    • natural composition;
    • easy to apply and wash off;
    • smells good;
    • economically used;
    • evens out complexion.


    • warms up slightly.

    Organic Kitchen facial bath mask 50° steaming

    Rating: 4.3

    Thermal mask for oily skin. Effectively cleanses pores and nourishes. It has a light creamy consistency interspersed with salt and herbal elements. Contains vegetable oils, glycerin. Moisturizes, nourishes, increases skin elasticity.


    • opens pores well;
    • smoothes and softens;
    • smells good;
    • does not contain parabens;
    • has a scrub effect;
    • economically used.


    • unevenly applied;
    • large particles scratch the skin;
    • not suitable for hypersensitivity.

    Steaming your face is an effective procedure that increases the effectiveness of masks. It cleanses well and opens pores. To avoid side effects, you need to follow the advice of cosmetologists, take into account contraindications and skin type. Step-by-step instructions will help you do everything right.

    Caution in use

    Absolutely everyone should cleanse their skin before using a mask, otherwise it will be a waste of time. Before steaming the skin, be sure to wash off cosmetics, and even cream, which will prevent the pores from opening.

    Even such innocent procedures as steam baths (compresses) should be treated with caution if:

    1. There is inflammation on the face.
    2. Local redness is present.
    3. There are pustular skin lesions or acne.
    4. The presence of eczematous rashes.

    If you have any doubts about whether you can carry out such skin cleansing methods, consult your cosmetologist.

    Alginate masks

    An alginate mask has long become a must-have not only for home care, but also for salon care! It is made from brown algae - thanks to their astringent properties, the product hardens on the face, but does not dry out (like clay masks). The mask retains moisture, nourishes the skin with vitamins and valuable microelements.

    How to use an alginate mask:

    • Cleanse the epidermis of impurities.
    • Treat your skin with toner or toner. It is also advisable to apply a nourishing serum to your face - just a few minutes before applying the mask.
    • Now you can prepare the mask. This must be done quickly so that the composition does not have time to harden in the bowl. Strictly observing the proportions, combine the powder from the bag and plain water (most often in a ratio of 1:3). Mix with quick movements until smooth.
    • Immediately apply the mask to your face, working from bottom to top. The composition must be distributed in a thick layer. It is very convenient to use a spatula. The product can also be applied to tightly closed lips, eyes and neck (don’t worry, the mask is very easy to remove - if you have followed all the proportions).

    • For the time indicated on the package, it is advisable to relax and unwind.
    • Hook the edge of the mask near your jawline and remove it in one motion. There is no need to wash your face.
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