“The whole face is disfigured”: Temnikova burst into tears talking about her acne

When you first visit Sofia Temnikova’s page, the question of how she managed to become so popular disappears by itself. Of course, everything about her is beautiful: long slender legs, a thin waist and a flat tummy, but what really catches the eye is her ample breasts. The beauty with impressive figures is admired by half a million followers on Instagram. However, it is worth recognizing that the male audience is attracted not only by the model’s figure. She has another secret trump card in her pocket.

Biography and parameters

Date of BirthNovember 8, 1991
Place of BirthUzbekistan
Height168 cm.
Weight58 kg.
Breast90 cm.
Waist68 cm.
Hips96 cm.
Hair colorfair-haired
Bust size3
Shoe size37

early years

“Uzbekistan is my homeland, but this does not mean that I am Uzbek.”

Sofia Temnikova was born on November 8, 1991. Sonya never talks about her deep childhood, but once on her Instagram she wrote: “Uzbekistan is my homeland, but this does not mean that I am an Uzbek.” Despite the fact that Sonya lived almost her entire life in Moscow, she was probably still born in a sunny country.

The girl grew up in a friendly family and throughout her childhood she was fond of sports, which later became something more than just a hobby. At the age of 17, she went to the Serebryany Bor country club, where she practiced kayaking. She is proud of this to this day, and this is what predetermined her choice of future specialty.

“My studies were given to me without any difficulties, so there can be no talk of any money or bribes.”

After graduating from school, Sonya clearly decided to connect her life with sports, so it is not surprising that her choice fell on the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. There she studied the features of teaching physical education to people with health problems. “Study was given to me without any difficulties,” recalls Sophia, “so there can be no talk of any money or bribes.”

Then, during her student years, she found her first job, which certainly helped her feel more mature and independent. For her first experience, Sonya chose network marketing, which distributes medicines and dietary supplements. How long Temnikova lasted in this area is unknown.

Elena Temnikova and her illness

Temnikova preferred not to comment on her health, but after a number of Russian media wrote that Elena had problems due to drug use, she could not stand it.

“One publication wrote yesterday that I am a drug addict (coconut, as others have said), and this is why I have acne. About a month ago, in various Telegram channels and public pages, they discussed the topic of sudden problems with the skin on my face. I deliberately ignored it and didn’t speak out because I didn’t want to be pitied. But today, after a call from a crying mother, I was blown up,” Temnikova wrote on her Instagram.

“I have an autoimmune disease. And, as a side effect, problems with the skin on the face. And this is the easiest side effect. It can be experienced and overcome. To be honest, I don’t want to discuss the disease in detail; for those who are interested, everything is on the Internet. Since spring I have been fighting with all my might. My loved ones, friends, family are with me. Professors and doctors are with me (in Moscow and Switzerland). But don’t worry too much about me, everything will be fine,” the star promised the fans.

Popularity on Instagram

From a very early age, the modest girl Sonya loved the attention of others. She often writes about how she enjoys being looked at and complimented. That is why Instagram, which was gaining popularity back in 2013, did not bypass the model. Sonya immediately understood which parts of the body were popular on social networks, so initially her profile contained only selfies, numerous tattoos and, of course, gorgeous breasts. She shared moments from her life with subscribers, told what she eats and where she relaxes, but soon this turned out to be not enough.

By the time Sophia became quite recognizable on the Internet, a new hobby appeared in her life and, as a result, a new ace up her sleeve, thanks to which she won male attention in no time. Which, in fact, is what the girl was trying to achieve. The model’s new passion was expensive and luxurious cars, against which Sonya posed in rather revealing clothes. What car enthusiast can pass by such a spectacular duet?

Soon, photo modeling began to bring not only pleasure, but also a tangible commercial effect. Sofia began collaborating with car dealerships, service stations and specialty stores, advertising their services and products. In addition, the model is registered on the Drive2.ru resource, dedicated to motorists and car enthusiasts, where she is happy to share her photo projects with readers. There is a BMW X6M, a luxurious Dodge Challenger Hellcat, and even a real Batmobile. Sofia does not miss a single auto show, she is always in the spotlight and up to date with all the latest auto news.

“The moment I became the owner of a mustang, I realized that this was love forever. Still, the car radically changes the lifestyle.”

And today, the attention of all subscribers is focused not only on Temnikova’s outstanding forms, but also on her handsome Mustang. Ford Mustang Dobra appeared in Sonya’s family on January 11, 2016. “The moment I became the owner of a Mustang, I realized that this was love forever,” Sophia shares her memories, “After all, the car radically changes the lifestyle.” Of course, the girl not only takes pictures of her expensive car, but also constantly tunes it, pampers her with new purchases, and generally takes care of him as if she were a beloved man.

“The whole face is disfigured”: Temnikova burst into tears talking about her acne

34-year-old Elena Temnikova gave a frank interview to Irina Shikhman’s YouTube channel “Should we talk?” The star spoke openly about her skin problems.

According to singer Elena Temnikova, her first skin problems appeared about a year and a half ago.

“Huge, strange rashes. They happened and happened, then they passed. Then in the spring I went on tour and at the end of it, due to stress, I again developed skin problems. These are not boils, it was impossible to clean them - just some kind of lumps, closed, incomprehensible, huge. And it was so disgusting and scary. At the Muz-TV awards, everyone noticed and started asking what was wrong with me,” Temnikova said.

After that, she went to the doctors and underwent examinations - as it turned out, Temnikova was all right with her hormones and stomach.

The singer visited a lot of dermatologists and cosmetologists, but nothing helped her - neither diets, nor antibiotics, nor acne pills.

“I wanted to disappear so that no one could see me. It was painful for me to sleep, live, eat, and move my face. Just a human inflammation <…> When these telegram channels all published photos without retouching, I cried so bitterly. I categorically could not accept myself with these bumps on my face - these are not acne. This is who knows what, and something very painful and scary that cannot be removed with makeup,” Temnikova said, bursting into tears during the interview.

Soon rumors appeared online that the cause of acne on the star’s face was due to hard drugs.

As Elena Temnikova admitted, she is as far away from psychoactive substances as possible and is their opponent.

Doctors eventually discovered Temnikova had an autoimmune thyroid disease, the side effect of which allegedly resulted in acne.

“You ask where they have gone now, but I don’t know. That's how they appeared - one day they left. Yes, I take pills for my thyroid gland - I don’t think it’s because of this. The doctors said that this was my reaction to stress - in general, I really need to quit my profession. The acne went away, the scars remained, my whole face was simply disfigured - I finally accepted it. I will live like this, such a test,” said the singer, admitting that she retouches photos on Instagram.

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Publication from Elena Temnikova ・ Temnikova (@lenatemnikovaofficial) June 25, 2022 at 10:38 PDT

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Publication from Elena Temnikova ・ Temnikova (@lenatemnikovaofficial) June 13, 2022 at 5:56 PDT

As Ruposters Life wrote earlier, Elena Temnikova revealed Fadeev’s secret affair with Seryabkina.

Sofia Temnikova and Maxim Martsinkevich

In addition to the fact that Sophia is known as the girl with expensive cars in the photo, she also managed to “become famous” as a co-host. At the age of 20, she was invited to act in a social project by Maxim Martsinkevich, better known under the pseudonym Tesak. The essence of the well-known and quite provocative program is to find and detain pedophiles. But surprisingly, Sonya happily accepted the invitation. “I fully support this initiative, so I help Maxim as a friend, and not as a guest star,” says the model.

“I fully support this initiative, which is why I am helping Maxim as a friend, not as a guest star.”

During their time working together, they became very close, but what exactly happened in the lives of Sophia and Maxim, and whether they were involved in a romantic relationship, one can only guess. However, the guys still communicate very closely to this day, even despite the fact that Tesak is serving a sentence in a pre-trial detention center for inciting ethnic hatred. Sonya often writes on Instagram that she goes to visit Maxim in prison, although this is difficult technically and psychologically, because sometimes you have to wait more than six hours for a meeting without any means of communication and in huge queues.

Popularity on the Internet

When Sophia was 20 years old, Tesak, known on the Internet for his provocative projects to catch pedophiles and rapists, invited the girl to become his co-host. She immediately agreed. According to Sophia, this project interested her very much; the girl did not pursue the goal of becoming famous. How close Sophia’s relationship was with Maxim (Tesak) is not known. But they are still friends to this day. The model even visited him in jail.

Sofya Temnikova has never hidden the fact that she loves to catch the admiring glances of men. In 2013, she registered on the increasingly popular Instagram and immediately began posting photos of individual body parts for everyone to see. The girl’s unnaturally large breasts, long legs and slender waist immediately attracted the attention of men. But no one knew who Sofya Temnikova was yet.

The girl also boasted on the Internet about her bright tattoos, and she has seven of them, and won men’s hearts. Later, the girl began posting photos in which she posed quite openly in front of expensive cars. Ferrari, Lamborghini, BMW and other famous brands complemented her photo. Today the girl is the owner of a Mustang, which she loves.

Thanks to her popularity, Sophia regularly receives offers for cooperation with expensive car dealerships and service stations. She also advertises expensive cars.

For some, Sofya Temnikova is a dummy who has become popular thanks to plastic surgery and candid photo shoots. For others, the girl is a standard of beauty and an example of how you can earn money without leaving home. Nevertheless, today only the lazy have not heard about who Sofya Temnikova is.


Sonya Temnikova’s gorgeous large breasts are not the only adornment of her body. In addition to visiting cosmetologists, the model often visits tattoo artists. She lovingly calls her many tattoos “a greenhouse.” As Sonya recalls, the very first roses to appear on her body were on the back of her feet. Then, fire lilies bloomed on his side, and roses bloomed on his butt, in which the fairy settled. In total, Temnikova made seven tattoos, one of which was recently covered by the famous artist Timur Molotov.

Plastic surgery

It is almost impossible to find photos of Sophia before plastic surgery on the Internet, but this does not mean that there were no interventions. There is a lot of talk about the model’s breasts, and everyone unanimously claims that she can’t possibly be natural. Sonya Temnikova's height is 173 centimeters, and her breast size is four or five. It is impossible to achieve such volume with the help of underwear if your natural data is not so impressive. There are no nude photos of Temnikova on the Internet, but there are more than enough pictures in her underwear. And although the model herself does not write anything about her volume, the photographs speak for her.


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Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

The actress and famous TV presenter does not like to discuss interventions in appearance and advocates natural beauty. However, it is impossible not to note that the breasts of the most beautiful nanny on our television have undergone some changes in shape and size, which made Anastasia even more charming and attractive.

However, not all stars have such successful surgery. We have already written how sometimes breast augmentation only spoils one’s appearance.

We thank our expert for preparing the material:

Vladimir Plakhotin , leading plastic surgeon of the department of medical cosmetology of the City Clinic No. 220 of Moscow

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