Larisa Guzeeva changed the disfigured face of a participant in the show “Let's get married!”

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In May 2022, Larisa Guzeeva turned 61 years old. The star once joked: “I’m no worse than Sharon Stone, even more beautiful. I just get a hundred times less.” She is really very beautiful, and in the realities of Russia she gets not so little. In any case, she clearly has enough for plastic surgery. Of course, as she joked in a dispute with followers, she doesn’t go under a scalpel twice a year, but she takes care of her face and has been “friends” with plastic surgeons for more than 20 years.

How did Roza Syabitova spend 4 million rubles?

“Rosa Syabitova did everything she could! Circular facelift, neck lift and liposuction, blepharoplasty, lip augmentation, contouring. Abdominoplasty - an operation to remove the “apron” on the stomach, liposuction of the hips and even the arms radically changed the star,” Altyeva listed.

But, apparently, this was not enough for the TV matchmaker. According to the expert, Syabitova also tightened her buttocks with gold threads. So now they are literally worth their weight in gold.

How Larisa Guzeeva's figure changed with age

In her youth, she was slim, fit and played athletes in films. It seemed that she was not in danger of becoming overweight, but in adulthood her weight increased and her figure “swimmed.”

The figure of Larisa Guzeeva in her youth and before losing weight

The artist turned into an overweight lady, but did not want to put up with it and turned to a nutritionist. How and where Larisa Guzeeva lost weight, read here.

Actress before and after weight loss

Larisa Verbitskaya looks younger with plastic surgery

Not so long ago, Larisa Verbitskaya made a splash on the Internet. When she posted pictures from her vacation in Valencia on Instagram, she was immediately bombarded with requests to reveal the secret of eternal youth. According to the specialist, surgical intervention was definitely not possible.

“An ideal facial contour indicates a deep circular lift. There is also liposuction and neck and chin lift. “Rings of Venus” are very difficult to get rid of, but Larisa Viktorovna has an ideal result: her neck has become absolutely smooth. I see fillers in the nasolabial folds and a little in the lips for volume. She now looks exactly like she did 20 years ago,” the surgeon noted. At the same time, the TV presenter’s “investment” in her appearance amounted to about 1 million rubles.

Larisa Guzeeva changed the disfigured face of a participant in the show “Let's get married!”

Behind the scenes of the “Let's get married!” project
Photo: Instagram

“I participated in the Let’s Get Married program three times,” says Alexander. “However, things weren’t going well in my personal life. Larisa [Guzeeva] said several times: “Sasha, you just need to straighten your nose, and everything will immediately change.” The nose was broken several times in fights. After the last incident, he looked completely unaesthetic. On the other hand, I make money by doing renovations in apartments. I don’t need to go on the podium. That’s why I lived in peace. I just didn’t pay attention to the defect, that’s all.”

Belash celebrated his 35th birthday on January 8, and soon Larisa Guzeeva’s assistant called him and said that on the occasion of the anniversary they wanted to give the man a new nose.

“I didn’t believe it at first,” continues Alexander. – The point was that I would not have to pay for rhinoplasty, and the operation itself would be performed by one of the best plastic surgeons in Moscow, Yuri Kachina. Soon we met him. He examined me and told me about the intricacies of the procedure. The result was amazing! The nose has become completely different. I am incredibly grateful to Yuri and Larisa Guzeeva. I know that she consults him herself.”

Larisa Guzeeva
Photo: Instagram

The man was immediately warned that his nose would finally “fall into place” within six months from the date of the operation. However, after two months, Alexander’s face changed a lot and for the better. Moreover, Belash finally met his fate.

“We met right in the midst of my changes,” the hero smiles. – Now we are dating, and I am very glad that everything turned out this way! I never thought that just one operation could change my life. A real gift of fate. Of course, my loved ones unanimously say that I’m great for not being afraid. And someone is jealous... Let's see how the nose will look by the end of the year. Perhaps I will have another rhinoplasty in the future.”

“During his life, the patient had numerous injuries to the nose,” says plastic surgeon Yuri Kachina, in turn. “The entire structure of the nose and the osteochondral skeleton was destroyed. Total deformation is visible. The patient simply could not breathe normally. As a result, we performed one of the most difficult operations in plastic surgery - extracorporeal rhinoplasty with restoration of osteochondral structures. At the same time, we not only restored aesthetics, but the vital function of breathing."

By the way, this year the “Let’s Get Married!” program, which connected hundreds of lonely hearts, is also celebrating its anniversary.

Yuri Kachina and Alexander Belash

Photo: personal archive

“We have a fantastic team. This is already the tenth year, but our core team is still the same,” admitted Larisa. “What they do is incredible. The bulk of the work falls on my amazing colleagues."

Let us remind you that the premiere of the show “Let's get married!” took place on July 28, 2008. According to the producers, the hero meets with three brides or grooms, and at the end of the program he chooses with whom he would like to continue communicating. At first, the program was hosted by actress Daria Volga, but she worked for only three months. Since October 2008, she was replaced by Larisa Guzeeva. The project also involves astrologer Vasilisa Volodina and matchmaker Roza Syabitova.

Alexander's face: it was and became

Photo: personal archive

Tatyana Vedeneeva had a circular facelift

Tatyana Vedeneeva also knows the necessary “passwords and appearances”. Moreover, as follows from the words of Adelina Altyeva, the TV star did not limit herself to the standard “menu”: a circular facelift, a neck lift, blepharoplasty and Botox injections.

“Liposuction helped Tatiana maintain a good neck contour. A very painful and expensive procedure, but the result is worth it. To maintain youth and beauty, Tatyana pampers her face, neck, décolleté and hands with hyaluronic acid injections at least twice a year,” the expert gave her assessment.

The TV presenter does not spare money on beauty. According to a specialist, she spent more than 2 million rubles on herself.

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How Larisa Guzeeva’s face has changed with age

A gentle girl with a beautiful oval face, almond-shaped “transparent” eyes, a graceful nose and a swan neck - the image of Larisa Ogudalova turned out to be 100% on target and largely determined the success of the film. How Eldar Ryazanov saw the “dowry” in a sharp girl with boyish habits, one can only guess. Professional instinct worked.

Before plastic surgery: Larisa Guzeeva in her youth

Comparing photos of Larisa Guzeeva in her youth and now, you catch yourself thinking that these are different women. “How much has been lived, how much has been experienced.” And we have selected far from the worst photo of the star.

Once upon a time: Larisa Guzeeva in her youth and now

Not sleeping for days, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, drinking liters of alcohol and at the same time maintaining a fresh face - this is not about Larisa Andreevna. The vices and excesses that she has admitted more than once in interviews instantly appear on her face: it looks swollen. And bags under the eyes coupled with drooping upper eyelids do not add beauty.

Compare photos of Larisa Guzeeva before and after blepharoplasty

The stormy youth passed, but the problems remained. And some of them, for example, the deplorable state of the periorbital zone, were helped to cope with radical techniques. According to rumors, the artist got into the “Let’s Get Married” project after undergoing blepharoplasty and endoscopic forehead lifting on the recommendation of the producers.

Experts believe that Larisa Guzeeva repeatedly tightened the lower third of her face. She combined the next correction with platysmaplasty. The result exceeded expectations - now not only the face, but also the actress’s neck looks flawless and reliably keeps the secret of her age.

Actress before and after neck surgery

The star admits that she uses Botox and hyaluronic fillers, biorevitalization and hardware procedures. Now Larisa Guzeeva, with her characteristic temperament, has taken up arms against naturalness. She believes that a modern woman should fight wrinkles and ptosis, as well as gray hair and caries. Interestingly, a few years ago the celebrity thought differently and denied plastic surgery.

Check out the photo of Larisa Guzeeva without makeup

Larisa Guzeeva: age, height, weight, plastic surgery

Date of birth/place of birthMay 23, 1959 / USSR, Russian Federation, Orenburg region, Burtinskoye village.
OccupationActress, TV presenter.
Height / weight / figure parameters167 cm / 70 kg / no data.
Confirmed plastic surgeriesHe does not deny plastic surgery, but does not admit to specific operations.
Alleged plastic surgeryBlepharoplasty, endoscopic forehead lift, lower third face lift, platysmoplasty.

Larisa Guzeeva: “Watch yourself, don’t relax!”

Our heroine, beautiful and successful, prioritizes functionality and appropriateness. That is why, for the filming of the cosmetology program selected for her, Larisa dressed the way she always comes to the salon. a stylish tracksuit plus natural styling - and she’s perfect...

DOSSIER Actress, TV presenter, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
Born in the village of Burtinskoye, Orenburg region. Graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. His first film role was an episode in the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” (1979). The first major role was Larisa Ogudalova in Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Cruel Romance” (1984). Host of the TV show “Let's Get Married!” on Channel One. Married to a famous restaurateur, President of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Russia Igor Bukharov. Larisa has two children - son Georgy (19 years old) and daughter Olga (11 years old). Ekaterina Fadeeva (“Beauty & Health”): The audience knew you as a talented actress, but it turned out that you work no less masterfully in front of the camera in the TV show studio.
For you, the offer to host the program “Let's Get Married!” was it a surprise? Larisa Guzeeva: In my life, everything happened sequentially.
The story of Cinderella, who the producer accidentally meets on the street, is not my script. Work on television, roles, and a happy marriage were the result of long work, trial and error. “K&Z”: Family happiness must also be earned?
L.G.: Moreover, fight for it every minute. Men, without exception, love with their eyes. Do you want to be happy? Watch yourself, don't relax. Of course, this is often difficult for a working woman. But if you look forward to your husband’s arrival home as a long-awaited romantic date, your relationship will definitely benefit from this. And don’t forget to remain a good housewife and caring mother!

“K&Z”: Is it true that in your youth you were a nonconformist: you visited the notorious St. Petersburg cafe “Saigon”, wore a short haircut... L.G.:

When I entered the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography, the applicants, all of them, wore long hair. To stand out, I actually cut my hair almost to zero... There was also “Saigon” in my life - the Mecca of avant-garde artists. Many rebels gathered there - Grebenshchikov, Kuryokhin... It’s a pity that the ability to manage time and not waste yourself on trifles only comes with age. Now I know exactly what I want - this minute, month, year... In my youth, many decisions were spontaneous and there were stupid things too. People are not born little old men.

“K&Z”: Can you share the secrets of successful time management? L.G.:

The first rule: always make a list of tasks, even when you go to the beauty salon or supermarket. Second, discard the unnecessary. Third, do everything in advance. I plan my vacation six months in advance - and it always goes exactly as I planned.

“K&Z”: Do you really manage to do everything you plan? L.G.:

I try, but... (Smiles.) Of course, there are still unrealized plans. I have long dreamed of learning English - going to London for three months and taking an intensive course. But for now I can’t leave my mother, husband, and children for so long.

“K&Z”: Was it difficult to decide on a second birth in adulthood? L.G.:

All over the world, adult mothers are the absolute norm, and I am proof of this. The pregnancy was easy. To maintain skin turgor and not become blurred, after giving birth I still regularly do sports massage.

“K&Z”: Do you remember your first visit to a cosmetologist? L.G.:

Yes, at the age of 18 I had my first facial massage. Since then it has been my personal must-have. I really appreciate the master’s ability to do manual massage.

“K&Z”: You were born in the Urals, where the bathhouse tradition is strong. Do you like Russian steam rooms? L.G.:

I prefer the Finnish sauna. I usually supplement steaming with an LPG massage - it removes excess water and toxins from the body.

“K&Z”: Do you do fitness?
No matter how busy the filming schedule is, I visit the pool two or three times a week. When my husband and I go abroad, we promise each other to walk as much as possible and, if possible, not to resort to taxis. In Moscow, unfortunately, I cannot enjoy a long walk - there is not a single park near my house, and I don’t want to breathe exhaust fumes along a busy highway.

“K&Z”: How do you feel about the spa? L.G.:

I love spas very much, although I don’t tolerate all types of it well. For example, wraps. I have a phobia: since my youth I have been afraid of tight clothes. Imagining myself “swaddled” is a nightmare for me. When I was filming historical films, costume designers even made special hidden buttons on my dresses so that I could quickly free myself from the corset at any time.

“K&Z”: What is it like to be the wife of a restaurateur? Surely the husband in your family cooks? L.G.:

It's just the opposite.
After getting married, I, who previously did not like to cook, suddenly felt an interest in cooking. I began to understand the peculiarities of the cuisine of different countries, collect recipes... So in our family, I cook. "K&Z": Tell us about your favorite dishes.
L.G.: I love everything that a woman is absolutely forbidden to eat: dumplings, mother’s pies, sweet pastries. I try to limit myself, but from time to time I still deviate from the course - to lift my spirits. Unfortunately, this does not reflect well on the figure.

“K&Z”: Don’t follow a diet? L.G.:

I had a negative experience. Several years ago I went to the clinic for so-called therapeutic fasting. The damage to health was enormous. In addition, the lost kilograms quickly returned, and with interest. Now I adhere to the principle of controlling the amount of food. If I want meat, I won’t stuff my stomach with spinach in disgust. I'll eat a steak - but only a little.

“K&Z”: Since early youth you have been experimenting with hairstyles - hair length, color. How do you keep them healthy? L.G.:

I don’t like grandma’s recipes and homemade masks. I trust hair care to specialists. I regularly do procedures in salons: I have tried lamination, fire cutting, and comprehensive restoration programs. The main thing in this matter is regularity.

“K&Z”: Working on television requires heavy makeup. Tired of makeup? L.G.:

I can't do without decorative cosmetics. I don't like the feeling of a “naked” face. It only looks cute on 18 year old girls. Everyone who is older needs makeup.

Advice from Larisa GUZEEVA
Appreciate what you have: family, home, profession. Don't chase the pie in the sky, he may not deserve your love. Give it to your loved ones. Love and be loved!

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