To push or not to push. 9 Myths About Acne You Should Stop Believing

Excessive oily skin and sweating can lead to a number of aesthetic problems. And not only on the face, but also on the body, especially in places that are usually covered by clothing (heat, humidity and lack of ventilation often lead to unpleasant consequences). A fairly common case is acne, acne on the back.

Dealing with this problem at home is difficult and not always effective (after all, a person cannot even examine the problem area himself). Cosmetologists come to the rescue: in our clinic you can get your back cleaned for acne.

Where and how to look for sources of external manifestations?

Any set of therapeutic measures must be based on in-depth diagnosis.
This is the only way to select the methods that are relevant in this case: not to cause harm, but on the contrary, to create an optimal set of procedures and means used that will help as quickly and efficiently as possible. The skin is at the same time a barrier in the interaction between the external environment and the human body and a screen on which the health status of this organism is displayed. Therefore, to find out how to avoid pimples or acne on the back or shoulders, you must first understand why they appear, and then not only deal with the effect, but also eliminate the cause. Discomfort or even painful sensations, embarrassment in front of people, the inability to walk in open clothes - all these are consequences of problems with the skin, and there is no escape from them, no matter how the culture of accepting diversity in appearance develops. All this is associated with adolescence and adolescence, but can drag on into adulthood, causing unpleasant associations, distracting attention and ensuring a persistent reluctance to look in the mirror or be photographed. If men do not use decorative cosmetics and can be more relaxed about such manifestations (although not all of them), then women try to disguise the problem, often aggravating it through clogged pores, depleting the skin, accelerating aging.

Sedentary lifestyle and acne*

Many people are being transferred to remote work, which leads to a decrease in their physical activity. If you sit in front of the computer for a long time, move little, or do not exercise, health problems may arise. For example, a slowdown in metabolism, a decrease in the tone of the anterior abdominal wall, which is important for intestinal motility. Immunity deteriorates. But how does a sedentary lifestyle harm the skin?

Due to intestinal dysfunction, gastrointestinal diseases can develop, which provoke the appearance of acne. Due to a slow metabolism, the skin does not receive the vitamins and minerals it needs. Sitting for a long time weakens the body, and the skin becomes more susceptible to external irritants.

Ways the body lets you know its problems

One pimple on the cheek, a lot on the shoulders, shoulder blades or lower back, black spots of acne or white spots on the top and painful inflammations - all this can be triggered by both external factors and internal processes of a particular organ system. Knowing why a pimple appears on your chin, a red rash on your back, or acne along your spine can help you choose a cosmetic product or method that will help clear your skin, as well as medications or preventative treatments to treat the underlying condition and prevent recurrence.

In turn, a bunch of acne on the back, which appeared suddenly as a signal of a disorder in the body, is also indirectly provoked by external influences - in the case of the digestive or endocrine system (pancreas, thyroid glands), this may be the result of poor nutrition, too sweet, fatty foods, drinking drinks with a large amount of synthetic substances.

Age transformations and lifestyle

When the endocrine system already intersects with the reproductive system, we get pimples on the back and face: they go away with age and signal a greater synthesis of sex hormones, but if a purulent rash appears on the spine, neck of adults and does not disappear for a long time, bringing discomfort - then this already a reason to contact an endocrinologist or gynecologist.

If you have more than once noticed the appearance of acne on your face and back due to stress, the most effective means for self-treatment in this case is the ability to resist stress factors. A life in which nothing will bother you seems like a utopia, but try to learn not to hold tension for too long and not turn stress into long-term stress, get good sleep, and not sacrifice health and beauty. Beauty requires care, attention and self-love, and sacrifices are not needed at all. What definitely does not depend on us is the genetic condition of the skin condition or lipid metabolism. But careful attention to your diet and metabolism, as well as the selection of the right cosmetics for care, can partially block the impact of congenital factors.

Acne* due to stress

While in self-isolation, many are experiencing stress. Worries about the health of loved ones, anxiety about the future, unforeseen changes in the work schedule. The suddenly changed situation in the world has driven many people into a state of stress.

Due to increased levels of the hormone cortisol, the skin's sensitivity to androgens increases. So, stress causes acne*. When worried and anxious, a person touches his face more often; some people even unknowingly scratch the skin and squeeze out acne*. This leads to an even greater spread of the inflammatory process. [50]

Third party influence and its consequences

External reasons why acne and pimples appear on the face, shoulders, lower back, spine, and arms:

  • allergic reactions to hygiene products - shower gel, shampoo or conditioner, soap, washing powder;
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics that increase skin oiliness - face wash, body oil, foundation, UV protector;
  • irregular hygiene procedures with increased sweating;
  • reactions to synthetic, especially tight-fitting clothing.

But there are also combined cause-and-effect relationships. For example, acne - inflammation of the sebaceous glands - in men and women, on the face and back, can be a consequence of the influence of both external and internal factors, which also require treatment. Bacterial infection, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, overload of the nervous system and psyche, and insufficient hygienic care of the skin lead to blockage of the glands and the development of suppuration with a white or black center. In addition to the unaesthetic appearance of acne, if it is not treated in time, acne will leave marks, relief on the skin of the back, face or shoulders of a man or woman - post-acne, which is even more difficult to get rid of.

Sometimes small acne or many small pimples appear on the back of a man or woman (shoulders or lower back), but they do not investigate why the acne occurs, do not seek treatment, and decide to get rid of acne by simply squeezing it out. But this can cause infection, provoke inflammation, and then small rashes on the back or shoulders will turn into subcutaneous bluish nodes, which are much more difficult to treat.

Skin allergies: main causes

There are many reasons for the development of allergic dermatosis: various food allergens, medications, household chemicals, cosmetics, etc.

Skin allergies are caused by:

  • Living in regions with unfavorable ecology.
  • The presence of occupational hazards (prolonged human contact with aggressive objects: alkalis, acids, smoke, medications, etc.).
  • Eating with a large number of allergenic foods.
  • High drug load.
  • Widespread use of household chemicals containing highly allergenic chemical compounds, dyes and fragrances.
  • In young children, skin allergies can be triggered by early cessation of breastfeeding and early introduction of complementary foods.

Risk factors also include a hereditary predisposition to allergic diseases.

In addition, the causes of exacerbation of skin allergies can be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stress, etc.

What should you do and what should you forget about?

Everyone has their own cause and consequences, which you don’t need to be ashamed of and which don’t say anything about a person - anyone can get sick. What else should you not do? Regardless of whether it is your face, arms or shoulders, where everyone sees pimples, acne on the back under clothes or a rash on the butt, in no case should you follow popular advice from dubious sources that teach how to quickly remove acne (miracle ointment or tablets), remove acne and treat post-acne with urinotherapy, offer expensive homeopathic or hormonal medications for women or men, especially without identifying the cause of a specific problem. In addition to the fact that most of these wonderful remedies will not help remove acne and acne from the back or shoulder, they can not only aggravate the problem and harm the skin, but also cause hormonal imbalances and diseases of the excretory system.

The best scenario is contacting a professional doctor, consultation, in-depth diagnosis of the skin and body condition, fighting acne on the back according to a drawn-up plan with mandatory procedures and only proven remedies aimed at specific problems. All these steps are best done together with the EDIT intensive cosmetology clinic.

Clinical researches

La-Cri STOP ACNE products were developed jointly with Professor Denis Vladimirovich Zaslavsky, chief specialist in dermatovenereology and cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the North-Western Federal District of the Russian Federation.

The products are clinically proven effective and are highly appreciated by consumers.


  1. E.N. Saverskaya, Diaper dermatitis: answers to questions from pediatricians and parents in the light of current global trends, Medical Council magazine, 2019
  2. Schneiderman Paul, Grossman Mark, Differential diagnosis in dermatology. Atlas, Binom, 2017
  3. Ratner Desiri, Avram M.R., Avram M.M., Procedures in Dermatology. Clinical cosmetology, GEOTAR-Media, 2019
  4. E.N. Saverskaya, Diaper dermatitis: answers to questions from pediatricians and parents in the light of current global trends, Medical Council magazine, 2019

Photos acne

Photo album on the disease

How do we approach our work?

It may turn out that, in addition to professional cosmetological care, you will need to seek advice from other specialized doctors: an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, urologist or even a neurologist or psychiatrist - it all depends on the hormonal, stress, infectious or any other nature of the occurrence of dermatological disorders. So, at first glance, an aesthetic problem can serve as an impetus to take care of your health in general and be more attentive to it in the future. We do not promise that you will be able to get rid of pimples or blackheads on your back, shoulders, arms or cheeks in a week, but we promise to constantly monitor the condition of each patient and select the most valid methods to heal the skin and prevent relapses.

The most progressive and effective methods are being implemented at the EDIT intensive cosmetology clinic. We combine techniques so that we can approach the solution from many angles and begin to eliminate the problem from the first visit to us. But at the same time, we will never exceed the intensity of the effects of the procedures so as not to harm the skin. Here you will see the best equipment, impeccable cleanliness and products that are used by the world's best cosmetologists. Add to this the approach of our doctors to each procedure as if it were a mission to Mars - and you will get the Appearance of your Dreams.

How to reduce the risk of acne* from a sedentary lifestyle?

Don't ignore standard skin care, which starts with cleansing. During the day, dust and sebum residues accumulate on the skin, which need to be removed from it. To do this, you can use micellar water and remember to wash your face twice a day.

Even if you have oily skin, it still needs hydration. To replenish the water balance, it is necessary to use products with hyaluronic acid, glycerin or aloe. Helps strengthen the lipid layer of avocado, jojoba, and shea butter. For washing, you should use gels that do not contain surfactants. Peels and scrubs can be used no more than once a week. The skin needs exfoliation, this promotes its renewal.

Self-isolation does not mean you have to sit in a confined space. Don't forget to ventilate the room at least once a day. Open the windows for at least 10-15 minutes, fresh air is good for the skin.

While staying at home, you can communicate with family and friends via Skype or Zoom. You probably have time for yourself - you can start doing exercises, thanks to online courses you have a chance to master new skills. Free time can be spent on hobbies, reading a new book or watching your favorite TV series. Do whatever you enjoy, try to avoid stressful situations and think less about what you cannot influence.

While sitting at home, you can give up fast food and switch to proper nutrition. You have more time to cook. Eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, try to drink less carbonated drinks, and eat baked, steamed or boiled foods. [42]

Specific measures, areas of work

The experience of our specialists allows us to quickly recognize a rash localized or all over the back, but they will not prescribe treatment until they know exactly the cause of pimples or blackheads. A set of specific measures cannot and should not be universal; there are only general rules for improving skin health. If we imagine the general directions, then these are:

  • relieving inflammation;
  • reduction in the size and activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • fight against bacteria;
  • healthy hydration;
  • alignment of relief and tone.

To treat acne and pimples, to remove acne from the back and lighten post-acne spots, we use chemical peels, biorevitalization (injections with special medicinal compounds), laser therapy, and enzyme therapy.

How to treat acne* on the back?

Treatment is prescribed by a specialist, based on the clinical picture and severity of acne. For mild acne, the emphasis is on external therapy and the use of topical medications. For moderate acne, combination treatment is necessary; for severe acne, systemic medications are mainly used. [18]

It is also recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • To cleanse the skin, use products without preservatives, oils, or fragrances;
  • during periods of acne remission, scrub or use peelings for exfoliation;
  • after playing sports or strenuous physical activity, be sure to take a shower immediately;
  • wear comfortable clothes made of breathable materials;
  • change bed linen and towels every week.

Acne treatment should be regular. You should not interrupt or abandon it, as this may reduce the effectiveness of therapy.

Individualization of selection of methods, methods, means

After the specialist examines the back or shoulder blades, receives research data on pimples or acne and establishes the causes, he will develop a plan according to which treatment will be carried out - the first effect can be expected quite quickly, but in order to completely get rid of the problem, the man or woman will have to be patient. The plan includes the selection of treatment methods directly in the EDIT clinic and gels, ointments, masks to be used at home at a certain time, in specified quantities with the required frequency - medicinal and decorative cosmetics that not only help remove pimples, but also strengthen, soften, nourish skin.

It is important to understand that we select each medicine and remedy for ridding the skin of the back or shoulders of pimples or acne not only in accordance with the problem (inflammation, suppuration or red subcutaneous nodes) and its origin, but also depending on the type of skin to cure it, and not just neutralize negative manifestations.

Consistency in treatment

Procedure after procedure, gradual care at home - and after a month the doctor will check with the plan. What has been achieved, what the back looks like in general, and how it shows signs of getting rid of acne - all this is checked in order to continue implementing the assigned strategy or correct some points. If everything goes according to plan, you need to consolidate the result, stay at the peak of your form, maintaining the health of the epithelial cover, without letting into your life the factors that provoked the disease. And then after three months you will need to check the result again.

The cost of services is also determined individually, depending on the content of the course. But this is not so much the price features of certain methods (laser, injections, peeling complexes), but the value of the competent and caring approach with which our specialists work. You will never be prescribed something just for the price, without indications for use. At the same time, the doctor learns about the characteristics of the body and its relationship to certain substances in cosmetics: dermatological allergies, tearfulness, and maybe even difficulty breathing, contraindications to certain effects. Apply only what is necessary, enough to achieve results and bring the skin condition to its peak - this is the main principle in our work.

The importance of psychological comfort in cosmetology

Regardless of gender, causes and skin condition, our specialists will provide not only qualified assistance, but also support on an emotional level. There are aesthetic nuances, but this is, first of all, a disease, and any disease affects a person not only physically, but also psychologically. Therefore, our common persistence in overcoming difficulties will help you go through all the necessary procedures according to the treatment protocol.

The administrative part of the EDIT clinic works no less responsibly. Together with you, the administrator will go through the course of treatment from an organizational point of view. How you need to distribute appointments and when it is convenient for you, how much time you need to allocate, meet the patient and provide information - a trusting atmosphere emphasizes the professionalism of each employee more than ever. You planned your day, came to the appointment, and then it turns out that you weren’t booked in - we never have such situations. They will always agree on the exact date and time with you, and then call you in advance to remind you about your appointment. This way, you can not be afraid of letting something slip out of your attention or forgetting, you won’t miss strictly prescribed procedures and you won’t disrupt your own plans for the day. We do everything for cleanliness, beauty of the skin and your good mood.

Poor nutrition

Acne can be caused by poor diet. The body's reaction to different foods is always individual. Scientists have proven the dependence of the appearance of rashes on dairy products. They attribute this to the presence of casein in milk, which stimulates the production of IGF-1, a high level of which excites sebocytes and provokes an exacerbation of acne.

In some cases, acne can be caused by other products. During quarantine, we most often eat unacceptable food - we consume a lot of fatty foods, sweets, alcohol, simple carbohydrates, and we also lead a sedentary lifestyle. This negatively affects the condition of the skin. [42]

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