How to numb the skin before epilating sensitive areas at home?

Sugaring is hair removal using sugar paste. The viscous mass removes the hairs along with the root, but the hair follicle remains untouched. Several thousand hairs grow on the human body, which are equipped with nerve endings. Therefore, during the procedure the client feels severe pain in the affected area. To relieve the patient from unpleasant sensations, cosmetologists use painkillers that will relieve sensitivity from the upper epidermis. How to numb the skin before sugaring and what painkillers to use for sugaring at home, we will discuss in our article

Table of contents

What is the difference between hair removal and depilation?
Which areas can you epilate yourself?

Types of hair removal at home

  • Wax
  • Sugaring
  • Epilator

How to relieve pain when using an epilator

How to numb the skin before epilation

  • Special products from the pharmacy
  • Pills
  • Care treatments and professional products
  • Folk remedies

Epilation with a photoepilator

Advantages of diode laser hair removal

Getting rid of unwanted hair is rarely painless. Any hair removal method is accompanied by discomfort, which can be avoided using effective methods. Each of them has advantages and is suitable for most types of hair removal and depilation.

Ways to reduce the pain effect

  • Steaming the skin allows the hairs to come out of the follicles more easily;
  • Pharmaceutical non-steroidal drugs such as Nurofen, Nise or Analgin are advised to be taken 30-60 minutes before visiting the salon; you can also try a combination drug such as Tempalgin;
  • Topical anesthetics are applied to the treated areas approximately 2 hours before the procedure. The skin is first degreased and then covered with cling film to enhance the effects of the drugs. The greatest demand is “Emla”, “Light Dep”, “Lidocaine”, “Menovazin”, “Anestol”;
  • Do you do sugaring at home? Use talc to help the hairs grip better and not slip out. At the same time, it gets rid of excess moisture on the skin, because most people sweat more during unpleasant procedures. Talc will also help avoid bruising and create a light protective layer.

What is the difference between epilation and depilation?

Epilation and depilation are different methods of hair removal. Their main difference is the principle of operation. In the first case, the hair follicles are destroyed, and in the second, they are not affected. The result of the procedures is smooth skin. Each method has advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantage of hair removal is the long-term growth of new hair. The effect lasts for a period from several weeks to several years, which is associated with the choice of hair removal method. Most often, the only disadvantage of these procedures is the cost, for example, of laser hair removal.

Depilation is not able to provide a long-lasting effect after hair removal, since hair continues to grow and ingrown hairs often form. However, the procedures can be carried out independently at home, and tools and products for them are sold in almost every store. They are used due to their simplicity and low cost.

Taking into account biorhythms

The sensitivity of the body is consistent with biorhythms. Therefore, the effectiveness and pain of most cosmetic procedures depends on the time of their implementation.

There are intervals during the day when the pain threshold increases - from 10.00 to 11.00, from 14.30 to 15.30, from 19.00 to 21.00. These periods are best for going to the dentist, facial cleansing and waxing. In pronounced owls, there is a shift of about two hours.

When making an appointment with a cosmetologist, consider this point in advance and ask to choose the most suitable time.

Which areas can you epilate yourself?

If desired, you can carry out independent epilation of all zones. Perhaps only a deep bikini requires special resourcefulness and flexibility. However, in this case, the convenience of the procedure and quality are in question. Many hair removal methods are accompanied by pain. This may cause poor quality hair removal and the need to repeat hair removal. Therefore, it is necessary to first numb the bikini area and other sensitive areas of the skin.

Epilation of the bikini area and armpits has always been particularly difficult with various types of hair removal. To obtain excellent results, skill and experience are required. Thanks to modern technologies and products that can be used at home, you can quickly learn how to make your skin smooth.

Hair length

Before sugar depilation, the hairs need to grow to the required length. If they are short, the product will not capture them completely, which will lead to breakage, which is the cause of pain. The minimum hair length is 3 mm, but it is more effective to carry out the procedure when the hairs have grown by 5 mm. Therefore, it is recommended not to shave for 7 days before the session.

Types of hair removal at home

There are various methods of hair removal, which differ in the principle of impact, cost, and duration of the effect. But the main difference can be considered the level of pain that occurs during the hair removal process. Often women prefer to do the procedure at home and carry out the procedure on their own.

Taking into account individual characteristics and the level of pain threshold, you can choose the optimal hair removal method. The most popular are waxing, sugaring and using an epilator. Before hair removal, you need to know all the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure.


Hair removal with wax strips and wax is an affordable way to get rid of unwanted hair. Products for the procedure are sold in any store that has a department of household chemicals and beauty products. The effect of the procedure lasts for 3-4 weeks. With constant use of wax hair removal, hair becomes weaker and thinner over time. To achieve a classic bikini, the wax patch is ideal for this procedure.

The disadvantages of this method include:

  • difficulty in removing wax from the skin; special oil is required;
  • high pain;
  • To achieve excellent results, you need to wait until the hairs grow to a certain length.

Over time, with constant repetition of waxing, pain decreases, and the procedure occurs faster when the skills of its implementation are acquired.


Epilation using sugar paste. The principle of the method is the same as when using wax. The result lasts up to several weeks, and over time the hairs become thinner and become much sparser.

The disadvantages of sugaring are:

  • high cost of consumables;
  • high pain;
  • Hair removal is possible only when its length is 4-5 mm.

Constant repetition of the procedure will allow you to gain skills that will make it more effective each time.


If you have an epilator, you can independently treat the bikini area, armpits, legs and arms. This device is equipped with a large number of small tweezers that remove hair along with the follicle, which significantly slows down its growth. Smooth skin will delight you for several weeks.

The disadvantages of using an epilator are:

  • high pain;
  • high probability of ingrown hairs, which leads to inflammation;
  • long epilation time, since when passing through the body the epilator does not always capture all the hairs.

Severe pain can be reduced using special recommendations.

How to relieve pain when using an epilator

In order to reduce pain, it is recommended to take fairly simple steps:

  • Before the procedure, you should steam the skin, which helps to relax the body, dilates the pores and reduces the likelihood of irritation;
  • if available, it is necessary to use massage attachments that stimulate blood flow and dull the sensitivity of the skin;
  • if possible, choose an epilator with cooling attachments; if they are not available, you can use an ice pack or a cooling mitt;
  • When epilating a bikini with an epilator or epilating areas of increased sensitivity, it is necessary to use low speed, which will help the skin get used to the procedure.


Any freezing cream, gel or lotion has contraindications for use, such restrictions include:

  • Allergy to the main components of the drug.
  • Pregnancy. While carrying a child, it is forbidden to use anesthesia, since the main active ingredients lidocaine and prilocaine can enter the fetal tissue.
  • Lactation. Anesthetic components may pass into breast milk.
  • Use with caution when taking simultaneously with drugs containing a sulfo group.
  • Do not apply Xylocaine to open wounds, cuts or abrasions.
  • Do not use if you have atopic dermatitis.
  • Apply creams carefully near the eyes. Otherwise, the drugs may cause irritation of the corneal mucosa.

How to numb the skin before epilation?

There is an opinion that it is impossible to get rid of unwanted hair painlessly. This is partly true, since the epidermis contains a large number of nerve endings that are activated when hairs are removed. Pain can be reduced as much as possible only with proper preparation for the procedure and the use of proven methods.

The first effective way to reduce suffering during hair removal is considered to be relaxation. Stress always increases pain, so you need to calm down as much as possible, which will reduce the level of cortisol in the blood.

An important aspect is the woman’s health condition and the day of the menstrual cycle. During menstruation, all sensations become more intense, so during these days it is better to avoid hair removal, especially deep bikini hair removal.

For painless hair removal, local anesthesia can be used through various effective means, which are presented in the form of pharmaceutical preparations, professional and folk methods.

Special products from the pharmacy

There are many medications that can numb the skin before hair removal. An effective method is also considered to be an anesthetic cream, as well as medications that have an analgesic effect. After taking such medications, you can safely epilate even in the bikini area.

For adults, superficial anesthesia of the skin is carried out using anesthetics, which have practically replaced injections of painkillers. You can choose an effective cream, the convenience of which is that it can be applied only to the area that will be subjected to hair removal. This anesthetic cream will help relieve pain from injuries and other injuries.


To reduce pain, you can take headache relief pills. Taking painkillers will also help, which will increase the pain threshold and allow you to carry out the bikini hair removal procedure, which is considered the most sensitive. As a rule, the most effective tablets are needed specifically for depilation of intimate areas.

Care treatments and professional products

To numb the bikini area and other areas of the skin before epilation, it must be steamed. If this is not possible, other methods are used. For example, you can scrub the skin, which will get rid of necrotic tissue. This will reduce the distance between the surface of the skin and the hair follicles, which promotes hair removal.

Numerous professional products are intended for skin pain relief, which can be chosen in every beauty supply store.

Folk remedies

Popular wisdom keeps secrets that help reduce pain during hair removal. For this purpose, herbal compresses are prepared, which have an analgesic effect in the required area. They contain St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, nettle and other natural ingredients.

A clean cloth or sterile gauze is soaked in the prepared broth and applied to the area of ​​skin to be epilated until the analgesic effect occurs. The benefits of traditional medicine significantly exceed any other methods of pain relief due to the presence of side effects.

Precautionary measures

Anesthetic lotions and ointments are classified as medications, so you should be careful during use, especially if you plan to apply an anesthetic in the form of a sugaring cream to your bikini.

  • Before using any product, you must consult with an allergist who can individually select the appropriate anesthetic.
  • We recommend that before applying an analgesic medication, you read the instructions for use and also study the side effects.
  • In all beauty salons, cosmetologists independently numb the skin, so there is no need for home anesthesia. It is better to trust qualified professionals.
  • Before sugar manipulation, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol.
  • During monthly women's days, the procedure should be postponed.

Average price of drugs

Anesthesia for sugaringPrice
Cream "Emla"1700 rub. (for 5 g.)
Lidocaine spray400 rub.
Cream "Light Dep"4000 rub. (for 400 ml.)
Xylocaine400 rub.
Any stop2000 rub.
Golden rose1300 rub.

Epilation with a photoepilator

Using a photoepilator allows you to remove hair in a non-traumatic way, in which there is no contact of the device with the skin. The principle of action is the effect of a light pulse, which lulls the hair follicles and stops hair growth forever. To get the best results, you need to set the flash output to the optimum level.

When starting to use the photoepilator, you should use the lowest power possible. However, even in this case, it is necessary to check the effect on a skin area that is not very sensitive. Long-term use of low power will not allow you to achieve the desired effect, so you should gradually increase the power and move to other stages.

Tablets and injections

A woman can use pills to relieve pain. In this case, it is necessary to take into account that these drugs are analgesics, not anesthetics, and work on a different principle. When using tablets, the effect occurs on the entire body, and not on a separate area of ​​​​the skin. In this case, muscle tissue relaxes and spasms are relieved. When the remedy is taken at least half an hour before the session, the pain will dull slightly, but will not disappear completely.

In addition, you need to be aware of side effects. The most effective method of pain relief is injection, which will increase the cost of the procedure by 500-2500 rubles. It is forbidden to use this technique on your own. Violation of the integrity of the skin is acceptable if the injection is given by a person with a medical education.

Advantages of diode laser hair removal

The diode laser has been awarded the title of “Gold Standard” in the field of hair removal. The equipment has a huge supply of impulses, which makes it profitable and efficient. The impact of energy is absolutely safe for the human body and effective in the fight against unwanted vegetation.

The main advantages of using diode laser hair removal are:

  • effective hair removal in the bikini area, armpits, etc.;
  • the effect of rejuvenation of areas of epilated skin;
  • For complete hair removal, only 6-8 laser hair removal procedures are needed;
  • does not cause negative consequences on the skin during hair removal;
  • short duration of sessions.

Preparation for the procedure

To make the future process easier, be responsible and prepare your body a few days in advance:

  • use a scrub to remove dead skin on the body;
  • do not use alcohol-containing care products, as they thicken the skin;
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages, strong tea and coffee before sugaring, as they excite the nervous system and increase pain sensitivity;
  • try to take a bath so that the pores expand, then the effect of the procedure will be maximum.

Ice, contrary to widespread myth, is good to use after sugaring, not before.

It anesthetizes irritated areas and relieves possible burning sensation. If you use ice before the procedure, the pain will increase due to narrowed pores. And the effect of getting rid of hair follicles will be much lower.

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