Sergey Shvyrev: “A person, finding himself at the bottom, without the support of the state, begins to move”

Sergey Shvyrev: “A person, finding himself at the bottom, without the support of the state, begins to move”

Sergey Pavlovich, tell us how you started?

While studying at the Military Medical Academy, fate brought me together with an amazing person, a surgeon with a capital S, Anatoly Egorovich Belousov, who at that time was one of the most prominent representatives of the new wave in reconstructive surgery in the USSR. After years of study and military service, this connection was not interrupted, and moreover, it gave an unexpected continuation.

In 1987, after 3 years of military service, I entered the clinical residency of the Military Medical Academy at the Department of Military Traumatology and Orthopedics, where I was engaged in microsurgical work for several years. Together with fellow enthusiasts, he sewed on fingers and restored the activity of damaged elements of the human musculoskeletal system.

Then came 91, and with it famous events in the country. And by the spring of this year, my teacher said: “There are no prospects, we need to develop further. Unfortunately, I don’t see a future within the state system. We are creating a private clinic!”

We left the Military Medical Academy, attracted our colleagues and created a team of like-minded people, with whom we began to practice surgery privately at the base of Medical Unit No. 122. Located on their territory, we performed very complex microsurgical operations. I had to learn the basics of advertising, marketing, and management. Everything that any small private enterprise does now was new then. And since 1993, we began to perform the first aesthetic surgeries.

Then everyone started doing something. Everyone who had an entrepreneurial spirit. A person, finding himself at the bottom, without the support of the state, begins to move.

Was it a necessary measure to leave a government agency and start your own business?

Without a doubt! But we saw the future and made plans for the future. In those years, this type of medical service was slowly dying out in government institutions, but people turned to us for help and received high-quality services. Our clinic then consisted of 5 surgeons and 2 anesthesiologists. After 9 years of active work, the clinic split, and with four more colleagues we founded our own clinic with an emphasis on performing aesthetic interventions. We are still working with this team.

Where did you start, with what operations?

In general, it was strange for high-class microsurgeons to say: “We will do breast augmentation.”

I can’t say that it was beneath my dignity, a microsurgeon sewing fingers, saving perhaps not a life, but the opportunity to live and work fully, suddenly pump out fat, and do liposuction. But life forced me. As practice has shown, at that time this was the only right decision.

Gradually, by the 2000s, the state nevertheless restored the capabilities of microsurgery in the country, and the need to provide these services in a private clinic decreased noticeably. On the other hand, our capabilities as microsurgeons have allowed us to approach the performance and implementation of aesthetic operations at a new level. Possessing unique capabilities for working with tissues, we turned out to be the most prepared for high surgical technologies in aesthetic medicine.

Did the practice of aesthetic practical surgery exist in the USSR? Was there a culture itself?

There was, of course. This culture in the Soviet Union was born as a separate institution on Arbat - the Institute of Beauty. At one time, it was completely adapted to Lyubov Orlova . In St. Petersburg for a long time there was a branch of it on Gorokhovaya. This was a completely untouchable “elite”. No one even tried to eat this “pie”.

Have you ever regretted that you decided to follow the chosen path, to do this particular business?

I was lucky, I never experienced disappointment. This is my favorite thing in my whole life. As for business itself, success depends not only on whether I am happy to go to work. A lot, if not everything, depends on the coordinated work of a team of like-minded people!

In 2000, when we founded the clinic, most people around us looked at us with bewilderment. Five doctors - and not a single professor among them! “You’ll fall apart in six months!” - they told us then.

This doesn't mean we have to think alike. Against. We are all different people. The most important thing is that we managed to agree among ourselves. And we have been in the same team for 16 years. This is what allows you to move forward. If we enter into stagnation, remain at the same level as a year ago, then we are dying.

How can we make sure that the younger generation of doctors understands what a huge responsibility they have?

Fostering responsibility is probably the most important thing. A person can also be irresponsible. And he will be a surgeon. But he will be an ordinary performer.

I always give this example to young people: you accept a woman and decide to do such and such. At the same time, you can use the entire arsenal of surgical technologies. You are surgeons! Now imagine that in front of you is your close relative. Have you thought about it? What would you do to her, how would you act?

As long as we look at patients from the point of view of the objects of our activity, it will not be possible to train a normal aesthetic surgeon. A surgeon who takes the patient’s side, who looks at solving the problem through the patient’s eyes, is capable of much more!

Reviews about the GrandMed medical center

01/13/2020, 11:14 questionable review

"GrandMed" is a place where dreams come true.
I myself am naturally petite, my breasts have only grown to 1. After giving birth, I decided that now I can make my lifelong dream come true! For several months I visited different clinics. During a consultation with V.A. Bragilev, I was captivated by his attitude towards his work; such attention to nuances is rarely seen! Vadim Alekseevich told me in detail and showed that there was no doubt left... Show in full "GrandMed" is a place where dreams come true. I myself am naturally petite, my breasts have only grown to 1. After giving birth, I decided that now I can make my lifelong dream come true! For several months I visited different clinics. During a consultation with V.A. Bragilev, I was captivated by his attitude towards his work; such attention to nuances is rarely seen! Vadim Alekseevich told me in detail and showed that there was no doubt left, “GrandMed” and that’s it. Before the operation, I had to undergo a bunch of examinations and doctors, I did it there, because... There was simply no time to sit in queues at the district clinic, and there was no special desire either. A week before the operation, I caught a little cold, but didn’t think much of it, because... the temperature rose only once, but as it turned out this was a direct contraindication and Vadim Alekseevich underwent surgery for another 2 weeks. Which once again showed his responsible attitude to his work. After that, I myself began to take my preparation much more seriously, followed all the doctor’s recommendations, and on the appointed day I arrived happy and absolutely healthy. They put me in a very comfortable single room, with a button to call a nurse, which was simply my salvation after the operation. The operation itself went without complications, anesthesia without consequences, everything was as it should be. The first time after the operation was quite difficult, especially sleeping on my back all the time, you couldn’t raise your arms, even to comb your hair... but the nurses helped a lot, I didn’t want to be discharged (from the word at all!). A clear schedule, delicious food, nothing to do, they help with everything, a real sanatorium. A couple of weeks after returning home, I already began to return to my usual rhythm of life. A month later, I had my next examination with Vadim Alekseevich, and both he and I were pleased with the result. During the examination, I was once again convinced that I had chosen the best doctor, a true professional and perfectionist, which in my opinion is one of the most necessary qualities in plastic surgery. answer

Sergey Shvyrev

Human needs human.
© S. Lem

A little about myself

Ladies and Gentlemen, Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself:

Sergey D. Shvyrev: “The overwhelming number of people do not know how to live, and do not even understand that they need to learn this too!”

Who am I?

  • Progresser / Progresser.
  • Improvement Specialist - Life Improvement Specialist - Engagement Specialist.
  • Training Specialist.
  • Teacher of Consciousness, coach of Consciousness, I help you become Conscious, I give Consciousness.
  • I help you understand and realize the purpose, purpose and meaning of Life.
  • A born psychologist, mystic, teacher.
  • Increasing vital energy, activity, motivation: healthy and proper care of your body, healthy and proper nutrition, physiology of the body, principles of neurophysiology for everyday life.
  • Happiness specialist - speaker, Life coach, coach, writer.
  • Reality transferr.

Personal consultations, group trainings and seminars.

I analyze and help you understand any life situations.

“You can become a likeness of any personality already manifested, and even create a million others with any desired set of skills and implementations of these skills. Of course, this will require some action and time. But over the course of our lives, each of us can become anyone, and change several roles, or be them at the same time!”

What I do?

The whole essence of all problems is the questions: How should I live?! What is life? Who am I? How to learn to live? What is a sense of life? How to get what you want? How to be happy? - that’s all that people come with, everyone’s conditions are different, but the principle is the same for everyone.

For a long time I was indignant that there was no guide to life, how it works, how to use everything that is happening here?!

This is exactly what we will explore together with you, my dears!

All our communication will be devoted to searching for any answers that concern Us, and understanding the principles of these searches. Increasing efficiency in all areas of Life, through knowledge of the principles of operation of the mechanisms of reality, Life, Consciousness and the person himself.

A little background

I searched for a long time, understood myself and understood myself, as well as reality and life. What is going on here, and what should I do?! What do I love most in life, what do I like to do. I tried a lot of things, and interest always faded at a certain stage... When I set out to seriously understand everything, I realized that all this time I was doing nothing but getting to know myself and the surrounding reality, life, looking for meaning in it, laws, principles , relationships. This has always interested me and piqued my interest.

Finally, I will do this, now consciously and not be distracted by anything! I exclaimed and let it happen. After some time, I realized that this is not all, because I am learning, reflecting, realizing - and this is wonderful and amazing, but something is missing. There is no satisfaction... But it turns out that I didn’t like knowledge in itself, the most exciting and exciting thing for me is sharing this knowledge with others. I really like to explain everything and everyone, and I experience incredible pleasure when I manage to convey my point of view to a person or people so that they understand me.

I wandered for a long time... and now I finally felt myself, understood, realized! I want to learn and share my knowledge. This is a real thrill and pleasure.

And of course, this especially applies to any of my topics, which I think are the most important, the foundations of all Life: to understand what Life is and what a person is!

This is enough to live happily, enjoy and have fun! After all, if I understand how the mechanism works, or the rules of the Game, I can learn and become a master, playing as efficiently as possible (using the mechanism), receiving and realizing any of my desires. And I am happy to share this knowledge with everyone.

“Only changes bring us happiness, only they give us pleasure and satisfaction, joy, strength, energy, health. Living means = Changing.”

What I did and was interested in:

  • I have always loved to study. School with honors, University with honors.
  • I love to read. I have re-read tons of books from A. Dumas, science fiction, to philosophical, spiritual teachings, as well as scientific research and articles on quantum physics, neurophysiology and much more.
  • Tourism instructor. I love to travel, mainly to mystical, natural places of Power.
  • Studied the Vedas, Indian, Slavic. Conducted Slavic rituals. He was engaged in energy practices. Slavic Health, Alive, Lyubki, Interaction with the elements. He was interested in Ayurveda, Astrology, Runes.
  • He taught bodily health practices to children and adults.
  • The second stage is traditional Reiki Mikao Usui (hand healing).
  • Extensive experience in participating in psychological trainings, seminars, and dives. Various schools and directions.
  • I love meditation, the state of Awareness.
  • I love the Knowledge of the ancient Toltecs.

Consultations are aimed at unlocking the individual’s potential:

  • Improve your life, all its facets, spheres, directions: the meaning of Life, health, family, relationships, career, money - whatever.
  • Become Happy. All aspects of happiness.
  • Understand, realize your purpose, purpose, meaning of Life. Who to be and how to realize yourself.
  • Learn to act and apply any acquired knowledge. Increase vital energy. Always want to act without fatigue and laziness.
  • Dismantle and improve any difficulties in life.
  • Learn to receive any of your desires and dreams in reality, in life.
  • Improve your business. Become more effective and successful in business.
  • Health. The basics of proper nutrition and caring for the physical body.
  • Relationships between women and men. Harmony of interaction.
  • Become aware of feelings, emotions, sensations, experiences. Learn to use these tools.
  • Fears. Voltages. Anxiety. Doubts. How to live and cope with them.

What is the essence of any of my training, consultation, seminar?

  • Why are we unhappy? — Because we don’t get what we want.
  • Why people don't get what they want:
  1. They don’t know, they don’t understand what they want;
  2. They know, but do not believe that they can get it;
  3. They know, they believe, but there are obstacles, obstacles that get in the way.

I will help you understand, realize, feel and receive any of your Desires and Dreams!

As a result, everyone who wants to will learn to find any answers to any questions. And the most important of them is How to get what you want? “What you want” is anything: a skill, a thing, aspiration, abilities, opportunities, whatever you want!

With respect and full affection!

Sergey Shvyrev

Copied from the site "Self-knowledge .ru"

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