Plastic surgeon Sergei Moshak: I just destroy women's illusions

Plastic surgeon Sergei Moshak: I just destroy women's illusions

VLADIVOSTOK, February 3, PrimaMedia. One of the best specialists in the Far East, the famous plastic surgeon Sergei Moshak, told RIA PrimaMedia what the beauty and complexity of plastic surgery are. Reference

Sergey Moshak is a famous plastic surgeon of the Far East. Born in Moscow, studied for 2 years at the Nikolaev art school. At one time he worked as an artist, electrician, carpenter, security guard and even a loader. He completed 2 courses at the Odessa Institute of Marine Engineers and served in the Navy in Vladivostok. Graduated from Vladivostok State Medical University with a degree in ENT residency. Worked for 5 years in a medical cosmetology clinic in Vladivostok, trained in Moscow, Tver, Yaroslavl. Participated in annual conferences in Russia and abroad: 2003-Sydney, 2004-Houston, 2005-Vienna, 2006-New York, 2007-Chicago-New York. Since 2003 he has been working as a plastic surgeon at the regional diagnostic center of Vladivostok.

— Why did you decide to become a doctor, and then also a plastic surgeon?

“When I made this decision, my wounded pride came into play. I studied to be a shipbuilder. He completed two courses at the Odessa Institute of Marine Engineers and went to serve in the navy. A colleague told me that any education in our country, except medical education, can be obtained from books. Since I was an excellent student, this affected me. I really wanted to prove to myself, to him, to everyone around me that I could graduate from this specialty, and I entered medical school. In a family that never had doctors, I became the first.

- How dare you evaluate the beauty of a patient? Who determines the parameters of beauty?

— Previously, I even imposed my opinion on patients, my vision. What gave me the right? First of all, it is experience and knowledge. Women who come to the appointment do not know what they are facing, they have no experience with plastic surgery. I have it, and besides, I can tell potential clients about previous cases, about how it happened with other people.

- And now?

“Now the desire to help a person, to cure him, to rid him of the problems that brought him to me comes to the fore. There may be different situations. Sometimes one intervention is enough to make a person satisfied. I think it’s wrong to drag her into the operating room and “redo everything.” First, a woman must be convinced to test her strength - that is, undergo a small operation, a parachute jump, a hike in the mountains - to test herself... If she understands that she really wants this, then I do it.

— If a woman is dissatisfied with her beauty and wants to become Angelina Jolie? What do you say in this case?

— The woman comes and makes her own order. If our views coincide and something can really be done, then why not, we can take on such a project.

- So you can make a Mercedes out of a Zhiguli?

- Most often it is very long and troublesome, you can imagine how much effort and money you need to invest, and I always ask the question “is the game worth the candle.” If a person convinces me that this is so, then why not.

— Are the possibilities of current plastic surgery limited? What is still beyond her control?

— The most difficult thing is to sew on the nerves. All tissues and blood vessels are stitched together, except for the nervous system, because no one yet fully knows how it works.

— What was your most difficult operation?

— There are difficult people, but in technical terms there are no difficulties.
In technical terms, there were lengthy operations. Over time, skill and analysis of situations grow, and if five years ago some operations seemed difficult to me, now everything is solved much easier and faster. — Did you have any doubts that you were doing something wrong?
That it is impossible to correct what is given to man by nature? — There were doubts, but I found the answer. Maybe God himself brought this man to me. You need to talk to the client personally. He didn’t just come, something caused it, and it wasn’t the surgeon’s idea. I do not promote, advertise, promote my services on the market, or create commercial pressure in my work. The primary desire must itself be born in a person, and then I will not have torment of conscience.

— What is the average age of patients?

— Statistics are divided by type of operation, different types are characteristic of different ages. In rhinoplasty, for example, with a change in the nose, young people are more common 18-30 years old, breast augmentation - 25 - 35 years old, lifting from 35 to 40, body work - from 40 and above.

- Do beautiful people have a better life? Does the “age limit” change?

— Americans have calculated that 14% of beautiful people live better, it’s easier for them to move up the career ladder, and they spend less effort. Young people have a lot of other things that can distract them from plastic surgery; the entertainment sector does not stand still. Personally, I will not create conditions under which a teenager will come to us for surgery only on social indicators, to raise his self-esteem.

— Do you dissuade women from operations?

— I very actively stop nulliparous girls who want to enlarge their breasts, they simply do not understand what they are doing, by and large. I stand for common sense, safety and health. I don’t like the “breast enlargement at any cost” trend. I perform operations, help women, but do not agitate, and most often I dissuade very young patients.

— Does your view of beauty become blurred over time? Is it becoming purely technical?

— I always try to answer the question of what beauty is.
There are 10 points that help me with this and, in general, give an answer about beauty. First of all, this is biological expediency, portrait resemblance to famous personalities, biological signs that say: the healthier, the more beautiful. It is not necessary for a person to fall into some template of beauty and standardization. My latest discovery is Plato’s expression: “Beauty is the splendor of goodness.” If you think about it, this is very correct. For example, you look at a person, talk to him, waves of good nature emanate from him. Remembering him, you begin to be drawn to him, regardless of whether he is handsome or not. — How do women react when you tell them about your shortcomings to their faces?
“I can tell a woman that she has some problems, but it will be a personal conversation in the doctor’s office. I call a spade a spade in order to point out shortcomings and help, and not to insult the patient. Many people take the diagnosis for discussion outside the office. Because of this, many misunderstandings arise between patients and doctors. I am just destroying women’s illusions, but even if they agree with the truth, they are still offended, and this upsets me. But I create a new, material illusion, which the patient needs so much, just as psychologists create a model of illusion. I convince people of this or that.

— When a person sees external changes, does he begin to behave differently?

— It has been proven that feedback exists. The better a person looks, the better he feels, he is literally ready to give joy to everyone around him.

— Were there any cases when the relationship between partners deteriorated after the operation?

— I used to think that this was an indicator of good work, but now I think differently.
Now I give advice to partners who come with patients. If a woman is happy, it means that somewhere there is a man who makes her happy, and it doesn’t matter how many operations she has. Watch the interview on PrimTV


I’ll start my story with the fact that the shape of my nose began to bother me when I was 13! While studying at school, there were no nicknames or name-calling, but still, the nose, combined with long curly hair and big eyes, introduced notes of the Caucasus into the appearance. And then I first thought about rhinoplasty!

By the age of 18, this thought had subsided, but, to be honest, it never left me.. There was no shortage of male attention, but when meeting young people, I tried not to turn in profile and looked for the most successful angle. There was also a moment when a guy I liked, in a fit of jealousy, pointed out to me a “flaw.” The desire for a nose job returned with a vengeance. This became the impetus for searching for a surgeon who would help me correct my “flaw” and, most importantly, believe in myself!

I settled on the Internet. Dozens of links, reviews, names, photographs, communication with patients... my head was spinning. I admit honestly, at first I chose a surgeon in one of the clinics in St. Petersburg, about whom there were flattering reviews. Literally a couple of days after the day of the operation was set, on the social network “Contact” I saw a photo of a girl who had rhinoplasty. I was shocked! A wonderful result and at the end of the album there is a photograph of the surgeon who performed this miracle. It was Sergei Vasilyevich Moshak. Seeing him, I realized that it was this person who should open the door to my new life. There was no doubt, it was Him!

The next day I called Sergei Vasilyevich. To my surprise, the surgeon himself answered the phone. To be honest, I didn’t expect to hear exactly him; it was assumed that the administrator, nurse or assistant would answer.

From the first words I felt that this was My surgeon. He has a wonderful sense of humor, confidence in his voice, he felt me, my problem, and a great desire to change. After I sent him my photo by email, he explained in detail what needed to be done. In my case, rhinoplasty must be combined with chin augmentation - it is this combination that will give the maximum aesthetic result, plus the cheeks, liposuction of the cheeks is necessary. The cost of the operation was 150 rubles. In order to fulfill my dream, I decided to apply to the bank for a loan. Improving a girl’s appearance is an investment in its purest form, just like education, for example, will pay off in the future!

Here a problem arose: out of the 150 thousand rubles I requested, the bank issued 1,200,000. I did not expect such a turn of events. In desperation, I called Sergei Vasilievich and explained the situation. His answer was one word: “Come!” Once again during our short correspondence acquaintance I was surprised by this man, I was convinced that Sergei Vasilyevich was the result of the operation, and not its reward.

The day of departure arrived.. I admit honestly, getting on the plane, I doubted for a second: the edge of the country, the operation, the unknown... But on October 1 I was in Vladivostok. I was met by Christina, a patient of S.V. Moshak, and based on the results of her operation I found my surgeon. I can’t help but dedicate a few words to this wonderful person who was there and helped me take a step towards my dream. She supported me from the first day we met, thank her very much!

A couple of hours later I was at the clinic and was waiting for a meeting with Sergei Vasilyevich. It arrived quite quickly, which is surprising; as a rule, you have to wait from 3 to 5 hours.

I won’t lie if I say that I liked the surgeon right away. I saw in front of me a young attractive man with a rich inner world, irrepressible vital energy and optimism. After talking with him for 10 minutes, I appreciated his professionalism and ability to feel a person. Rhinoplasty is a piece of jewelry. It is very difficult to choose a surgeon based on his work; I liked many of his work, but Moshak is a nose specialist who can instantly see the result even before the operation. He gave me a feeling of confidence and peace of mind in the end result.

The operation was scheduled for October 5 and lasted about 5 hours. I can’t help but mention my anesthesiologist Vladimir Stanislavovich Petrakov, who played an important role during the operation and my subsequent recovery.. And in general, all the medical care. The composition made a lasting impression on me.

This is of course banal, but the result of the operation exceeded all my expectations! Having received more correct and attractive facial features, I remained myself, retained my individuality. I changed not only externally, but also internally. I have become a more integral, self-confident person, and all this was not without the help of Sergei Vasilyevich; new facets of femininity have opened up in me. I just started living again, believed in myself, in my strengths. Indeed, he helped me believe in myself and correct my “shortcomings”.

I am grateful to S.V. Moshak for his talent, golden hands, warmth.

I wish everyone who has decided to take this important step to find their surgeon the way I did!


  • After graduating from school, he entered the shipbuilding department of the Odessa Institute of Marine Engineers. After the first course, he was called up for military service, which he served on one of the ships of the Pacific Fleet. After completing his service, he entered the Vladivostok State Medical University. In his third year, Sergei Moshak decided on his future specialization, choosing plastic surgery
  • In 1996 he graduated from Vladivostok State Medical University (VSMU) with a degree in General Medicine. From 1996 to 1998, he underwent clinical residency training at the Vladivostok State Medical University at the Department of ENT Diseases and completed a full course in the specialty “Otorhinolaryngology”.
  • In 1998, he completed primary specialization courses in plastic surgery in Tver and Yaroslavl.


  • Performs all types of aesthetic surgeries of the face and body, including operations on patients after various types of facial injuries, with problems after previous operations, etc. Preferred field of activity is rhinoplasty, facial image surgery.
  • Clinical specialization, the best professional skills, accumulated experience and personal professional interest of Sergei Moshak lie in the field of rhinoplasty (preference is given exclusively to closed methods of nose correction). At the same time, the closest attention is paid not only to the aesthetic problems of the nose, but also to its functional properties and characteristics - issues of nasal breathing, anatomical structure, clinical problems of a rhinological nature, etc.
  • Performed more than 6,500 isolated and combined aesthetic plastic surgeries, including: 1,670 liposuction surgeries, 1,350 nose jobs, 820 facelifts, 530 breast surgeries, 600 chin and abdominal surgeries, and about 450 other types of surgeries.
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