Elven ear - description, structure and preparation for surgery

How to make elf ears? The easiest way in this case is to buy a plastic nozzle and put it on whenever you want. But not everyone is ready for such compromise options. Surgeons will help you make an elven ear, although the operation will cost a lot of money. As practice shows, not all doctors agree to carry out it - such an intervention is too atypical.

And although it is quite simple to make elf ears, the operation causes confusion among many: “Why?” Again, doctors fear that their clients do not understand that returning the ear to its normal anatomically correct shape in the future is unlikely to be possible. That's why many people recommend using false elf ears.

Everything is allowed!

Modern plastic surgeons can make almost any dream of the average person come true. The operation to create elven ears will not be an exception, although such interventions are performed quite rarely. Not everyone can afford it, and not everyone is ready to risk such drastic changes in appearance. Many people first use hand-made elf ears for a long time, and only later, realizing that they really want it, do they decide to have plastic surgery.

Operations of this type are widespread in America, China, and Hungary. The procedure involves cutting the upper pole and removing a small piece of cartilage. To fix the result, a special material is used that dissolves after some time of wearing. As a result, the client receives a real elf ear: pointed, graceful, beautiful.

The essence of the operation to change the shape of the ears to elven ones

The intervention is performed under local anesthesia. But it involves the implementation of more complex actions than when correcting protruding or ugly ears. First, the changes are simulated on a computer, and the lines along which the cuts will be made are identified. Next, the process moves into the operating room:

  • the ear is treated with an antiseptic;
  • the patient receives anesthesia in the form of an anesthetic injection;
  • the surgeon makes incisions to release the cartilage;

  • they are folded so that the tip of the ear becomes pointed;
  • sutures made of biodegradable material are applied to the cartilage tissue;
  • the skin of the ears is fixed in the new position with non-absorbable threads;
  • a plaster is applied on top.

During the operation, an important point is the tension of the cartilage. If it is not strong enough, it will not be possible to achieve the desired result, because these tissues are elastic. Therefore, the tip of the ear always curls up more than it should.

Why is this necessary?

Often, nothing can stop true fans of amazing books, games and films if they really want elf ears. The price of the operation is no exception. In our country, such a surgical intervention currently costs 10-50 thousand rubles; in America, such an event will cost more than a thousand dollars. Yet the method of self-expression, although expensive, has a wide audience.

As doctors say, when making a decision in favor of such an operation, people want to share their vision of the world, interests, and views with others. Having made such a simple modification of the body (an elven ear), in the future you can, without words, let your interlocutor know who he is dealing with.

Statistics show that not all plastic surgeons' clients are fans of Tolkien's works. But they are the ones who dominate among the general mass. However, the passion for fantasy is currently capturing ever wider sections of the population.

Useful video

Watch the video of a psychologist's opinion on why people get piercings and elf ears:

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Where to go?

To get a good elf ear, you need to see a plastic surgeon. In a specialized clinic, suitable conditions have been created, cleanliness is maintained, and there is no fear of infection. But the high cost of the service pushes young people to look for alternative options. And then underground “doctors” appear on the scene, promising to make beautiful ears at home for small sums.

When faced with such an offer, you should not immediately agree to it. Even if the “doctor” knows how to make elven ears, it is not a fact that the operation will be carried out cleanly. The risk of infection in artisanal conditions is extremely high, which will lead to the formation of rough scars. Such an elven ear will not bring any pleasure in the future.

What you need to know before making your dream come true - elven ears

Not all plastic surgeons agree to change ordinary ears to elf ones. And for good reason. This type of otoplasty has several disadvantages:

  • It changes the appearance of your ears forever. When you get tired of surprising others, you won’t be able to do a second operation. A new intervention may cause the ears to become deformed.

  • This type of surgery is much more complex than other types of otoplasty . And it may end in failure, that is, the ears return to their previous state (but with damage) or deformation. Cartilage, fixed in an unusual position, tends to straighten.
  • After the intervention you will have to endure pain . And it will last for several weeks .
  • You need to take care of the stitches for a long time and endure the inconvenience so as not to damage your ears . For example, you will only have to sleep on your back, you should not drink alcohol, smoke or take certain medications for a long time.

We recommend reading the article that protruding ears is not a death sentence; surgery will fix everything. From it you will learn about the indications for changing the shape of the ears, examples of famous people who got rid of the problem, contraindications for the procedure, the technique of performing the operation, possible complications and cost. And here is more information about how to correct the shape of your earlobe.

To save or not?

Of course, everyone decides for themselves where and who to contact. You need to understand: an unsuccessful operation is irreparable in the future; the scars will remain with the person for life. If you really want to undergo plastic surgery, but there is no money, experts recommend waiting, saving the necessary amounts, and in the meantime they will come to the place of the cuff. Elven ears in this format are presented in abundance - some are natural-looking, and there are also those that are interpreted as false ones from any angle.

If wearing artificial ears gives the understanding that it is convenient, suitable, and really necessary, then you can spend money. But not for artisanal conditions, even if the reviews about such “doctors” are good. One will be lucky, the other will not. In order not to take risks, you need to contact a reliable clinic.


This direction in plastic surgery is considered relatively simple to implement, since the interventions themselves are usually quite short and safe. Several techniques have been developed to adjust the shape and size of the auricle. Initially, this remedy was developed to eliminate defects and defects acquired or inherited from birth, but recently, more and more often, surgeons are coming to surgeons to change the ears for cosmetic purposes.

The structure of the ear is such that the operation does not affect any vital tissue. However, this only applies to aesthetic intervention. Sometimes doctors are asked for reconstruction to restore missing tissue. Such an event can be quite serious and complex. However, it has nothing to do with the creation of elven ears - this change in the body is purely aesthetic.

Possible complications after changing the shape of the ears

There are several problems that may arise after this type of otoplasty:

  • Wound infection. It manifests itself as redness of the skin, throbbing pain, and leakage of fluid from the wounds. May lead to superficial bacterial or fungal otitis media.
  • Hematoma. Its signs include increased pain, tissue tension, swelling, bleeding through the skin and sutures.

  • Pronounced scars. They can be hypertrophic or keloid, formed due to prolonged healing or characteristics of the body.
  • Perichondritis . This is a consequence of the inflammatory process in tissues, which can lead to necrosis. The cartilage will have to be removed and replaced with grafts.
  • Unraveling of sewn fabrics. Because of this, the new shape of the ear is disrupted, it may return to its previous appearance or become deformed. The problem also arises after rehabilitation due to the growth of blood vessels in the cartilage area and its gradual resorption.


The overall impression formed on the basis of appearance depends on the little things. If one of the elements of the appearance is disproportionately large or small, it can “scratch the eye.” On the contrary, deliberately changing one's appearance in order to stand out from the crowd attracts attention and creates a (usually) good impression. This is what explains the popularity of elven ears. In addition to the described direction, people suffering from:

  • curled ear;
  • numerous creases;
  • disproportion of the auricle;
  • bifurcated lobe;
  • defective state of the cartilaginous skeleton;
  • antihelix;
  • asymmetry;
  • neurofibromatosis;
  • a disproportionate angle of contact between the occipital bone and the auricle, which, under the influence of this arrangement, takes on a funnel-like appearance.

What do psychologists say?

Since otoplasty is a fairly simple procedure, experts recommend performing it for any psychological complexes associated with the ears in order to free yourself from hidden oppression. If a person notices that he is constantly trying to cover his ears with hair or a hat (hiding them from the visibility of others), and failure to do so is accompanied by self-doubt, it is worth visiting a doctor.

The procedure is safe if you entrust it to an experienced surgeon in a reliable clinic. Therefore, there is no point in fighting complexes and suffering from tightness all your life.

As for the financial component, only atypical operations are currently expensive. Such, for example, as the formation of elven ears. But classic interventions to bring the ear into a standard shape have a fairly affordable price.

Possible, but not today

The intervention is not carried out during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or during a therapeutic course with drugs that affect blood quality. The operation cannot be performed if the intervention area is infected or inflamed. Otoplasty is not recommended during periods of exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

If the reason for the doctor’s refusal is one of these conditions, changing it will be a reason to be seen again.

Not at all!

Categorical contraindications for surgical intervention are:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus accompanied by microangiopathy;
  • chronic coagulopathies;
  • metabolic disorders, somatic disorders in severe or progressive form.

The listed conditions make surgery a risky undertaking. Complications are highly likely to develop, and the outcome is sometimes impossible to predict.

This is interesting

Most surgical interventions are performed only within strictly defined age limits. But otoplasty is an exception to the rule, since it can be corrected in both a small child and an elderly person. Often, immediately after birth, abnormal development of the auricle is observed.

To prevent the baby from encountering an unpleasant reaction from society in the future, parents may decide to have their ears adjusted. Doctors say: this measure allows you to get really good results, since all the conditions are created for the formation of a harmonious face.

The main and affordable option for making elven ears

There are several ways to make unusual ears. They use various materials that bring zest to the image in their own way.

This option is considered the most economical, affordable and requires a minimum amount of manufacturing time. The only thing is that the ears are small. If long leaf-shaped ones are required to create an image, then you should choose a different manufacturing option.

It is necessary to choose a flesh-colored adhesive plaster that best matches your skin color. Then apply the tape parallel to each other, so that an angle appears at the top. The layers are applied until the required size and shape are obtained, then with the help of scissors you need to correct all the unevenness and give the correct look.

Cover the surface with thick foundation. This option is, of course, simple, and it is also one-time use. The adhesive tape will quickly cease to perform its functions, and the ears will not be secured.

Should you give in to fashion?

Elf ears have been trending lately. On the other hand, you need to understand that the modification will remain for life. Of course, some experienced doctors can take on the task of giving the ears an anatomically correct shape, but this is only available in a narrow list of clinics, and the operation itself will cost more than creating an eccentric image.

Psychologists advise: if you want to stand out from the crowd, you must first carefully weigh all the pros and cons, and not be led by momentary passion.

If there is an assumption that in the future such a modification will become boring or irritating, it is better to delay contacting the clinic. However, it’s hard to deny: when collaborating with a reliable hospital, the result is truly aesthetic, attention-grabbing, and elegant.

Elven ears





examination, consultation, sterilization, anesthesia, procedure, rest, postoperative examinations and dressings, suture removal

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Recently, this type of body modification such as “Elven ears” is gaining great popularity. Now it is no longer associated only with freaks, and with the development of the industry, the technique of performing modifications has also begun to develop. However, this is a serious matter - no one argues! Before taking this step, it is very important to know everything about the body mod itself, about the procedure, about healing, possible risks and consequences - it will be very smart!


This is a surgical operation of the plastic type, during which the shape of the upper part of the ear becomes pointed like that of an elf, which is why the name appeared. Part of the cartilage is cut off, then the ear is reshaped so that it takes on a pointed shape.

A common misconception: ears do not extend in length! Their shape can be adjusted, but not their length! And additional length, in principle, can theoretically be done by a professional plastic surgeon for a couple of tens of thousands of euros.

And now ATTENTION! Common mistake made by experts:

Most do not take into account the tension of the cartilage, which tends to return the auricle to its original state. And it returns. That's why almost everyone's ears eventually spread out and become the same as before, only even less beautiful.


Sutures are removed on average after 9 days. Any cut takes an average of 90 days to heal. Do you feel the difference? But no one has canceled the tension of the cartilage. How does the skin stretch? Ask your friends who have stretched 50-60mm holes in their lobes. Continue?

If the sutures are not removed, after some time (2-3 weeks or more) you will become the owner of landscape inflammation (an inevitable reaction to suture material), possibly infection, and other joys of life.

How to avoid this?

1. First of all, when marking, you need to take into account that the ear will eventually spread out, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, here you need to give yourself a head start in ADVANCE by folding your ear 50-80% narrower than you wanted. 2. So far an untested option, but personally I (Andersson) will do the next ears with a combination of absorbable and non-absorbable suture material. Absorbable will be used to bind the cartilage with an internal permanent suture. But it must be said that this measure is also insufficient due to the fact that on average it loses its strength in 15-20 days. That. then it can tear inside under tension and eventually still gradually dissolve. 3. Therefore, even after removing the stitches, I constantly push my clients to wear ear clips. At least banal strips of a good Soviet adhesive plaster, applied so that the ear was tightened. And you need to wear them for at least a month and a half (preferably two or three)


Here's the most interesting thing. THIS IS THE MOST CRITICAL STAGE; at least 50% of the success of the operation depends on it.

It will hurt at first. Immediately after the operation - as soon as the anesthesia wears off - it will hurt like hell. Analgesics like Ketanov will help here. And, of course, sound healthy sleep. In general, they will hurt, and quite badly, if you touch them. Therefore, you will definitely have to sleep either on your back or on your stomach. If you don't know how, learn ;)

In order for the stitches to heal beautifully and not leave ugly scars and redness, you need to smear them 2-3 times a day with regenerants, for example, Actovegin (ointment). Wrapping your ears with cotton wool or adhesive tape is your imagination. Naturally, if you remove the bandage, rinse with chlorhexidine. If the blood crust gets in the way (it gets in the way!), carefully remove it with a cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide, which dissolves the blood. After removing the stitches, continue to wash and apply for at least another week. Two are better.

You can forget about alcohol, analgin, caffeine for the first month. At least about alcohol for sure. If you want beautiful ears. In addition, to improve and speed up the healing process, it is recommended to take a course of Traumeel S tablets. You should start a couple of days before the operation (4 times a day, 1 piece), before the operation, eat 4-5 pieces and after the operation drink for 2-3 weeks 2 tablets 3-4 times a day. The effect is fabulous.

If it is clear that the stitches have healed poorly, inflammation and other abnormalities remain, you can apply Contractubex gel. Helps weakly and sporadically. But what the hell isn't it? Use only comprehensively, i.e. constantly smear. But this is not earlier than a couple of days after the stitches are removed.


Well, if the seams come apart... We'll have to redo it. There may be a disruption of microcirculation in the stitched helix of the auricle if a large amount of skin is removed. In this case, you should make a trip to the master, and, possibly, a joint trip to the doctor (by the decision of the master). A rare case, but if you choose a master without experience... Need I say that in case of complications, you should go to a master with more experience, if possible?

After all this, there is a good chance of beautiful, pointy ears. Well, as for choosing a master, it’s not even a tattoo for you. If almost any ugly partak can be covered up in a tattoo studio by a good artist, then if it turns out badly, it will not be so noticeable, but fixing it will be many times more expensive in a plastic surgery clinic. So, be responsible when choosing a master! Good luck!

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