The wife of a rebel general. The fate of Alla Dudaeva

Alla Fedorovna Kartasheva is a plastic surgeon, mammologist, oncologist, doctor of the highest qualification category. Has thirty-two years of work experience. She is a doctor of medical sciences, professor.

After graduating from the Moscow Medical Dental Institute in 1987 with a degree in General Medicine, she worked on her Ph.D. thesis, which she successfully defended in 1995. In the same year, she studied at the Moscow Mammology Dispensary at specialized courses in mammology. Then in 1996 she took courses in clinical lymphology at the Russian Academy of Postgraduate Education. In 1997, she studied qualifying courses in general surgery at the Pirogov Russian Medical University.

Alla Fedorovna successfully defended her doctoral dissertation in 2002. She studied the features of the course and methods of treatment of malignant neoplasms of the mammary gland in women of reproductive age. Until 2007, she worked as a professor at the Department of General Surgery at the Moscow Medical Dental Institute. At the same time, she served as a consultant at the medical center of the Department for Services to the Diplomatic Corps under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Alla Fedorovna successfully identifies and treats diseases of the skin, breast, and soft tissues. She is fluent in the methods of radical and palliative surgical interventions on the mammary gland, successfully identifies non-palpable neoplasms using the latest diagnostic equipment and treats them. Dr. Kartasheva professionally removes benign and malignant skin tumors.

She masterfully performs the following reconstructive plastic surgeries:

  • One-stage and delayed reconstruction of the breast after radical removal of the mammary glands - mastectomy;
  • Correction of congenital and postoperative asymmetries and deformities of various parts of the body, including the mammary gland;
  • Removal of non-shell gels with delayed or immediate correction of existing deformities.

In the circle of professional interests of aesthetic surgeon A.F. Kartasheva includes the following operations:

She masterfully performs the following reconstructive plastic surgeries:

  • Breast lift, reduction and augmentation mammoplasty;
  • Liposculpture (figure correction after major weight loss);
  • Abdominoplasty;
  • Intimate plastic surgery.

Alla Fedorovna constantly improves the level of professional skills. She completed internships in the best hospitals and university clinics and hospitals in the United States of America. In 1997-2008 Kartasheva A.F. She repeatedly studied at specialized and qualifying courses in oncological pathology at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University.

In 2003, she completed a specialized course in microsurgery at the Russian Academy of Postgraduate Education. In 2005, she trained in Hungary and Austria, studying the technique of plastic surgery on the mammary glands. In 2006, she completed an internship in the best American private aesthetic medicine clinics.

Professor A.F. Kartasheva is the author of more than forty scientific publications, monographs, textbooks and teaching aids. She holds patents for original surgical interventions for malignant skin tumors and reconstructive operations on the mammary glands using endosurgical technologies.


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    [ %BB%D0%B0-%D1%8E%D1%80%D1%8C%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0/ Union of Writers of Russia - Alla Fedorova]
  2. [ Russian Authors Society]
  3. [ Album “The Dreams and Were of Nikolai Karachentsov on the website]
  4. [ %B0%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%86%D0%BE%D0%B2.htm?l CD “Dreams and Were” by Nikolai Karachentsov]

In Chechnya

Together with her husband, Alla Fedorovna visited Chechnya and, according to her, fell in love with the Chechens, their way of life, and the nature of the mountains. Subsequently, she converted to Islam, became imbued with the history of the freedom-loving mountaineers, and began to examine the history of Russia critically, from the point of view of an outsider who had nothing to do with her homeland. When the military conflict began, this point of view became the position of a person on the other side of the barricades. The interests of Russia, its people, have ceased to be fundamental. Until 1991, Alla Fedorovna’s life was not much different from the life of other military wives. Alla and Dzhokhar had sons Avlur and Degi, as well as a daughter, Dana. Alla, as a creative person, found time for poetry and drawing. According to her, once she felt a craving for versification, she began to write down lines that came to mind easily and freely. I drew a lot. At one time she worked as an art teacher in a village school at a military airfield in the Irkutsk region. Dzhokhar eventually rose to the rank of major general in the USSR Air Force.

By the early 90s, unrest began in Dzhokhar's homeland. Ideas began to float in the air, firmly entrenched in the minds of Chechens and Ingush, as if they deserved a different life, free from the hated yoke of the party, Russia, Stalin and other personalities.

By this time, Dzhokhar had already observed something similar in the Baltic states, when he was commander of a heavy bomber division in Tartu. Separatist sentiments were already actively manifesting themselves there, and Dzhokhar fully shared them. A Soviet man suddenly suddenly remembered his small homeland, that he was not just a citizen of the USSR, but had a specific national identity.

Alla also supported her husband’s beautiful dream about the future of his people. It is worth noting that by this time the Russian (and not only) population in Chechnya was already actively oppressed, but this trend was not yet widespread. The cost of the question for one of the spouses in an interethnic marriage during interstate conflicts: whose side are you on. Often such marriages fall apart due to the principled position of both parties, and even a solid past together is discarded. But it also happens, as in the case of Alla Dudayeva, when it seems as if a person has undergone reformatting. Alla's choice fell in favor of preserving the family.

In 1991, Dzhokhar was elected president of the independent republic of Ichkeria. At first, according to Alla Fedorovna, she perceived these changes positively. However, the situation in the republic became increasingly tense; attempts on the life of her husband occurred several times, according to Dudayeva, by the Russian Federation. One of them turned out to be fatal.

On April 21, 1996, Dzhokhar Dudayev was killed. There are many versions of his death, but the most common is that he was killed by a homing missile from the Russian special services during a telephone conversation. Allegedly, the President of Ichkeria deliberately left crowded places for telephone conversations, knowing that he could be tracked. Alla also went to one of these negotiations with her husband. There is some contradiction here, because Dzhokhar, knowing that danger is pursuing him, theoretically should not take a wife. Nevertheless, Alla Fedorovna confidently talks about what happened: “And then Dzhokhar began talking to Borov. He told me:

“Go to the ravine.” And here I am standing with Vakha Ibragimov on the edge of the ravine, early spring, the birds are singing. And one bird is crying - as if moaning from a ravine. I didn’t know then that it was a cuckoo. And suddenly - a rocket hit behind me. I stood about twelve meters from Dzhokhar and was thrown into a ravine. Out of my peripheral vision I saw a yellow flame. I started to get out. I look - there is no UAZ. And then the second blow. One of the guards fell on top of me, he wanted to close me... I was walking as if in a dream and then I tripped over Dzhokhar. He was already dying. I didn’t hear his last words, but he managed to tell our guard, Musa Idigov: “Bring the matter to the end.” We picked him up and carried him to the second UAZ... They still thought that Dzhokhar could be saved. Although I already understood then that it was impossible, I felt such a hole in his head, on the right...”

An excerpt characterizing Fedorov, Alla Yuryevna

- Do you really know how? – Natasha asked. – Uncle smiled without answering. - Look, Anisyushka, are the strings intact or something on the guitar? I haven’t picked it up for a long time - it’s pure marching! abandoned. Anisya Fedorovna willingly went with her light tread to carry out her master’s instructions and brought a guitar. The uncle blew off the dust without looking at anyone, tapped the lid of the guitar with his bony fingers, tuned it and adjusted himself in the chair. He took (with a somewhat theatrical gesture, placing the elbow of his left hand) the guitar above the neck and, winking at Anisya Fedorovna, began not the Lady, but struck one sonorous, clean chord, and measuredly, calmly, but firmly began to finish the famous song at a very quiet pace: Po li and ice pavement. At the same time, in time with that sedate joy (the same one that Anisya Fedorovna’s whole being breathed), the motive of the song began to sing in the souls of Nikolai and Natasha. Anisya Fedorovna blushed and, covering herself with a handkerchief, left the room laughing. Uncle continued to finish the song cleanly, diligently and energetically, looking with a changed, inspired look at the place from which Anisya Fedorovna had left. There was just a little something laughing in his face on one side, under his gray mustache, and he laughed especially when the song progressed further, the beat quickened, and something came off in places where it was too loud. - Lovely, lovely, uncle; more, more,” Natasha screamed as soon as he finished. She jumped up from her seat, hugged her uncle and kissed him. - Nikolenka, Nikolenka! - she said, looking back at her brother and as if asking him: what is this? Nikolai also really liked his uncle’s playing. The uncle played the song a second time. The smiling face of Anisya Feodorovna appeared again at the door and from behind her there were still other faces... “Behind the cold key, she shouts: girl, wait!” Uncle played, made another deft move, tore it off and moved his shoulders. “Well, well, my dear, uncle,” Natasha moaned in such a pleading voice, as if her life depended on it. The uncle stood up and it was as if there were two people in him - one of them smiled seriously at the merry fellow, and the merry fellow made a naive and neat prank before the dance. - Well, niece! - the uncle shouted, waving his hand towards Natasha, tearing off the chord. Natasha threw off the scarf that was draped over her, ran ahead of her uncle and, putting her hands on her hips, made a movement with her shoulders and stood.

Make an appointment with Kartasheva Alla Fedorovna

Women of different age groups are predisposed to breast diseases and a large number of factors contribute to this. Specialist Kartasheva Alla Fedorovna will help you with their diagnosis and treatment. You should consult a doctor if you experience pain in the breast area, enlargement, redness, changes in the nipples, or abnormal discharge from the gland. Doctor Kartasheva Alla Fedorovna will help determine the cause of the disease, and also prescribe the necessary set of diagnostic and therapeutic measures. On the GlavVrach portal we have selected the best specialists in Moscow for you. To get a consultation you just need to fill out the online form. If necessary, we will select another specialist from the Mammologist category for you. Use our service and you will not regret it!

Gulyakevich Alla Fedorovna

Gulyakevich Alla Fedorovna


Work experience: more than 18 years

Appointment duration:
45 minutes
Make an appointment

Psychotherapist of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences Work experience: more than 18 years

Directions in work

  • Psychotherapy for somatization disorders,
  • Psychotherapy for post-traumatic stress disorders,
  • Psychotherapy for eating disorders,
  • Psychotherapy for pregnant women,
  • Solving issues with setting goals and ways to achieve them.

In her work she uses relaxation techniques, art therapy, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, Gestalt therapy, problem-solving therapy.


  • 1998 Republican Psychiatric Hospital, trainee doctor
  • 2001 Minsk City Psychoneurological Dispensary, psychiatrist-narcologist
  • 2002 Minsk Regional Narcological Dispensary, psychiatrist-narcologist
  • 2012 State institution "Republican Hospital" of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, psychotherapist


  • 1991 - 1997 Minsk State Medical University, Minsk, Faculty: “Medical”, Qualification: “Physician”. State diploma of higher education.
  • 2008 Candidate of Medical Sciences. Dissertation topic: “Complex therapy of organic asthenic (emotionally labile) disorder due to arterial hypertension”
  • 2012 Doctor of the highest category.
  • Author of 45 published works (including 8 teaching aids, 1 instruction)
  • Constantly taking advanced training courses.

Participation in seminars and scientific and practical conferences

1998 Psychiatry, BelSIUV

2001 New in the treatment of addiction to psychoactive substances, BelMAPO

2002 Psychotherapy and medical psychology. BelMAPO

2005 Psychotherapy, BelMAPO

2007 conference with international participation. Back pain: condition of the problem. Advances in treatment. Domestic and international practice

2007 reproductive health, sexuality of adolescents: educational and clinical aspects, St. Petersburg MAPO

2007 seminar Diagnosis and treatment of autism and other disintegrative disorders

2007 stressology, BelMAPO

2008 psychosomatic disorders in children and adolescents, BelMAPO

2008 seminar Modern approaches to complex treatment of children and adolescents: psychopharmacotherapy and psychotherapy

2008 seminar Issues of sexual health of adolescents and young people

2008 seminar Counseling skills when providing services in adolescent-friendly centers

2009 schizophrenia and general developmental disorders. BelMAPO

2009 seminar Current issues in providing specialized assistance to children with speech and mental disorders

2009 seminar Current issues in providing assistance to children with autism spectrum disorders

2011 seminar Current issues in child psychiatry, psychotherapy and narcology

2011 Conflictology. BelMAPO

2014 Psychotherapy for alcohol and other forms of addiction. BelMAPO

2014 Psychotherapy of mental trauma. BelMAPO

2016 Psychotherapy, St. Petersburg


  • [ %BB%D0%B0-%D1%8E%D1%80%D1%8C%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0/ Union of Writers of Russia - Alla Fedorova]
  • [ Album “Dreams and Were” by Nikolai Karachentsov on the website]
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After the loss

On April 24, 1996, Alla Dudayeva stoically confirmed the death of her husband at a press conference.

Being in a combat zone with three children, without a husband, Alla Fedorovna considered it right to leave Chechnya. She tried to cross to Turkey, but was detained at Nalchik airport. The detainee was interrogated, as it turned out later, by KGB officer A. Litvinenko. To this day, Alla Fedorovna remembers the former officer with warmth. B.N. Yeltsin ordered the release of Dudayeva in May, after which she returned to Chechnya. In the period from 1996 to 1999, Alla Fedorovna was in close cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of Chechnya.

In 1999, Dudayeva managed to move to Baku with her children. The daughter has settled in Turkey since 2002. Avlur received Lithuanian citizenship and is listed in his passport as Oleg Davydov. He moved to the Baltic states after being wounded, even before his father’s death. He now lives in Sweden, keeping a low profile. Alla Fedorovna, counting on the loyalty of the Baltic authorities, tried to obtain citizenship in Estonia, but was refused twice.

The son of Dega Dudayev received Georgian citizenship, but lives in Lithuania. Degi is comfortable with publicity. He maintains an account on Instagram, where he writes a lot about his father. He speaks well, and mainly in Russian. A thoughtful young man who has seen a lot in his life, in whom the blood of two warring nations is mixed. Alla Fedorovna, according to the latest data, lives in Sweden. She published memoirs, which received mixed reviews from readers. Many saw in her an exalted person and nothing more.

Alla Fedorovna organized an exhibition of her paintings, which also received both criticism and approval. Some of the works were purchased. In her interviews, Dudayev's widow mainly talks about Russian aggression, which is very welcomed by active citizens of the former republics of the USSR, which have finally achieved independence.

Alla Fedorovna calls for friendship between peoples, for world peace, but at the same time says that “Russia can only be defeated by force,” repeating the words of her husband. Somewhere he is disingenuous, somewhere he sincerely believes that peace can be achieved simply by coming to “Moscow with a white scarf.”

Maybe if Alla Fedorovna, at least once in her interviews, expressed regret about the dead Russian conscript boys, and not just about the “best sons” of Chechnya, she would have been more consistent in her statements, you see, women in many countries would stand with her into action and would organize a powerful counterweight to the warmongers. But for now, the widow of the “rebel general” with her interviews only fuels the gap between peoples.

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