Aurika Alyokhina: what plastic surgeries did the wife of Stanislav Bondarenko perform?

Fans of the popular serial actor Stanislav Bondarenko do not stop following his wife Aurika Alyokhina. The fragile beauty is self-sufficient, came from a small northern town and managed to conquer not only the capital, but also win the heart of one of the most popular actors. Following the life of one of the most beautiful couples, fans note that Bondarenko’s wife has changed a lot and believe that her “doll” appearance is the work of plastic surgeons.

Some gloat, others admire, but both of them do not stop sharing photographs online, demonstrating what Aurika Alekhina was like before and after plastic surgery.

A little biography

A businesswoman, fashion model and just a beauty, she was born in Norilsk in 1985 into an ordinary family, where the father at some point left his wife with two daughters.

From a young age, Aurika was involved in dancing, sports, and studied at the gymnasium, and her biography could remain as banal as that of most Russian girls. She graduated from the Faculty of Management in Kursk, and then went to Moscow, where she began to purposefully build a career as a fashion model.

The girl doesn’t hide that things didn’t always work out the way she wanted, but most agencies noted her good looks, wonderful figure and height suitable for a model - 174 centimeters. She looks great on the catwalk, and when looking at professional photos, fans still can’t figure out whether the model had plastic surgery.

But the modeling business is not the only area in which Alekhina developed. The girl opened the ANGELOV nightclub and served as art director at Smoke Me Cafe. For several years now, she has been sharing with everyone the secrets of success in running a business. Business colleagues respect Alekhina and note that she is able to “raise” even the most unpopular business and make it a box office success.

Briefly about the early years

The actress and model was born on October 21, 1985 in Assetia. Alekhina Aurika spent her entire childhood in this small town. Many people wonder where such a beautiful name, Aurika, comes from. To which the celebrity replies that her grandmother gave her this name. There is little information about these years on the Internet; the woman herself also does not like to talk about her childhood and youth. According to some reports, Aurika’s parents were already divorced at that time. The woman has an older sister, Victoria, and there is a close connection between them. Their age difference is 2 years. The future star studied at local gymnasium No. 1.

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As soon as her school years flew by, Aurika entered the university at the Faculty of Management and moved to Kursk. But the girl’s creative and business ambitions went beyond the boundaries of the provincial city; she was attracted by the lights of the capital.

Arriving in Moscow, Aurika Alyokhina went to work in a modeling agency. She had all the model data, and this was the required height, slim and toned figure, thanks to sports and dancing. The girl looked good both on the catwalk and at photo shoots.

After graduating from school, the girl enters the Kursk branch of the Russian State Social University at the Faculty of Management. But the actress had to part with her small homeland, because the province turned out to be too crowded for the future star. After that, with a manager’s diploma, she goes to Moscow.

Was there any plastic surgery?

One can only envy the model’s appearance. A slender, elastic body is the result of dancing and regular sports training. Even after giving birth to two children, she is in as great shape as before giving birth. Wondering what kind of plastic surgery Alekhina had done, fans do not exclude the possibility that after giving birth the girl went for liposuction. However, given that Aurika regularly works out in the gym, we can assume that her slender figure is the result of working on herself and her natural abilities.

Chest: high rise and unusual fullness

After the birth of her first daughter, Aurika did not hide the fact that she was breastfeeding the baby, but already in 2022, her photo with a deep neckline caused amazement - the girl’s breasts were high, elastic, full, as if the model had not fed her daughter.

The experts agreed that mammoplasty and size “B” implants helped the young mother look even better than before giving birth.

Face: obvious changes

Alekhina has always been a beautiful girl with regular facial features, luxurious hair and expressive blue eyes. Many would say that she definitely doesn’t need facial plastic surgery. But, comparing photographs of Aurika from different years, you can notice changes that indicate what kind of plastic surgery Alekhina did:

  1. Lips became fuller. The model always had an elegant mouth with well-shaped lips. Clearly defined, they adorned the face, but Alekhina thought that the lips were too thin. In the 2021 photo it is noticeable that they have become twice as full. Apparently, the model regularly injects hyaluronic acid and filler injections.
  2. Nose. It did not spoil the appearance, but was more voluminous than in the photo after plastic surgery. Having undergone rhinoplasty, Alekhina became the owner of an elegant nose with an upturned tip and maximally pressed nostrils.
  3. Cheekbones. Regarding cheekbones, expert opinions vary. Some believe that a businesswoman regularly resorts to the services of plastic surgeons to correct areas of early aging. The girl achieves leveling of the relief with the help of injections with fillers and hyaluronic acid. The injections noticeably changed the cheekbones, tightened the chin and mandibular angles.

See what Aurika Alekhina looked like before and after plastic surgery.

After plastic surgery

Opinions about changes in the model's appearance on Instagram were divided. Some like the photo and admire how Alekhina looks after plastic surgery, others believe that now her image has lost its natural beauty and individuality. Followers believe that Bondarenko’s wife began to look unnatural, and her ideal features “scream” that they came out from under the knife.

Be that as it may, the model herself says that she, like everyone else, wants to be beautiful, desired and to please her beloved husband, so she tries to maintain her beauty and not grow older every year. The businesswoman is happy with the metamorphoses that have happened to her, and Stanislav Bondarenko emphasizes at every opportunity that his wife is the most beautiful and sexy.


Aurika Alyokhina began her career as a model, becoming second at the capital's beauty contest. In her interviews, the model repeatedly noted that she hated attending castings, because very often she heard a refusal, which negatively affected her self-esteem.

Having become a popular art director and the wife of a famous actor, Aurika continued acting, preferring to display her photographs on Instagram and popular Internet portals.

Now Aurika’s collection includes a huge number of different photo sessions, most of which were done by photographer and family friend Pavel Shelkovnikov. On her page there are also pictures in swimsuits taken on beaches in different parts of the world.

Actively communicating with fans, Alekhina uploads not only her own photos online, but also photos of her family, trying to highlight every new day of her husband and daughters. Thus, the popular art director was active on Instagram during her first and second pregnancies, recording all the preparations made for the birth of her daughters, and after their birth she posted photos of a happy family.

Aurika Alyokhina is a talented art director of a fashion house, co-owner and founder of popular Moscow clubs and a business coach.

Having gained fame in her marriage to the popular actor Stanislav Bondarenko, the model has changed a lot (which can be seen in her photographs taken before and after plastic surgery), turning from a brunette with regular facial features into a beautiful blonde.

Luxurious appearance, fully in line with fashion trends, and diligence helped Alekhina achieve enormous popularity on Instagram, becoming not only a successful entrepreneur, but also a caring wife and mother of daughters of the same age.

Beauty secrets

No matter what the actor’s fans say about his wife’s plastic surgery, Alekhina looks great now. The model devotes a lot of time to herself and constantly resorts to the help of cosmetologists. Among the frequently used procedures:

  • laser facial resurfacing;
  • chemical peeling;
  • biorevitalization;
  • vacuum cavitation;
  • mesotherapy.

Masks with seaweed and botulinum toxin injections help her maintain the beauty of her facial skin. She resorts to this procedure at least once every six months to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Alekhina pays a lot of attention to her hair, believing that long, healthy hair is the main decoration of a girl. She uses special branded products to care for her curls, and only trusts her hairdresser to color them.

Stanislav Bondarenko with his wife and daughter

Aurika gave the artist a daughter in November 2022. The girl was named Alexia. The child grows up active and cheerful and spends a lot of time with his parents. Stepbrother Mark, who walks with his sister and posts joint photos on Instagram, does not remain indifferent.

Bondarenko and his wife Alekhina are pregnant 2 times

In the summer, Stas posted a photo in which he sincerely smiles. He intrigued fans and asked them to guess why he was happy. Rumors spread that Aurika was pregnant again. Many even speculated on the gender of the child. However, the lovers have not yet made official statements, and Alekhina’s figure does not arouse any suspicion.


Proper nutrition and proper eating habits are the key to an excellent figure. This is what the model thinks and shares with her followers what foods are included in her daily diet. Alekhina gave up desserts and pastries a long time ago. Sometimes he can afford a piece of sweet pie or pastry, but he never finishes it.

Bondarenko’s wife loves meat, but tries to limit herself to meat dishes. But there are always plenty of vegetables on the table. The model’s favorites include zucchini, carrots, celery, and cauliflower. Aurika also says that she constantly chews something, and at breakfast, lunch and dinner, her portions are very small, and at the same time, when leaving the table, she always leaves a small amount of food on the plate.

First love - damn lumpy

Stas met Yulia Chiplieva while studying at GITIS: they were the same age, graduated from college together and even starred in the melodrama “Lucky in Love.” This was four years after the magnificent wedding, and many earlier the couple often crossed paths at common events, but did not dare to move to the next level of their relationship.

Officially, they lived together for seven years and separated without any scandals. Are they really lucky in love? Stas thinks so. The couple had a son, Mark, who is now 10 years old. Similar to his dad, he enjoys football and does well at school. He also played with his dad in the TV series “Bring Back My Love,” but is not yet thinking about an acting career. Stas has maintained an excellent relationship with his ex-wife: although rarely, they meet at family holidays and are ready for any truce for the sake of their son.

Personal life

To become successful, Alekhina studied a lot and devoted time to self-development, so there were not many novels in her life. During her student years, she was in love with a classmate, but the relationship did not take place. In Moscow, the model dated a businessman for several years, but never received a marriage proposal.

In 2016, followers saw an elegant blonde on the pages of Stanislav Bondarenko and it became known about the actor’s affair with Alekhina. By that time, Stanislav already had a divorce behind him and an eight-year-old son was growing up. It turned out that the actor drew attention to a girl unknown to him in a photo on the social network, where she was depicted on a cool bike. A common hobby brought them closer, and the couple quickly began an affair.

Fans didn’t get any wedding photos with a lush dress and a motorcade, but in 2022 they saw cute photos of the actor and model’s barely born daughter. Her parents named her Alexia. And in 2019, Aurika showed off her belly and soon gave birth to her second girl, Michaela.

After giving birth, the couple actively engaged in joyful activities with fans on Instagram, talking about the happiness they give their daughters and that they have completely different characters. The happy family does not stop communicating with Bondarenko’s son from his first marriage. Mark already goes to school and studies a lot, but dad always finds time to take the boy to his place.

Last news

Nowadays, the spectacular and happy Aurika Alekhina devotes most of her time to raising two charming daughters. In November of this year, a cute photo of Aurika with eight-month-old Michaela in an outfit imitating a Santa Claus costume appeared on the Internet. Now the youngest daughter has her own room, which makes it easier for Aurika to care for the kids, as she herself admitted on the microblog.

Recently, a couple in love vacationed in Italy, where Stanislav very romantically congratulated Aurika on her birthday and admitted that she fills his whole life with love.

Aurika Alekhina now

The personal life of the model is not overshadowed by anything. She is happy and gives her love to her husband and daughters. After plastic surgery, Alekhina continues to act and looks no less impressive than several years ago. She enjoys motherhood, constantly posts photos with her daughters on Instagram and communicates with followers.

The beloved actor devotes a lot of time to sports. She can afford not to go to the gym only twice a week. In addition to exercise equipment, she does yoga, Pilates, and aerobics. The model also visits the swimming pool. She jokingly says that her daughters help her stay in shape by constantly involving their mother in active games.

Today, Alekhina continues to teach online courses, develops her business, and also continues her modeling career. The latest news came in 2021. The model decided not only to act, but also to film, so she opened her own photo studio. This is a spacious room with several rooms and excellent equipment.

The model does not comment on her own plastic surgeries, but on Instagram she often supports girls who want to become beautiful and turn to aesthetic surgery. Why not, if you want to please others?

Attempt No. 2: be your own boss?

Aurika Alyokhina moved from Norilsk to the capital in an attempt to find a better life. And the girl, who is strong and purposeful in character, managed to achieve this. Today Aurika boasts a gorgeous figure, and this is after the birth of two children. The girl does yoga, leads a healthy lifestyle, watches her diet, and also works part-time as a model. But she managed to truly realize herself in business: having opened two clubs in the capital from scratch, in a few years she turned them into a place popular with young people.

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Aurika and Stas met thanks to a common passion for motorcycles, a year after the actor separated from his first wife. Being fans of racing, they met at one race and since then they have been slowly moving towards first a joint holiday in Vietnam, and then a wedding.

Happy together to spite the fans

Aurika often shares photos with her husband from vacations or various events. And he completely calmly accepts Stas’s popularity as an actor, as well as the jealousy that he evokes among his fans. The latter are not at all ashamed of speaking openly about Aurika. Thus, they reacted to a recently posted photo, where the girl appeared in a beige sundress, with unflattering comments in which they considered the photo to be a failure. They are sure that in public the spouses play roles, while in their relationship they have lost their former passion. Some comments even concerned the assumption that Stas has been looking for a new girlfriend for a long time, and Aurika remains with him for the sake of her own PR.

However, as it turned out, there were also defenders from Aurika’s side. Her subscribers are convinced that Stas will soon be the first to leave her, but for now he needs her for the sake of “hype.” While some called the couple “beauty and the beast,” others are convinced that his wife is nothing more than “a parody of Angelina Jolie, not worthy of attention.”

But don't get upset ahead of time. Stas and Aurika are still together and with every new photo on social networks they prove that everything in their personal life is wonderful.

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