What was the fate of the top participants in the show “Vacations in Mexico”

In modern life, every girl dreams of becoming a real standard of beauty. To do this, it is not necessary to complain about fate, but it is quite enough to visit a surgeon and a good cosmetologist. It is difficult to imagine a media personality who would not resort to manipulation with her appearance. Thus, a participant in “Holidays in Mexico” simply shocked her fans with her extraordinary metamorphoses. It seems that Yana Sukhova before and after the operation are two different people. What prompted the girl to make such drastic changes?

Olya Savchenko - short biography of a participant in the show vacation in Mexico 2

Olya Savchenko comes from St. Petersburg. The girl has high hopes for the future. Sweet and charming, the guys immediately liked her, especially Zhenya. The blonde is quite energetic and emotional. Olya herself considers herself harmful and arrogant. A man who will obey all her whims must love her very much. In addition, the girl said that she is a real bitch, but she doesn’t worry about it, she even likes it.

Olya has high self-esteem; she considers herself terribly beautiful. For some reason, she especially highlights her hairstyle and hair color. At first glance, her hairstyle does not cause much surprise - the hair is dyed black and white, that is, the top layer is dyed “blond” and it seems that the girl is blonde, but if you look closely, you can see black strands below.

This unusual hair color tells a lot about Olya’s eccentric character. Bob haircut. The beauty herself is simply delighted with her. In fact, the haircut and hair color suit its owner so well, and also express her character so clearly that no questions remain. In addition, the girl highlights her breasts, which she considers perfect.

Olya loves to hang out and relax in noisy and fun places. Her priority is handsome guys, as well as beautiful girls. Olin's type is a tall brunette. Guys are turned on by stubble. Olga loves tattoos, there are as many as eight on her body - on her stomach, on her back, on her butt... In addition to her haircut and hair color, they look amazing and are stimulating.

From the project, Olga expects not only a huge cash prize, but also fun parties, real live communication and, of course, love. Loves guys who are capable of action. The girl needs a huge amount of money offered as a prize to buy an apartment. According to Olya, she is only a million short of buying a good apartment.

Diana Makieva

The notorious brunette Diana Makieva came to the project at the age of 22 and was remembered by television viewers for her constant scandals and provocations. After the end of the television project, Diana tried herself as a presenter on MTV. Diana soon underwent rhinoplasty to remove the hump, which, according to Diana, was hindering her television career. After her popularity subsided, Makieva went to live in Spain. But in 2022, Diana, unexpectedly for everyone, moved to Ukraine and joined Yulia Tymoshenko’s party.

When asked about marriage and children, 29-year-old Diana replied: “In the next 10 years, I intend to focus exclusively on my career. I understand that by the age of 40 (due to age) problems with pregnancy may arise. Therefore, to be on the safe side, I want to resort to a cryopreservation procedure. This is the process of storing the egg frozen, with the function restored after thawing.”

As we see, Diana seriously intends to build a political career in Ukraine.

short biography

The famous participant was born in the summer of 1992 in Penza. Her childhood was no different from the childhood of her peers. Yana tried to please her parents with good grades. At the age of thirteen, she and her parents left Penza and moved to Moscow.

After graduating from school, the girl enters the International Institute and begins working part-time in the modeling business. But the real breakthrough in the girl’s career is the casting for a popular show, which she easily passes and appears before television viewers as a participant in the show Yana Sukhova.

Zhenya Petrova

The cheerful former go-go dancer Zhenya Petrova, after the end of the project, became a DJ, and soon a presenter on the MTV channel. After the closure of the TV channel, Evgenia founded a clothing store on Instagram and successfully sells products under her own brand.

Evgenia had been bothered by swelling under her eyes for a long time, so immediately after the project the girl had blepharoplasty. Currently, Zhenya is actively involved in sports and looks great. She has a boyfriend and it looks like things are heading towards marriage.


Evgenia Petrova was born in the winter of 1987 in St. Petersburg.

Zhenya changed several schools - school No. 37, school No. 5 and the Technical College of Management and Commerce (SPbTKUiK, former LRAST), which she graduated from in 2007. Afterwards she entered the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture, in the correspondence department of Social and Cultural Technologies.

She considers herself a fiery girl - in her hometown she was a regular at nightclubs, dancing and singing all night long.

In her hometown, Evgenia was a regular at nightclubs, dancing and singing all night long.


The show “Holidays in Mexico” became for Eugenia a passport to a new world, where she hoped to meet her prince and marry him. Throughout the history of the project, she met with several contenders for her hand and heart: Kirill, Saint, Roman, Orkhan and Timur.

Together with the latter, Evgenia Petrova recorded a song and created the musical group “VANICULES”. Now the guys can be seen on the stages of various metropolitan clubs.

The owner of the villa in which the project participants were accommodated was Zhanna Friske. She also took on hosting duties for the reality show.

At the casting, Evgenia Petrova stated that she must be in Mexico to give advice to the popular domestic singer and help her answer the question: “How to get married and become happy?”

It’s very hot in Mexico at this time - the temperature reached 40 degrees, it’s stuffy, you can’t breathe, it’s difficult to remain irresistible in such conditions

The audience of the “Holidays in Mexico” project liked the girl thanks to her charm and easy-going nature. However, as Evgenia herself admitted, the final days of filming were very difficult for her - she managed to miss her family and friends, and her bad mood often affected those around her. Thus, Evgenia Petrova greatly upset her fans, who hoped that this cheerful and fiery girl would definitely win the main prize of the project - one million rubles.

At first glance, the villa is truly luxurious. It’s like a Barbie house, all the bedrooms (in which two people live, always a guy and a girl) are multi-colored, they serve seafood, a swimming pool... But, firstly, it’s very hot in Mexico at this time - the temperature reached 40 degrees, it’s stuffy, you can’t breathe, It’s difficult to remain irresistible in such conditions. We lived completely isolated from people - in a remote village, we had no money, so, for example, we only had a pedicure once in two months, and a manicure once a week. The first week we didn’t even have a hairdryer!

In 2022, Evgenia became one of the participants in the STS TV channel show “Tourists,” which premiered on October 14. The essence of the show is to evaluate the best excursions, hotels and restaurants in the world by representatives of three groups of typical Russians: “provincials”, “snobs” and “Instagrammers”. Petrova entered the third group of participants.

Dom-2 and others: how do women spoil their appearance for the sake of a TV show?

BeautyHack collected examples of unsuccessful plastic surgery, and psychotherapist Vladlen Pisarev explained what dysmorphophobia is and why if you are not satisfied with your breast size, you should first go to therapy, and not to a surgeon.

Vladlen Pisarev


“There are cases when a person really needs plastic surgery for indications - cleft lip, post-burn scars and other cosmetic defects. And no one except the surgeon will fix it. For all the rest, you need to figure out what is happening to the person.

The term “ugly” is relative. Who said that a large nose is something unattractive? When a girl goes under a surgeon’s knife without visible indications, first you need to rule out dysmorphophobia - a mental disorder in which a person cannot adequately evaluate his body. The patient thinks that, for example, his face is too round, although in fact it is elongated. Over time it becomes an obsession. A person begins to avoid mirrors and social contact, and constantly think about appearance. Some fall into severe depression, or, as in the case of plastic surgery, become “dependent” on the surgeon. With dysmorphophobia, a violation of the analysis of visual function occurs - information in the brain is processed incorrectly (which is why a person sees something that is not really there), a disturbance in the exchange of neurotransmitters occurs, and the synthesis of joy hormones decreases.

One of the most striking examples of dysmorphophobia is Michael Jackson. The man not only completely changed his appearance, but also his skin color. One can only guess what became the trigger for such actions. Jackson, according to rumors, generally had many pathological “oddities.” So he was terrified of germs, creating special, “sterile” living conditions for himself. Unfortunately, we no longer know the reasons for this behavior.

Today, many say that the culprits of the distorted concept of beauty are gloss and social networks. But there have always been made-up standards! For a very long time, ideas of ancient beauty have been promoted in the world: the concepts of “Greek nose” and “aristocratic pallor” appeared many millennia before Instagram. In ancient Rome, for example, men wore short hair and completely shaved their body hair - this was a sign of masculinity. The standards of the Renaissance are generally the opposite of modern ones. In those days, being overweight was considered beautiful, thinness was considered ugliness. The concept of “fashionable - not fashionable” has always been there. The only difference is that today there are faster channels for disseminating information: magazines, television, social networks.

When dysmorphophobia is excluded, but a person still becomes a regular client of a plastic surgery clinic, you need to work with your self-image. There is no universal recipe for how to do this.

If a person undergoes one plastic surgery, but then cannot stop, he needs to work with ideas about himself and figure out why he evaluates his appearance not based on who he is, but by comparing himself to an imaginary standard. This is a lack of self-acceptance.

There is no universal solution to this problem. Psychotherapy is individual work. First of all, you need to understand why a person has such an idea of ​​himself, hear his family history, and only then get rid of problems. It is also impossible to specify deadlines. For some, one session will be enough, for others, therapy will last for years.”

Yana Sukhova. "Holidays in Mexico"

On the “Holidays in Mexico” project, Yana showed herself to be a reasonable, smart and intelligent girl - she did not enter into conflicts, did not gossip and behaved quite modestly. The audience really fell in love with Sukhanova with her natural beauty, untouched by a scalpel, and curly hair. Alas, Yana herself did not consider herself a beauty - today there is not a trace left of her former naturalness. Lip contouring, cheekbone correction and mammoplasty - you don’t need to be a surgeon to see these manipulations.

Nita Kuzmina “Holidays in Mexico”

The page of the former participant in the reality show “Vacations in Mexico” is followed by 1.8 million people. It's no secret that Nita's chiseled cheekbones, plump lips and large breasts are the result of the work of plastic surgeons. In the “before” photo, the girl can be hardly recognized - these are two different people.

In addition to “nice” comments, sometimes under the model’s photos there are requests from followers to quit plastic surgery and fillers. Some people think that in Nita everything has the prefix “too much.” Eyelashes too long, lips too big, cheekbones too unnatural, too much makeup. In one of the interviews, the girl admitted: “There is nothing wrong with healthy and careful intervention”! The key word is “healthy”.

Kristina Deryabina. "House 2"

Kristina Deryabina came to build her love in 2014. Small breasts, thin lips and a hump on her nose did not spoil the girl at all, making her special. But the standards of the scandalous TV show did their job: first mammoplasty, then lip augmentation, rhinoplasty and other manipulations. Today the girl is unrecognizable - she has lost a lot of weight, changed her hair color and, it seems, has continued her acquaintance with plastic surgery.

Marina Cherkasova (Mexico). "House 2"

Over the history of the TV show, more than 20 participants openly admitted their love for plastic surgery. Moreover, they even agreed to live broadcast the operations. Scandalist Mexico was no exception. A wave of “plasticity” covered Marina completely. The girl had her nose corrected and got too carried away with fillers - her lips grew to an incredible size, her chin became longer. After rhinoplasty, Mexican followers bombarded her with angry comments: “Why? She was a beauty, but she became like everyone else.”

Rita Kern. "House 2"

Rita Kern is 28 years old, and has almost a dozen plastic surgeries behind her. For the first time, Rita had mammoplasty as a “gift” to a man (it turned out that this happens). A few years later, the girl changed her implants, making her breasts size 8 (!). Mammoplasty alone was not enough. Rita redid her nose, repeated lip contouring and still can’t stop, constantly correcting something about herself. Read about the 11 worst celebrity plastic surgeries here.

Olesya Malibu. "House 2"

With her appearance on the television set, Olesya stunned even seasoned participants. Breasts of a gigantic size, huge lips and long artificial hair - it was difficult to pass by such a girl without holding a bewildered gaze. Olesya did not build love on the project (see which famous men had plastic surgery here). But she met a surgeon who undertook to eliminate the consequences of the “catastrophe”.

After leaving the TV series, Malibu returned her natural hair color, changed her implants and corrected her lips, making a nod in favor of a more natural shape. Now Olesya looks prettier, but naturalness is the same as going to the moon and back.

Anastasia Smirnova

Blonde Nastya Smirnova constantly intrigued on the project and had an affair with another participant in the project, Staff (Svyatoslav Bystrov). After “Vacation in Mexico,” Nastya tried herself as a TV presenter and even took part in the casting for Victoria Boni’s new musical project, but neither project nor career in the musical field worked out. For some time, Nastya worked as a television journalist.

Later, Anastasia again declared herself by taking part in the show “The Bachelor”. There Nastya fought for the heart of Yegor Creed. Now Anastasia Smirnova has a well-promoted Instagram, which brings her considerable income.

Anastasia has a young man and judging by Nastya’s comments, the couple plans to get married and have children in the near future.

Roman Nikitin

A simple guy from St. Petersburg - Roman Nikitin, who became the winner of the first season of the show “Vacations in Mexico”, was loved by viewers for his cheerful disposition. Immediately after the show, Roman left the factory where he worked before the project and opened his own business, but things didn’t work out.

Later, Roman, on the advice of another project participant, Demid Rezin, went into the network business. He corrected the uneven teeth that gave Roman a complex and now boasts a Hollywood smile. Nothing is known about Roman’s personal life; he rarely posts photos on his official accounts.

Facial plastic surgery

Comparing photographs of Yana Sukhanova before and after plastic surgery, one can notice dramatic changes. The girl changed the shape of her eyebrows and had a nose job, giving it more grace.

I corrected the shape and size of my lips, adding plumpness to them. According to rumors, the girl is a frequent client of beauty salons: she periodically gets “beauty injections.”

But the girl did not get by with plastic surgery alone and changed her image - from a brown-haired woman she turned into a blonde. One gets the impression that Yana Sukhova wants to move away as much as possible from the image in which she participated in the project. It’s as if the girl has now been replaced; not a trace remains of her previous image.

Demid Rezin

The main seducer and pick-up artist of the project, Demid Rezin, took the main cash prize “Vacation in Mexico” - 5 million rubles - only on the third attempt. After the project, he tried to write a book on pickup trucks, DJed in the cities and villages of our vast country, but in the end he started a network business and was very successful.

Demid often travels and shares photos of a happy and rich life with subscribers. Demid meets with a famous blogger - Vlada Yakushevskaya. Rezin has a 6-year-old daughter from a previous relationship. Little is known about the girl's mother.

I was bought for 5,000 rubles

–Demid Rezin – is this a pseudonym? Sounds too impressive...

-No, mom and dad called me that. They were probably joking))).

-Have you ever dreamed of being on stage? Or about fame in another field?

– I didn’t even think about it. After school, he graduated from St. Petersburg Polytechnic with a degree in Electric Power Plants. Nothing foreshadowed trouble))). But it so happened that I ended up in a television project.

–What started first – music or television?

–I have been interested in music since childhood, and started writing my first tracks at school. They were monstrous! In high school, he worked as a DJ at school discos, then organized student parties. But before “Vacation” I didn’t think seriously about music as a way of making money.

-When did everything change?

-After Mexico. The TV project gave me a good springboard, and it was important not to waste this opportunity. Soon after the show, friends who owned a bar invited me to play for them. They gave me 5,000 rubles. I was happy! And people liked it. I decided to try to tour, posted an ad on VKontakte, and within a week I planned out the next two months. And for the last two and a half years I have not been home on weekends - I have been working. I write tracks, videos, perform throughout Russia and in foreign clubs.

Free for now!

–Are you satisfied with life in night mode?

– For now, yes - probably because I’m still young, I can easily endure flights, moving and sleepless nights.

-How does your girlfriend feel about such a life?

-?I have not it. We broke up in December. In general, it is very difficult to find a person who would be sympathetic to my travels and constant absence. So for now I’m single and probably not ready for a new relationship yet.

-Then a standard question for a free man. What type of girls do you like?

-I like interesting ones. Of course, all men love with their eyes, and I am no exception. But besides the picture, there must be something in your head. Sense of humor. There are many beautiful girls, but there are much fewer of those with whom you want to communicate.

-On “Vacation in Mexico” you became famous as a famous pick-up artist. Are you applying this knowledge now?

-By the way, they are useful in any area of ​​life. Pickup is the art of winning over oneself, of “selling oneself.” This helps me personally in my work. And in communication with girls, of course.

-Can you seduce anyone?

– I do this regularly))). Seriously, there is no such man whom no one refuses. You just have to knock on all the doors: someone will open, but someone is simply not at home.

And we, Russian men, are lucky that we have so many beautiful girls. After going abroad, I always return hungry for beauty, for love: only here we have the most beautiful ones, and there are really a lot of them!

Clean ones don't smell

-How do you keep fit?

-Sports and nutrition. I work out in the gym three times a week for two hours. I’m on a low-carbohydrate diet: I eat chicken, fish, and cook porridge, thanks to which I lost weight from 82 kilograms to 73.

-In your VKontakte photographs you are always dressed so stylishly and brightly! What brands do you prefer?

– I don’t bother about this. All last summer I wore H&M T-shirts for 350 rubles and felt comfortable. For me, the main thing is that the item fits well - there are no other criteria.

-What perfume do you like?

-Do not use. When a person washes regularly, there is no need to dampen his natural odor.

-What qualities do you value in people? And what would you like to improve in yourself?

– In people, perhaps, politeness and tactfulness. I don’t like arrogant, meticulous people. As for me... Sometimes people tell me that I'm not very friendly. Sometimes too mercantile. And lazy - I know that about myself. When you don’t have a boss, it’s very difficult to organize yourself. I keep saying: get off your ass and work!

How Yana Sukhova's face changed

Our heroine does not admit to plastic surgery and claims that she uses exclusively cosmetic procedures for facial care, giving preference to mesotherapy and plasma lifting. Indeed, the girl’s skin looks well-groomed, perfectly hydrated and “radiant”. But such procedures are not capable of seriously changing the geometry of the face; surgical techniques or contour plastic surgery are required.

Perhaps Yana Sukhova did:

Rhinoplasty. The girl’s nose turned from neat to elegant - the back became narrower, the nostrils pressed together, and the tip became sharper. The changes are obvious, but given that Yana has seriously lost weight, they can be explained by both plastic surgery and a sharp weight loss.

Eyebrow lifting . Yana began to “wear” wide, even eyebrows (without a natural bend). There is no question of surgery (eyebrow lifting is often done for the purpose of rejuvenation, and our heroine does not need it yet), most likely, an experienced eyebrow master worked on the new shape of the eyebrows.

Lip contouring. The girl does not deny that she injects hyaluronic filler into her lips, but not for the purpose of enlargement, but in order to make them symmetrical. However, photos of Yana Sukhova say something else - the girl’s lips have become much fuller, and their shape has changed a little, for example, the corners have risen up.

Contour plastic surgery of cheekbones or removal of Bisha's lumps . Sunken cheeks and sculpted cheekbones are a popular trend; the effect is achieved by introducing hyaluronic filler into the supra-zygomatic area or removing cheek fat during surgery. Experts are inclined to the first option and draw attention to the fact that Yana Sukhova may have had contour plastic surgery on her face oval.

Yana Sukhova

Yana Sukhova was distinguished on the show by her calm behavior: she did not weave intrigues or spread gossip. Viewers fell in love with her for her romantic and gentle nature. During the project, the girl attracted the attention of many men, but she began to build relationships with only one - Pasha the Enemy.

There were rumors that the couple was planning to legalize their relationship. But everything was limited to the fact that the guys played an impromptu wedding. After the completion of the project, their relationship also ended: Pasha took his career seriously, and Yana could not forget her ex.

Now the girl appears in commercials and is engaged in modeling. On her Instagram page, Yana shared with fans that she is in love. According to the data, this is Spartak goalkeeper Anton Mitryushkin.

Life after the show

After the end of the popular show, the girl returned to Moscow. Four heavenly months in a luxurious villa in Mexico left the girl with many pleasant memories.

The girl was overwhelmed by popularity, which she could hardly bear. The girl fell into a prolonged depression and refused to leave the walls of her home. Fans gave her no rest, perceiving the girl exclusively as a character in a reality show. Now Yana Sukhova remembers life after the project with reluctance.

The first few months after returning to Moscow were especially difficult. Yana admits that at first it was really difficult for her, but now she is grateful for this valuable experience.

Now Yana often appears in music videos and fashion magazines. Moreover, she creates her own projects. Apparently, to continue her modeling career, the girl experimented with her appearance in order to achieve ideal parameters. Fans of the star were divided into two camps: some believe that Yana Sukhova looked much more charming before the operation than after. Others vehemently insist that the girl took the right step towards perfection. But what exactly has the girl changed about herself?

Catherine Rwiza

Catherine became the winner of the second season of the show and was one of the brightest participants. The thing is that the girl has African roots and a memorable appearance. On the project, she built a relationship with Sergei Kravchuk, with whom she shared the winnings.

After the show ended, the couple got married, but their relationship did not last long. It later turned out that the couple had a common daughter, Sofia.

The parents maintain a relationship and take part in raising their daughter together, despite the breakup. Katrin is currently pursuing a modeling career, and recently the World Fashion Channel invited her to become a presenter.

Nita Kuzmina

Nita Kuzmina has a very unusual appearance: the girl’s father is Indian. After participating in the show, Nita received incredible fame and numerous business offers.

The girl starred in several video clips and also became the face of advertising companies. At the moment, the girl is single, but does not like to advertise her personal life.

Amina Andreeva

Amina was remembered by viewers of the project for her scandalous behavior. After its end, the girl did not continue her relationship with any participant. But she was lucky enough to meet her destiny - a man whom she calls strictly by the last name Kovalev on social networks.

Amina doesn’t like to talk about her man: who he is and what he does, but she doesn’t hide the fact that they love each other. They got married in one of the best Moscow restaurants. By the way, another participant of “Vacations in Mexico”, Catherine Rwiza, was present at the celebration. Later, the newlyweds held another wedding ceremony, but this time in Vietnam.

Now Amina Kovaleva leads a calm and homely lifestyle and travels with her husband around the world and raises her son.

Behind the scenes

After the show ended, the girl happily shared her impressions of the hot country and the project as a whole. Yana Sukhova, whose biography hides a lot of facts, told reporters that it was hard for her to get used to the constant monitoring of television cameras and the inability to be alone with herself and walk along the beach. Upon arrival at the villa, all the children’s phones were immediately confiscated, so there was a severe lack of communication with the outside world and communication with family on the island.

The love was real. The girl said that she could not share the same bed with a person for whom she did not have tender feelings. The choice of candidates was small, but the girl still managed to find her happiness. Unfortunately, at the end of the project the guys realized that they had no future and decided to leave. According to the girl herself, they did not experience any negativity from the breakup and still maintained the warmth of their relationship. It should be noted that Yana Sukhova before and after the operation was internally the same; external changes did not affect her openness and friendliness.

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