“Fake Anniversary” by Ekaterina Andreeva: how a Channel One star manages to shine even at 60 years old

The inimitable host of the “Time” program Ekaterina Andreeva celebrates her birthday on November 27. If you believe a number of sources that indicate the age of the star, it marks a round date - 60 years. It's almost impossible to believe this.

And the TV presenter herself actively supports rumors about the “blatant lies” of newspapermen about her age and declares that the “fake date” flashing here and there is misleading her fans. The celebrity emphasizes that everyone interested in this question should look for answers in the personnel department of Channel One - they will definitely confirm that the woman is only 56 years old.

“This year I will receive congratulations on a milestone anniversary that has nothing to do with me. For a long time, or rather since the moment the article about me appeared, I have been trying to get my exact year of birth indicated. And what am I facing? With the fact that the date taken from the ceiling continues to remain. And I have a few extra years left,” she wrote on her Instagram account.

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Even if this is true, not all representatives of the fair sex manage to maintain youth and beauty at this age. No one will dare to dispute one fact of Andreeva’s biography - for more than 25 years she has already been shining at the top of the television Olympus and, apparently, has no plans to lower the bar.

What is the secret of the attractiveness and eternal youth of the Channel One star? There are several explanations for this - Ekaterina Andreeva repeatedly left tips on her social networks.

The right emotions

The first reason is to control your emotions. According to the celebrity, all experiences leave deep marks on the face. That is why it is necessary to imbue yourself with bright emotions, and not harbor anger and resentment.

In addition, Andreeva does not care at all about the opinions of envious people - in order to anger her, the offender will have to work hard. Unkind messages only ricochet against the presenter’s defense.

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Facial care

Andreeva is helped to look young by cosmetic procedures. The presenter has accustomed herself to daily skin care.

Ekaterina visits a cosmetologist and also periodically undergoes microcurrent facial therapy, which she admitted on her Instagram blog. Microcurrents affect the functional activity of skin cells.

After the photo of the procedure appeared, some subscribers began to claim that the secret of the presenter’s beauty lies only in the skill of the cosmetologist, and not in sports or anything else. However, Catherine tries not to pay attention to such statements and responds only to kind comments.

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Many are trying to convict Ekaterina Andreeva of facial plastic surgery, but they constantly run into a wall - there is no confirmation of information about surgical intervention. The celebrity herself emphasizes that she has never gone under a specialist’s knife, but she will only agree to endure a weekly trip to a cosmetologist at gunpoint. Acupuncture, according to the TV presenter, is better than any Botox.

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Catherine's habits

The girl treats her nutrition painstakingly and responsibly. She has become so accustomed to the amount of food she consumes that she can no longer eat any more.

She considers Japanese cuisine to be the most correct and healthy food, since only natural products and healthy vitamins are used. Cook over high heat and it doesn't take much time.

The girl, like everyone else, has bad habits. Great addiction to chocolate and cigarettes. True, she smokes light cigarettes. Ekaterina is one of the stylish employees on television, but she manages it all herself. She does her own clothes, makeup and hairstyle for the broadcast.


After waking up and doing a little exercise, the presenter does not forget to have a good meal. She describes her usual breakfast as follows: “Omelette and vegetables, or cottage cheese with nuts, or a sandwich of grain bread with butter and herring or salmon, or oatmeal with dried fruit.”

During the second meal, Andreeva prefers fish or chicken with vegetables, and for dinner she usually eats salad. She also does not forget about small joys: honey, fruits, dried fruits - all this has long been firmly included in a woman’s diet.

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The presenter strictly prohibits mayonnaise, ketchup, sausages and semi-finished products, milk, confectionery, and alcohol. She also treats sugar without respect. In addition, Andreeva doesn’t even allow herself coffee, but still manages to look cheerful at any time of the day.

Choice of profession

Ekaterina studied at the Moscow Pedagogical University in 1990, and also graduated in absentia from the All-Union Law Institute, having managed to work.

The girl had a lot of choices about where to go next. For example: a lawyer, a historian or an actor. Still, she preferred television.

Ekaterina went to television itself very easily. At this moment, courses were being taken to improve the qualifications of television and radio broadcasting employees. During her training, Catherine often suffered from teachers. The executives thought she was very cold and too arrogant when they saw her on screen.

Since 1991, Ekaterina began officially working on television. The debut took place on Central Television and Television, after “Good Morning”.

And in 1999, a survey was conducted on the Internet for the most beautiful TV presenter in Russia.


Physical activity, as is known, not only keeps the body in good shape, but also nourishes a person with the necessary energy. The famous TV personality knows this very well, which is why she devotes a lot of time to training. She plays sports both independently and with a coach.

Boxing, Pilates, strength training, cardio training, yoga and Chinese gymnastics - all this fits into the life of one person. Andreeva alternates between different sports and manages to train nine times a week in total.

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How the figure of Ekaterina Andreeva has changed with age

The TV presenter cannot be called skinny; rather, she is a stately lady. Tall height coupled with wide bones is a “ticking time bomb”, because... As soon as a woman gains weight, she turns into a “grenadier.” The star has to keep herself in shape: she watches her diet (according to her, she “counts” everything she eats) and trains a lot. The TV presenter practices Pilates, yoga, boxing and martial arts.

Figure of Ekaterina Andreeva

Ekaterina Andreeva is proud of the result - her photo in a swimsuit is proof of this.

TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva: photo in a swimsuit

New impressions

The star devotes her time not only to work and maintaining physical fitness, but also to entertainment. The Channel One presenter calls travel the best vacation. Moreover, she approaches all trips wisely.

Most recently, Ekaterina Andreeva traveled around Africa. For this exotic trip, she did not forget to purchase an anti-malaria drug.

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Recently, the TV presenter has acquired another hobby directly related to travel. She installed an editing application and is now active on social networks with video support. The rising star of travel blogging describes his adventures in detail.

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Ekaterina Andreeva before and after plastic surgery

For a long time, there has been debate among TV viewers about whether Catherine had plastic surgery. After all, you can’t look 20 years younger at 53. Catherine nevertheless revealed her secret. During one of her interviews, she shared that she never misses going to the gym and attends yoga and wushu classes.

Before going to bed, Ekaterina always ventilates the room and takes a contrast shower, and before going to bed she applies ice cubes with various herbs.

On Instagram, Ekaterina posted a video when she had a session in a beauty salon. In the video, the girl had needles injected into her face, because thanks to the needles, the face rejuvenates and the skin is refreshed.

At the moment, Catherine admitted that she did not seek the help of plastic surgeons. But he doesn’t see anything bad in this, because everyone makes their own decisions. Now Ekaterina is not interested in plastic surgery, but perhaps after a certain time she will also turn to surgeons.

The main secret of youth

Proper nutrition, sports and other elements of a healthy lifestyle are all, of course, good and interesting, but the main strength does not lie in them. The most important thing is the mental feeling of beauty and youth. No amount of plastic surgery can bring back the faded sparkle in your eyes.

“The mental feeling of youth is much more important than the cosmetic one. When people ask me about the secret of youth, I answer this: you need to learn to think like a young man, move like a young man, be a young man. And all the attitudes and stereotypes about how you should look at a certain age are very disturbing,” concluded Ekaterina Andreeva.

NEVSKIE NEWS previously wrote that the Channel One presenter surprised fans in an unusual way. Fans of Ekaterina Andreeva tried to guess what prompted her to change.


But in fact, when she was little, she and her family lived in the city center, where the Kremlin was very close. Therefore, to the very young girl it seemed that they were living in the Kremlin itself. But later, the girl still got it for lying about her place of residence.

As a teenager, Catherine kept her body in shape and was slim. She played basketball and managed to study a little at the Olympic reserve school.

However, at the university, when Ekaterina began writing her diploma and became less active. Then the worst thing happened; Ekaterina still remembers with a shudder at the mention of this that at that time she weighed almost eighty kilograms. However, having a height of 170, the girl confidently stated that she was not fat, but it was only she who thought so.

At one of the interviews, the girl told with a smile the story of how she gained weight. Ekaterina said that once she could wrap a frying pan with potatoes and meat, and then drink tea and eat dessert in the form of a sweet pie. She couldn’t immediately understand that she had started to gain weight without scales in the apartment, and one of the pieces of advice she gave was to buy scales and not trust clothes.

After seeing what she saw on the scales, the girl started going to the gym and watching her diet. In about four years, she lost about twenty kilograms. After these long workouts, sports and proper nutrition took hold.

Secret No. 3. Porridge for breakfast

If your breakfast is a sandwich, then this practice urgently needs to be changed! This is the opinion of Ekaterina, who has been eating breakfast only with porridge and water for many years. Sometimes she adds nuts or honey to this dish. By the way, Andreeva does not recommend adding honey to tea, because then it loses all its beneficial properties. Fruits for breakfast are also excluded from the menu. The star rarely eats them and chooses them according to a special principle - only local and seasonal ones. While in Moscow, Katya will never eat mango or kiwi, but will give preference to an apple.

Positivity, gymnastics and proper nutrition are the companions of eternal youth

The Internet, newspapers and magazines are full of photos of Russian and foreign stars before and after plastic surgery. But Ekaterina Andreeva was not noticed in such publications.

The TV personality herself is not against surgical interventions to stop the aging process of the skin. But she does not rule out that in 10 years she will turn to a plastic surgeon for help.

Ekaterina Andreeva at gymnastics classes

Proper nutrition is another one of the main stages on the path to a beautiful figure. In her youth, Ekaterina Andreeva had problems with excess weight. There was a time when women smoked. But all this is now behind her, having taken her will into her fist, the TV presenter now has an ideal figure.

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Secret No. 5. Only healthy energy drinks

Ekaterina does not smoke or drink coffee. However, she does not think that she should completely deny herself energy drinks. Andreeva's passion is tea. She is well versed in it and even knows the intricacies of the Chinese tea ceremony. However, the star warns that if the rules are not followed, this ritual may not help, but rather harm your health. The most important rule: you should never use old tea leaves (as is sometimes advised), because it becomes an accumulation of toxins!

Andreeva in real life

It’s easy to find photos online that show Andreeva without makeup or Photoshop. Of course, they differ from those pictures where a specialist worked on the TV presenter’s appearance, but the difference is not as significant as many people think.

Photo of the star after processing

If you compare retouched images and those that have not undergone correction, you can see that there is pigmentation on the face and wrinkles are visible. This is not surprising, because the woman is no longer young.

Photo of Andreeva with and without processing

The star maintains an Instagram page and often publishes her own photographs there. As a rule, they are processed. This is clearly noticeable.

Photo of the presenter with and without retouching

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