How Ekaterina Varnava's appearance has changed since KVN

Avoiding bangs and updo hairstyles

During her participation in KVN, Ekaterina did not at all resemble a fatal beauty. The girl wore bangs and a short haircut. After leaving the team, she wanted to look more feminine. Catherine let go of her bangs and began to prefer high hairstyles. She still returned to bangs periodically, although it made her nose seem even larger. But Catherine quickly abandoned high hairstyles, realizing that they did not suit her.

“Rich and beautiful Katya”: how Barnabas changed her face and began to earn money

The artist herself prefers to joke about the number of plastic surgeries

Photo: Personal page of the hero of the publication on the social network

The most fashionable and successful artist of the spoken genre is now 35-year-old Ekaterina Varnava. A graduate of the KVN team “Team of Small Nations” is the brightest star of “Comedy Women”. It is no coincidence that Barnabas is in great demand among advertisers. What did she advertise: a bank, clothes, cosmetics... For example, a TV advertisement for 3 months with the participation of a star will cost the advertiser 1.7 million rubles. Katya performs at corporate events, hosts events, and tours with a comedy show. For a 15-minute show “Comedy Woman” at the reserve they ask for 15 thousand euros. (1 million rubles).

Katya is successful at work and happy in her personal life. But until now, most often in search engines with her name they search for “Barnabas before and after plastic surgery.” The artist herself prefers to joke about the number of plastic surgeries: “There were a lot of them! I started earning money early, because operations cost money...” Like most stars, the topic of cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery is closed to Barnabas. One thing is obvious: after external changes, success came to Barnabas - “rich and beautiful Katya” became popular.

Ekaterina Varnava is a graduate of the KVN team “Team of Small Nations”

We asked plastic surgeon Pavel Fedorov to comment on the changes in Ekaterina Varnava’s appearance, comparing her photos from the KVN times and today’s photos of the artist from Instagram.

Surgeon Fedorov comments:

“The changes in the appearance of one of the most popular presenters, Ekaterina Varnava, are truly amazing, so one might get the impression that plastic surgery was involved. Was it plastic or not?

In photographs from 2005, Catherine’s face is more rounded with textured cheeks. Now the face has become more elongated with pointed cheekbones.

We asked plastic surgeon Pavel Fedorov to comment on the changes in the appearance of Ekaterina Varnava

Photo: Personal archive

Most of this effect was achieved thanks to the diet - the TV presenter lost serious weight, which was reflected in her face and figure. But it is possible that this could not have happened without a small operation - resection (partial removal) of Bisha's fat bags. This simple operation allows you to reduce the volume of the cheek area and create an emphasized cheekbone area.

In photographs from 2005, Catherine’s face is more rounded

I note that the operation is not suitable for everyone, since over the years a negative result may appear on the face. It is possible that volumetric modeling was also performed in the zygomatic part with hyaluronic acid preparations (fillers). Since after losing weight, as well as with age, facial tissues sag - only fillers can restore and model the required volume of the face without resorting to serious surgical manipulations.

Catherine's lips were given texture and volume using hyaluronic acid preparations. The tip of the nose began to look a little different, which may be the result of aesthetic plastic surgery. Ekaterina does not neglect the services of cosmetologists - they use drugs that improve the quality of the skin and injections of botulinum toxins in the forehead and eyes.

The TV presenter has seriously lost weight, which is reflected in her face and figure.

Photo: Personal page of the hero of the publication on the social network

There were no rejuvenation operations. A well-done plastic surgery will never leave a mark on the patient’s face. Barnabas had no indications, and there is no need to undergo surgery at an age when cosmetic methods are enough to beautify the face - if you don’t forget about proper nutrition, regimen and eliminating bad habits.”

Personal life

As Ekaterina says, in her youth she entered into a protracted and painful relationship with a married man. Without naming her lover, Barnabas admitted that from a certain moment her personal life was like hell, and she was glad that she was able to break off that fatal connection.

In 2012, the artist began an affair with Khrustalev. The couple met on the set of the Comedy Woman TV show. The intimacy between the colleagues lasted about a year, but Dmitry never became Catherine’s husband, although he proposed. Later, Varnava shared that her feelings were influenced by Dmitry’s complexes.

In June 2017, Varnava pleased fans with a new photo with her fiance, dancer Konstantin Myakinkov. Rumors about the wedding of Catherine and Konstantin appeared in the summer of 2016. Then the news spread across the Network that the Comedy Woman star had allegedly secretly gotten married, but the artists did not confirm these speculations.

Dmitry Khrustalev and Ekaterina Varnava are not a couple!
We have the details! Posted by Around TV on Monday, December 9, 2013

Ekaterina Varnava and Dmitry Khrustalev in their youth
The dancer made an official proposal to his chosen one, but 2 years later Varnava announced that there would be no wedding. At first, the public decided that the showwoman had broken up with her lover, but the celebrities said that they had only decided to postpone the celebration, or even get by with a civil marriage. Catherine assured that she did not see a problem in this, and the absence of a stamp in the passport did not affect the relationship.

Unfortunately, in May 2020 it became known that the couple had broken up. Catherine admitted this almost a year after the breakup. According to Barnabas, the former lovers managed to remain friends.

There were no children in the union. At first, the companions were not sure of their desire to have offspring, and when they decided to have offspring, it turned out that due to medical indications before pregnancy, Catherine would have to give up her busy schedule for almost a year and devote time to restoring her health in order to prepare for conception. The TV personality could not do this at that time.

While working at Comedy Woman, Ekaterina became close friends with many of the project participants. She has been friends with Kravchenko since her student days. Barnabas even became the godmother of her friend Victoria, to whom today she gives unspent maternal warmth.

Ekaterina Varnava @kativarnava and Konstantin Myakinkov @kostya_myakinkov in a shoot for @okmagazine_ru ⠀ Ekaterina is wearing FABI @fabishoes shoes from the fall-winter 18/19 collection ⠀ #noone_russia #NOONEforWOMEN #NOONEfw1819
Posted by NO ONE on Thursday, December 20, 2018

Ekaterina Varnava and Konstantin Myakinkov
In 2022, information appeared on the Internet about the artist’s affair with Alexander Molochnikov. Soon the couple began to appear together at receptions, which convinced fans of the veracity of the rumors. Catherine has tender feelings for her companion and admitted that with Alexander she is ready to acquire heirs and meet old age.

The only disadvantage of the union is the age difference: Molochnikov is 7 years younger. Barnabas is not afraid of the years, but it is embarrassing that subscribers, when they see photos together, immediately notice the nuance and make fun of the actress, asking about her son. “Well, maybe at least a younger brother? No!" - Catherine was indignant.

Barnabas introduced her mother to the new guy. The woman communicates well with her daughter, but is worried about her thinness. But Catherine does not maintain relations with other relatives. After the death of Igor's older brother and father, the family began to fall apart. Alexey, who once supported his sister, scolds Katya because of her changed appearance, and she does not forgive harsh public statements addressed to her.

Katya Varnava. Why did her appearance change so much?

If you compare old and new photographs of Katya Varnava, you can decide that these are two completely different people. In recent years, the appearance of a girl with large facial features has changed a lot for the better. Let’s find out what exactly has changed and why.

Varnava started out in KVN, and there she looked like an ordinary girl, albeit with her own twist. During team games, Ekaterina was noticed by producers and began to be invited to various projects. One of them turned out to be the cult Comedy Woman, after attending which Barnabas underwent some interventions in her appearance - she lost weight, which is why her charming cheeks disappeared, and also changed her hairstyle. However, over time, rumors appeared about possible surgical intervention.

Paris Hilton

Source: @skandaliskandali
Many people don’t even know that Paris has naturally brown eyes. Now she has begun to lift the veil of secrecy and appear in public with a natural color. But for a long time everyone perceived her as a blue-eyed blonde. Moreover, it was so in harmony with her type that brown looks like she has now started wearing colored lenses.

If you notice, Hilton's left eye is “lazy”; it doesn't open as wide as her right. Many people don’t understand why a socialite won’t get blepharoplasty. In fact, Paris has already had eyelid surgery, but it was unsuccessful. Apparently, it is not possible to correct the defect.

A television

In the fall of 2012, Ekaterina began hosting the morning show “NTV in the morning.” Then, 2 years later, the performer replaced Olga Freimut as the TV presenter of the Ukrainian comedy program “Who’s on Top.” Varnava's partner was Sergei Pritula. The celebrity worked in the program until 2017, when she received a ban on entry into Ukraine due to visiting Crimea.

With her colleagues at Comedy Woman, Ekaterina often became a guest of other entertainment projects. Together with Kravchenko, the actress participated in the recording of the Soyuz Studio release, and with Nadezhda Sysoeva she attended Improvisation. Viewers of the latest program highly appreciated the “freeze frames” performed by Barnabas.

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Ekaterina Varnava in a swimsuit
In April 2020, the new season of “Dancing with the Stars” began showing, where Ekaterina’s partner was choreographer Denis Tagintsev. During filming, the showwoman sprained her ligaments, but did not want to stop participating. Overcoming the pain, Varnava performed the routine, leaning on her partner. Nikolai Tsiskaridze, who was sitting in the jury’s chair, even shed tears, knowing about the suffering that the contestant was experiencing.

In the same year, Ekaterina continued her collaboration with her comedy colleague Alexander Gudkov. The artists prepared the show “Fight with Girls,” which began broadcasting on the “Friday!” channel. Fans were happy to hear the news about the celebrity collaboration.

In the fall, with another former Comedy Woman partner, Khrustalev, the TV personality began hosting the “Secret” program on TNT. In the new project, former lovers helped guests find personal happiness and win a cash prize of 100 thousand rubles.


Varnava first appeared on television in a feature film, playing a cameo role in the TV series “Univer”. A little earlier, director Alexander Strizhenov invited the beauty to the comedy “From 180 and Above,” but the comedian’s name was not in the credits. This was followed by other rating films, where Ekaterina also appeared in a cameo.

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Ekaterina Varnava and Alexander Gudkov
During the same period, the actress starred in the background in the romantic comedy “8 First Dates.” The film, which started showing on March 8, 2012, was successfully shown in Russia and Ukraine. Box office receipts covered the budget 4 times, reaching $9.1 million.

In 2022, Ekaterina played the priestess of love Elena Dronova in the film project “Zomboyashchik”. Despite the efforts of the artists of the TNT channel, among whom were the masters of humor Garik Kharlamov, Timur Batrutdinov and Pavel Volya, the film failed at the box office and received a lot of negative feedback.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina was born in Moscow on December 9, 1984. The expressive appearance caused a lot of controversy regarding the nationality of the celebrity. Varnava did not disclose details, but it is known that her father is from Kazakhstan, and her mother is Russian.

Soon after Catherine’s birth, the family, which already had two sons, moved to the GDR, where the father was sent on duty. For the first 7 years, the girl lived with her parents and older brothers Igor and Alexei in the town of Wünsdorf. When Varnava returned to Moscow in 1991 and went to school, she unexpectedly found herself an outcast.

The reason was little Katya’s foreign outfits and bright toys. In an ordinary Russian school in the 90s, this was considered exotic and an unaffordable luxury. His classmates decided that Barnabas was showing off to them. They also insulted the artist for her appearance, calling her ugly. Ekaterina never managed to join the new team.

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Ekaterina Varnava in childhood with her mother
Every year Varnava rejoices on September 1, knowing that she will no longer have to go to the hated school. When Katya tried to fight back, her classmates responded with a group beating. Later, other students joined in the bullying.

The actress hid the unpleasant situation from her loved ones for a long time, but when one day she had to return home with a backpack soiled with other people’s feces, she could not stand it and shared it with her middle brother Alexei. The guy talked to high school students, and the torment stopped.

Katya was not spoiled in the family, but she was loved. Mom worked as a general practitioner and tried in every possible way to find funds for her daughter’s hobbies. When the performer grew up a little, she earned her own income on her own, serving as a waitress and saleswoman. Hence, Barnabas retained a respectful attitude towards the service personnel.

As a child, the star took ballroom dancing, which she loved, and her success in her classes indicated that Barnabas had a bright future ahead of her. As a result, expectations were not destined to come true. At first, the girl quickly surpassed all her partners in height, and then, when the issue of a suitable partner was resolved, 14-year-old Katya received a serious injury during training.

Ekaterina Varnava changed her eye color / @kativarnava

During his fall, Barnabas suffered a displacement of his vertebrae, and he had to forget about sports. The showwoman took this blow seriously and, as she admitted, since then she could not watch the ballroom dancing competitions, where Catherine’s friends are now performing.

But the craving for art and creative self-expression was too strong to give up ambitions. Ekaterina entered the National Research Technological University MISiS, where she studied at the Faculty of Law. However, I never had a chance to work in my profession.

During her student years, due to her passion for KVN, Ekaterina often had to skip classes. But the talented comedian successfully cleaned up the mess, and prepared her thesis on the topic of juvenile justice in 10 days.

Selena Gomez

Source: @selenagomez / @f3rnando_lavigne
The singer also sometimes experiments with her appearance and wears colored lenses. She is most often seen wearing gray (although she has naturally brown eyes). When she wore light lenses at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, she was compared to model Adriana Lima. This technique radically transformed her appearance; no makeup would have given such an effect.

Selena usually wears brown lenses because she has poor eyesight. The singer is nearsighted, but she has not yet decided to have her vision corrected. Sometimes she wears glasses at home.

Drew Barrymore

Source: @drewbarrymore / @vintage_baggage
If you are asked what Drew Barrymore's natural eye color is, you might hesitate. The fact is that she was born with green eyes, but wore brown lenses for a long time. In 2000, when the TV series Charlie's Angels was filming, she was asked to change her eye color to brown. The actress liked it so much that she wore colored lenses for a long time. Now she can be seen with natural eye color.

Anastasia Reshetova

Source: @volkonskaya.reshetova
Subscribers often do not understand what color Anastasia’s eyes are. She has naturally dark hair and gray-green eyes. But on the Internet you can often see her with brown eyes. It's all about the lenses. From time to time, the model comes out with dark lenses, and many note that she looks very harmonious with them. When Anastasia published a photo with brown eyes on Instagram, one of the subscribers expressed the opinion of the majority. “It’s like I was born with brown eyes! I have never seen a person who would suit lenses better than his own color!”

Ekaterina Varnava now

Now Ekaterina is still in demand. The showwoman continues to host the “Fight with Girls” and “Secret” programs, and in February 2022, with the participation of Varnava, the Russian comedy Love was released, where Sergei Svetlakov, who acted as a screenwriter and producer, starred in the foreground.

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Ekaterina Varnava now
In October, the artist decided to show her strength in a new incarnation, becoming the central figure of the cabaret show “Absolutely Naked.” Ekaterina liked the intensive preparation for the project. Barnabas was especially delighted by the strict “training” of the choreographers. At the end of the month, the actress presented a new show on the Channel One program “Evening Urgant”.

Family of birth

Ekaterina Varnava’s mother is a general practitioner, and her father is a military man. Galina Stepanovna is a patient, caring mother. Vladimir Petrovich is moderately strict, but the children always obeyed him. Katya's older brothers are Igor and Alexey. In 2016, Igor died. The family hid what happened from the public until the very end. The guy served in the navy.

The topic of brothers and family for Barnabas after the death of a loved one is very painful. She remembered that her brothers always protected her and were her support. The actress admitted that it was her mother and father, as well as her brothers, who put many positive qualities into her.

Catherine's parents grieved along with their daughter and Alexei. Unfortunately, this was not the last tragedy in the family. Soon Vladimir Petrovich died and Varnava’s own aunt passed away. The actress's mother and father lived together for 51 years.

In 2022, the showwoman admitted that she had to spend a lot of time with her mother, who remained a widow. Since Vladimir Petrovich was the only man for Galina Stepanovna, she found it difficult to cope with the loss. Barnabas had to re-teach her mother how to live, support her and be with her almost around the clock.

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