Stop, ultraviolet radiation: choosing the best cream for age spots


  • Causes of pigmentation
  • How do creams work?
  • The best drugs for pigmentation
  • List of effective remedies
  • Prevention of pigmentation

Pigmentation is a change in skin color, the appearance of brown spots on the face or body.
A change in skin color is not only a visual defect, it will indicate health problems; discuss this issue with your therapist. Even dark spots remove moisture, which leads to premature aging of the skin and the formation of wrinkles. A visual defect can be easily dealt with using a foundation or bleaching agent, but getting rid of brown elements requires a comprehensive approach. It is not enough to buy a cream for age spots at the pharmacy; it is important to know what pigmentation is and for what reasons it appears.

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Freckles are a consequence of sun kisses and a new summer trend. Are they safe and how to get rid of them if there are too many of them?

Dermatologists poetically called freckles “ephelides.” Their specificity is seasonality. Small light brown dots appear in abundance in those with white skin with the arrival of spring and increasing solar activity. That’s why they were popularly called “freckles.” Some beauties dream of removing freckles forever. Others, on the contrary, draw them with colored pencils and show off selfies on social networks.

Causes of pigmentation

Melanin is the main pigment of the skin, produced by the nervous and endocrine systems. It controls the level of ultraviolet radiation affecting the dermis. The process of hormone production is called melanogenesis. Pigmentation is a failure in melanogenesis and the body’s protective reaction to ultraviolet radiation, and a pigment spot is an accumulation of melanin. Examples of age spots are freckles, birthmarks and moles.

But brown spots appear not only due to excessive insolation, but also as a result of exposure to internal factors. Dark spots usually appear on the face, where the skin is thinnest. The main reasons why the epidermis changes color:

  • deficiency of folic acid, vitamin C and other nutrients;
  • influence of medications;
  • changes in hormonal levels (menopause, menstrual cycle imbalance, pregnancy, lactation, use of oral contraceptives, insulin resistance);
  • metabolic disease. The epidermis changes color during an improper diet and with excess weight. This indicates precisely a disturbed metabolism;
  • age-related changes. In every store you can find face cream 45+; the best products, according to cosmetologists, have a whitening effect and belong to the category of products against spots on the skin;
  • genetic predisposition. Usually the hereditary factor is easy to determine immediately after birth;
  • damage (trauma, burns, frostbite, improper treatment of acne, squeezing out pimples, deep peeling);
  • problems with the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract.

Is it possible to get rid of pigmentation on the face forever? Knowing the reason for the appearance, yes. The most effective removal of age spots is possible if you use high-quality products and eliminate the root cause of the defects.

Good pharmacy face whitening products will give a clear result. Pigment spots on the face under the influence of active substances will begin to lighten and then disappear. If internal causes are not treated, relapse is possible.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Cosmetologists confirm the effectiveness of pharmaceutical products for whitening facial skin. But they warn that many of the means described above are quite aggressive . Therefore, they must be used extremely carefully.

In addition, you need to be prepared for the fact that you won’t be able to achieve results right away; you will need to regularly use bleaching agents to make the freckles less noticeable. If you want to get rid of freckles as quickly as possible, then it is better to go to a beauty salon.

How do creams work?

All products that even out skin tone and whiten are useful thanks to the active substances in their composition: niacinamide, oligopeptides-34, 24, decopeptides-4, lumixil, decopeptide-12, retinol, nicotinic acid and much more. Therefore, read the instructions and composition of the drug. Common substances included:

  • niacinamide – one of the main components, helps whitening and regeneration of epidermal cells;
  • retinol – reduces melanin production;
  • azelaic acid – inhibits melanin synthesis and has an antibacterial effect;
  • kojic acid – helps regeneration and formation of new cells and whitens;
  • nicotinic acid – participates in reduction and oxidation reactions;
  • Tretinol – stimulates cellular regeneration;
  • arbutin – inhibits discoloration and prevents stains from spreading to other areas;
  • Dandelion extract – whitens, disinfects and vitaminizes the dermis.

These components must be included in the composition, since they are the best remedy for age spots on the face and body.

A common cause of the problem is improper tanning. During summer holidays, use spf 50 sunscreen, which is best for the face against age spots? SPF (Sun Protection Factor) is the level of protection, “sun protection factor”. After the abbreviation SPF there are numbers: 15, 30 or 50. The most effective product has SPF 50 and protects against 99% of UV rays.

Laser freckle removal on M22: features of the procedure

The M22 device is a multifunctional platform that combines several working modules. Treatment of hyperpigmentation is carried out with an IPL-handle that generates broadband intense pulsed light. During a flare-up, melanin in places where it accumulates is heated to maximum temperature and destroyed. The procedure is convenient, simple and has a number of features:

  • No pain or burns. The contact cooling system prevents overheating of the skin during outbreaks and neutralizes painful sensations.
  • Fast. One session lasts on average 25 minutes.
  • Effective. On average, 1 to 5 procedures are required.
  • No rehabilitation. IPL radiation does not damage the skin. Light redness disappears within 1-2 hours after treatment.

M22 is truly the best way to combat freckles. But to prevent them from appearing again and causing concern, you need to use sunscreen.

The best drugs for pigmentation

You can buy a cream for age spots on the face at a pharmacy or at a store that specializes in selling beauty products. Good pharmaceutical preparations include salicylic, heparin and zinc ointments. They eliminate not only darkening, but also acne, irritation, and inflammation.

Pharmacy whitening products are divided into four categories:

  • hormonal. Helps remove age spots caused by hormonal imbalance;
  • vitamin. If the problem is caused by a lack of nutrients, these drugs should be used;
  • organic. This cream for age spots on the body and face will not only help visually eliminate the dark spot, but will also moisturize and relieve inflammation;
  • on a natural basis. Made exclusively from natural ingredients.

It is impossible to single out the most effective cream for age spots on the face: firstly, there are many similar drugs, and secondly, it is worth taking into account individual tolerance. It is better to buy a cream for facial pigmentation at a pharmacy than from sellers on the Internet. Pharmacy products are certified, the consumer will not buy potentially dangerous substances of dubious quality.

List of effective remedies

Meso- and phototherapy, chemical peels and laser resurfacing will help to even out the tone and remove dark spots. But if you don’t like visiting a cosmetologist’s office, try to cope with the problem with effective ointments.

Some try to solve the problem using traditional methods. This option is acceptable if the spots are not pronounced and there are few of them on the body, otherwise cucumber juice, kefir mask and parsley infusions will be powerless.

List of the best cosmetics that consumers choose:

Lakshma MAXXI

An effective remedy for age spots on the face, reviews confirm this 100%. The drug helps remove age spots, moisturizes the skin thanks to glycerin, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Lakshma MAXXI will help to cope even with areas of increased pigmentation.


Melanative cream for age spots, reviews of which are mostly positive, contains arbutin, glycogel and kojic acid.

L'Oreal Age Re-Perfect Pro-Calcium

If you are looking for which face cream is best after 55 years, the advice of a cosmetologist most often concerns Re-Perfect Pro-Calcium. The cream brightens and regenerates the skin, restoring its elasticity and firmness, and also quickly removes spots on the face.


This whitening cream also has a mattifying property. Neotone can be used not only for age spots, but also for acne.


The category “ whitening creams with arbutin” in the pharmacy includes this product. Achromin can be used during pregnancy and lactation, as it does not contain dangerous chemical components. The cream is suitable for any skin type, it can be applied both to the face and body, in particular the neck and décolleté area

Natura Siberica White

The cream is not only whitening, but also sunscreen. The composition contains hyaluronic acid, which nourishes the skin and has a moisturizing effect. Natura Siberica White contains many natural ingredients, which minimizes the risk of an allergic reaction.

Himalaya Herbals

The drug with niacinamide in its composition is more of a mattifying agent than a whitening agent. Himalaya Herbals will cope with minor pigmentation, but if the problem is serious, it is better to choose a more effective drug.

Secret Key Snow White Cream

Korean cream for pigment spots (before and after - an obvious difference that speaks in favor of this drug) removes pigmented red and dark spots, freckles, and the negative consequences of acne. Secret Key Snow White Cream contains niacinamide and glycerin.

Bergamo Moselle Whitening EX Whitening Cream

Another Korean cream with a whitening effect. In addition to hyaluronic acid and niacinamide, the composition contains many natural ingredients, namely essential oils. Thanks to its universal composition, Bergamo is suitable not only for combating pigmentation, but also for eliminating excessive dry skin.


With regular use of hydroquinone, age spots will disappear within 2-3 months, but it is important to use a product with SPF protection and avoid exposure to direct sunlight. It is worth paying attention that hydroquinone is a toxic substance, its concentration in the drug should be 2-4%.

For those who have long been wondering how to get rid of age spots on the face, reviews will help you choose a product. Each package indicates age restrictions, what type of skin it is suitable for, as well as additional properties (moisturizing, nutrition, antimicrobial or anti-inflammatory effect, etc.).

Side effects

With regular use of creams containing hydroquinone, pigment cells are damaged and the result can be a serious disease, “exogenous ochronosis.” Side effects of this substance include:

  • Sensitivity to ultraviolet light;
  • Contact dermatitis;
  • Hyperpigmentation;
  • Skin irritation;
  • Hyperemia;
  • Negative skin changes in the places where the cream was applied. This may include roughness and unevenness of the skin, as well as the appearance of comedones.

After using products that contain tretinol, itching, flaking and redness appear. Acne may appear.

With prolonged use of a cream containing mercury, intoxication may occur.

Kojic acid causes dermatitis and irritation.

Long-term use of any cream is contraindicated.

Prevention of pigmentation

Pharmacy and cosmetic ointments will get rid of dark spots on the skin, and prevention will help consolidate the result. It is worth reviewing your diet: include foods with antioxidants in the menu, replace coffee with green tea or cocoa, and red wine is acceptable from alcohol.

Follow the rules for staying in the sun. If the skin is predisposed to pigmentation, then it is better to minimize ultraviolet rays. Choose products with an SPF level of at least 30, cover exposed skin with clothing, and keep sunbathing time to a minimum. Before going to the resort, do not do laser hair removal; the procedure increases the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

Doctors and cosmetologists advise regularly performing a complete check-up of the body. To do this, get tested, visit an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist and therapist. Listen to all the signals from your body, in particular the dark spots on your face and body. Problematic skin requires treatment, because pigmentation spoils the appearance and indicates underlying problems.

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Underarm skin brightening treatment

RUB 1,400.00

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Whole body skin lightening milk

RUR 3,800.00
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Cream Lakshma Maxxi (Lakshma Maxxi)

RUB 2,100.00

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Directions for use and doses

First you need to do a skin test. Apply a small amount of cream to the elbow area and leave for 20 minutes. If the skin is not red, then you can safely begin the process of beauty.

In order for the cream to fully utilize its properties, it is better to apply it before bed, when the body is calm.

It is recommended to begin eliminating freckles in early spring, as they are almost invisible and prevention is always better than cure.

In hot weather, the cream should not be used, especially before going outside.

During the cool season, the cream can be applied 2 times a day. So, freckle creams are usually oily, so it would be good to apply powder on top. It will also serve as an additional layer of protection.

In order for the components to penetrate deep into the skin, the product must be applied after thoroughly cleansing the face.

Since such creams have an exfoliating effect, it is recommended to use scrubs 2 times a week. It is very important to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions, since failure to comply with these rules may cause side effects. Do not apply the product to a steamed face.

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