Ideal multi-peeling Gigi - affordable luxury for chic skin

Superficial cleansing of the facial skin is a daily necessity. Using cosmetic milk, soap or gel, remove makeup and remove dirt accumulated on the skin. This is not enough for effective skin care. Periodic preventive or therapeutic course use of deep cleansing products - peelings - is necessary. Exfoliating the top layer of cells will help maintain tissue in optimal condition and get rid of various problems (acne, scars, age-related changes). Many cosmetologists recommend procedures based on GiGi brand products, as well as supportive home care with the manufacturer’s products.

A little about the manufacturing company

The Israeli cosmetic brand “Gigi” has been known to the world since 1957. Now its products are in demand and are sold in 30 countries. The difference between the brand is that home care products provide an effect comparable to the result from using professional products.

There is a whole line of “Gigi” peelings, which are designed for different skin types and age groups. They are known as one of the best means for cleansing and rejuvenating it. The advantage of Gigi peelings lies in a reasonable combination of natural and artificially created components.

Pros and cons of the line

Most GiGi products, as with their Obagi counterparts, are intended for professional use. This is both a plus and a minus of the drugs. The positive side is the high quality of procedures performed by a cosmetologist. Negative point for consumers of services: increased cost of intervention. Analogues of yellow, salicylic, glycolic peeling can be performed with no less quality, but at a lower price.

GI products are recommended to be preferred by those who have tried a lot of options, but could not solve the existing problem. GIGI brand peelings in the skillful hands of a cosmetologist always give positive results.

We must not forget that a single procedure rarely brings the desired results. To maintain the effect, you will need to review your care regimen. This is always a considerable expense.

Features of Gigi multi-peeling

Multi-peeling from Gigi has multiple effects on the skin. It simultaneously cleanses it of fat and keratinized particles produced by the sebaceous glands, and helps to recover by stimulating cell synthesis. This feature allows the product to be used even by those whose skin is sensitive and prone to irritation.

The effect can be achieved with a single procedure. After it, the skin takes on a healthier appearance, its surface becomes smoother and denser due to an increase in moisture content. The result will be regardless of its type. Multipeeling has a beneficial effect on dryness, increased sebum secretion, and aging.

We recommend reading about salicylic acid peeling. You will learn about the indications for this type of peeling, the features of its implementation, contraindications, and side effects. And here is more information about performing superficial facial peeling.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors regularly use GiGi in their work. Professional cosmetics allow you to really achieve your goals. Treatments with brand variants are offered to patients regularly, but the high price of GIGI products is often the deciding factor for consumers.

The cosmetologist offers treatment using GiGi peeling.

The cosmetologist offers an option from GiGi.

The cosmetologist likes GG products, but considers the price too high.

Composition of Gigi multi-peel

The cleanser from the Israeli cosmetic brand contains:

  • Lactic acid . It softens and moisturizes the skin well.
  • Salicylic acid . The component gently cleanses pores and regulates sebum secretion.
  • Phenol . The substance frees the epidermis from dead cells and stimulates its regeneration. Phenol also disinfects the skin and relieves inflammation.
  • Urea . Softens the surface, making it more susceptible to the action of alpha and beta hydroxy acids.
  • Plankton extract . The component increases local immunity, restores the protective forces of the epidermis, and counteracts the formation of free radicals.
  • Biosera . Relieves inflammation, normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands.

Indications for use of Gigi

Multipeeling will be useful for the following problems:

  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands, tendency to rashes;
  • enlarged, oil-clogged pores;
  • dry and irritable skin;
  • dull complexion, uneven relief of the epidermis;
  • spots left over from acne;
  • first wrinkles, skin aging, dehydration.

It is used as a stand-alone cleanser. You can use multi-peeling before applying a mask or cream. It will help their active components penetrate deeper.

Application of peeling for all skin types according to a multi-stage program

The product will help make your skin younger and more beautiful if you use it correctly:

  • first you need to cleanse your face of cosmetics using micellar water or cleansing gel;
  • then apply a small amount of product to the skin and distribute evenly with light movements (do not apply it to your eyelids);
  • leave the peeling on the face for 10 minutes, this will be enough for complete penetration and cleansing of the pores;
  • then rinse off the product with lukewarm water and pat your face dry with a clean napkin or towel.

After this, a tingling sensation may remain on the skin, but this is not scary. Now you should apply a mask, serum or cream to your face.

Peeling can be used safely at any time of the year. You don’t need to cleanse your skin with it every day; it’s enough to do it once or twice a week. You can use multi-peeling pointwise when an inflamed area appears that is ready to turn into a pimple. You just need to apply a drop of product on it and leave it overnight.

To learn how to use GIGI peeling at home, watch this video:


This product is considered one of the most gentle and gentle of the entire range of cosmetics companies. Its formula is designed in such a way that the components act on the upper layer of the epidermis, eliminating dead cells. GiGi rice peeling is an ideal option for sensitive, problematic and pigmented skin. The main properties are to lighten dark spots on the surface, stimulate regeneration, heal inflammation, prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles and smooth the face. Buyers in the reviews note that it can be used after 25 years at any time of the year.

After applying the product there is no unpleasant sensation, there is no burning or redness of the skin. Gentle exfoliation of the stratum corneum ensures active air circulation into the cells, improving natural tone, eliminating peeling and lightening unwanted pigmentation. Peeling should be used on damp skin, spreading with massage movements and rinsing with cool water.

The result of Gigi snc peeling

The effect of using a multi-product will be noticeable immediately, but it becomes more pronounced after several sessions:

  • skin looks smoother and more even;
  • it better absorbs the products used after peeling;
  • greasy shine disappears;
  • a feeling of comfort appears, tightness disappears;
  • the face becomes fresher due to hydration;
  • fine wrinkles disappear;
  • skin elasticity increases;
  • acne formation stops, blackheads disappear;
  • enlarged pores narrow;
  • areas of redness and irritation caused by dry skin disappear.

Disadvantages of Gigi

Multipeeling has not only advantages. There are qualities that displease women:

  • Quite a pungent and unpleasant smell. And although this is rather evidence of the absence of perfume fragrances, which are not always beneficial for the skin, it may force someone to abandon the product.
  • Sometimes there is a need for preliminary testing of the composition and selection of the procedure protocol individually. Some components of multi-peeling may cause allergies. And the standard application procedure will not be sufficient without the use of additional means.
  • You can't buy multi-peeling everywhere. Then you will have to order it from the online store, and this will mean an increase in cost. After all, you also need to pay shipping costs.

We recommend reading about TCA facial peeling. You will learn about who is recommended for this facial procedure, peeling preparations, methods of implementation, the effect of the procedure, and cost. And here is more information about facial care after TCA peeling.

Cost of multi-peeling for all skin types

The price of the product may vary. But on average, a 120 ml jar costs 2000 - 2500 rubles. Considering that 3-4 ml of viscous liquid is needed for one-time use, the cost is affordable for many. After all, this amount will be enough for a year or even more.

Multi-peeling will be useful for both young girls and women over 35 years old. It is especially necessary for those who actively use decorative cosmetics. Regular use of the product will not only provide high-quality cleansing of the skin and get rid of immediate problems. It will help delay aging and smooth out existing signs of age.

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When applying only one layer of peeling, cleaning is quite easy and peeling is almost unnoticeable. It allows you to lead a normal lifestyle. The only thing I don’t recommend is using decorative cosmetics for at least the next couple of days, so as not to clog your pores again.

After the second layer of the drug, a thin film is formed on the skin - frosting. On the second day there will be a feeling of tightness, as if your face is wearing a mask. You can relieve some of the discomfort with a moisturizing gel or spray. But it is very important to prevent the skin from cracking. After 3-4 days it will begin to come off in patches. It's unaesthetic, but not painful. But within a week after peeling, you will see a renewed, beautiful face in the mirror.

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