Makeup artist's dictionary. Beauty terms you need to know

Cosmetology dictionary


Ablation is the targeted destruction and removal of part of protein tissue. In cosmetology, radio frequency waves (Surgitron device) and laser radiation are mainly used to remove spider veins, post-acne, scars, birthmarks, peeling, increasing skin turgor, etc.

Acne (acne, acne, pimple) is a collective term meaning a chronic recurrent inflammatory skin disease that occurs as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles and the development of bacterial microflora in them.

Alopecia is focal or diffuse partial or complete pathological hair loss on the head and/or body.

AHA acids (fruit acids, alpha hydroxy acids) are biological compounds that are found in natural products (fruits, sugar cane, dairy products). These include citric, glycolic, lactic, malic, tartaric and a number of other organic acids. They have an exfoliating, brightening, moisturizing effect on the skin, promote the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin, accelerate cellular regeneration, and smooth out the appearance of small scars.

Anagen is the growth phase of the hair follicle. Lasts about 2 - 3 years, sometimes much longer.

Hardware pedicure is a medical and cosmetic procedure for the treatment and care of nails and skin of the feet. Unlike a classic (trimmed) pedicure, a hardware pedicure uses not aqueous solutions to soften nails and loosen the skin, but special creams and lotions containing chemical softeners. To treat skin and nails, devices with replaceable attachments (burs, metal and diamond cutters, etc.) are used, with which it is easy to process skin and nails even in hard-to-reach areas.

Ascorbic acid is an organic water-soluble compound belonging to the group of vitamins (vitamin “C”). It has antioxidant properties, participates in the redox processes of cellular respiration, in the formation of connective and bone tissue, immune processes, and affects vascular permeability.


The basal layer of the skin is the deepest layer of the epidermis, located on the basement membrane and adjacent directly to the dermis (the skin itself). It consists of cells capable of division and ensures the replacement of cells in the remaining layers of the epidermis, as well as melanocytes, which protect against the harmful effects of radiant energy.

Non-injection mesotherapy is a hardware method of introducing active drugs into the skin without damaging it.

Biorevitalization is an effective method of skin rejuvenation in the face, neck, and décolleté area through the injection of hyaluronic acid.

Bioepilation is a method of artificially removing unwanted hair on the face and body using natural resins, wax or sugar.

Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery to remove excess skin and fatty tissue in the upper and lower eyelids in order to change their shape or shape of the eyes.

Botulinum toxin is a protein that blocks the transmission of impulses from nerve endings to muscles, which leads to loss of their ability to contract. The toxin is synthesized by the botulism bacillus.

Botox is the name of drugs containing botulinum toxin type “A”. Botox is used in cosmetology through injection under the skin to smooth out wrinkles. The procedure has the same name.


Vacuum facial cleansing is a hardware procedure for cleansing fat deposits and dirt and removing them using negative pressure created by a device in skin treatment attachments.

Vaporization is a mechanical and variable temperature effect on the skin using steam under pressure. In cosmetology it is used as a preparatory procedure before deeper cleansing of the face or as an independent procedure to improve blood circulation, normalize the function of sweat and sebaceous glands and improve the absorption of cosmetic care products by the skin.

Vector lifting (bio-reinforcement) is the injection of fillers based on hyaluronic acid along strictly defined vector lines and at strictly defined points. As a result of this, a subcutaneous “framework” is formed, pulling the tissues in the required direction and holding them.


Hyaluronic acid is a gel-like mucopolysaccharide produced in the body of humans and animals and is part of the skin, nerve tissue, cartilage, and joint synovial fluid. The main function is to bind water molecules. Widely used in cosmetology to eliminate or reduce signs of skin aging.

Hyperhidrosis is a disorder of the excretory function of the sweat glands, which is accompanied by increased sweating on the palms, soles and armpits, as well as excessive sweating and redness of the facial skin. Hyperhidrosis is especially pronounced during anxiety and stressful situations.

Gravitational ptosis is a sliding, sagging of soft tissues under the influence of gravitational forces due to age-related changes, metabolic disorders, and a sharp decrease in body weight. As a result, the clarity of the contours of the face and body is significantly lost.


Darsonvalization is one of the physiotherapeutic hardware methods of influencing human tissue, based on the use of alternating pulse current of high frequency and voltage, but of low strength.

Disincrustation is a cosmetic deep cleansing of facial skin pores from fat plugs and impurities using galvanic current (iontophoresis) and disinfectants (salt and alkaline solutions, salicylic acid). It is used for excessively oily skin, oily seborrhea, for the treatment of acne, and the removal of open comedones.

Dermabrasion (facial resurfacing) is a cosmetological technique of thin layer-by-layer removal of the epidermis and the superficial layer of the dermis to the papillary layer, which makes it possible to improve the aesthetic condition of facial skin.


Invasiveness is the ability of microorganisms, parasites, and tumor cells to penetrate other tissues and spread into them. In relation to cosmetology, “invasiveness” means violating the integrity of the skin and/or mucous membranes using special procedures or manipulations in order to eliminate defects, rejuvenate the skin, etc. Such procedures include Botox and mesotherapy, biorevitalization, contour plastic surgery, etc.

Injection liposuction is a non-surgical type of contouring using injections of special drugs that accelerate fat metabolism. Digested fats are delivered by lymph and blood to the liver, where they undergo further transformations releasing energy and are used to build cell membranes, intracellular structures, etc. The technique is applicable to limited areas of fat accumulations.

Iontophoresis is a physiotherapeutic procedure for influencing the skin using galvanic current, used for the purpose of administering medications or cosmetics.


Cavitation is the formation of gas bubbles in a liquid. In relation to cosmetology, one of the methods for treating cellulite and getting rid of fat deposits is by exposing fat tissue to low-frequency ultrasonic waves of a certain density and pressure.

Catagen is a transitional stage of hair follicle development, during which cell division stops. The follicle is separated from the papilla, through which the follicle is nourished, reduced in size and gradually shifted to the surface layers of the skin. The duration of the stage is 2 - 3 weeks.

A keloid scar is a dense, rough, raised above the skin surface, pathological growth of tissue consisting of collagen fibers. It occurs after damage to the skin (trauma, burn, inflammation) and exceeds its original area.

Vascular coagulation with laser is a non-invasive effect of laser radiation on blood vessels without damaging the skin and surrounding tissues. Used to eliminate telangiectasias (spider veins), hemangiomas, small varicose veins on the face and body, and treat rosacea.

Kojic acid is a by-product of the fermentation of carbohydrates found in brewing rice. It is one of the components of lotions and creams used for peeling, lightening facial skin and protecting against ultraviolet rays.

Collagen is the main structural component of connective tissue. It is an inelastic but strong and flexible protein synthesized by fibroblasts. Twisted into spirals with flexible and elastic elastin fibers, collagen forms the “framework” of the skin, ensuring its firmness and elasticity.

Comedon is the initial non-inflammatory phase of acne formation. It is a skin cyst formed as a result of the accumulation of sebum from the sebaceous glands and keratinized epithelial cells. A comedone can be open (black dots) or closed (white nodules).

Bisha's lumps are three lobes of adipose tissue enclosed in capsules and located around the duct of the salivary gland, between the superficial and buccal muscles of the face from the temporal and infraorbital regions to the upper edge and ramus of the mandible.

Cryodestruction is a method of destroying tissue at low temperatures (100 - 180 degrees) using liquid nitrogen. It is used to remove papillomas, condylomas, birthmarks, and keratomas.

Cryotherapy is the effect of low temperatures on the skin of the face and body using liquid nitrogen for a short time for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes (demodex, seborrhea, hair loss, swelling of tissues and porosity of the facial skin, acne, post-acne, etc.).


Laser liposuction (laser lipolysis) is a modern method of removing fat deposits using laser radiation, which simultaneously coagulates blood vessels and nerve endings. Unlike classical and tumescent liposuction, it allows you to remove fat accumulations in limited areas (face, back, arms, knees) during one procedure. Skin tightening occurs independently within 2 months.

Liposuction (classical) is a common surgical method for removing excess deposits of subcutaneous fat through their destruction and aspiration (vacuum removal) mainly on the abdomen, hips, buttocks, and inferolateral parts of the chest for the purpose of body shaping.

Lifting is a cosmetic technique for tightening the skin (for the purpose of rejuvenation) through the use of cosmetics, procedures and plastic surgery.


Mesotherapy is a procedure for correcting the condition of the skin and subcutaneous fat by introducing biologically active substances in very small doses to a depth of 0.2 to 6 - 7 mm.


A nevus (birthmark) is a congenital or benign pigmented neoplasm of the skin and mucous membranes that has arisen during life and can, under adverse influences, degenerate into a malignant one.


Organic acids are a group of organic compounds with acidic properties found in plants and animal tissues. In cosmetology, hyaluronic, glycolic, salicylic, oleic, lipoic and lactic acid derivatives are mainly used to improve the condition of skin, hair and nails.


Papilloma is a benign neoplasm on the skin (usually) or mucous membranes, caused by the human papillomavirus, capable of acquiring malignant growth. It rises above the surface, can be on a wide base or on a thin stalk, and have a smooth or papillary surface.

Peeling is a skin care procedure that involves removing the surface epidermal layer formed by dead horny cells. It helps to activate regenerative processes in the skin.

Post-acne is a complex of skin changes after acne and the treatment methods used: enlarged pores, scars, pigmented, stagnant and cyanotic spots, as well as dilated capillaries.


Stretch marks (striae) are atrophic scar formations of the skin in the form of lines, mainly in the area of ​​the mammary glands, thighs, abdomen and buttocks. They are formed due to the healing of micro-tears in elastin and collagen fibers and stretching of limited areas of the epidermal layer. They arise as a result of hormonal and metabolic disorders. At first, the stretch marks are pink or slightly bluish in color, and later become whitish.


Telogen is the resting or resting phase, lasting 3 to 4 months. During this period, the hair follicle moves into the dermal layer, after which new hair begins to grow (anagen phase). Old hair falls out on its own or is pushed out by growing new hair.

Tumescent liposuction - the operating principle is the same as for classical liposuction. The difference lies in the preliminary injection, under pressure, of a large amount of tumescent (inflating) solution into the fatty tissue to be removed. There are various compositions, but the main components are saline solution, vasoconstrictors and local anesthetics. This facilitates the operation without anesthesia and facilitates the destruction of fat and its aspiration.

Skin turgor is the degree of its fullness, elasticity, and resistance to mechanical stress. A decrease in turgor is manifested by sagging skin, tissue ptosis, and the formation of wrinkles.


Fillers are injectable solutions (hyaluronic acid, collagen, autologous fat, lactic acid preparations), widely used in cosmetology to fill wrinkles, correct the tip of the nose and lip shape, and perform facial contouring.

Photoaging of the skin is changes in the skin in the form of rashes, age spots, wrinkles, dryness and thickening of the epidermis that occur as a result of ultraviolet irradiation.

Fruit acids are chemical organic compounds with an acidic environment found in plants. They have toning, brightening, exfoliating the upper layer of the epidermis, and healing effects. Used as one of the components in cosmetic creams, lotions, scrubs, gels, masks, etc.


Cellulite (lipodystrophy) is changes in adipose and connective tissue, accompanied by deterioration of blood circulation and lymph outflow and caused by metabolic disorders. It manifests itself in women in the form of loss of skin elasticity, tuberosity, reticularity of the body, mainly in the area of ​​the buttocks, thighs and abdomen, and in more advanced cases, the tissues become wrinkled and folded in the area of ​​the knee, ankle and wrist joints.


Electrocoagulation is a process of thermal destruction, coagulation, and precipitation of proteins using electric current. In cosmetology it is used to remove papillomas, condylomas, atheromas, keratomas and other pathological skin changes.

Epilation is the removal of hair along with the root and destruction of the bulb in order to stop its growth. Performed for cosmetic or medicinal purposes.

Beauty dictionary: description and purpose of 27 cosmetics

Have you heard such names as hydrophilic oil, toner, mist and the like, but don’t know what these products are and whether you need to spend money on them? We will help you understand this situation by telling us about cosmetics that will come in handy.

The shelves of cosmetic stores are regularly replenished with new products, the names of which are actively discussed, but not everyone knows what they are for and how to use them correctly. Among the general abundance, there are several truly worthwhile new products. Important: the products shown in the photos are not advertising.


This product is also called a makeup base, which is the main one. Its main purpose is to even out the structure of the skin, lips and even nails. Thanks to the primer, the tone and lipstick will fit perfectly. The primer gives a matte finish to the face and helps the product last longer and better.


The product is used to give the skin radiance, and perhaps this is due to the presence of shimmering particles in the composition. It is important to consider that professional makeup artists do not recommend using shimmer for daytime makeup.

Transparent powder

This type of powder is not used for toning, but to smooth the surface of the skin, mattify and fix makeup already applied. Externally, it is completely white and crumbly. When applied to the face, the powder is invisible, so it is suitable for any skin tone. A significant advantage is that the product does not need frequent renewal, since its effect lasts for approximately 6 hours.


This word refers to a pencil used to visually adjust the size of the eyes. They draw the inner edge of the eyelid, and you need to move along the eyelash growth line. Well-known manufacturers produce hypoallergenic products, so you should not be afraid of mucosal reactions. Makeup artists recommend buying two pencils: white and black. The lower eyelid needs to be lined first, and the upper eyelid second. Thanks to this trick, you can visually enlarge your eyes.


The product is a liquid, so many people confuse it with a tonic, but these are completely different products. The toner has a viscous structure, and after application it forms a light protective film on the face. This skin care product is ideal for people whose skin is prone to flaking. You can use it as a base for makeup, thanks to which the foundation will go on very smoothly.


This interesting name goes to the powder, which completes makeup by fixing it. In addition, it is able to remove remnants of sebum, which provoke the appearance of an unsightly shine on the face.


A care product that can be considered an improved formula of thermal water. It is sold in the form of a spray that has a cooling effect, and it also saturates the dermis with minerals, vitamins and amino acids that stimulate collagen production. Some manufacturers produce mists with glycerin, which will ensure longevity of makeup. You can use this product any time you want to refresh or mattify your skin.


The purpose of creating this product is to come up with a compact tinting product that will be convenient to carry with you. As a result, a cushion appeared - a powder compact with a sponge, which is soaked in a light fluid, and with a sponge. Due to the fact that the sponge has a porous structure, the cream applies evenly to the face. In addition, it should be noted that many manufacturers saturate the product with oils and beneficial components that moisturize and protect the skin.

Konnyaku sponge

Recently, various sponges have become very popular, and this option is used for washing. The sponge performs several functions at once: cleanses, delicately removes dead cells and moisturizes. It is hypoallergenic, so it can be used even by those with sensitive skin. The sponge is sold in a special solution, and in the air it will gradually dry out, so before using it you need to immerse it in warm water and wait until it softens.


There is another name for this product - grout, which helps to narrow pores, and it also masks them, smoothing out the skin. This is possible thanks to special substances that fill the depressions in the skin. Minimizers are similar to makeup bases and will help your foundation adhere better to your face.

Hydrophilic oil

The product is used to achieve perfect skin cleansing. Unlike regular oil, hydrophilic oil remains on the surface of the dermis, binds molecules of fat, dirt and cosmetics, and cleanses. Apply it to a dry face, then massage a little and wash with water. If you regularly carry out this procedure, you can narrow the pores and improve the texture and color of the skin.


This product is also called a fixative. It comes in the form of a convenient spray that is applied to the face to ensure makeup lasts for a longer period of time.

DD cream

BB and CC creams have long been in the cosmetic bags of many girls, but a new formula has appeared. The combination of two letters D stands for daily defense. DD cream combines the properties of the two products mentioned above: it provides good hydration and protection, and also slightly tints the dermis. The new formula was invented to protect the skin from the negative influences of the environment, so it is recommended that city residents buy the cream without fail.


These products contain the maximum number of color particles, and they are used to create unusual makeup looks. Outwardly, they look like loose powder, only in a very bright shade. The pigments can be used alone as eye shadow or mixed with other dry products such as powder or blush.


From the name it is clear that the product is used to add radiance to the skin, and it creates a discreet pearly shine, unlike, for example, shimmer. Thanks to this, you can hide existing flaws. Many people are sure that luminizer is the same as highlighter, but this is not so. The second product is applied only to individual areas, but the first is applied to the entire face. Luminizer can be purchased in the form of powder and fluid. It is used at the very end of applying makeup or mixed with foundation.

Cream camouflage

The product is designed to mask various skin problems, and its action is similar to the principle of colored foundations. In most cases, it is produced in puck containers. There is a wide range of shades designed to hide rashes, scars, moles and more. Some manufacturers add moisturizers and vitamins to their products.


No, this does not mean celestial bodies, but a cosmetic product in the form of balls of different colors. Meteorites are used to add radiance to the skin without toning it too much. As a result, the face acquires a kind of “veil”. Tip from makeup artists: choose a shade that matches your skin tone. But there is a universal option suitable for everyone - golden beige.


This term refers to eyeliner, which is used to create spectacular arrows of any length and shape. Liners can be in different forms: liquid, gel and in the form of a felt-tip pen.


Makeup artists recommend choosing the right not only cosmetics, but also accessories, such as brushes. Duofiber is a universal brush that uses both natural and artificial bristles. Thanks to this combination, the process of applying and blending foundation and powder is greatly facilitated.


Dry crumbly glitter is used to create special effects in makeup and hairstyles. They are not used in a daytime look, as they add carnival brightness. Please note that they do not stick to a dry surface, so apply glitter on a liquid or oily base, for example, you can mix it with moisturizing milk or body oil. Gel is better for hairstyles.

Color base

A product intended for application under foundation. It comes in a wide range of colors that seem too bright for the skin. This is due to the fact that the purpose of such a base is neutralization, for example, to mask redness, green is suitable, and lilac will cope with yellowness. If you want to lighten your skin, you need to choose a white base. Experts do not recommend using this product for daily makeup, but for special occasions it’s just the thing.


If you have a problem such as dark circles under your eyes, then be sure to buy this product, which should not be confused with a concealer. Antisern has a light structure, so it is used to disguise circles under the eyes and visible wreaths. The effect is achieved due to the presence of reflective particles. To choose the right shade, you can try to disguise the wreath on your hand.


Many have long dreamed of having a mask that could perform several tasks at once, for example, dry out the T-zone, moisturize the skin around the eyes, fight rashes, and so on. Finally, this has happened, and now you can buy multimasks. They can have a fabric base with different ready-made impregnations, or they can be applied in a classic way, and then the cream structures intended for different zones will differ in color.


If you dream of plump lips, this is not a reason to go to a cosmetologist to get injections. To obtain a temporary effect, you can use plumpers - balms or lipsticks containing special substances that cause blood flow to the lips, which become plumper. It is important not to apply these products if you have sensitive skin as they will cause a burning and tingling sensation.

Gel booster

This product contains a large amount of beneficial substances, which, thanks to its light texture, penetrate deep into the skin. The gel works better than the cream. The booster can be used either as an independent product or to enhance the effect of other cosmetics, for which you will need to add it to a cream or mask. In addition, there is a special booster gel designed for hair care.

Peeling roll

The product, which was invented in Asia, is intended to remove oily sheen and dead particles from the surface of the skin. It can be used by owners of all skin types, even sensitive ones. The peeling roll is also called “gommage”, and, unlike a scrub, it has a delicate effect. This is due to the absence of abrasives, instead of which chemicals (AHA acids and enzymes) are used. Peeling is easy: first apply the product to your face and then remove it using the rolling method.


Many girls complain that lipsticks do not always create the effect of luscious lips, and manufacturers heard their request by creating tints. This coloring liquid has a long-lasting pigment that gives the lips a natural, bright shade that lasts for a long time. In addition, it does not leave marks on other surfaces, such as a glass. Many people may be scared by the bright pigment of the tint, but don’t worry, because the shade will be natural on the lips.

A brief explanatory dictionary of cosmetic terms

Do you know the difference between foundation and concealer? What is the difference between shimmer and highlighter? What is bronzer? Cosmetic blogs are full of these concepts, creating their own slang characteristic of this topic. The variety of consumer market items, including cosmetics, gives rise to its own slang (from the English slang - language of terms), without understanding which it is very difficult for a novice user to understand the “sea” of cosmetics

We are trying to decipher these concepts for you, offering you a brief interpreter of the main cosmetic terms used in colloquial speech in central Russia:

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Antiperspirant (from English - antiperspiration)

Antiperspirant (Ancient Greek αnτι “against” + English perspiration - “sweat, perspiration”) is a cosmetic product designed to eliminate the cause, the consequences of which can be unpleasant odors, namely sweating. It is used on certain areas of the body where sweat causes the greatest discomfort, for example, on the legs, armpits, and arms. Usually contain organic salts of aluminum or zinc. They close the excretory ducts of the sweat glands, thereby reducing the process of sweating. Apply them after a shower. It is advisable not to use them in a sauna, bathhouse or during heavy physical activity - anywhere where a person sweats too much, because when the sweat does not have an outlet, local swelling may occur in the armpits.

Antisern (from French - anticerne)

A concealer that brightens under-eye circles and is designed for light makeup.
You can find this term in cosmetics from French companies such as Bourjois and Dior. Such correctors are intended for light makeup and will not be effective at masking serious skin imperfections. But they include reflective particles that scatter light, thanks to them, darkening occurs under the eyes and small wrinkles become visually invisible. Antisulphurs come in the form of liquid correctors with brushes, as well as in the form of dense sticks .
Base [for makeup] (from English - tinted/color makeup base) Colored makeup bases, as a rule, should be applied to a foundation moisturizer. Unlike primers, their main purpose is not to make the applied makeup last longer, but to make the skin tone even. Flesh-colored bases will give your skin a healthy and radiant look, while white bases will even out but leave your original complexion tone. There are other shades of makeup bases, but they act as neutralizers: green ones will remove redness, lilac ones will mask yellowness, blue ones and orange tan colors. You can use colored bases to create the desired complexion for special occasions, and in everyday life, for makeup, concealer and regular foundation will be enough. Such color bases are usually produced in the form of fluids.

Batch code (from English - batch) A special mark consisting of letters and numbers and containing information about the production date and expiration date of the perfume product. This code may be printed or embossed on the bottom of the box or bottle, or on a special sticker that is sometimes placed on the fragrance packaging.

Bronzer (from English - bronzer) Cosmetics for giving your skin a tanning effect. There are also other names such as bronzers or bronzing cosmetics. Produced by almost all cosmetic brands. You can use matte bronzers to apply all over your face. Shiny bronzing products are more appropriate to use for evening makeup; they are best applied to individual surfaces of the face, such as the cheeks, chin or bridge of the nose; they will also add elegance when applied to the shoulders and décolleté. Available in powder, liquid, cream or stick form.

Visual (from English - visual) Visual is a visual (visual) image (picture, photograph, sample), which allows you to see the appearance or contents of cosmetics.

Glitter (from English - glitter) Glitter is a dry, crumbly glitter. They produce professional brands and specialized brands of stage cosmetics. They are used to create special effects in makeup and hairstyles: with their help you can add a unique shine to your eyes, lips, body and hair. Gloss will not stick to a dry surface; it is better to apply it to a liquid or oily base. They can be mixed with moisturizing milk or body lotion.

Kayal (from English - kajal) Kayal or kajal is a contour cosmetic pencil, which contains natural [Dutch] soot and antiseptic substances. Designed for lining the inner edge of the eyelid along the lash line. It differs from ordinary eye pencils in that it does not irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Concealer (from English - concealer) Concealer is a concealer, corrector for problem areas of the face or body (pigment spots, pimples, redness, circles under the eyes, etc.). It will perfectly hide bruises, pimples and burst blood vessels, and also disguise scars and burns, freckles, unsightly pigment spots, and fine wrinkles. Thanks to its composition, antioxidants, antiseptics, vitamins and brightening agents, concealer can not only hide, but also heal. The product must be applied in the form of dots to slightly moisturized skin, after which the dots are shaded. Concealers are applied both under foundation and on top of it. This makeup is completed with a simple dusting of powder. Typically, concealers are produced by companies in the form of a convenient pencil. It is actively used for any type of makeup and is produced by all brands of cosmetic products. Concealers are produced in a wide variety of types and tones, so their texture, color and tone should be chosen based on your skin type and problem areas.

Corrector (from English - corrector) Corrector is a means for correcting (hiding) the shape and individual areas of the face. They are used in professional makeup (for photography, stage) and in lifting makeup; individual correction elements are suitable for evening makeup. Professional brands produce corrector palettes; in ordinary makeup, their role can be played by various cosmetics. There are two types of correctors: brightening (applied to the center of the forehead, chin, cheekbones, bridge of the nose, etc.); shading (applied along the lower contour of the face, in the hollow of the cheekbones, on the wings of the nose, etc.) An example of using a corrector in evening makeup: apply a brightening corrector (light powder or luminizer - see below) high on the cheekbones closer to the eyes, and a darkening corrector (dark powder or beige-brown blush) in the hollow of the cheekbones. Thanks to the play of light and shadow, clear cheekbones will appear on your face, like Marlene Dietrich.

Cushion (from the French cushion - pillow) A cushion is a porous sponge soaked in a liquid cosmetic foundation, which often combines the properties of foundation, concealer, primer, blush, powder and BB cream, packaged in a powder compact.

Liner (from English - liner) Liner is a cosmetic product intended for eyeliner or lip liner. They produce liquid liners for lining the eye contour (eyeliner), such liners are made in the form of a bottle with a brush, in the form of felt-tip pens or ordinary pencils.

Luminizer (from English - luminizer) Luminizers, products that create a brightening effect and give the skin radiance. They are also known as portholes. The brightening effect is achieved by adding tiny particles with a reflective effect. Lumenizers are cosmetic products that contain golden particles that reflect light. They are needed to create the effect of sunshine on the skin. Many cosmetic brands produce luminizers. Lumenizers can be applied both to clean skin and to foundation. Typically this product has a powder structure. In rare cases, luminizers are contained in cosmetic serums. The radiant effect of these products is very soft, so they can be used even for light daytime makeup to create light accents. They are available in almost any type, from powders and sticks to camouflage concealers, as well as in the form of skin care products with the addition of a radiance effect.

Minerals (from English - mineral makeup) Mineral cosmetics, consisting of substances of mineral origin, not containing chemical dyes, alcohol, preservatives and other specific cosmetic ingredients. Many brands produce a wide variety of mineral cosmetics, including decorative ones (concealers, foundations, powder, blush, etc.), which allow you to perform all types of “safe” makeup for problematic oily skin. Natural substances give cosmetics an antiseptic effect, do not irritate sensitive skin and provide sun protection. Due to their absorbent properties, mineral cosmetics are especially suitable for oily skin. Due to the richness of pigments, products should be applied in small quantities using thick brushes.

Mixer (from English - mixer, mixer) Mixers in cosmetics are products that allow you to mix or complement each other. For example, mixer lip glosses are used to add to a base color.

Nude (from English - nude) This is the name for colors that are close to natural, natural shades, without embellishment. This range is used in decorative cosmetics to create “invisible” makeup, done in natural tones close to skin color. At the same time, “nude” makeup should emphasize your natural beauty. However, shine and shine are not allowed in this makeup.

Pigments (from English - pigments) Pigments are cosmetics that are maximally saturated with color particles, similar to loose powder of very bright colors. Mainly produced by professional cosmetic brands. And also by some manufacturers of mineral cosmetics. Pigments can be used on their own, or can also be mixed with any other dry cosmetics, such as regular powder, to achieve unusual makeup effects.

Peeling (from English - Peeling - “to sand” or “to scrape hard” ) Peeling, or exfoliation in cosmetology, is a soft, compared to a scrub, cosmetic product for removing dead cells, exfoliating the upper stratum corneum of the skin, necessary to improve its appearance . Peeling is one of the methods of skin cleansing.

Plumper (from English - plumper) Plumers, not to be confused with “ Primers ”, are cosmetic products that allow you to create a short-term effect of increasing lip volume, which can last from 1 to 3 hours. Until recently, only specialized brands produced flamers, but now popular brands have adopted them. Such products are available in the form of colored lipsticks, glosses of different tones, various balms, as well as colorless lip creams.

Primer (from English - primer) Primer is a makeup base or foundation, which is usually applied to a moisturizer as a preparatory step for foundation, which allows for high durability of subsequent makeup. Produced by many popular brands. Primers even out skin texture, give a matte effect, and create velvety skin. Foundations for the face, as well as bases for the eyes and lips are available. You can match the tones to your skin color or simply purchase a colorless cream. Some cosmetic brands produce mascara primers that will add extra volume to your eyelashes.

Softner (from English - softener)

Softners are lotions and other cosmetics that soften and moisturize the skin.

Stick (from the English - stick) A stick is a cosmetic product in the form of a tightly compressed roller made of cosmetic cream, and not made of plastic (roller). Blushes, foundations, concealers and bronzers, and often perfumed deodorants are produced in the form of sticks. Decorative sticks are actively saturated with colored pigments and therefore are perfect for dry skin. Sticks are becoming increasingly popular among various types of cosmetic products.

Talc (from English - talc) Talc is a powder, often a very high-quality starch for the body. Talcum powder prevents fogging.

Tonic (from French - tonique) Tonic is a lotion or solution, mostly non-alcoholic, for cleansing and treating the skin, often used as a makeup remover. It should be remembered that the use of tonic is the most important stage in comprehensive facial skin care after cleansing, because... The tonic not only cleanses and refreshes the skin, but also increases the effectiveness of day and night creams applied immediately after it, which is especially important to consider when caring for mature skin 45+. Tonics effectively cleanse pores, tightening them, create a feeling of freshness and cleanliness, restore the pH balance of the skin and neutralize the effects of hard water, as well as soften the skin and prepare it for further care (applying a cream or mask). Tonics can and should be used after any cleansing procedure, choosing according to your skin type and the desired effect. This cosmetic product serves to refresh, cleanse, moisturize, and “invigorate” the skin. According to their action, tonics (lotions) are: antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, soothing, moisturizing, whitening, healing, anti-aging, etc. Regular use of tonic reduces the formation of wrinkles, improves blood circulation, restores the natural pH level of the skin, reduces the secretion of sebum, removes toxins, promotes the formation of new cells. As a result of such care, the skin looks healthy and young.

Fixative (from English - fixer) Fixatives play the role of a makeup fixer; they are produced in the form of sprays, which provide the final emphasis when applying makeup. Such products are mainly produced by professional brands such as MAC, Make Up For Ever, but less often you can find fixatives from the Clarins brand. Fixatives will provide your makeup with unprecedented durability and give your facial skin a feeling of freshness.

Flanker (from English - flanker) Flanker, i.e. strengthening [positions] - a product of expanding the line of the main brand, created to support it. In decorative cosmetics, a flanker is usually called a variation of the same product, but with some change in properties. Flankers are often produced in limited editions.

Fluid (from English - fluid, liquid foundation) Fluids are liquid, flowing cosmetics and makeup products. The usual name is liquid foundation, but many other cosmetics that have a liquid base are also produced in the form of fluids.

Highlighter (from English - highlighter) Highlighters belong to the category of brightening correctors for the face, as well as light eye shadows. Unlike luminizers , some types of these cosmetics do not add radiance to the skin; their main purpose is to create a light reflex. For example, when applying highlighter under the eyebrow, you can optically enlarge your eyes; such techniques can be used for both daytime and stage makeup.

Shimmer (from English - shimmer) Shimmers are products for adding shine and radiance to your skin. Shimmer - from English. flickering, dim light. This is a special cosmetic product that contains shimmering and reflective particles that make your skin look well-groomed. Any shimmer gives the skin radiance and shine. They are produced by many popular cosmetics manufacturers. Shimmers differ from luminizers in that they contain larger sparkles that can be seen even with the naked eye. Thanks to this, when applying shimmers, the face becomes brighter, which makes shimmers ideal for creating a festive, formal or evening look. But makeup experts do not recommend actively using shimmers or overusing these glosses. Makeup artists advise using them only on one area of ​​your face to create daytime makeup and on the other two for evening makeup. In most cases, shimmers come in powder form, so they are easy to apply over foundation and regular powder.

Elover (from English - all over) Elover is a decorative cosmetic product (powder, blush, etc.) that has all the necessary properties, all in one, and does not require additional cosmetic products, or is suitable for any area of ​​the face, for the entire face .


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