Laser vaginal rejuvenation – narrowing and restoration of sensitivity in one procedure

Laser technologies have found wide application in modern medicine, and intimate surgery is no exception. Laser rejuvenation of the vagina and perineum is a modern technique that allows you to qualitatively improve your sex life without the use of surgical methods. Laser narrowing and rejuvenation of the vagina eliminates the effects of age-related and postpartum changes, and also accelerates healing after gynecological operations. The leading surgeon in female intimate plastic surgery, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Sarvar Kazimovich Bakirkhanov, has developed his own proprietary method of laser vaginal rejuvenation “Beatrice”, which we will discuss in more detail below.

Intimate laser rejuvenation “Beatrice”

For a long time, many experts in the field of intimate surgery around the world tried to find a low-traumatic method of vaginal correction on a non-hormonal basis. Many techniques have been tested, and for more than 20 years in the United States, laser therapy technology has been introduced into the field of intimate surgery. Laser colpoplasty is based on the action of a fractional CO2 laser. The original method of laser rejuvenation “Beatrice” from Bakirkhanov Sarvar Kazimovich involves the use of several types of attachments, developed according to the surgeon’s individual order, increasing the efficiency of the laser.


The EVA intimate zone rejuvenation device is equipped with a three-level security system. The electrodes are equipped with ultra-sensitive sensors that respond to the slightest changes in indicators:

  1. Temperature sensor. Temperature changes in all 4 electrodes are continuously monitored.
  2. Handle motion detector. Controls the working condition of the handle, which avoids the risk of tissue overheating.
  3. Feedback button. The patient can immediately stop the RF treatment at any time if she experiences discomfort.

Indications for intimate rejuvenation with laser

To understand the indications for laser vaginal rejuvenation, it is necessary to establish the causes of changes in a woman’s body: age, pregnancy and childbirth, or individual structural features of the body. We are talking about changes not only in the tissues of the vaginal walls, but also in the structures of the small pelvis.

    Today we can confidently say that Beatrice laser technology for vaginal rejuvenation effectively combats the following problems:
  • Loss of elasticity of the vaginal walls;
  • The initial degree of prolapse of the vaginal walls;
  • Vaginal dryness and irritation;
  • Mild or partial urinary incontinence;
  • Increased vaginal volume.

Author's method of intimate vaginal rejuvenation from Sarvar Bakirkhanov

Vaginal rejuvenation “Beatrice” from Sarvar Kazimovich Bakirkhanov is a truly unique procedure. The unique intravaginal CO2 laser produces fractional laser radiation, stimulating the production of your own collagen and new blood vessels, while the surface layer of the vagina (epithelium) is not injured.

About the benefits of laser therapy in gynecology

During the session, the tissue of the reproductive organs is affected by a light flux generated by special equipment. Thanks to this, the following changes occur:

  • local blood circulation improves;
  • inflammation decreases;
  • immune defense is restored;
  • pain is eliminated;
  • the rehabilitation period is shortened.

Laser therapy in gynecology has a number of positive aspects:

  • the procedure is painless and therefore well tolerated;
  • positive changes are noted after the first session;
  • the effect of medications is enhanced. In some cases, because of this, the doctor may reduce the dosage;
  • no side effects;
  • no allergic reaction occurs;
  • The healing process and the period of remission in chronic diseases are accelerated.

Exposure to a laser beam helps restore reproductive function, and the following changes occur:

  • it is possible to maintain the ovarian reserve, which is important for women who decide to conceive a child at an older age;
  • ovulation is stimulated;
  • Pathological formations that interfere with normal conception are removed.

Laser treatment is carried out in inpatient and outpatient settings at the 100med clinic.

The Beatrice technique - an alternative to colporrhaphy or its addition?

During colporrhaphy (colpoplasty), the structures of the vagina are corrected and the relationship of the pelvic organs is restored, while the Beatrice laser technology directly rejuvenates the vaginal walls themselves. Intimate rejuvenation with the Beatrice laser can be used as an alternative to colporrhaphy. However, a laser can only help with the initial stages of prolapse of the vaginal walls. Sometimes the method is performed on girls who have not yet given birth to increase the elasticity of the walls. Laser vaginal rejuvenation is most effective in combination with plasma lifting (injections of your own blood plasma).

Laser vaginal rejuvenation is most effective in combination with plasma lifting.

Method of laser therapy

A special gynecological attachment is inserted into the uterine cavity after preliminary local anesthesia. The procedure is performed on a gynecological chair. During the session, the inner layer (endometrium) of the uterus is irradiated. One session lasts approximately 15 minutes. The duration of treatment depends on various factors, primarily the clinical course of the disease.

Laser therapy can be prescribed as an independent method or as part of a complex treatment. Sessions are held daily, 6 to 8 days after the start of the menstrual cycle. If a woman has a chronic inflammatory disease, then after a few days an exacerbation of symptoms is possible. As a rule, they disappear without a trace by the end of the course of laser therapy.

After making an appointment with a doctor, you can discuss concerns about treatment and cost. Prices are indicated on the website. We invite you to visit our clinic to get rid of various gynecological problems using a modern effective method.

Frequency of the procedure

Laser narrowing and rejuvenation of the vagina in combination with plasma lifting gives excellent results after the first procedure. Recommended course of procedures: 2-3 sessions with an interval of 1.5-3 months, depending on the indications and the patient’s well-being. Laser vaginal rejuvenation does not require special preparation, however, the procedure is not recommended immediately before and after menstruation; it is better to plan the correction before or after 3 days.

What problems can be solved with an intimate thread lift?

Lack of orgasm

A stretched vagina makes it virtually impossible for both the woman and her partner to achieve orgasm. The only way to solve this problem is to narrow the vagina and increase the tone of its muscles.

Discomfort and pain during intercourse

Deformation of the vagina and weakening of the perineal muscles leads to changes in the position of other organs, which gives very unpleasant sensations in the genital area during sex. If the organs are returned to their natural position, the problem will be solved.

Urinary incontinence

In the initial and middle stages, this problem, which appears with age or after childbirth, can be easily corrected with the help of urogenital threads.

Sagging and prolapse of internal genital organs

The problem is solved by strengthening the muscles of the perineum, which threads do an excellent job of.

The result of laser rejuvenation of the vaginal walls

The effectiveness of laser vaginal rejuvenation has been confirmed by numerous histological studies.

The tissue contracts and becomes denser under the influence of the laser. As a result, the pelvic frame improves and the “big vagina” complex disappears. The elasticity of the vagina increases - this is scientifically proven in 97% of cases. Prolapse of the vaginal walls of the 1st degree is eliminated. The laser also treats mild stress urinary incontinence. Women who have undergone laser therapy in our clinic note an improvement in the quality of their sexual life due to improved girth of the penis and increased sensitivity (in more than 95% of cases), which in turn increases the number of orgasms.

Principle of operation

RF lifting

using the EVA device - an effective technique that activates the internal processes of the body. The equipment operates using a unique patented technology that allows you to safely generate heat.

The functionality of the device allows for effective rejuvenation of the intimate area at the cellular level. Low-frequency thermal effects are used, the heating temperature of which does not exceed 41-42 °C. A special attachment for external therapy gently and comfortably treats the area of ​​the external genitalia.

The EVA device uses a group of 4 electrodes; their configuration is determined by special software. One electrode emits a heat wave, and the other three receive it. The signal transmission cycle is constantly changing, which allows you to create the ideal combination - the energy is localized exactly in the place that needs to be affected.

Intimate rejuvenation

carried out through an innovative method of subcutaneous administration of nutrients. One of the functions of the device is ultrapulse radioporation technology. Under the influence of thermal impulses, short-lived water channels open in the membranes of the cells of the vulva and vagina, through which biologically active substances enter the tissues. The effectiveness of the procedure is comparable to mesotherapy for the intimate area.

Why choose us

  • KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS All doctors regularly undergo training in leading Russian and foreign clinics and events

  • OWN LABORATORY Performing analyzes in the shortest possible time at affordable prices.

  • TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT The rooms are equipped with modern equipment from the world's leading manufacturers

  • PIONEERS AND INNOVators We are the first to introduce many modern technologies in Rostov-on-Don. (5D ultrasound, aesthetic gynecology and anrology, photodynamic therapy, radiothermometry, vacuum aspiration biopsy, Fotona4D)

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Summing up

Each woman has the right to choose for herself a possible treatment option from those suggested by the attending physician. Thanks to new modern laser technologies, new, absolutely safe methods of treating various forms of gynecological diseases are emerging not surgically, but therapeutically. The uniqueness of the new technologies IncontiLase and IntimaLase lies in their absolute effectiveness, safety, absence of age restrictions, complications and rehabilitation period. Opening up new opportunities for women for whom other types of treatment were not suitable, did not help, or were contraindicated. Women's health is the basis of future generations, harmony in family life and activity in social life.

New patented technologies are actively used in the USA, France, Germany, England, Croatia, Turkey, Bolivia, Brazil, Slovenia, Ecuador and other countries of the world, and now proudly in Russia.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Kuznetsova M.M.

Prices for services

Initial appointment for vulvo-vaginal laser rejuvenation (FREE - subject to the procedure being carried out on the day of treatment)

Primary appointment – ​​visiting a doctor of a specific specialty for the first time. Make an appointment

1400 ₽ 1800 ₽

Vulvo-vaginal laser rejuvenation MonaLisa Touch™ Internal exposure (first procedure).

Make an appointment

20000 ₽

Vulvo-vaginal laser rejuvenation MonaLisa Touch™ External influence (first procedure).

Make an appointment

15000 ₽


Like any medical prescription, the laser intimate correction procedure has its contraindications.

  • inflammation of the female organs in the acute period;
  • precancerous processes;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • individual intolerance.

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