Mediderma yellow peeling protocol


There are a huge number of different peelings on the cosmetic products market, both in terms of the composition of active ingredients and the direction of impact. In our clinic we use INNO PEEL peelings from the Spanish laboratory INNOSEARCH, which have proven themselves over many years.

  • Rejuvenating peeling Inno-Peel Antiaging.
  • Restoring peeling Inno-Peel Skin Recovery.
  • Whitening peeling Inno-Peel Whitening.
  • Restoring peeling with lactocomplex and vitamin C Inno-Peel Lactobio C.

chemical facial peeling before and after photos

Benefits of Inno-Peel peels:

  • direct revitalizing effect on skin cells;
  • strictly selected formulation of each Inno-Peel peeling, ensuring a high degree of safety and effectiveness;
  • optimal concentration of each component, guaranteeing good tolerability;
  • solution for a wide range of aesthetic indications.

Individual consultation

Are there any contraindications?

Mediderma retinol peeling is a universal procedure, as it is suitable for any age and any skin type. Here is a list of problems that can be dealt with:

  • manifestations of photo and chronoaging;
  • decreased production of substances responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin (collagen, elastin);
  • unhealthy, grayish complexion;
  • hyperpigmentation, including age-related;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • increased fat content, tendency to form sebaceous plugs, comedones, millia, acne and pimples;
  • increased dryness of the skin due to impaired oxygen metabolism and nutrient supply;
  • changes in the structure of the skin, uneven microrelief in the form of wrinkles, creases, jowls;
  • some dermatological diseases - according to the indications of a dermatologist.

Interesting fact! It has been proven that under the influence of retinol the number of atypical cells in the skin is reduced. Therefore, retinoic peeling is a prevention of skin cancer.

But there are also a number of contraindications for the procedure. For the most part, they are standard for any chemical peel. We remember to avoid disastrous consequences instead of a blooming appearance:

  • individual intolerance to retinol, its derivatives or other components of the composition used;
  • eczema and some other dermatological ailments;
  • weakened immunity, infections and viral pathologies;
  • elevated body temperature, regardless of origin;
  • skin photosensitivity;
  • warts, papillomas in the affected area;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the work area;
  • fresh tan;
  • history of liver disease;
  • taking medications with vitamin A or retinol derivatives. At least six months must pass from the completion of such therapy;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

It should also be noted that planning pregnancy is also a relative contraindication, since retinol has a toxic effect on the fetus. The procedure should not be performed one year before the planned conception.

Many women are interested in a comprehensive solution to the problems of fading or problematic appearance. In particular, the question arises: is it constructive to carry out salicylic peeling before performing yellow Mediderm?

We note that experts have different opinions on this matter. Some argue that this option will help improve the result. Others consider combining two chemical peels unnecessary.

However, it must be taken into account that there are various problems that require extraordinary solutions. If a woman has very pronounced hyperkeratosis, very oily skin with all the accompanying problems, then the cosmetologist may prescribe salicylic peeling to prepare the skin for the effects of retinol.

Cleansing with salicylic acid will help soften the rough upper layers of the epidermis, dry the skin a little, and relieve inflammation and irritation.

Retinol peeling should be carried out some time after salicylic peeling. The specialist will tell you what time interval should be maintained, based on the client’s individual indicators.

Chemical peeling with ENERPEEL (GENERAL TOPICS, Italy)

We also work with excellent Enerpeel peelings.

  1. ENERPEEL GA (Glycolic acid 70%) - Prevention and treatment of initial age-related skin changes.
  2. ENERPEEL PA (Pyruvic acid 50%) - Prevention and treatment of initial and moderate age-related skin changes, acne of varying severity, oily skin, atrophic scars, stretch marks.
  3. ENERPEEL SA (Salicylic acid 30%) - Acne of varying severity, seborrhea.
  4. ENERPEEL JR (Salicylic acid 15%, Lactic acid 20%, Resorcinol 14%) - Initial and moderate age-related skin changes, preparation for peeling.
  5. ENERPEEL TCA or SA (Salicylic acid 15%) - Pigmentation, acne, post-acne.
  6. ENERPEEL TCA (Trichloroacetic acid 25%) - Moderate age-related skin changes, hyperpigmentation, atrophic scars, post-acne, seborrheic keratosis, stretch marks.
  7. ENERPEEL TCA strong (Trichloroacetic acid 40%) - Severe age-related skin changes, hyperpigmentation, atrophic scars, post-acne, seborrheic keratosis, stretch marks.
  8. ENERPEEL NECK (Pyruvic acid 35%, Lactic acid 5%) - Prevention and treatment of age-related changes in the skin of the neck and décolleté.
  9. ENERPEEL HANDS (Trichloroacetic acid 20%, Lactic acid 10%) - Prevention and treatment of age-related changes in the skin of the hands.
  10. ENERPEEL EL (Trichloroacetic acid 3, 75%, Lactic acid 15%) - Prevention and treatment of age-related changes in the skin around the eyes and lips.

In any case, all types of chemical peels are drugs for medical use and are prescribed strictly by a dermatovenerologist, depending on the goals pursued and the individual characteristics of the patient.

chemical skin peeling - photos before and after 3 procedures

Service cost

SPA Peel Classic | SPA peeling

Detailed description

Description :
Spa peel is a line of water-alcohol-based products intended for use as a preparatory peeling. Their composition is based on a combination of retinol, salicylic and pyruvic acids.

S – Salicylic acid Powerful keratolytic effect. Level of exposure - skin surface. Facilitates penetration of other assets.

P – Pyruvic acid Dermoplasty. Level of exposure - from the deep layers of the epidermis to the papillary layer of the dermis

A – Retinol Orthodermal action. Maintains the normal physiological state of the epidermis and has sebum-regulating properties.


— 15% salicylic acid — 8% pyruvic acid — 5% lactic acid — 0.1% retinol


1. Cleanse the skin with milk and HIDRADERM toner

2. Degrease the skin with DEGREASING SOLUTION

3. Apply SILKSES Moisturizing Protector to the corners of the eyes, lips, nose

4. Apply peeling from 1 to 5 layers with an interval of 3 minutes. depending on phototype, skin sensitivity and selected peeling depth. During the first procedure, do not apply more than 2 layers.

With phototypes I, II, III, patients' skin is more resistant to peeling, so the number of layers can be increased.

Do not apply more than 5 layers! SPA LIGHTENING PEEL can be applied directly to spots


6. Protect your skin with SCREENSES CREAM SPF 50 tinted sunscreen

Carry out the procedure once every 2 - 3 weeks. Recommended course - from 3 to 6 procedures


— Salicylic acid: powerful keratolytic, comedolytic, anti-inflammatory and sebostatic effect, promotes the penetration of other active ingredients

— Pyruvic acid (level of action: medium-epidermal and medium-dermal): dermoplastic effect, stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elastin and glycoproteins of the dermis

— Retinol: has a pronounced exfoliating and rejuvenating effect, helps maintain the epidermis in a normal physiological state, stimulates the synthetic activity of fibroblasts to produce collagen, elastin, reticulin and GAG.

The entire range of Mediderma (Spain) >>>
Cleansing and preparation
Chemical peels Mediderma
Mediderma liposomal peels
Additives to Mediderma peels
Serums Mediderma
Mediderma masks
Post-peeling Mediderma
Professional Mediderma
Mesotherapy NanoMeso Mediderma
Mediderma ampoule preparations
Mediderma apparatus
Mediderma fillers
Microneedling Nanopore Stylus
Mediderma shares
Mediderma lines (Spain)
Abradermol - microdermabrasion cream
Argipeel – peeling based on arginine
Azelac Peel – azelaine peels
Degreasing - degreasing solution
Dna Recovery Peel – peeling for DNA restoration
Ferulac Peel – peelings and preparations based on ferulic acid
Fillderma – biorevitalizant and fillers
Hidraderm - cleansing milk
Ioson – gels for hardware procedures
Lactipeel – milk peeling
Mandelac – almond peelings and scrub
Melaspeel – Jessner peels
Meso Cits – serums for microneedling (mesorollers)
NanoMeso – mesotherapy drugs
Natuvalia – ampoule external preparations
Nomelan – phenol peels
Nomelan Cafeico – coffee peelings
Pyruvic Peel – pyruvic peels
Retises – retinoic peels and preparations
3-Retises – new retinoic peeling
Rosoil – restoration and healing with rose hips
Salipeel – salicylic peels
Salipeel Lic – liposomal salicylic preparations
Sensyses - liposomal cleansing lotion
Sesglicopeel – glycolic peels
Ses-Retinal – retinoic peeling
Spa Peel – combined keratolytic peeling
Target Nanopeel - peeling system with liposomed active ingredients
TCA Peel – trichloroacetic peeling

Mediderma yellow peeling procedure protocol

Exfoliation itself occurs after the preparatory stage. During the consultation, the cosmetologist will tell the woman what and how to do so that the effect is maximum.

Pre-peel preparation begins 2-4 weeks before the planned procedure. The duration of the preparatory stage depends on the skin type and related problems.


  • Bring your medical card to the specialist and, if necessary, undergo a few simple tests to determine contraindications;
  • conduct an allergy test with the exact composition that will be used for peeling;
  • regularly apply a special pre-peeling cream to loosen the epidermis to ensure a deeper effect of the active composition;
  • if the epidermis is excessively dry, it is recommended to undergo a procedure (or several, on the advice of a doctor) of mesotherapy or birevitalization;
  • if you have a history of herpes infection, it makes sense to take a course of antiviral drugs;
  • A few weeks before peeling, limit your exposure to the open sun and do not visit the solarium.

The protocol for the yellow peeling procedure with Mediderma is as follows:

  • cleansing the skin of makeup residues, dust and dirt;
  • applying the contents of the ampoule;
  • applying the contents of the sachet;
  • covering the treated surface with film for a quarter of an hour.

Then the film is removed and the client can go home. There, after about 6-8 hours (the cosmetologist will tell you the exact time), the composition should be washed off with neutral soap and warm water.

During the post-peeling period, the skin may turn slightly red, and slight swelling is possible in the first hours. Then peeling occurs, but not always. If the skin is peeling, then under no circumstances should you pick off the scabs yourself, so as not to injure the epidermis and cause an infection.

You should use moisturizing creams unless a specialist advises you otherwise. After a week or a week and a half, you can wash your face using a scrub to remove the remnants of flaky skin, but not before!

Please note that yellow peeling gives results after the first procedure. But to achieve a lasting and long-lasting effect, the procedure is carried out in courses individually selected taking into account all the nuances.

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