Beauty Institute on Olkhovka: address, services, reviews. Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology

The Beauty Institute on Olkhovka was founded in 1998. The specialists working at the center have extensive experience in the field of plastic medicine and cosmetology. Every year, about 80 thousand people become clients of the medical institution. Among them there are both adults and children.

Innovative approaches to therapy are highly effective. Many doctors are the authors of their own methods in the field of surgery. Specialists are active participants in various congresses and professional seminars held both in our country and abroad.

Institute departments

The Beauty Institute on Olkhovka is a large center that provides medical and diagnostic procedures.

The multidisciplinary complex includes:

  • Department of plastic surgery with inpatient therapy. Surgeons perform complex operations to eliminate defects in appearance, and also provide a number of procedures to rejuvenate the body and face. The clinic has official permission to perform endoscopic operations. The center has a rehabilitation department designed for patients who have undergone surgery to change their appearance.
  • Cosmetology involves the provision of services in the field of dermatology and minor surgery.
  • Rehabilitation center with SPA complex. After the operation, patients are given the opportunity to undergo a health course, attend various procedures to restore the normal structure of the skin, as well as use programs for facial skin rejuvenation.
  • Pathomorphology. The main task of the department is to study tumors on the human body. Studies are carried out on a cytological basis. New approaches are being developed to eliminate anomalies.
  • Laboratory analysis department.
  • Diagnostic center. It involves carrying out innovative diagnostic procedures.
  • Cosmetology laboratory. On its basis, new recipes for the production of cosmetics are being developed.
  • Department of independent examination of cosmetics. The center tests various body and face care products.
  • Institute for Advanced Studies. Its activities involve conducting various seminars and trainings that help improve the experience of doctors working in various areas.


  • Blokhin Sergey Nikolaevich
  • Nikitin Oleg Leonidovich
  • Manturova Natalya Evgenevna
  • Rybakin Artur Vladimirovich
  • Zmazova Valentina Gennadievna
  • Zakharov Anton Igorevich
  • Lipsky Konstantin Borisovich
  • Avdoshenko Ksenia Evgenievna
  • Pavlyuk-Pavlyuchenko Leonid Leonidovich
  • Goncharov Alexander Petrovich
  • Verbo Elena Viktorovna
  • Vashin Maxim Petrovich
  • Vygovsky Andrey Pavlovich
  • Andreev Alexander Sergeevich
  • Aganesov Georgy Alexandrovich
  • Dubinin Sergey Andreevich
  • Dikarev Alexey Sergeevich
  • Solovyova Anna Andreevna
  • Sakuta Alexander Dmitrievich
  • Ryzhankova Anna Vadimovna
  • Rubin Alexey Igorevich
  • Prokudin Sergey Vladimirovich
  • Shiryaev Evgeniy Anatolievich
  • Sharvadze Timur Kakhaevich
  • Chemyanov Georgy Stanislavovich
  • Tskhovrebova Laura Eduardovna

Department of Plastic Surgery

The Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology uses the most modern approaches to operations. Surgery provides minimal intervention in the body, a small number of incisions and damage to the skin.

The complex of surgical interventions includes:

  • breast reduction, enlargement and breast lift;
  • rhinoplasty;
  • anti-aging facial surgery;
  • liposuction;
  • correction of the shape of the legs, etc.

The Beauty Institute on Olkhovka (prices for procedures, depending on the complexity, range from 1,000 to 250,000 rubles) is a guarantor of high-quality provision of all medical services.

Some surgical techniques have been developed on the basis of the institute and have no equal in terms of effectiveness. The activities of medical personnel are carried out legally and do not pose a threat to human health. All doctors are certified.

Particular attention is paid to patients with congenital and acquired facial anomalies due to mechanical injuries, as well as burns.

The Department of Plastic Surgery provides a unique opportunity for clients to purchase cosmetics created in the institute’s laboratory. All products are based on natural ingredients, are safe for health and do not cause allergic reactions.

Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology

Advantages: modern treatment methods, qualified doctors, friendly girls at the reception

Disadvantages: I personally have a long way to travel

Commentary Let me start by saying that for a long time now I have wanted to get rid of an unpleasant wart on the left side of my chin, the sight of which really irritated and enraged me. But despite this, for some reason I constantly managed to put off this matter for the future: there was no time or opportunity, and besides, of course, there were certain concerns and even fear of such a step. Well, this summer I decided unequivocally that there was simply no point in postponing any further. To begin with, I re-read a whole bunch of reviews and comments on various sites, including thematic forums, which convinced me of the correctness of my decision. All that remained was to find a good clinic. A friend helped me with this, who recommended that I contact the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology. In short, I called them in advance and made an appointment with a dermatologist at the appointed time. I got to Lilia Vladimirovna Dubrovskaya, it’s clear that she is a qualified specialist, first she performed a preliminary examination, during which she answered the questions that worried me most, after which she wrote out a referral for an ultrasound to exclude any contraindications. When the results were ready, she offered me the most optimal option in this case - removing the wart with a laser. As she explained to me, the main advantage of this method is that the beam acts in a targeted manner and does not affect healthy tissues that are nearby. Well, at the same time, the procedure is absolutely painless, which was also very important for me. As for the procedure itself, it probably lasted 10 minutes, or maybe even less. First, they gave me a pain-relieving injection with a tiny needle, and when it began to take effect, the doctor proceeded directly to the removal itself. I note that during this entire process I felt and felt absolutely nothing. After finishing, they treated my wound with regular medical alcohol and put a bandage on it. The next day, a red crust formed at the site of the wart, which stayed in place for probably a week, maybe a little more, until it fell off on its own. On the doctor’s recommendation, so that there would be no scar left, I regularly smeared the area with a special anti-scar ointment. Almost two months have passed since the removal of the wart and in its place there remains only a small, barely noticeable spot, which in theory should disappear over time. In general, I am very pleased with the final result and for this I want to thank Liliya Vladimirovna again.

Department of Dermatocosmetology

The Beauty Institute on Olkhovka offers a wide range of various services that allow the patient to get rid of flaws in appearance, regain youth and feel more confident.

No universal methods have been developed, but there are ways to solve many problems.

Cosmetology represents a specific applied branch, which includes dermatology, restorative medicine, cosmetic chemistry, and physiotherapy. It allows you to eliminate various imperfections in appearance.

A number of anomalies include:

  • imperfections of the skin (scars, scars, acne, pigmentation, papillomas);
  • age-related skin changes (tissue sagging, wrinkles, unhealthy complexion, loss of tone);
  • the presence of unwanted hair in the body and face;
  • presence of cellulite;
  • congenital defects.

The Beauty Institute on Olkhovka (address: Moscow, Olkhovskaya, 27) provides treatment using modern safe methods. Therapy is carried out by injections, as well as by hardware and aesthetic cosmetology methods. The clinic provides correction of scars and scars, removal of moles and age spots, and hair transplantation.

For patients who prefer radical ways to solve an existing problem with the face or body, there are specially designed programs. And those people who monitor their health and strive to choose suitable cosmetics are offered diagnostic procedures that use innovative technical equipment, as well as consultations with experienced specialists.


You can also hear mostly good statements about the work of specialists in this field. The Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology (Olkhovskaya, 27) offers various anti-aging techniques. Contacts of the medical institution are listed above. An individual program is selected for each patient, which allows solving a complex of problems without surgical intervention. Botulinum therapy remains in demand among representatives of the fairer sex over 35 years of age. Hardware cosmetology allows you to improve the oval of your face and remove fine wrinkles or age spots.

You can also hear many positive statements about the professional cosmetic care performed by the institute’s specialists. Professionals in their field will help you choose a nourishing cream, makeup remover milk, and caring masks in accordance with the patient’s age and individual characteristics. Women also respond well to permanent makeup techniques. Representatives of the fairer sex note that after performing the procedure, you can forget about lipstick and eyeliner for a whole year.

Laboratory diagnostics

The Beauty Institute on Olkhovka has its own laboratory, on the basis of which tests, various studies and diagnostic measures are carried out, allowing one to accurately determine the presence and extent of the pathological process.

Laboratory diagnosis is a combination of biochemical and biological methods that are aimed at identifying anomalies of any kind, as well as detecting disease provocateurs.

Through clinical diagnosis it is possible to:

  • confirm the diagnosis, refine it and determine the causes of the pathology;
  • characterize the form, level of complexity and expected result of therapy;
  • select forms of etiological therapy;
  • ensure monitoring of treatment procedures;
  • detect a pathological process during screening;
  • to refute or confirm a diagnosis established on the basis of certain studies.

Laboratory methods are key to identifying a number of diseases that are difficult to establish otherwise.

Outpatient department

The institute has a narrow focus and specializes in beauty issues. Despite this, the institution also offers general medical services. Here you can treat the most common diseases and undergo a diagnostic examination of the body. This is very important for those patients who are planning plastic surgery. Treatment can be carried out either on an outpatient basis or on an inpatient basis. This is especially convenient for out-of-town patients who, if necessary, can stay overnight within the walls of a medical institution.

You can hear a lot of good reviews about the gynecological department. Specialists provide therapeutic treatment for common diseases of the female genitourinary system using proven safe methods. Many good reviews relate to the work of Lyudmila Yurievna Ugrimova, a gynecologist of the highest category.

Common research methods

The Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology provides a wide range of highly accurate studies.

Common methods include:

  • biochemical (blood and urine tests);
  • hemostatic (an indicator of the level of blood clotting);
  • immunological;
  • bacterial;
  • hormonal;
  • genetic
  • toxicological;
  • cytological

Beauty institutes in Moscow, on Olkhovka, have a modern laboratory. The main principle of its work is the elimination of manual diagnostic methods and the transition to modern technical means that make it possible to completely eliminate the human factor and control the progress of the disease. It is automation that makes it possible to obtain the most accurate result when determining pathology.

History of the Institute

At the beginning of the last century, women could not even imagine that their natural appearance could be corrected. In 1937, when people were far from the problems of aesthetics and beauty, the Institute of Cosmetics and Hygiene was opened by order of the People's Commissar. The institution was located in the very center of the capital and provided its services to wealthy patients. Unfortunately, during the war, the work of the institution was suspended. But already in 1945, restoration work began.

In 1966, the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology was completely reorganized. Feedback from employees, many of whom still work at the institution today, show that the institute has begun to pay special attention to research activities. New techniques have been developed to transform appearance for the better.

In 1975, the institute moved to a new address, where it is located to this day. Today, the medical institution provides a huge range of services in the field of aesthetics and cosmetology. The patients are not only Muscovites, but also people living in other regions of Russia.

Clinic services

The clinic provides:

  • accessible medical services for all patients without exception;
  • coordination of specialists of different profiles to increase the level of effectiveness of therapy;
  • using an integrated approach in the treatment of diseases;
  • effective preventive methods of primary and secondary development of pathology;
  • ensuring a trusting relationship between the patient and doctors;
  • constant monitoring of the patient's health status.

The clinic’s specialists, who have a high level of professional training, are ready to advise the patient, carry out diagnostic measures and draw up an optimal treatment plan for any organs and systems.

The list can include:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • malfunction of the digestive system;
  • dysfunction of the urinary system;
  • functional and organic diseases of the nervous system;
  • ophthalmological problems;
  • skin and venereal pathologies;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • failure in the immune system.

The clinic operates in two directions and is able to offer:

  • advisory assistance to patients who are undergoing inpatient treatment at the institute;
  • outpatient services for patients undergoing treatment on an outpatient basis.


If there are problems with teeth, the aesthetic image cannot be completed. The Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology (Olkhovskaya St., 27) offers a whole range of services in the field of dentistry. Particular attention is paid to therapy. If a patient wants to undergo whitening, first of all he will be offered to cure caries and remove tartar. After performing professional oral hygiene, your smile will look much better.

Particular attention is paid to orthopedic dentistry. Patients note that dental implantation in the institution is an absolutely painless procedure. Specialists perform 3D planning of the future artificial tooth so that it fits perfectly with the neighboring “living molars”.

Specialists profile

The clinic employs specialists from all fields of modern medicine:

  • therapists (provide a wide range of consultations);
  • cardiologists (conduct diagnosis and treatment of heart and vascular diseases);
  • surgeons (carry out examinations and also perform operations of varying degrees of complexity);
  • vascular surgeons (treat blood vessels, including varicose veins);
  • laryngologists (their function includes treatment of the ear, nose and throat);
  • ophthalmologists (carry out diagnosis and therapy of various eye pathologies);
  • neurologists (diagnose abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system);
  • gynecologists (they treat pelvic diseases in women, constantly monitor the condition of patients, and perform surgical operations);
  • urologists (conduct therapy for the urinary organs, provide andrological consultation, perform operations, treat infertile couples);
  • traumatologists (diagnose and treat patients with various injuries and orthopedic diseases);
  • physiotherapists (use modern physiotherapeutic procedures);
  • massage therapists and chiropractors.


A correctly performed operation is not the final result. The institute’s specialists are confident that the key to success lies in rehabilitation measures. After surgery, the patient remains in the hospital for some time, under the supervision of staff. The Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology (Olkhovskaya, 27) has comfortable rooms with all amenities. If necessary, relatives can stay with the patient.

A set of procedures in a physiotherapy room can speed up the rehabilitation process. The patient's recovery takes place under the supervision of the doctor who performed the surgery. Procedures are carried out daily for one to two weeks after surgery.


How do patients rate the Olkhovka Beauty Institute? Reviews from many people who have used the services of the center indicate that the medical staff has a high level of professional preparedness and extensive experience. An individual approach is applied to each patient.

Treatment involves a rehabilitation course, during which careful monitoring of the patient’s health condition is carried out. A laboratory operates on the basis of the center. The complex has an excellent diagnostic department, which allows you to accurately determine the presence and stage of a particular pathological process.


A huge number of patients come to the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology (Olkhovskaya, 27), because real experts in their field work here. Specialists are interested in high-quality work, so that the patient recommends the institution to his friends, and in the future wants to return here himself. Cosmetologists remain the most in demand at the institute. These specialists allow you to restore beauty to your face and body at the lowest financial cost. You can hear a lot of positive statements about Anna Germanovna Stenko (head of the cosmetology department), Tatyana Fedorovna Beletskaya, Sergei Alexandrovich Shustov.

Specialists from the Department of Plastic Surgery help correct congenital defects or radically change appearance: Nikitin Oleg Leonidovich (head), Zamazova Valentina Gennadievna, Gagarina Svetlana Vyacheslavovna and others. Each specialist in the department has positive feedback from patients.

The Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology (Olkhovskaya, 27) also offers its services in the field of dentistry. Frolov Stanislav Aleksandrovich (head of the department) believes that appearance cannot be attractive if the smile is imperfect. This specialist and many others do everything to ensure that patients leave the medical facility with good results.

Institute of Vocational Education on the basis of the institute

The Beauty Institute on Olkhovka (phone number can be found on the official website) includes a center for additional professional development of medical staff, which involves conducting various seminars and trainings in the field of plastic surgery, maxillofacial surgery and cosmetology.

The institute has a bookstore that stocks specialized scientific literature. Here you can also purchase cosmetics created on the basis of laboratory developments of the complex. The products are distinguished by a high level of quality.

Basic information

The Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology is located in an area with well-developed infrastructure. Address: Moscow, Olkhovskaya street, building 27. Anyone can find out the information they are interested in by calling the reception department number. The medical facility is open daily from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. Nonresident patients can stay in a hospital 24 hours a day.

Now the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology (Olkhovskaya, 27) is the largest medical center in Russia in its field. Therapeutic and surgical departments carry out their work. New materials are being studied in laboratory conditions to improve appearance. Great attention is paid to research activities.

Price policy

Everyone understands that the services of a cosmetologist or plastic surgeon cannot be cheap. But if you study the pricing policies of other institutions providing services in this area, it becomes clear that the institute offers affordable prices. You will have to pay 2,200 rubles for a consultation with a plastic surgeon. The cost of further treatment will depend on what procedures are to be performed. So, for example, facial plastic surgery to eliminate facial wrinkles will cost about 100 thousand rubles.

Lip shape correction is one of the most popular procedures at the clinic. To improve this part of the face, you will have to pay from 33 to 55 thousand rubles. It all depends on what material will be used in the surgeon’s work.

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