Large curls and matte lips: 5 steps to become like Victoria Lopyreva

Sometimes a star is simply impossible to recognize, but someone only becomes brighter, more spectacular and more seductive.
Lopyreva Victoria, before and after plastic surgery, did not lose her individuality and attractiveness. The Russian beauty became famous in show business not only as a model, but also as a TV presenter. Today it is no longer a secret that anyone can correct their shortcomings with the help of cosmetology and plastic surgery, which sometimes really works wonders.

Most of today's stars change, some less, some more.

Her beauty evokes the envy of the fairer sex and delights the male.

Biography of the model and TV presenter


Victoria was born in July 1983 in Rostov-on-Don. My mother worked as a journalist, and my father was an artist. The girl loved to read since childhood, draw, studied languages ​​and learned to play the piano at the Tchaikovsky school. Vika inherited her beauty from her mother, who in her youth worked as a fashion model.

In her youth, the girl often attended shows with her mother and she began to receive offers from modeling agencies, but she treated them coldly, although her height and weight allowed her to safely agree to them. The modeling career did not appeal to her - fashion models were always losing weight and logging kilometers.


In 1999, a photo of the future model was seen in one agency and at the age of 16 the girl got her first job.
At the same time, she became the winner of the beauty contest in the Rostov region. A couple of years later, Victoria took the place of the main beauty and won the best fashion model category at the large-scale Golden Lightning festival.

After receiving secondary education, Lopyreva entered an economics university in her city and graduated as a business manager.


After receiving the title “Miss Russia” in 2003 and gaining fame, the girl decides to move to Moscow.

She is invited to various talk shows and filmed for various glossy publications. Vika did not marry an oligarch, like most models, and decided to continue her career.

At one time, due to stress, Lopyreva began to quickly gain weight. He reached 72 kg and she decided to go on a strict diet combined with physical training. I started eating small portions and drinking a lot of water. Thanks to this, I managed to lose 11 kg.

How to do makeup like Victoria Lopyreva + video

Vika is devoted to natural makeup. She accentuates her eyes with shaded shadows and winged eyeliner.

The model begins her makeup by preparing her skin for applying cosmetics. She washes her face and applies cream. Next, Vika spreads Estee Lauder foundation over her face with a large soft brush. She once noted on air that not only a brush would work, but also a sponge. After this, concealer is applied under the eyes and, if there are any, on any redness on the skin. Having set the concealer with light loose powder from Bobby Brown, Vika applies peach blush to her cheekbones, after which she uses highlighter to highlight the space under the eyebrows, the tip of the nose and the outer corners of the eyes. This is the basis of her makeup.

After applying the base, the model proceeds to the main part of the image - the eyes. The peculiarity of Vika’s makeup is that she complements the classic smokey eye with both daring and strict shaded eyeliner.

Victoria starts with a medium shade of eyeshadow. As a rule, her choice is olive, golden or light beige. Using a medium brush, she gently distributes the shadows over the entire surface of the moving eyelid. After the foundation is laid, Vika lightly shades the outer corner of the eyelid with dark brown shadows. Having outlined the dark and light areas, she begins to draw arrows. To do this, she uses gel eyeliner with a thin brush. When the arrows are already drawn, but not yet dry, Vika returns to the dark shadows. With a small brush, she thickens the shadows in the outer corner of the eye and shades the inner part of the arrow. When the transition between eyeliner and shadows becomes almost imperceptible, Vika shades dark and light shadows, achieving a soft and smooth transition. Following her eyelids, she paints her eyelashes with Dior mascara, which makes them look long and thick.

Having finished creating art on her eyelids, the model moves on to her lips. She says she doesn't like lipstick: instead, the star uses MAC lip pencil and balm. Only in rare cases does Victoria apply nude matte lipstick to the center.

Victoria Lopyreva: “A woman must look good!” Beauty secrets of a famous TV presenter

Victoria Lopyreva is a multifaceted personality: she is a successful TV presenter, a famous blogger with more than 2 million subscribers, and an ambassador for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Her schedule is scheduled minute by minute, but between flights related to her duties as a FIFA , she found time and shared her beauty secrets especially for K&Z.

Victoria, you look great! How do you manage to take care of yourself with such a busy schedule?


Thank you! Taking care of myself is part of my job, although I am sure that every woman is obliged to look good, no matter how busy her schedule is. I can’t say that I devote a lot of time to caring for myself, but whenever possible, of course, I try to do everything necessary.

How do you prefer to do the procedures? Do you like spas? What is your favorite procedure?


I just can’t imagine what I would do without SPA with my rhythm of life! It’s pretty tough for me, especially the last two or three years; you have to fly a lot and change time zones, plus, of course, the stress that is inevitable with constant meetings, interviews, and speeches. At the same time, I must always look good. SPA – like nothing else, relieves stress and restores inner harmony and outer beauty. When traveling, I get massages and treatments at the hotel, and when returning to Moscow, the first thing I do is run to my favorite beauty and health center Best, which has an excellent SPA area and excellent specialists, as well as unique procedures that are not found in other places. For example, I combine Charcot Shower procedures with Parafango wraps and floating, or training on the AquaJogger simulator with Thai massage. I always leave there rested and renewed.

Do you go on diets from time to time? What does your diet look like today? Do you cook yourself?


I don’t follow a diet; my body allows me to eat whatever I want. I live at a frantic pace: I do a lot on the run, I’m constantly in a hurry, so sometimes I just forget to eat or I don’t have enough time for it, which is certainly not very right. I think that you need to watch your diet, and I can personally recommend an excellent nutrition system - macrobiotics. In this food system, everything is based on the fact that meat should be eaten in moderation. In addition, I do not consume dairy products, but not because they are difficult for the body to digest, but simply because I do not see any particular benefit in them. I am not at all advocating doing the same: as they say, everything that is good for one is bad for another. Each of us has a body that is a small chemical plant: today I really wanted lemon - this is most likely due to a deficiency of vitamin C, tomorrow I will want something else, which again arises due to a change in the biochemical composition of the blood, to which the body reacts . Therefore, of course, there are no universal recipes; you need to be able to listen and hear your body, regularly take a biochemical blood test, supplement your diet with microelements, vitamins and amino acids and keep yourself in good shape. I have no love for fast food, I eat it extremely rarely. My favorite food is Japanese and Peruvian cuisine, such as raw fish with special sauces. I really love grilled broccoli and cauliflower, but I definitely can’t resist fried potatoes, dumplings or borscht a couple of times a month. It is very important not to reproach yourself for eating something that is not according to the rules of proper nutrition or schedule, but to enjoy it, then the signal will reach the brain and give you a good mood. And in the case of prolonged anger at oneself for eating a piece of chocolate, it will definitely be deposited in some part of the body in the form of extra centimeters.

Do you play sports? How often do you train? What is your favorite type of physical activity?


It is difficult to find time for sports when flying constantly. I used to study regularly, now occasionally. Massage, dancing and swimming save me, it relieves stress and allows me to stay in good shape. After the World Cup, I will return to training in the gym as quickly as possible.

How do you feel about vitamins, superfoods and dietary supplements for beauty?


I regularly take biochemical blood tests to understand the state of my body and determine the components that I am missing at this stage. If I feel a lack of something, I add certain vitamins to my diet to maintain balance.

How do you take care of your hair?


I take special care of my hair, which was naturally very thick and healthy, but has been exposed to all sorts of harmful influences for many years. A forced measure to maintain their beauty. Every day I have to do my hair using a hairdryer and curling iron - this cannot but affect the condition of my hair. I try different products and observe the reaction. Of course, I try to consult with a stylist before each experiment. I like moisturizing and nourishing oils and masks, preparations with argan oil (for example, Nashi), with black cumin seed oil, which restore damaged hair.

I periodically use ampoules to strengthen the roots. The latest new product I tried was Smart Impregnation hair product. It has a unique composition! Ingredients include apricot kernel oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, wheat germ oil, and Armenian mulberry oil. They not only protect against aggressive environmental influences, but also take excellent care of hair. The product copes well with the problem of split ends.

When going on a business trip or trip, what equipment do you definitely take with you? In other words, what's your go-to beauty kit?


I am very grateful to brands for sending me a large amount of cosmetics, I am always ready to test something, but as a rather conservative person, I have kept the size of my cosmetics bag to a minimum, because I am constantly on the road and take a lot of cosmetics with me uncomfortable. However, my minimum includes Tom Ford eyebrow pencil and eye shadow, MAC blush and powder. I definitely do not belong to the category of girls who believe that everything that is most expensive means the best. With every brand you can find a product that is right for you. Some brands are strong in decorative cosmetics, others - in skincare. And sometimes you can accidentally go shopping, buy an inexpensive product, fall in love with it and use it for many more years. This happened to me - I fell in love with a budget foam cleanser from the American brand Bliss, which I purchased in America. I don’t know, to be honest, whether it is sold in Russia. I have not seen its analogues in any other luxury brand, so I have remained devoted to this particular product for many, many years. This applies to Maybelline mascara, which is not inferior to world famous brands: it gives volume without sticking to the eyelashes, and does not dry out for a long time - I really like it.

What is your daily routine on business trips and in everyday life? How do you recover after returning from business trips?


Constant business trips have been an integral part of my life for several years, since the FIFA Ambassador is required to constantly visit different countries. Time zone changes and minimal sleep - this is what a typical business trip looks like to me. But relieving emotional stress is also necessary for me. I really appreciate those moments when I can sleep and not rush anywhere.

What equipment do you consider necessary to take with you on board the plane?


On board the plane, be sure to have thermal water, moisturizing or nourishing hand cream and lip balm with you, as air conditioning can dry out your skin very much.

What is your quick method to help you look your best after an overnight flight?


This is definitely an express facial mask and contrast shower. You can also wipe your face with an ice cube before applying makeup to tone your skin.

The day starts with fruits and vegetables

How do you start your morning? Probably with a cup of coffee and a hastily prepared sandwich with cheese and sausage. It might be very tasty. But absolutely not useful. Take the example of Victoria Lopyreva. The star has a clear menu that she follows.

And the first item in it is fruits and vegetables. For example, for breakfast a celebrity eats an unpeeled cucumber without salt. According to Victoria Lopyreva, you need to eat slowly, chewing each piece thoroughly. Only in this case can you eat a small amount of food.

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But the star’s diet is not limited to just cucumber. She also eats buckwheat porridge in the morning. The choice of cereal was made for a reason - buckwheat has few calories and many nutrients.

In addition to cucumbers and buckwheat, you can also find papaya, quail eggs, avocado, coconut water, cauliflower and broccoli in the star’s refrigerator. The star also loves to eat pine nuts.

Recipe for a tasty and healthy treat

Victoria Lopyreva tries to eat only healthy food. Desserts should be healthy too. One of my favorites is baked pumpkin. To prepare it, the star peels 500 g of the vegetable and cuts it into small pieces. Then grease a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet with olive oil. After this, place the pumpkin pieces on a sheet, sprinkle with 1 tsp. grated ginger, pour over honey and put in the oven for half an hour - until the pumpkin becomes soft. Before serving, be sure to sprinkle with peeled and roasted pumpkin seeds.

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Self-care tips

Of course, food is one of the foundations of beauty. But there are other things that also affect appearance.

  • First of all, it's a dream. The star notes that she tries to sleep at least 7-8 hours.
  • But if it still turns out that you couldn’t get enough sleep, then a contrast shower comes to the rescue. It helps to cheer up and get the necessary boost of energy. This is the second secret.
  • The third is ice cubes, which the star always wipes his face with.
  • Fourth - makeup. According to Victoria Lopyreva, it helps hide signs of fatigue. It is also important not to forget and not be lazy to remove your makeup before going to bed.

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