Paulina Andreeva before and after plastic surgery: is surgery necessary to become a director’s wife?

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Olegovna (real name Andreeva) was born on October 12, 1988 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Her zodiac sign is Libra. Father Oleg Vladimirovich is an entrepreneur, mother Maria Fedorovna is engaged in landscape design and manages a construction company. The actress and her two younger brothers spent their childhood in their parents’ house on Vasilyevsky Island.

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Paulina Andreeva in childhood
After graduating from school, Andreeva entered the university to study journalism, but quickly felt disappointed in her future profession. In her 2nd year she went to Moscow.

Moving to an unfamiliar metropolis and independence far from her parents’ home attracted Paulina. At that time, it didn’t even matter to her which institute she entered: the Moscow Art Theater School was considered as an ideal option, but she was counting on the Shchepkin School as a maximum. As a result, Andreeva auditioned for both, but ended up in the first, where she was enrolled in the course of Roman Kozak and Dmitry Brusnikin.

Hooligan Katka

Why did Paulina leave such a crazy lover as Mashkov? She recently replied:

— Something I never even dreamed of is connected with Fedor. And with our meeting.

Bondarchuk, who spent almost 90 million on a love nest a five-minute walk from Red Square in the summer, is delighted with Andreeva:

“I couldn’t even imagine that it could be so comfortable and easy with someone.” We laugh all the time!

Her family also speaks superlatively about the actress - two younger brothers and businessman parents. But her former classmates, whom she removed from friends on all social networks after moving to Moscow, reveal a different truth.

“Do you think she changed her name just like that?” “We know her as Katka,” revealed the unpleasant truth Anastasia Obraztsova , who studied with the current movie star at gymnasium No. 24. “She always wanted to stand out and be different from everyone else.” In our 9 “B” there was a real “gang”. It included four girls: Andreeva, Vlada Baykova , Ekaterina Nepomnyashchaya and Ilona Shelkova . They considered themselves queens. Self-esteem is such that mom, don’t worry. All four of them were from wealthy families and were not particularly successful in their studies, but they were hooligans from the heart. Either they smoke where they are not supposed to, or they quarrel with someone. In those years, Paulina’s father was engaged in business and was a co-owner of one of the St. Petersburg clubs, and her mother was a landscape designer in a private company. Her parents gave her money for paid education at a theater institute. She did not shine among the students. Many classmates cannot even connect the Katya who sat with them at the next desk with the one who is actively acting in films. Personally, I still can’t figure out who sings for her in “The Thaw”? She was voiceless during her school years! Our gymnasium in St. Petersburg is sometimes called a star factory. And all because music is taught here by Valery Shlyakhtov , director of the famous city ensemble “Sinkopa”. At one time, he gave lessons to “Inveterate Scoundrels” and Oleg Popkov , who now writes songs for Kirkorov . He won’t even remember Andreev now. You ask.

To clear his conscience, Shlyakhtov was found. They asked.

- Katya Andreeva? Show me the photo... I’m seeing it for the first time,” that’s all the master told us.

Mother and daughter can spend hours discussing women's affairs over wine and a cigarette. Photo:


Paulina took the pseudonym at the beginning of her theatrical career. Studying at the Moscow Art Theater school, according to the actress, fascinated her. Already in her 3rd year, the student participated in the creation of Kirill Serebrennikov’s play “Near Zero” on the “Tabakerka” stage.

After this, the artist’s repertoire began to be replenished with interesting theatrical projects, such as the play “Home” by Evgeny Grishkovets and the production “The Master and Margarita”. A significant event in the performer’s creative life was her appearance in the comedy “No. 13 D”, directed by Vladimir Mashkov.

Paulina still remains one of the leading actresses of the Moscow Art Theater.

Theater career

Young Ekaterina’s natural learning abilities, relaxedness and prettiness did not go unnoticed - in her third year of study at the acting school, she was offered to play the role of Crybaby in Kirill Serebryannikov’s production of “Okolonolya”. The girl called her first acting work with the director an interesting experience of cooperation.

The main theatrical productions of the actress:

  • "Near zero";
  • "House";
  • "Noble Nest";
  • "Crime and Punishment".

The young talent managed to prove himself against the background of other newcomers, and the result did not take long to wait. Paulina was soon invited to play in the play “Home” by Evgeniy Grishkovets at the Moscow Art Theater. The girl had long had a dream to perform on the big stage, so she put all her strength into the role of her heroine, literally transforming herself into another person for several hours in front of a thousand spectators. At that moment, she forgot all worldly worries and worries and literally lived the life of Ulyana.

After graduating from acting school in 2011, she joined the Moscow Art Theater troupe , continuing to play roles in the theater under the name Paulina. The unusual name is of Greek origin and translates as “modest.”

In the theatrical production of “The Master and Margarita” she had to play the roles of two girls - Nisa and Frida. This was followed by a role in the play “The Noble Nest”, playing in “Tartuffe”, reincarnating as Dunya in the play “Crime and Punishment” and a role in the production of “13D” directed by Vladimir Mashkov.

The actress performed the roles in a special way, adding a touch of her charm to them, thanks to which she very quickly won the recognition of theater lovers. It often happened that spectators purchased tickets to performances only because of Paulina Andreeva’s participation in them.

The girl has not only acting talent, but also a model appearance, having a height of 175 centimeters and a weight of 55 kilograms.


In 2007, Andreeva made her film debut in the crime series Law and Order, starring in two episodes.

Over the next 5 years, the actress appeared in minor roles, but viewers remembered her only with the release of the series “The Thaw” (2013), where she played the restaurant singer Dina. The 12-episode drama also stars Evgeny Tsyganov and Victoria Isakova. The music for the film was created by Konstantin Meladze, who, having heard the artist sing, invited her to record the main soundtrack herself.

The urban fantasy "The Dark World: Balance" was a failure in every sense - negative reviews from critics and low box office receipts. But the actors' performances were praised because of their "personal charm." Andreeva worked on the set with Pavel Priluchny, Maria Pirogova, Makar Zaporozhsky.

A bold step in Paulina’s film career was her participation in the film “Locust”. The film belongs to the erotic genre. In an interview, Andreeva noted that she had difficulty in bed scenes. Together with Pyotr Fedorov, I had to rehearse for a long time in clothes and remember every action, as if in ballet.

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Paulina Andreeva and Konstantin Khabensky
2015 gave the actress the main role in the detective series “Method”, in which she played the partner of the hero Konstantin Khabensky. The film is based on the stories of famous serial killers of the Soviet Union - from the Lipetsk Strangler to the cannibal Alligator. The creators of the film requested the cases of maniacs from the prosecutor's office. The project, too tough for domestic viewers, was shown on television one episode per week.

Two years later, Paulina played Sofia Rudneva in the drama “Demon of the Revolution” by Vladimir Khotinenko about the true customers of the October riot. This project featured a truly stellar cast: Fyodor Bondarchuk, Evgeny Mironov, Maxim Matveev, etc. The release of the film on Russian television was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the revolution, but historians called it science fiction and deliberate trolling.

In the comedy “Myths” Andreeva got the main role - she played in the company of Yannis Papadopoulos, Sergei Bezrukov, Irina Rozanova. The musical comedy was included in the competition program of the Kinotavr festival. According to already established tradition, Paulina performed the soundtrack to the film. It turned out to be a song from Natalia Vetlitskaya’s repertoire “Look into your eyes,” which the artist sang together with Basta. Later, a video for the musical composition appeared on YouTube, in which footage from the comedy was used.

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Actress Paulina Andreeva
In the spring of 2019, the gallery of Andreeva’s images was replenished with an android robot from the science-fiction film “Better than People.” The distinctive features of this project were a large number of stars in the cast, many hours of makeup, ergonomic cyber suits and a huge number of gadgets.

In 2020, the 2nd season of “Method” was released, which Andreeva remembered for filming in a real morgue with a real corpse.

In the same year, viewers saw the film “Tsoi”. In the drama by Alexei Uchitel about the fatal accident of Viktor Tsoi, Evgeny Tsyganov and Maryana Spivak also appeared in the foreground along with Paulina. The film contains enough truthful footage and facts; there are archival footage from one of the last Kino concerts and songs from the cult group. To recreate the accident that led to the singer's death, real police reports were used.

Personal life

The personal life of the actress has always interested her fans, especially since in her youth Paulina did not advertise her novels, preferring to maintain intrigue. It is known that Andreeva has a close relationship with classmate Viktor Khorinyak. The romance did not last long: the couple separated after final exams.

Later, Paulina was credited with relationships with her partners on the set: Vladimir Mashkov, who, according to rumors, even helped her somewhat at the beginning of her career, and Konstantin Khabensky. In 2015, secular society began to discuss the affair between Andreeva and Fyodor Bondarchuk, who suddenly broke up with his wife Svetlana after 25 years of marriage.

Later it turned out that Fyodor Sergeevich first saw the talented actress in the Moscow Art Theater play “No. 13 D” and was fascinated by her from the first moments. The director appreciated the scale of the actor's personality and the beauty of the girl. Then Andreeva’s interview took place in Bondarchuk’s program “Cinema in Details.” Thus began a romance that the lovers hid for a long time.

Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva secretly got married in a narrow circle of friends Let us remind you about Bondarchuk’s affair with Andreeva...
Posted by on Sunday, September 22, 2019

Paulina Andreeva and her husband Fyodor Bondarchuk
The age difference did not bother the artist and director. The first appearance took place in 2016: together they ventured to appear on the red carpet of Kinotavr.

Photos of lovers were published in large numbers on the actress’s fan pages on Instagram. In the celebrity’s personal account there are no images of her in a swimsuit, everything is strict and concise: magazine covers, stills from films, studio photo shoots (Paulina is a representative of the Italian brand Tak.Ori).

The media found out that the couple was preparing to get married, but this idea had to be abandoned due to the uproar. According to rumors, Sergei Bondarchuk Jr. gave his father an ultimatum: if you marry Paulina, you will not see either children or grandchildren. It was rumored that Fedor did not even dare to divorce his wife.

However, in August 2019, insiders again disseminated information that the wedding date had finally been set: Andreeva and Bondarchuk intend to legalize their relationship in the near future. According to media reports, the painting took place in early autumn, and the long-awaited celebration took place on September 17 in St. Petersburg.

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Paulina Andreeva at the wedding
200 guests arrived at the event, among whom were Anna Chipovskaya with Dmitry Endaltsev, Anna and Nadezhda Mikhalkov, Ksenia Rappoport, Philip Yankovsky, Sergei Mazaev, etc.

The magnificent celebration was hosted by a colleague and close friend of the family, Konstantin Khabensky. A traffic jam formed near the Yusupov Palace, where the event took place, due to the large number of guests. It was created deliberately: the newlyweds were able to freely pass, accompanied by security guards, to the ceremony site.

The celebration continued at the Beggrovs' mansion on Nevsky Prospekt. The gala evening was hosted by Igor Vernik, with whose light hand the first correspondence acquaintance of the young couple took place in the legendary theater.

The newlywed sparkled in a wedding dress from Maison Bohemique. A photo of the actress from the back in a luxurious outfit was officially published. The newlyweds performed their first marriage dance to Feduk’s hit “Flakes Are Flying Up.” A touching moment of the wedding celebration was the screening of a short film by Alexander Rodnyansky, in which a family friend showed footage of the couple’s love story.

Andreeva is called a style icon. She is not a classic beauty, but she has a model figure - height 175 cm, weight 55 kg. The celebrity demonstrates excellent taste. She prefers minimalism in clothes, while still looking feminine. In 2016, the artist made her debut in the rating of “100 Sexiest Women in the Country” by Maxim magazine. Paulina's figure attracts with its slimness and grace - the years spent in ballet school had an impact.

Throughout the development of the novel between Paulina and Fyodor Bondarchuk, gossip about her pregnancy appeared around the actress. According to media reports, the singer was expecting a child in 2022 and 2022. On the eve of the wedding, fans again started talking about the artist’s interesting situation.

And on March 3, 2022, the celebrity posted a photo on her Instagram page in which she appeared pregnant, and informed subscribers that her son Ivan Fedorovich Bondarchuk was born on March 2. If this is the artist’s first child, then for Bondarchuk it is the third.

Actress at Kinotavr 2016: making a million

The press present at Kinotavr 2016 was not so much struck by the official appearance of Paulina and Fyodor Bondarchuk as by the image of the young actress, who truly looked “like a million.”

A black luxurious dress from the MAISON BOHEMIQUE brand, seductively fitting the actress’s curves, cost Paulina about 300 thousand rubles.

But this amount can be considered small compared to the cost of jewelry from Tiffany&Co that adorns the actress: a bracelet with diamonds in white gold - 292 thousand rubles, a bracelet with diamonds in platinum - 2 million 650 thousand rubles, a wide bracelet with diamonds in white gold - one million rubles, a ring with diamonds - 886 thousand rubles, earrings with platinum diamonds - three million 309 thousand rubles.

According to conservative estimates, the actress’s entire outfit cost about 10 million rubles.

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Paulina Andreeva now

Now the artist, after a short break in her film career, has started filming again.

In 2022, Paulina’s filmography was expanded with the biographical drama Vertinsky. In addition to Andreeva, who played silent film actress Vera Kholodnaya, the cast included Alexey Filimonov, Daria Kukarskikh, Anastasia Nemets.

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Paulina Andreeva in a swimsuit
Paulina shared in an interview that she felt comfortable filming in the setting of the distant past, because she loves antiques, old postcards and vintage vases - things with history. Filming took place in Andreeva’s hometown - St. Petersburg.

The actress’s theatrical repertoire includes the productions “Field” by the Praktika Theater, “House” by the Anton Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, etc.

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