Aptos threads: types and effectiveness + how the procedure works

Facelift using Aptos threads is an advanced technique that allows you to avoid surgical intervention. The skin really becomes more youthful in appearance, tightened, and fresher. Cosmetologists consider threads an excellent substitute for plastic surgery.

Aptos threads

Face lifting with the help of such threads corrects the double chin, erases pronounced wrinkles, jowls and many other defects that bother the client.

Threads are used to correct appearance defects

These threads were developed in Russia. At the moment, facelift technology in this way is gradually spreading throughout the world. Aptos threads are officially approved for use by Roszdravnadzor and have an appropriate quality certificate. Field of application: surgical and therapeutic cosmetology.

Aptos threads are a Russian development

Advantages of a facelift with Aptos threads

Many cosmetology centers and clinics now use Aptos threads. This is explained by the rather significant advantages of the technology.

  1. Specificity of the material. Absorbable sutures are made from caprolact. They also add L-lactic acid. After placing them in the treatment area, they will remain there for a year, after which they will dissolve on their own, leaving no traces. It is worth noting that the result can last for two years, since the synthesis of new connective tissue begins around the threads, which acts as a natural support. Lactic acid enters tissue structures in small portions, thereby achieving a long-term biorevitalization effect.

    Biodegradable material is one of the clear advantages

  2. Special profile. Knots or special notches on the threads allow you to achieve the best tightening and fix the fabric well. In addition, this Aptos structure stimulates the body to produce its own collagen and elastin around the threads.

    Aptos threads are known for good tissue fixation

  3. Minimum degree of intervention. Since the thread is inserted into the desired place using cannulas, and its length itself is quite large, it will be enough to make only a small puncture, which will be completely invisible.
  4. Reliability and safety. Aptos threads are an officially registered invention approved by Roszdravnadzor. It can be used in the field of cosmetology for skin tightening, revitalization, and reinforcement of soft tissues of the body and face.

These threads are approved for use in cosmetology

Frequently asked questions about the Aptos thread lift procedure

Aptos threads for face lifting receive mostly positive reviews. Below we provide answers to the main questions that interest potential clients.

  • How painful will the procedure be?

A facelift with Aptos threads is considered a relatively painless procedure, but is performed using local anesthesia for the patient’s comfort. Such anesthesia involves the introduction of an anesthetic solution, for example, ultracaine, into the puncture area and along the contour of the Aptos threads. Implantation does not cause pain. Only the administration of anesthesia can cause slight discomfort.

  • Does the procedure require preliminary preparation?

Before the procedure, it is recommended to avoid using antiplatelet agents (acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin, dipyridamole, pentoxifylline, xanthinolanicotinate, etc.) and dietary supplements that can affect blood clotting. Two hours before your facelift, you should refrain from eating and drinking large amounts of water.

  • What complications can occur after the procedure?

Manipulation with Aptos threads is low-traumatic, but despite this, some complications are possible, which the doctor can easily eliminate. After a facelift, hematomas, swelling, subcutaneous hemorrhages, unevenness, slight retractions, and asymmetry are possible in this way. Such manifestations do not require correction and disappear within a few weeks, in rare cases they can last up to two months. If the doctor's recommendations are not followed, the threads may break or weaken. In this case, correction will be required.

  • What are Aptos threads made of? Is this material safe?

There are two types of Aptos threads: non-absorbable and absorbable. The first ones are made from polypropylene - a synthetic suture material. It is safe, does not cause allergies and is not rejected by the body. The latter are made from a copolymer of L-lactide and caprolac. They contain L-lactic acid, which produces an additional rejuvenating effect by stimulating the natural process of skin cell renewal. L-lactic acid is released until the threads are completely dissolved, due to which the result of the tightening only improves over time.

  • How long does the rehabilitation period last?

Full recovery after an Aptos lift occurs in approximately one to two weeks, depending on the characteristics of the body. Sometimes this period can last up to three to four weeks.

To consolidate the positive result and reduce rehabilitation time, the following may additionally be prescribed:

  1. Plasmolifting – applied in a course before, during and after the procedure.
  2. Microcurrent therapy, which is carried out throughout the entire recovery period.
  3. Hardware and injection cosmetology – in 2-3 weeks.
  • How soon can you see the effect and how long does it last?

You will notice the result immediately after the procedure, it becomes more noticeable by the end of the second week. The duration of the effect depends on the correction area, the type of Aptos threads, the individual characteristics of the patient, his lifestyle and compliance with recommendations during the rehabilitation period. When using absorbable threads, it lasts up to two to three years, non-absorbable threads - up to five years. The lift can be repeated no earlier than after two months. The number of procedures is determined by the attending physician individually.

Read material on the topic: Plasmolifting of the face - a breakthrough in domestic cosmetology

What will be the result?

You will be able to notice the effect immediately after the procedure. Problem areas will be smoothed out and noticeably tightened. Wrinkles will be erased, the corners of the lips and eyes will noticeably rise, the skin will become toned and elastic, as in youth. Overall, the face will become beautiful and eye-catching.

After the procedure, the face only becomes more beautiful

The result will last for about 2 years, although for some people it lasts for 5 years.

Comprehensive rejuvenation program using Aptos Excellence Visage threads

Combination of Aptos Excellence Visage with botulinum therapy

Today, not a single complex correction can be performed without the use of botulinum toxin, which helps to effectively fight wrinkles in a wide variety of areas of the face. Most often, we supplement bioreinforcement of the middle and lower thirds of the face with botulinum toxin injections into the upper third. This makes it possible to effectively correct the signs of aging and obtain a good aesthetic result (Fig. 4).

The botulinum therapy procedure can be carried out both before a thread lift (5-7 days before it is performed) and after bioreinforcement (7-14 days later). In cases where the upper third of the face is corrected with threads (when raising the corner and tip of the eyebrow), “switching off” the facial muscles using botulinum toxin is mandatory (the procedure is also carried out several days before manipulation with threads). The drug is injected in minimal quantities into the orbicularis oculi muscle. Thanks to local relaxation of the muscle and the absence of its resistance, the thread is fixed better and the effect lasts longer. The maximum effect of botulinum toxin occurs 14 days after its administration.

Combination of Aptos Excellence Visage with injections of preparations based on hyaluronic acid

Contour plastic surgery is one of the most popular methods of aesthetic medicine, and today there are many drugs for contour plastic surgery on the market. However, in combination with the Aptos Excellence Visage method, we recommend using only products based on hyaluronic acid, since when combined with caprolac it does not cause side effects.

We recommend correcting problem areas with fillers based on hyaluronic acid after bioreinforcement with Aptos Excellence Visage threads, and not earlier than 2-3 weeks after the installation of the threads.

Fillers help eliminate those imperfections that cannot be fully corrected with threads. When correcting the middle and lower thirds of the face with Aptos Excellence Visage threads, we achieve lifting of these areas, improve the condition of “wrinkles of sadness”, and eliminate “jowls”. However, threads cannot always eliminate the problem of lack of volume in the nasolabial fold and cheek-zygomatic area, and in this case we use filler. Thus, to replenish the volume in the cheek-zygomatic area or fill the nasolabial folds, it is necessary to inject 1-2 ml of a hyaluronic acid preparation, for example Princess Volume, over the entire correction area (Fig. 5)

In addition, we noted the high efficiency of skin biorevitalization using preparations based on Princess Rich hyaluronic acid 5-7 days before bioreinforcement with Aptos Excellence Visage threads. Patients who received Princess Rich injections experienced a decrease in the severity of edema and a reduction in rehabilitation time after the installation of threads.

A course of mesotherapy can be carried out before bioreinforcement, using classical administration techniques - in the form of intradermal papules and micropapules. During the first three months after bioreinforcement, mesotherapy is recommended to be carried out using the Aptos Roller dermaroller. Using a roller will minimize pain during the procedure.

Aptos Roller has the appearance of a rotating roller with multiple micro-protrusions located at equal distances from each other. The microprotrusions are made of titanium and plated with gold. This coating prevents oxidation and corrosion of the surface of microprotrusions. Aptos Roller micro-protrusion size for home use is 0.5 mm, for professional use - 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mm.

The introduction of mesotherapy cocktails based on hyaluronic acid, which also contain vitamins, microelements, and antioxidants, helps stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin, accelerates the process of its regeneration, making it more elastic and firm. We get the maximum effect when performing 5-7 procedures with an interval of 1 week. A course of mesotherapy can be carried out 2 weeks before bioreinforcement or 2 weeks after it.

Combination of Aptos Excellence Visage threads with plasma lifting


— rejuvenation of the skin of the face and body using the patient’s autoplasma enriched with platelets. The rejuvenation process occurs due to the high content of growth factors in the plasma processed in the centrifuge.

By combining this method with the installation of threads, we use it primarily to accelerate tissue regeneration after bioreinforcement.

Plasmolifting is carried out in a course of three procedures with an interval of two weeks. The first session is performed two weeks before the threads are installed and helps prepare the skin for injury. Plasma is injected papularly intradermally throughout the face and neck. The second session takes place immediately before bioreinforcement - half an hour before installing the threads. Plasma is injected locally into the places where the threads are installed in the form of microinjections into the deep layers of the dermis, thereby triggering active tissue regeneration. This procedure helps reduce the swelling that develops after manipulation of the threads. The third session is carried out two weeks after the installation of the threads. Plasma can be injected using the Aptos Roller.

Indications for the procedure using threads

Indications for the use of threads.

  1. Skin changes caused by age: insufficient production of collagen and elastin.
  2. Double chin.
  3. Pronounced nasolabial folds.
  4. Distortion of the contours and oval of the face, sagging cheeks.

    Threads are used when there are distorted facial contours

  5. Drooping corners of the lips and eyes make the face unhappy and eternally angry.
  6. Pronounced wrinkles in the frontal area.
  7. Reluctance to get involved with plastic surgery, or fear of radical intervention.

Types of Aptos threads and their purpose

Basically, threads are used to correct age-related changes, eliminate signs of gravitational ptosis and rejuvenate the upper, middle and lower third of the face.

Using a minimally invasive thread lifting technique, you can also smooth out horizontal wrinkles in the forehead and tighten your eyebrows. In the middle third, thread lifting allows you to lift the soft tissues of the cheekbone area (remove the so-called “jowls”), smooth out the nasolabial furrows, and correct the oval of the face. The method is also successfully used to create a clear contour of the lower jaw and oval of the face, a clear cervical-chin angle, and correction of the height of the chin projection.

In EMC, biodegradable Aptos Visage threads are most often used, namely:

  • Aptos Excellence Visage threads - absorbable threads with notches that provide pronounced long-term lifting;
  • Aptos Excellence Visage Soft threads are absorbable biothreads for tightening small areas of soft tissue and tightening the skin.

Aptos Visage threads are widely used for lifting the face, neck and décolleté due to its important advantages - complex profile, optimal thickness of each thread and biocompatible material (caprolactone).

Due to the physical tightening of the tissue by the threads and their action on the intercellular matrix, the skin becomes fresh, smooth and toned, and the oval and facial features become expressive. The method goes well with Botox, lipofilling, hardware and injection techniques and other types of aesthetic corrections.

The final result of the procedure depends not only on the configuration and characteristics of the threads themselves, but also on the experience and qualifications of the surgeon performing the reinforcement.

Tips for using Aptos threads

  1. For clients under forty years of age, both absorbable and non-absorbable Aptos can be used.
  2. From forty to fifty years, it is better to use non-absorbable threads, which will give long-lasting results.
  3. If the client is over fifty, it is advisable to use techniques that require half a centimeter incisions.

It is worth considering the instructions of doctors

The use of such threads is suitable for both men and women. Often this method is resorted to by people who, for some reason, are forced to refuse plastic surgery.

Important ! The best effect is achieved when Aptos threads are combined with other cosmetic procedures - peelings and injections (for example, the use of fillers, Botox, etc.).

These threads are an alternative to surgery

Of course, the main indication for manipulation is the client’s desire to get rid of the shortcomings of his own appearance.

Patient reviews

Patients who have undergone a facelift procedure have shared their reviews:

Anna: “I have long wanted to get rid of nasolabial folds and facial wrinkles under the eyes. But there was one problem - my fear of plastic surgery and anesthesia. I went to a cosmetologist for a consultation, where I learned about Aptos threads. After some time, I finally decided to have a lift. I was pleased with the result, although I was tormented by swelling for some time.”

Natalya: “I was skeptical about cosmetic procedures. I never thought that I would change my appearance. But the years take their toll. I developed facial asymmetry and pronounced facial wrinkles. I immediately refused operations. But the thread lift seemed attractive to me. I was not mistaken. The defects disappeared after the first procedure.”

Watch a video review of the procedure.

In what case is it better to refuse a facelift using threads?


  1. The fourth degree of gravitational ptosis of the soft tissues of the face - if there is significant excess of facial skin.
  2. Atony of the skin.
  3. Inflammatory processes affecting the intended treatment area.
  4. Colds.
  5. Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  6. Blood diseases.
  7. Allergic reaction.

    If you have allergies, the procedure is not performed

  8. Cancer in the acute stage, the client undergoing chemotherapy, radiation therapy.
  9. Acute inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.
  10. Human immunodeficiency virus, viral hepatitis.
  11. First week of the menstrual cycle.
  12. Introduction into the body in the affected area of ​​non-biodegradable shellless implants is silicone, petroleum jelly, biological polymer.

Important ! When you don't know if you can have a facelift with threads, it's best to ask your cosmetologist for advice. This is necessary to avoid various undesirable consequences.

It is important to be examined by a doctor before the procedure

What is the difference between the approach to installing 4D mesothreads in our clinic?

We don’t install 4D mesothreads for everyone

We value our reputation and our clients. Therefore, if the doctor is sure that 4D mesothreads will not bring you any effect, he will not even advise them to you - there are many other methods in our arsenal. For example, abdominal skin tightening is possible using non-surgical injection liposuction, cavitation, cryolipolysis, myostimulation and other methods of figure correction. At your first free consultation, your doctor will develop an individual program for you. Our goal is to solve the problem, and not to sell you 4D mesothreads.

Doctors’ experience in threadlifting is more than three years

Let's tell you a secret: thread lifting courses can be completed in just one day - that's why there are so many salons and clinics that offer the installation of mesothreads. But you don’t want to become a test model, do you? Then choose a clinic responsibly. We have been working with 4D mesothreads for more than three years. Our certificates and diplomas can be viewed on the website or in the clinic.

We use only certified threads

We work with threads certified in the Russian Federation. Before the procedure begins, the doctor will show you all the certificates. With the use of these 4D mesothreads there is an effect even in cases where a buttock lift and arm lift are needed.

Progress of a facelift using Aptos threads

Skin preparation

So, before you start manipulation, you need to adhere to these rules.

A week and a half before the procedure, you need to stop drinking alcohol, smoking, and going to the solarium. It is recommended to avoid aggressive cosmetic treatments such as deep peeling, laser resurfacing, laser depilation, and so on.

Before the procedure, you should stop drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes.

If you use hormonal medications, you need to inform your cosmetologist about this fact.

Important ! On the day of the lift, you do not need to use decorative cosmetics.

Be sure to keep in mind that the day of the procedure should not coincide with the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation negatively affects rehabilitation, significantly prolonging its duration.

You should not have the procedure if you are menstruating.

The lifting procedure itself

Stages of the procedure.

  1. The skin is covered with markings that the cosmetologist will use to guide him when placing the threads inside.
  2. Local anesthesia is performed with Ultracain.
  3. Soft tissue structures are pierced.
  4. The Aptos thread is threaded through the resulting “hole” into the subcutaneous fat.

The procedure is absolutely simple

Important ! When the threads are placed in the right place, the manipulations are considered completed. In general, the procedure takes about two hours.

Kogi or Aptos - which is better?

Kogi threads are a Korean alternative to Aptos threads. In general, both products have the same effect. Both Russian and Korean monofilaments preserve the tightening results for a long time. However, Aptos have a better safety profile, although procedures using them are slightly more expensive. Which is better: Kogi or Aptos - depends on the characteristics of the patient’s skin and his state of health.

Features of use

The threads are placed under the skin using a thin needle or cannula. Since there is a notch on the thread, the tissue does not move, and a long-term fixation effect is achieved. A strong frame is created that supports the skin. The face is tightened. If you use a special type of thread, you can remove excess skin from the “jowls” along the entire surface of the thread; the tissue is fixed in one position to get rid of facial ptosis. Other threads do not require displacement of skin structures along tension lines, creating a special “frame” of the face.

Need to use threads correctly

Important ! It must be remembered that this technology is absolutely not suitable for people who have too thick or heavy skin. Threads will not help clients with excess skin. With these shortcomings, you need to seek help from plastic surgery.

Possible problems and their solutions

After this procedure, some undesirable consequences may occur.

Temporary Consequences

It should be noted that temporary phenomena usually do not require medical attention and go away on their own .

Temporary negative effects include:

  1. Bruises .
    Bruises and small hematomas can occur due to damage to blood vessels. What to do? As a rule, they go away on their own; to speed up healing, you can use special ointments and gels - swelling.
  2. Skin injury .
    The body's natural reaction to any injury. What to do? They usually disappear in 10-14 days; medications can be used to speed things up.

  3. Skin disorders .
    Skin irregularities may occur where the needle is inserted and withdrawn. What to do? In most cases, they go away on their own in about a week; if this does not happen, you should consult a doctor.

  4. Mimic disturbances .
    Violations of facial expressions are most often associated with the effects of anesthesia, in very rare cases - due to compression of the nerves. What to do? If it does not go away for more than 3-4 days, you should consult a doctor.
  5. Unnatural effect .
    The result of overcorrection is an overly pronounced effect, for example, overly prominent cheekbones, overly upturned eyebrows. What to do? There is no need to do anything, it should go away naturally in 2-3 weeks.

We invite you to watch a video about what temporary phenomena may occur after implantation of Aptos threads:


Unlike temporary phenomena, complications do not go away on their own; you need to see a doctor.

  1. Infection, infection .
    Infection due to improper preparation of the patient for surgery, lack of hygiene. What to do? Antibiotics must be taken to fight the infection; in severe cases, the thread should be removed.
  2. Allergic reactions. Allergies that can be caused by the anesthetic or skin treatment agent, very rarely, an allergy may occur to the material used.

    What to do: take antihistamines, in case of anaphylactic shock - administration of prednisolone, adrenaline, aminophylline, be sure to call an ambulance. If you are allergic to the threads themselves, they will have to be removed.

  3. Violation of the facial contour .
    This may occur if significant forces were applied when fixing the fabric to the thread. What to do? Facial massage helps a lot. In difficult cases, it is necessary to remove the threads.
  4. Thread migration . May occur when using smooth threads without a fixation system. What to do? Remove threads.
  5. Bleeding of threads .
    It is often the result of an error or violation of the injection technique. What to do? Delete a fragment or the entire thread.

Rehabilitation stage

The first few days after the manipulations, it is necessary to create optimal conditions that allow the tissues to regenerate and recover. The use of Aptos threads is not as radical an intervention as surgery, but you still need to remember certain limitations. For example, during rehabilitation you need to change your diet: you should not eat very hot and spicy foods or alcoholic drinks. The client may experience swelling and bruising for some time. There is no need to worry here - such a reaction is quite normal. Problems will disappear on their own, without outside intervention.

Important ! To smooth out these side effects, you can use cool compresses and heparin ointment.

Rehabilitation is the last stage on the path to beauty

Rehabilitation period

The entire rehabilitation cycle after the procedure is divided into 3 stages.

  1. Acute period (3-5 days). Fixing patches remain on the face, skin folds are very noticeable. It is recommended to sleep on your back, do not lie on your stomach or side, do not eat hot foods, do not support your head with your hands, do not open your mouth wide, chew slowly, without sudden movements, and do not actively use facial expressions. Physical activity, taking a hot shower, visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool are contraindicated. The first day the puncture area is cooled with ice.
    Punctures must be disinfected with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide 3 times a day.

    When hematomas appear, it is recommended to use decongestants, such as Lyoton, Gepatrombin, Troxevasin, etc. If pain is present, taking painkillers is indicated. Also sometimes, in case of reduced immunity or with a large number of inserted threads, antibiotics are prescribed.

  2. Early rehabilitation period (up to 2 weeks) . The fixing patches are removed (either independently or with the help of a doctor). The folds are gradually straightened out. To speed up the rehabilitation process, you can use physiotherapy: ultrasound, iontophoresis, microcurrents. Masks with hyaluronic acid and creams with peptides also have a beneficial effect. Contraindications for the first period remain relevant, with the exception of visiting a hot shower. Drinking alcohol is also prohibited for 2 weeks.

  3. Late rehabilitation period (from 2 weeks to a month) . The face takes on a normal appearance, the folds are almost invisible. It is still recommended to continue physical therapy and cosmetic rehabilitation to maintain the results. Contraindications to thermal procedures, massages and injections in the facial area remain (up to 2 months). Other restrictions are lifted. At the end of the period, you should make a follow-up visit to the doctor, who, if necessary, will correct residual defects.

We invite you to watch a video about rehabilitation after the procedure using Aptos threads:

How is recovery going, how long does it take?

Minor intervention in the body is an advantage of the procedure, since in the future the person will not have to spend a lot of time on rehabilitation. But some tips are still worth following.

For three days after the manipulations, you must control your facial expressions (they should not be too bright), and do not visit the beach, sauna or bathhouse. In addition, you need to treat the areas where the needle entered with disinfectants. The cosmetologist can advise the client on a product that will reduce swelling.

After the procedure, you need to give up a lot, including strong emotions

Important ! It is best to sleep on your back for at least a week.

For one and a half weeks you need to abstain from alcoholic beverages, hot food and drink.

For several months you cannot train hard or massage. Too much heat on the skin is not recommended.

You will be able to notice noticeable changes in the condition of your skin about a month after the manipulations. The effect reaches its maximum after about six months, just at this time the collagen framework is formed.

After a month the effect will be visible

2 in 1 effect: tightening and glowing skin

Those who are faced with the need for a facelift understand: lifting is only ½ of the way to a youthful face. Even after masterfully performed plastic surgery, it is necessary to “refresh” tired skin: laser resurfacing, skin mesotherapy or biorevitalization with plasma therapy will be required.

The new thread combines both previously incompatible components of rejuvenation


  1. Firstly, APTOS Visage is made from innovative caprolac material - a substance that not only tightens the skin, but also completely resolves within 360 days
    During this time, a collagen framework is formed around the thread, which
    successfully maintains the achieved biological tightening effect for several years
  1. Secondly, caprolac itself partly consists of polylactic acid, a powerful humectant. For a full 360 days after installing APTOS Excellence Visage threads, lactic acid in the installation area, even without mesotherapy and biorevitalization, gives your skin a radiant appearance and slows down the aging process.

You get two effects at once for one price


Types of threads

There are two types of threads:

  • absorbable, or cosmetic - made from caprolact and L-lactic acid, resulting in skin rejuvenation. Self-regeneration of skin cells is activated. This type of thread is spontaneously eliminated by the body after about a year;
  • non-absorbable, or surgical - made from surgical suture material (polypropylene). It has been successfully used for medical purposes for a long time.

Important ! When choosing a type, the cosmetologist relies on the intended treatment area, the client’s age group and his desires.

There are different types of threads

Who is APTOS Body threads suitable for?

  • you lead a sedentary lifestyle or have lost a lot of weight, you start to feel uneasy loose skin on the abdomen

    and its excess, you have a second or late first birth;

  • inner surface of hands

    loses tone,
    loose skin appears on the thighs
    and signs of cellulite.

APTOS Body threads allow you to tighten your thighs, strengthen your arms, and return to open, sleeveless clothing without surgery.

And if you are a young mother, APTOS Excellence Body threads will be a real godsend for you to remove a flabby belly after childbirth. You can tighten your stomach with threads immediately after finishing breastfeeding.


So, we found out that the threads we are considering can be absorbable, or they can be non-absorbable. The first type disintegrates over time due to the action of carbon dioxide and water, and the second, accordingly, are not eliminated from the body on their own. Usually the second type is used for clients who are over 45 years old - because in this case it is necessary to achieve a permanent reinforcing effect. Aptos absorbable threads are suitable for use by any client; they are often used to prevent age-related changes.

Important ! A third option is also possible - combined, in this case the internal part is made of non-absorbable components, and the external part gradually disintegrates and leaves the body.

Much in the structure of Aptos threads depends on the composition

What is the difference between the two types of Aptos threads? The first type involves the use of polymers made from organic molecules. They are susceptible to the action of skin enzymes. Typically, an additional component is L-lactide, caprolact, polylactic acid. Threads that do not dissolve are made from polypropylene, which is not able to disintegrate under the influence of enzymes.

The composition of different types of threads differs significantly

Note ! The materials used to produce threads are well accepted by the human body. All clients react positively to them; there is no immune reaction, allergy or inflammation. Numerous studies and practical experience have proven the absolute safety of Aptos threads.


Let's look at what threads there are for Aptos reinforcement.

  • Absorbable – also known as biothreads. They are made from biodegradable caprolactone fibers with the addition of L-lactic acid, which, as the threads dissolve, gradually penetrates the skin cells, providing a rejuvenating effect.
    The threads are equipped with notches, thanks to which they are attached under the fatty layer of the skin. Used at the first signs of skin aging (28-40 years) to correct shallow wrinkles and slight sagging skin. The result from use lasts up to 2 years.

    Lactic acid is an AHA that is considered a powerful skin moisturizer. Stimulates the production of collagen fibers and elastin, promotes cell renewal and rapid growth, smoothes the surface and restores skin elasticity and density.

  • Non-absorbable - the material of manufacture is polypropylene, which is attached to the middle layers of the epidermis.
    There are threads with jagged (used to strengthen the oval of the face, forehead and nasolabial folds) and smooth (for delicate areas of the skin of the eyes and cheeks). The advantage of the subcutaneous frame type is that blood vessels and facial nerves are not injured. This type of lifting is used for more pronounced signs of ptosis (35-55 years). The effect lasts up to 5 years.

What is the price for lifting using Aptos threads?

The cost for this procedure starts at 20 thousand rubles, but the price depends on many factors: the clinic’s policy, the area of ​​treatment, the products used. We will indicate the average cost of the procedure in different cities of Russia.

CityCost of one procedure
Moscow27000 rub.
Saint Petersburg24800 rub.
Volgograd21500 rub.
Novosibirsk22750 rub.
Eagle22050 rub.
Kaluga19160 rub.
Lipetsk20900 rub.

Prices for 4D mesothreads

4D MesothreadsPrice
Smooth monofilament up to 20 threads1100r per thread
Smooth monofilament threads from 20 to 50 threads900r per thread
Smooth monofilament threads from 50 threads700r per thread
4D mesothreads on the needle4900r per thread
4D mesothreads on cannula5500r per thread
Mesothreads “braids” up to 20 threads1400r per thread
MESONTHREADS “braids” 20 or more threads1200r per thread
Mesothreads “spiral” up to 20 threads1200r per thread
MESONTHREAD “spiral” 20 or more threads1100r per thread

*The number of threads is determined in consultation with a cosmetologist!

Popular questions

What is a non-surgical facelift using Aptos threads?

This procedure is a relatively new direction in cosmetology. It involves achieving a lifting effect without radical intervention. The following areas are tightened: cheekbones, middle or lower third of the face (jowl area).

Why should you give preference nit pits ?

This product is perfect for clients of all ages, as it is very convenient to use. The use of such threads involves a minimum number of adverse events. The barbed threads are placed in specialized guides, thanks to which they are painlessly placed in the desired area. At the end of their path, the threads are attached to internal structures without leaving the skin. This way you can avoid the most unpleasant phenomenon - depressions or screeds.

Aptos threads help avoid the appearance of depressions or ties

What effect should you expect?

You will be able to see changes immediately after the manipulations. The skin becomes tightened, smooth and elastic, just like in youth. This result is achieved due to polylactic acid. Previously, there were drugs with this substance that were injected into the subcutaneous fat, however, now they are unpopular. This product ideally corrects nasolabial folds that ignore the effects of filler.

What is the difference between mesothreads and Aptos threads?

Mesothreads dissolve, are excreted and lose their results very quickly - in just a few months. It follows from this that you will constantly have to visit cosmetology. In addition, if we compare the number of threads for these two procedures, mesothreads require more injected material, so recovery takes longer. Thus, Aptos threads are preferable to mesothreads.

Aptos threads are attractive due to their short recovery period

Is physical activity allowed after a facelift using Aptos threads?

You need to limit yourself to various types of physical activity for at least a month. The most you can do is walk.

What recommendations can be given to people who have undergone this manipulation?

During the impact, the person must lie down. After changing the position, you can immediately notice the effect of the threads. However, this is only the initial result, which is mechanical. The fabric structures are “suspended” on the notches, moving upward. You must refrain from active facial expressions for a day. If you manage to keep your face calm, the threads will take root faster and better, and will be neatly overgrown with connective tissue. In general, any facial expression can even be painful. However, it is worth being a little patient for an excellent result. Within a month you will be able to observe the maximum effect - the skin will be close in condition to youthful.

Need rest after the procedure

What procedures can be combined with Aptos thread lifting?

In general, this procedure goes well with various other manipulations popular in cosmetology. It is best to supplement a lift with Aptos threads with activities that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, making its color and surface even. Such procedures include peelings, resurfacing, and laser rejuvenation techniques. Wrinkles caused by active facial expressions can be easily corrected with Botox injections; deeper folds must be corrected with fillers and hyaluronic acid. By combining several procedures, you can achieve the best results in facial rejuvenation.

Many procedures can be used in combination with these threads

Can men have a lift with Aptos threads?

Of course, this procedure can and should be performed on representatives of the stronger sex, because they are also not protected from age-related skin changes. But not everyone wants to carry out radical interventions. With the help of a facelift using Aptos threads, you can get rid of this problem easily and quickly. By the way, the effect of the procedure in the male half of the population is even brighter, because they have more collagen in their skin. Rehabilitation requires less time, and the procedure usually needs to be repeated only once every five years. Cosmetologists are well versed in the specifics of men's skin and will be able to choose exactly the product that will suit a specific client.

How long does the result last?

The results may last for about a couple of years. Then the threads are absorbed and removed from the body, after which the tightening is repeated.

The result will please you for a long time

4D mesothreads reviews from our patients

“I put threads on my stomach, which after giving birth never returned to normal, no matter what I did. What I could not achieve with constant training and massages with the help of mesothreads was achieved in just one procedure. I regard this as a miracle. I am very grateful to my doctor who convinced me to get threads.”

Alena, 30 years old

“10 days have already passed since the procedure. I make a clear conclusion - mesothreads are super! Tightened my stomach and butt. And I really like that the lifting effect only intensifies day by day. Even my husband noticed that I had changed, although I did not tell him about installing threads, because I knew that he would be against it. Thank you very much! I don’t mind spending money on such beauty!”

Irina, 35 years old


When installing more than 30 mesothreads - 10% discount!

You will find out how many mesothreads you need to supply during a free consultation. Think: now you can solve your problem quickly and effectively in just one procedure! Just imagine: months of training or one procedure for installing mesothreads. And in some cases, such as knee lift or abdominal skin tightening, the choice has to be made between surgery and 4D mesothreads.

Have you chosen 4D mesothreads? Then call: +7 963 964-79-76 or leave a request.

Reviews about the procedure

Angelika , Moscow

“I have been wanting to have a facelift for a couple of years and have researched many different alternatives. I'm afraid of plastic surgery, so I chose Aptos threads. I turned to the best cosmetologist in the city, who did everything in the best possible way. There were no complications. Then they showed me photos before and after the procedure - the result is obvious! On the advice of a specialist, I maintain the result using peeling.”

Aptos threads delight women with results

Natalya , Saratov

“I have seen a lot of negative reviews about facelifts using Aptos threads. I’ll tell you about my experience: two and a half years ago I realized that I needed a facelift because I had lost a lot of extra pounds. I filled the cheekbones with hyaluronic acid and used threads for fixation. The procedure was not very successful for me, it was painful: the thread was not stretched enough, it was then tightened again. Because of this, the face became asymmetrical, and terrible swelling appeared. The cosmetologist prescribed me medications to get rid of this - it passed in two weeks. The facial distortion remained with me for a month and a half. However, then the result appeared: the skin was healthy, the face was rejuvenated. The threads have already dissolved, but my face is still in good condition. Therefore, I can recommend this procedure, although it may not be the most pleasant. But, as they say, the end justifies the means.”

Possible consequences after the procedure of implantation of Aptos threads

Possible consequences after a facelift:

  1. Exposed thread. See a doctor and he will cut off the excess.
  2. Infection occurs when the basic rules of the procedure are not followed.
  3. The appearance of hematomas and swelling due to injury to muscle tissue and blood vessels on the face. They do not require special treatment and go away on their own within two weeks.
  4. Displacement of the thread or its breakage can only be eliminated by repeated surgical intervention.
  5. Violation of the smooth contour and facial lines is possible with improper tension and distribution of the material. It can only be eliminated by repeated surgery.

Aptos threads are a progressive method of face lifting, which is on the verge of plastic surgery and cosmetology, and photos of patients before and after the procedure allow you to verify the effectiveness of this method.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Photos before and after the procedure

Photos before and after the introduction of Aptos threads No. 1

Photos before and after the introduction of Aptos threads No. 2

Photos before and after the introduction of Aptos threads No. 3

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