Biorevitalization with Princess fillers - royal transformation

PRINCESS line of drugs is the Austrian company Croma, which has been producing products for cosmetology for more than 30 years. PRINCESS preparations consist of hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, that is, they are completely hypoallergenic and absolutely biocompatible with the human body.

The advantage of PRINCESS preparations is the SMART technology. Hyaluronic acid obtained using this technology is able to recognize interstitial voids and be evenly distributed in them. Procedures using PRINCESS drugs solve problems such as:

  • insufficient skin turgor;
  • wrinkles, bags under the eyes;
  • unclear relief of the face;
  • undefined lip contour;
  • dry skin.

After the procedure, the patient’s skin becomes moisturized, smoother, and tighter. The effect lasts for 7-12 months.

Preparations from the PRINCESS line solve complex problems in modern cosmetology. The PRINCESS line includes 4 drugs that perfectly complement each other:

  • PRINCESS Filler
  • PRINCESS Volume
  • PRINCESS Contour

Let's look at each of the drugs in more detail.

General characteristics

Princess Rich filler first appeared on the cosmetic market in 2009. Country of origin: Austria (Croma brand). The company has been known all over the world for 30 years, engaged in cosmetology and pharmaceutical research. All products are manufactured in accordance with quality standards using special SMART technology

The drug contains hyaluronic acid and glycerin (20 mg/ml).

  • Hyaluronic acid obtained synthetically does not cause an allergic reaction. It has the ability to attract water, due to which the skin becomes elastic, taut and elastic, and small wrinkles are smoothed out. Additionally, internal processes for the production of natural collagen and elastin are launched.
  • Glycerin has an antioxidant effect, promotes correct and uniform distribution of components, and also prolongs the effect of hyaluronate.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Glycerin oil has a higher density than hyaluronic acid. Due to this, glycerin not only plays the role of a regular filler, but also acts as a buffer - a kind of limiter that prevents the spread of hyularonic acid beyond the intended skin area.

Princess Rich is used for biorevitalization of the face, neck, hands and décolleté.

Princess line of drugs

Princess Rich

The drug is used for mesotherapy and biorevitalization procedures in order to saturate skin cells with the necessary moisture and restore water balance.

Princess Rich consists of high-quality hyaluronic acid (18 mg/ml) with the addition of glycerin molecules (20 mg/ml).

The drug differs from other injections that restore beauty and youth in the quality of hyaluronic acid and the presence of glycerin in the composition, which enhances its properties. This physiological ratio of these two components allows:

  • double the hydrogenating effect of HA;
  • increase the viscosity of the drug, and thereby prolong its action.

In order to restore the natural architecture of skin tissue, a small amount of Princess Rich is enough. The drug is distributed gently, evenly, without creating unevenness.

The result of rejuvenation procedures with Princess Rich: natural, radiant skin, soft, elastic and toned.

Princess Volume

The drug is designed to quickly restore lost volume of the face, smooth out wrinkles and folds.

Consists exclusively of high quality hyaluronic acid.

The impeccable structure of Princess® Volume (in the form of a monophasic gel) allows you to easily and naturally correct the skin texture. Distributing evenly in the skin, the elastic and firm product instantly makes your face perfect and natural.

Princess Filler

Princess Filler is an injectable gel implant used in contouring procedures. The drug is based on hyaluronic acid with a cross-linked structure (concentration 23 mg/ml in physiological buffer), obtained using Streptococcus equi bacteria.

Indications for use

  • Bags under the eyes.
  • Ptosis.
  • Insufficient volume and irregular shape of lips, chin, cheekbones.
  • Crow's feet.
  • A network of wrinkles in the perioral area.
  • Hypersensitivity of the skin.
  • Excessive dryness.
  • Flabbiness, loss of turgor.
  • Gray tint of the skin.
  • Dark spots.
  • Pronounced wrinkles.
  • Hypertrophied nasolacrimal groove.
  • Transformation of the oval line of the face.
  • Post-acne marks.
  • Scarring.


Result of the procedure:

  • elimination of wrinkles and atrophic nasolabial folds;
  • filling the missing space in the cheekbones, chin, lips and temporal bone;
  • modeling of facial features;
  • moisturizing and nourishing skin cells;
  • rejuvenation and healing of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • elimination of scars and scars.

Biorevitalization does not have clear age restrictions - it can be performed from 18 years of age, but it is most relevant for patients aged 30 years. It is also carried out for preventive purposes (to slow down aging).

Types of fillers

The Princess collection of drugs includes several fillers with almost the same composition, in which only the concentration of hyaluronic acid differs.


It is a medium-density gel with a hyaluronate content of 23 mg/ml.

Designed for the age group from 20 to 45 years.

Purposes of application:

  • elimination of moderate wrinkles in the periorbital and perioral zones;
  • facial sculpting in the nasolabial fold area.
  • replenishment of the missing volume in the area of ​​the cheekbone and chin;
  • lip enlargement

Moreover, Princess Filler allows you to significantly smooth out the oval of the face and achieve the effect of lymphatic drainage. The gel is injected into the upper or middle layers of the dermis.

It is acceptable to use to solve aesthetic problems in the neck and hands.

The variety marked “LIDOCAINE” is supplemented with lidocaine, which makes the procedure more comfortable.


Biorevitalizant with a lower ratio of hyaluronic acid (18 units). Efficiency is achieved due to the dense cross-linking of the molecules of the substance with glycerin.

During the administration of the drug, metabolic processes are launched at the cellular level, promoting natural rejuvenation of the skin, and the hydrobalance of the dermis is additionally normalized.

As a result, the skin is actively moisturized, “crow’s feet” are eliminated, and tissue turgor and tone are restored.

Princess Rich Lidocaine is also supplemented with an anesthetic substance, which allows manipulation with virtually no pain.


Volum is a fairly dense filler with a hyaluronate concentration of 23 mg/ml.

Designed for volumization of the cheek area, chin and lips. With its help, the skin texture is smoothed (including in the nasolabial area) and the oval of the face is contoured, as well as the minimization of scars and skin creases of varying degrees.

The drug is used to solve the aesthetic problems of oily skin prone to acne.


Used to correct body lines.

It is used for both mesotherapy and contouring.

Hyaluronic acid is presented in a concentration of 20 mg/ml. The gel has the highest density, which is achieved by stabilizing hyaluronate with glycerin molecules.

What is the corrector's action based on?

Princess Rich includes only two basic components, which are responsible for creating the desired result and do not cause rejection. So, the corrector includes:

  • Hyaluronic acid , identical to natural, at a concentration of 18 mg/ml. It is of non-animal origin, due to which it almost does not cause allergies and adapts perfectly to the superficial layers of facial skin. The action of hyaluronic acid is based on attracting a colossal number of water molecules, which stimulates the smoothing of wrinkles, as well as a significant lifting effect.
  • Glycerol at a concentration of 20 mg/ml. It is an auxiliary component that provides viscosity and an additional filling effect.

Glycerin is an auxiliary component of Princess Rich filler.

Cost of drugs, where to buy

You should purchase fillers on the official website of the manufacturer or from distributors in Russia.

When concluding a transaction, it is recommended to carefully check the expiration dates, series and lot number.


Filler nameRelease formPrice in rubles
Filler1 ml2 800-3 200
Rich1 ml2 200-2 500
Volume1 ml3 000-3 500
Contour1 ml4 000
Filler LIDOCAINE1 ml3 400
Rich LIDOCAINE1 ml2 700

The cost of the procedure in Moscow, on average, is 15 thousand rubles

Description of the procedure

The biorevitalization procedure involves the introduction of dermal filler through injections with a special thin needle in the targeted area using a certain technique. As a result, the skin is saturated with substances necessary for rejuvenation.


Of particular importance in achieving the desired result is the preparatory stage, during which the individual characteristics of the body are identified and prepared for subsequent intervention.

A few weeks before the session you need to:

  • reduce the level of physical activity;
  • exclude alcoholic drinks and cigarettes;
  • stop taking anticoagulants and any medications that can change blood counts (including aspirin, diclofenac, etc.).

2 days before the procedure you should not drink coffee or energy drinks.

Administration technique, treatment zones

Areas affected by Princess drugs:

  • face;
  • neck;
  • décolleté area;
  • hands.

Let's look at the injection techniques and their features:

Spot The drug is administered according to the principle of line formation.

It is performed along a pronounced wrinkle, resulting in the formation of papules with a maximum diameter of 1 mm.

The injection zones are perioral and periorbital.

Papular Injection of intradermal to a depth of up to 2 mm with the needle tilted at 30-40 degrees.

During the procedure, papules are formed. The effect lasts longer due to the low diffusion rate of hyaluronic acid.

Linear Immersion of the syringe into the upper layers of the dermis so that the relief of the instrument is noticeable. The needle enters its entire length, and the drug is pushed out as it is withdrawn.

The puncture is made in the direction of the wrinkle.

Fan It is considered a type of linear technique. The biogel is introduced according to the same principle at the exit of the needle, but the instrument remains in the epithelium, only the angle of inclination changes.

As a result, if you visualize the distribution of the filler in soft tissues, the pattern will resemble a fan.

Often used for lip augmentation

MeshA series of linear injections located at right angles to each other, but in different planes. Used to sculpt facial features and replenish missing volume.


  1. Makeup removal and skin cleansing.
  2. Disinfection with an antiseptic (medicinal alcohol is often used).
  3. Applying an anesthetic cream, if necessary, for greater patient comfort during the procedure. If fillers containing lidocaine are used, this step is skipped.
  4. Opening the package, checking expiration dates and serial numbers from the description in the instructions with the provided quality certificate.
  5. Carrying out injections.
  6. Additional treatment of the dermis with an antiseptic to reduce the risk of infection.
  7. Providing recommendations regarding the recovery period.

To achieve results from injections, you must undergo a course of several procedures, the number of which depends on individual characteristics.

How is the composition used?

The drug is used to carry out a standard procedure for biorevitalization of the face, as well as hands and neck. Initially, you should visit a cosmetologist for a consultation. Try to pay maximum attention to the choice of a specialist, because the final result largely depends on his skills and experience. In addition, the cosmetologist must have a certificate of completion of appropriate training allowing him to perform injection procedures.

During the examination, the specialist will determine whether you really need biorevitalization. No special preparation is required for the patient before using Princess Rich filler. It will be enough to stop using aspirin and try to refrain from visiting the solarium, peeling, etc.

The drug is injected into the upper layers of the epidermis. Thanks to its viscous, plastic structure, it spreads easily and allows you to achieve the most uniform result. The effect of using the composition can be noticeable already in the first hours after the injection, but its maximum effect will be revealed after a week. There is no need for a long rehabilitation period. However, you should take into account that any injections traumatize the skin and may cause temporary complications.

The maximum result after the procedure is visible within a week

Precautionary measures

Side effects

If we compare biorevitalization and contouring with dermal fillers with plastic surgery, the occurrence of side effects is characterized by a low probability of their occurrence. However, during the unprofessional work of an inexperienced specialist or in case of omission of any contraindication, there is a risk of an undesirable result.

In the first few days, slight swelling and hematomas at the injection site are quite acceptable. Symptoms of this kind go away on their own without additional therapy. But there are also more serious complications, such as:

  • keloid scars;
  • soft tissue necrosis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • asymmetry of contours;
  • seals in the affected area;
  • uneven relief;
  • soreness;
  • itching and burning;
  • papules.

The side effect can be reduced by injecting hyaluronidase into the unsuccessfully corrected area. This substance activates and accelerates the process of biodegradation of the main component.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Hyalronizadza is an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid into component molecules that no longer have the properties of the whole chain. After contact of the enzyme with hyaluronic acid, regardless of its origin (natural or artificial synthesis), the pharmacological effect completely disappears, and with it the side effects.

If excessive pigmentation occurs, antihistamine therapy is prescribed.


List of restrictions:

  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • allergic predisposition;
  • individual intolerance to the component composition;
  • tendency to keloid scars;
  • chronic pathologies in the acute stage;
  • oncology;
  • low blood clotting rates;
  • diabetes;
  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • viral diseases;
  • general malaise;
  • HIV;
  • herpes;
  • inflammatory processes in the intended area of ​​influence;
  • epilepsy;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system.

What can PRINCESS Rich biorevitalization lead to?

The drug is a safe product, but in some cases it can provoke a number of negative reactions in the body. Side effects usually include:

  • bruises, hemorrhages, marks at the injection site;
  • local swelling;
  • infection accompanied by redness and itching;
  • allergic rash;
  • lack of results or uneven distribution of the product, hence the lumpy skin.

As a rule, any manifestations disappear on their own within 3-6 days, but if there is even the slightest doubt, it is better to visit your cosmetologist for consultation and, if necessary, treatment. To minimize possible risks of complications, it is recommended:

  • Use cosmetic skin care products prescribed to you by a specialist (as a rule, the drug may contain antiseptic components and prevent the development of infection).
  • Avoid using decorative cosmetics at least for the first few days after the procedure. (Biorevitalization makes facial skin even more delicate; you need to provide it with the most delicate care and not clog the pores).
  • Reduce physical activity and exposure to high temperatures on the treated area to the maximum. You should not rush to visit the fitness room, solarium, sauna, or even an ordinary swimming pool.
  • For the first week, do not drink large amounts of liquid at night, as you will provoke additional swelling.

After the procedure, you should not drink a lot of water at night.

Comparison with analogues

Princess fillers are unique dermal fillers for rejuvenation. It is worth noting the long period of preservation of the effect (up to a year). The first changes appear just a few hours after the session.

Characteristics of the most popular biogels of other brands:

  1. Aquashine is a youth serum with which you can remove a noticeable network of wrinkles in the face, restore elasticity and a healthy tone of the skin. However, this drug is used extremely rarely for lip augmentation. In addition to hyaluronic acid, the filler contains peptides, coenzymes and minerals.
  2. Juvederm contains hyaluronate, mannitol and lidocaine. However, this product has a higher price, unlike Princesses.

Contraindications for injections

Unfortunately, this drug is not suitable for everyone. You can also find negative reviews on the Internet, the reason for which is the presence of complications after injections. In most cases, side effects occur when precautions are not followed and contraindications are ignored. The last limiting factors include: pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding, the presence of severe or exacerbated chronic diseases, individual intolerance to the components included in the drug.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Cosmetologists note the high efficiency of Princess fillers and their quite affordable price, which makes them extremely popular in cosmetology.

The specialist especially distinguishes Princesses Rich from the rest of the collection and notes the results that are achieved during injections:

Indications for using the corrector and the results of its action

Biorevitalization with the drug Princess Rich will help eliminate the first signs of aging and fatigue. The filler intensively moisturizes the skin, improves its tone, and helps to model a more toned facial contour. Among other things, performing an injection in compliance with the appropriate technology allows you to:

  • give the skin a healthy color and radiance;
  • eliminate minor external defects (for example, sagging or small acne scars);
  • reduce deep folds and eliminate small expression wrinkles, ensure the prevention of their further appearance.

Reviews from cosmetologists and patients confirm the effectiveness of the product.

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