Injections with Relatox



Duration of the procedure:

15-30 min.

Number of procedures:



350 rub. for a unit

Recovery period: no

Drug: Relatox

Relatox is the first Russian analogue of Dysport and Botox, which has already proven itself in the cosmetology market and is effectively used in Botulinum therapy.

The effect of the drug is that after injection into the problem area, it blocks muscle impulse. As a result, the muscle relaxes, the skin texture is evened out and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Information about Relatox

Relatox appeared on the market relatively recently, but due to its effectiveness, ease of use and minimal recovery period, it quickly gained popularity.
Also, since it is manufactured by a Russian pharmacological company, it costs customers much less than foreign analogues. The production process involves the highest quality raw materials, as well as modern equipment and technologies. The effectiveness and safety of Relatox has been proven by numerous clinical trials. Before the procedure, mandatory primary diagnostics are performed to eliminate risks.

This drug is used by specialists:

  • Abramov Vladislav Gennadievich
  • Avetisova Ksenia Nikolaevna
  • Alexandrovich Ekaterina Olegovna
  • Antipenko Elena Albertovna
  • Artamonova Olga Grigorievna
  • Asmolovskaya Anastasia Viktorovna
  • Balueva Tatyana Vladimirovna
  • Baranova Ksenia Vladimirovna
  • Belan Lyudmila Petrovna
  • Bocharov Vladimir Anatolievich
  • Bychkova Natalya Yurievna
  • Varukha Lyudmila Ivanovna
  • Glozman Oksana Mikhailovna
  • Gontar Alena Alekseevna
  • Gorodilova Anna Mikhailovna
  • Gribanov Ivan Ivanovich
  • Grinko Olga Mikhailovna
  • Gubaidullina Regina Faatovna
  • Gusev Vadim Venalievich
  • Degterev Daniil Alexandrovich
  • Zinnurova Liliya Alfirovna
  • Ibatullin Robert Alberovich
  • Isaeva Tatyana Viktorovna
  • Korenko Alexey Nikolaevich
  • Krasavina Diana Alexandrovna
  • Kryukovskaya Olga Sergeevna
  • Kuznetsova Tatyana Vladimirovna
  • Kulova Zhanna Borisovna
  • Kulkova Tatyana Alexandrovna
  • Kuramshina Elena Rifkhatovna
  • Kusin Pavel Olegovich
  • Lizunov Petr Gennadievich
  • Lomachinskaya Irina Pavlovna
  • Matveeva Irina Vladislavovna
  • Mashkina Anastasia Sergeevna
  • Milokostova Yulia Andreevna
  • Minaeva Elena Yurievna
  • Mingazova Leniza Rifkatovna
  • Miroshnichenko Oksana Vladimirovna
  • Mishchenko Vera Sergeevna
  • Morozov Igor Igorevich
  • Moroshek Ekaterina Alexandrovna
  • Mugutdinova Bahu Tazhutdinovna
  • Nabieva Asiyat Magomedovna
  • Narolskaya Svetlana Borisovna
  • Novikov Andrey Gennadievich
  • Orlova Olga Ratmirovna
  • Pavlyuk Maria Olegovna
  • Parsagashvili Elena Zakharovna
  • Pervuninskaya Marina Alexandrovna
  • Pokhabov Dmitry Vladimirovich
  • Putsyna Natalya Nikolaevna
  • Ryazantseva Anastasia Alexandrovna
  • Sadchikova Elena Alexandrovna
  • Salamova Tamara Ovtaevna
  • Semenyuk Anna Dmitrievna
  • Sichinava Dzhambul Kononovich
  • Slivko Mikhail Pavlovich
  • Smirnova Natalya Valerievna
  • Soboleva Anna Nikolaevna
  • Sobol Daria Yurievna
  • Stepanova Yulia Sergeevna
  • Tishaninova Victoria Viktorovna
  • Trashin Alexander Vadimovich
  • Fedyushina Elena Yurievna
  • Feigina Anna Alexandrovna
  • Khrulev Sergey Evgenievich
  • Chechenov Alim Muaedovich
  • Shikhkerimov Rafiz Kairovich
  • Yakovleva Polina Nikolaevna
  • Yakupov Marat Abdullovich
  • Yaremenko Andrey Ilyich


The production of the drug Relatox is carried out by , which is part of the joint-stock company NPO Microgen. The production organization is based in the city of Ufa.

During production, NPO Microgen JSC uses:

  1. Substance Clostridium botulinum 501 serotype A. During technological processing, botulinum toxin and gelatin are isolated from it. This is a proven strain that is also used by large European organizations as a stabilizer.
  2. Modern manufacturing technologies. Cleaning is carried out in three stages, and the process itself is patented by NPO Microgen JSC. This guarantees not only the effectiveness of using the drug, but also its absolute safety and harmlessness to the body.


The drug is dissolved by introducing 0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection into the bottle. The volume of injected solvent depends on the area of ​​correction and the desired degree of diffusion of the drug. Typically, to correct facial wrinkles, it is recommended to use dilutions of 1 to 2.5 ml per 100 IU of toxin.

Relatox® dilution table,

obtained by introducing different amounts of solvent:

Volume of solvent added (ml) Dose received (IU per 0.1 ml)
Bottle 100 units Bottle 50 units
0,5 10
1 10 5
2 5 2,5
2,5 4 2
4 2,5 1,25
8 1,25

The difference between Relatox and analogues

Experts identify 2 key differences from American or European counterparts:

  1. Compound. The composition contains not only botulinum toxin, so calling the drug “Botex” is incorrect. Gelatin and maltose are also present, which are responsible for a more favorable “perception” of the new active substance by the body. But there is no human plasma, so allergies and redness are excluded. Most European and American analogues contain plasma, so they can cause an ambiguous reaction or lead to a long recovery.
  2. Price. The product is produced in Russia, it does not need to be delivered from abroad, undergo inspection and customs clearance. Therefore, the manufacturer can set the most competitive prices on the market.

Injections with Relatox

How to understand whether a gynecologist is competent? What SHOULD NOT be treated? What complaints and diseases come with most often? Should you tell your gynecologist about orgasms? Is painful menstruation normal?

We talked about all this with a sensitive doctor, a charming woman and an amazing specialist with deep views on medicine - Zarema Kylychevna Khasbulatova.

Zarema Kylychevna, tell us how your path in medicine began?

Interesting question. I often think about this myself and cannot answer. I believe this is an attitude I got from my mother from childhood. I already knew from elementary school that I would become a doctor and there was no doubt about it. It seems to me that everything just went as it should. But honestly, I didn’t get into medical school the first time. Because I didn’t take my preparation seriously. A year later, I became a student at the First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov”, but she graduated with honors.

I didn’t think of becoming a gynecologist; of course, I dreamed of being a surgeon. Like all medical students, we probably all go there to become great surgeons (laughs). And having gone through a thorny path, specialization itself determines us. Gynecology came thanks to teachers. I had a wonderful teacher, Maya Abdulaevna, an old and strong woman, who spoke about obstetrics with such beauty and fantastic love, so charged us with this adrenaline of obstetrics that ambitious students had no doubts.

I was originally an obstetrician, concentrating on obstetrics and surgery. Even now I am a fan of childbirth, of my pregnant girls whom I lead. It's a real drive to walk this path with my patient.

What do you value in your calling?

What I value, what I value... I found myself in this calling, it’s 100% mine, it’s hard for me to say so. I love my job and I truly love my patients. I worry with them and, unfortunately, bring all the emotions home. It’s wrong that I don’t know how to limit myself from work. This is my life and that's it.

How did you go about becoming a mother? Have your views changed?

My beloved daughter is already 9 years old. When my residency began, my daughter was 10 months old. I went through this even before starting medical practice and was in the same state as pregnant girls come to me now. It was complete ignorance of what was happening to me, in great confusion. I started to know later.

Is raising a mother-gynecologist different from a mother from another field of work? Would you put a child in a puddle or on the beach in panties?

I think it's no different. But perhaps any child from a medical family is distinguished by the fact that he is like a child of a regiment. These children are often deprived of the attention of their parents and often spend time in hospitals and hospitals with their parents. I don't have any points. I would put her in a puddle or on the beach, this has always been the case. And the issue of hygiene, due to ethnicity and religious views, is in no way different from the principles of hygiene that I was taught professionally. If my daughter gets into a puddle, I will support her, let her explore.

Do you have any principles in your work?

I think there are two main ones: the principle of evidence-based medicine and the principle of working according to conscience.

There may be a certain threat in private medicine: it is important not to cross the line between when you are really helping a person and when you are trying to earn money from an appointment. Due to my upbringing and foundations, I do not cross this line. It helps me.

At your appointments do you ask about orgasms? How do they react?

Many are confused. Some are happy that it turns out they can talk about this and share problems. Many women don’t even think about the true source of the problem; it never even occurred to them that it’s not them, but their husbands/partners. Many people, after 10-20 years of marriage, don’t even think about talking to their husband about these topics. There are savvy patients who understand the importance of female orgasm, but they don’t know how to achieve this or why it doesn’t work. Most problems in the intimate sphere can actually be solved simply by talking with the patient.

“If a patient does not feel better after talking with a doctor, then he is not a doctor.”

Vladimir Bekhterev.

In order to live a full intimate life and experience it in all its colors, one woman needs to send her husband to a urologist, another woman just needs to talk to her partner. There are reasons in physiology. Many people simply need a conversation between the doctor and the patient, which solves part of the problem.

Do you conduct conversations differently with different women?

Yes, definitely. Representatives of completely different psychotypes come to me, and from the very first word “Hello!” and the manner of opening the door of my office, I understand the tactics of the upcoming conversation. Powerful women, for example, cannot be given any slack. They often come with a complaint, especially if she has already gone through a long, thorny path of treatment. But I realize that a person comes for help, even if he is afraid to accept it, denies help, or does not even realize that he needs it. But for some reason he came, and I am obliged to help.

What problems do people most often come to you with?

Probably the most common scenario is the presence of infectious inflammatory processes. Girls often come with the desire to get pregnant, but they fail due to untreated infections, or the woman is not at all aware of their presence. Unfortunately, for example, chlamydia, even if treated, can lead to difficulties with conception, so it must be treated immediately, without delay.

But on the other hand, there are poor girls who were treated for something that did not need to be treated at all and their health was ruined.

Can you give examples of what diagnoses should not be treated and how to determine the competence of a doctor?

Firstly, girls often come to me with healed ureaplasma. The usual scenario: during a professional examination, a woman was diagnosed with ureaplasma, which did not bother her anywhere. I turned to one gynecologist - she was prescribed a full list of prescriptions with 2 antibiotics at the same time, immunomodulators and other endless list of medications. Which will simply disrupt her body and give her much more problems. I think this is a problem.

No need to treat tests! Complaints need to be treated.

But be careful here. There are pathogenic infections that need to be treated, even if there are no complaints. These are chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas and genital mycoplasma.

But more often it happens that a woman undergoes routine tests, nothing worries her, the pH of the vagina is wonderful. And then they find Gardonella with ureaplasma. And it begins. And the woman becomes really sick. Recently a girl came to me, tired to the point of madness from the endless treatment of the discovered gardanarella. So this girl eventually lost her menstruation and, against the background of aggressive treatment for an infection that did not need to be treated, began to suffer from numerous inflammatory processes. According to her, she underwent powerful courses of antibiotic therapy 5 times because the gardanarella did not go away. And they tore off the whole body. It took a long and difficult time to restore. Let this gardanarella live happily, this is her “home”, she would not influence anything in any way, requiring only control. She still never left.

Another example is when functional cysts are treated with hormonal contraceptives. When the first ultrasound revealed a functional cyst and with the next menstruation it can resolve on its own. Instead, hormones are prescribed.

If, during the test, another random finding is discovered - candida, then we also leave the woman alone in 90% of cases, if nothing bothers her, does not hurt or itch. But! If it causes discomfort, that’s a separate conversation. This is individual in each specific case.

Another important point.

Contraceptives are prescribed for contraception.

I understand that this is obvious, but often contraceptives are prescribed for everything. We must understand that OK is a long-acting tablet. The same thing, if a therapist prescribes medicine for blood pressure, he will do an ultrasound and tests. Before choosing OK, we look at the condition of the woman’s leg veins, the health of her breasts, the condition of her kidneys, and the thickness of her blood. Girls, contraceptives do not cure painful menstruation. They simply turn off the ovaries.

Is painful menstruation normal?

First, you need to understand the level of pain. It is very rare that a woman does not experience PMS. Our hormones are on fire. Of course, the woman feels a certain pain. But there are red flags. What to pay attention to:

  1. Level of pain. Can a woman not take the pill and experience discomfort, or is she incapacitated without the pill? Is this the peak state when she feels nauseous or even loses consciousness, or is it a slight discomfort and nervousness.
  2. Blood volume, presence of clots. There is a misconception that the more the better, like the ovaries work well. But that's not true.

Painful menstruation can signal hyperplastic processes, dysplasia, endometriosis or polyps.

It is better to resolve this issue together with your doctor.

Let's summarize: what is a happy woman like?

Mmmm... Happy woman? A picture pops up in my mind: a mother of 3 children (no less) and next to her is a strong support, a strong man’s shoulder. This is a woman’s natural physiological purpose and the guarantee of her health. Of course, to have support. Why mother of 3 children? From a medical point of view, this is a woman who has regular sex life, a permanent partner, and has lactated three times (lactation is the prevention of breast cancer). She minimized her menstruation during her pregnancies and lactation. I always say that our body is primitive, the female body is created to give birth and feed. Forgive me feminists. Our grandmothers gave birth to 10-15 children, and the issue of uterine fibroids did not exist; they menstruated 40 times in their entire lives. Old obstetricians say:

«The uterus is crying tears of blood for a failed pregnancy.”

Imagine. The uterus has worked, created ovulation, released an egg, grown the endometrium, is waiting for its sperm - but there is no pregnancy. It’s like we worked, worked, worked - but they didn’t give us a salary. What a disappointment! Do we want to work? Let's start getting sick! And so does the uterus.

Therefore, here is my ideal image of a happy woman. Girls, I wish you all to achieve YOUR ideal image of a happy woman. Everyone can have their own.


Relatox contains:

  1. Botulinum toxin. It relaxes the muscles so that the skin can smooth out.
  2. Gelatin. Thanks to this component, protective compounds are formed that prevent negative external influences. It also promotes an accelerated process of cell renewal.
  3. Maltose. This is a humidifier. But its effect is not temporary, since it also has moisture-retaining properties. Therefore, the skin retains its healthy appearance and shine longer.


  • Contour plastic
  • Mesotherapy
  • Biorevitalization
  • Collagen therapy
  • Botox
  • Plasmolifting
  • SPRS therapy
  • Laennec
  • Curacen
  • Botox
  • Dysport
  • Relatox
  • Xeomin
  • Prices

Relatox is a drug based on botulinum toxin type A (abbr. BTA), developed by the Russian company. Available in the form of a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular injection in a dosage of 50 and 100 units. A distinctive feature from other muscle relaxants is repeated purification within the framework of chromatography, thanks to which it is possible to eliminate over 90% of contaminants and minimize the number of denatured toxin molecules.


In aesthetic medicine, Relatox is used to correct facial wrinkles:

  • between the eyebrows;
  • on the forehead;
  • in the corners of the eyes (“crow’s feet”).

It has also proven itself in the treatment of blepharospasm, cervical dystonia and some other neuromuscular disorders.


Service codeState guarantee Name of procedureCost, rub.
A11.01.003NoWrinkle correction, 1 unit290
A11.01.003NoTreatment of hyperhidrosis (more than 100 units), 1 unit250

More details

Mechanism of action

Relatox injections cause persistent chemodenervation by blocking the release of acetylcholine from presynaptic neurons. The consequence of this is complete relaxation of the muscles in the area of ​​toxin injection - the skin is smoothed, wrinkles are reduced, gradually disappearing. The points and the number of units of the drug administered into them are calculated individually, depending on the severity of hyperkinetic folds. It usually takes 4 to 6 months to restore muscle contractions, after which it is necessary to repeat the botulinum therapy procedure.

Photos "before" and "after"

Side effects

If the injection technique is followed, complications are extremely rare. At first, the injection area may experience soreness, redness and irritation of the skin.


  • minor age;
  • local inflammatory reactions;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

At least 3 months must pass before botulinum therapy carried out after surgery.


We accept patients with a history of dermatopathologies! A competent approach that excludes the development of complications involves preliminary treatment by our dermatologist. After which you can move on to botulinum toxin injections! More details

Possible complications

If a competent specialist works with the patient, complications are excluded. But there are side effects such as:

  1. Muscle weakness.
  2. Vision problems.
  3. Dizziness.
  4. Skin irritation.
  5. Temperature increase.

These are standard effects that are short-term, and after a few hours (maximum) they disappear. This is the body's standard reaction to the drug. As a rule, the doctor informs the patient about such manifestations before the procedure so that there is no concern when they appear.

Important: Relatox should be administered by a specialist who has undergone appropriate training and received a certificate. Also, the procedure is carried out exclusively in sterile clinical conditions in compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

Benefits of botulinum therapy Relatox:

  • the technique is absolutely safe. The drug does not enter the bloodstream and has no effect on the body. And the technique itself has been carried out in the world for many years, which has proven itself among doctors and patients.
  • the procedure does not require a recovery period.
  • The procedure itself goes quite quickly, within 15-30 minutes.
  • The result after the procedure is observed in the coming days, and after 14 days it becomes most noticeable.
  • Before the procedure, local anesthesia can be applied, which makes the procedure comfortable and painless.
  • With the help of Relatox botulinum therapy, you can prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, smooth out existing ones, and also solve the issue of increased sweating.
  • the effect of the procedure lasts from six months to a year (depending on the individual characteristics of the patient).

Indications and contraindications for the procedure:

Relatox injections may be recommended for the following problems:

  • wrinkles around the eyes (“crow’s feet”);
  • horizontal wrinkles on the forehead;
  • wrinkles between the eyebrows;
  • “bunny” wrinkles near the bridge of the nose;
  • “purse-string” wrinkles on the lips;
  • hyperhidrosis of the feet, armpits, palms, etc.

1 Relatox injections in MedicCity: smoothing wrinkles around the eyes

2 Relatox injections in MedicCity: smoothing wrinkles between the eyebrows

Like other botulinum toxin preparations, Relatox has contraindications:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • elevated temperature;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • chronic diseases in the acute phase;
  • skin damage in areas of intended exposure;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age up to 18 years, etc.

Are you interested in injection rejuvenation and, in particular, procedures with Relatox in Moscow? We invite you to “MedicCity”! We have wonderful doctors who use only the best techniques and safe drugs!

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