Breast augmentation and correction of their shape using implants

Breast size is of great importance for women, and it is no coincidence that this option of plastic surgery is the most popular. The specialists of the Arnovel clinic are ready to select the appropriate size, taking into account your physiological characteristics and wishes. A harmonious silhouette and external aesthetics are guaranteed!

Mammoplasty through the areola is a special technique that allows you to install anatomical implants that have a large volume. The peculiarity of this surgical operation is that the breast tissue is not damaged, and the suture after the incision runs along the edge of the areola, which is completely invisible from the outside.

This method of breast enlargement is gentle and low-traumatic. The size of the incision located along the lower edge does not exceed four centimeters. It should be noted that the choice of location is not random. The tissues that make up the areolas are as close as possible to the tissues of the human body that recover the fastest - the mucous membranes. So the scar after the operation almost completely disappears one and a half months after the intervention.

Key Benefits of Areola Surgery

The positive aspects of this mammoplasty technique are as follows:

  • The duration of the operation does not exceed an hour, so general anesthesia is much easier to tolerate;
  • the breast skin will not be damaged by scars;
  • the nipple remains as sensitive as before the intervention;
  • The breast tissue is not affected during the operation, so the woman can subsequently breastfeed the baby;
  • The rehabilitation period is not too long; the patient can soon return to a standard daily routine and normal lifestyle.

Cheap doesn't mean good

The Internet is full of advertisements for inexpensive breast surgery. Of course, there are miracles in life, but very rarely. Before signing the contract, you must ensure the qualifications of the surgeon. Pay attention to examples of his work, evaluate his portfolio, and don’t hesitate to ask for educational documents. It is also worth asking about the brand of implants that the doctor plans to install. It happens that a manufacturer sells new models at bargain prices only because the products have not yet had time to go through special clinical trials. In this case, patients who receive such implants, without realizing it, are unwitting participants in the experiment. And no one can predict the results of this experiment.

Indications for surgery

There are a number of indications that indicate that it is worth choosing this method of breast augmentation:

  • the patient wants to get a large breast volume;
  • after pregnancy or sudden weight loss, the breasts sag and lose tone;
  • the shape and size of the breasts are asymmetrical and harmony needs to be restored;
  • tubularity;
  • areola of large diameter;
  • presence of first or second degree ptosis;
  • implants installed in the past.

This type of surgery is suitable for women of all ages, including nulliparous girls who plan to breastfeed in the future. The operation does not disrupt any functions of the mammary glands!

IDEAL BREAST technique


IDEAL BREAST is a breast that is ideal in all aesthetic and physiological parameters.
Svetlana Pshonkina’s original technique allows you to achieve harmonious natural results without traces of surgery and long-term rehabilitation. Over more than 20 years of work as a surgeon, he has accumulated extensive experience, which formed the basis of a new concept that has no analogues in Russia. A wide range of plastic surgeries on the breast is combined under the term mammoplasty, which includes breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, breast lipofilling and a number of other minor surgical interventions. All these operations are aimed at harmonizing the creation of a natural breast shape and changing its volume, increasing or decreasing.


Svetlana Pshonkina has been performing breast augmentation surgeries for over 20 years. Over the years of work in this direction, enormous experience has been accumulated, which has allowed us to develop our own breast enlargement program, now known as IDEAL BREAST. This included the best techniques and operating principles. IDEAL BREAST allows you to achieve harmony of shapes and at the same time maintain the health of the mammary glands. Another important aspect of the author’s program is the aesthetics of scars. Svetlana Pshonkina pays special attention to this. After breast augmentation, 3-4 months after surgery, there is practically no trace left in the incision area.

The main principle of the IDEAL BREAST program is to create natural breasts without traces of surgery and preserve the health of the mammary glands so that women can breastfeed their children in the future.

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Selection of implants

Specialists at the Arnovel clinic choose implants based on the individual characteristics of the patient and her wishes. Various approaches are used for this:

  • sizer - a special overlay prosthesis that allows you to imagine the size of the breast after surgery;
  • three-dimensional modeling - programming that allows you to determine the desired shape and contours.

Computer technology will help evaluate the appearance after surgery and choose the most suitable and attractive option.

During the consultation, the specialist takes photographs of the breast and also measures the parameters of the chest. Implants are prepared in accordance with the data obtained. Various factors are taken into account:

  • thickness of the pectoralis major muscle;
  • presence and degree of ptosis;
  • breast volumes;
  • asymmetry of the existing shape, etc.

The selected implant fully complies with the parameters and allows you to create the most natural appearance of the breast.

Drop-shaped - anatomically shaped implants - allow you to achieve optimal breast contours, both in horizontal and vertical positions. At the same time, the edges of the implant do not protrude at all, remaining completely invisible. Our experts recommend this form of implants to girls who initially have small breasts.

Round implants are used when there is a sufficient amount of glandular tissue; they are located under the mammary gland, giving the breasts roundness and fullness.

Endoscopic breast augmentation

Beautiful large breasts are an integral part of female beauty. At all times, people have appreciated the owners of a magnificent bust, considering them the standard. Nothing has changed today. Large breasts still cause admiration among men and envy among women.

But nature has not endowed everyone with luxurious forms. What should those who have nothing to boast about do? Living with complexes and buying bras that visually enlarge your breasts? No, everything is much simpler. Today's plastic surgery offers such patients mammoplasty.

Doctors have long and successfully practiced breast augmentation in various ways. One of the modern methods today is the endoscopic method of mammary gland augmentation. We will try to find out what this is in this article.


Surgeons have always strived to accomplish two important tasks: reducing the traumatism of surgery and getting rid of postoperative scars.
This is extremely important for aesthetic medicine. Unlike life-saving surgeries, plastic surgery is aimed at improving the patient's appearance. Even when it comes to reconstructive plastic surgery, it is important for a specialist to achieve a beautiful result. Women enlarge their breasts not to hide them from others, but, on the contrary, they want to show off their beauty. In your personal life, a new bust is far from the last place, so no one wants the scars after plastic surgery to be visible. Recovery after plastic surgery should also be smooth and painless.

All these problems can be solved using endoscopic techniques, the use of which can reduce the traumatism of surgical intervention and perform the operation through small incisions in invisible places.

Unique author's breast correction program IDEAL BREAST


As we have already found out, in breast correction it is extremely important to avoid visible post-operative marks.
Endoscopic breast augmentation involves the presence of a small incision in the armpit, where at first, while it heals, no one will be able to detect it. In the future, the scar will disappear almost completely, leaving a barely noticeable mark. Another important achievement of the endoscopic method in mammoplasty is safety. During the operation, the surgeon does not touch the tissue of the breast itself. All manipulations are carried out at a distance. This is very important for young patients who are about to start lactation.


Endoscopic breast augmentation 280 000*


The essence of endoscopic techniques, both in mammoplasty and in other operations, is the use of special endoscopic equipment.
The optical device is equipped with a microcamera, is inserted into the surgical area through small punctures and transmits an image of the surgical field to the monitor. Thanks to multiple magnification, the surgeon can clearly see all the smallest vessels and tissues in the operation area, which allows them not to be damaged and thereby reduce the traumatism of the operation. Therefore, the tissues are minimally injured during the operation, and the recovery period takes little time. The incisions can be hidden in the armpit, that is, at a distance from the directly operated area, thanks to the use of special long surgical instruments. This is only feasible with an endoscopic approach, which gives the method another advantage. According to experts, endoscopy will replace all traditional surgical techniques in the future.


Today, this method cannot be used in all cases of mammary gland enlargement.
Endoscopic breast augmentation is indicated for patients with small breasts without pronounced ptosis or asymmetry. Women whose mammary glands have lost their shape as a result of any injury or lactation can also count on it. However, it will not be possible to install implants endoscopically if there is obvious asymmetry or ptosis, low tissue elasticity or tubular breasts. It should also be understood that it is impossible to install implants that are too large through the axillary approach. The incisions that can be made in this area without health consequences do not exceed a few centimeters. It is simply impossible to install large prostheses through such access. But enlarging small breasts by a size and a half is quite possible.


The recovery period, compared to other methods of breast augmentation, is noticeably faster and smoother.
Small incisions heal very quickly. After a couple of weeks, mild swelling and hematomas disappear, and the breasts gradually acquire the desired shape. However, the final result will be visible several months after the operation. The scars will almost completely disappear in six months. But don't worry, their location and short length will make them invisible. Otherwise, there are no significant restrictions during the rehabilitation period. Thus, endoscopic breast augmentation is the most modern method today. If there are no contraindications, you can achieve brilliant results quickly, painlessly and without traces of surgical intervention.

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You can send them by email or use the questions and answers section. An extended consultation can only be obtained during a personal examination, since it is this meeting format that allows you to accurately assess the nature of the problems and select the most optimal options for solving the problem. Write, call, come! I will be glad to meet you! To the questions section

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Throughout life, a woman's breasts change their size and shape, and can also droop, i.e. undergo ptosis.
Ptosis can form as a result of a number of factors, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, age-related breast sagging, hormonal changes, sudden weight loss, etc. This problem can be solved with mastopexy breast lift surgery. There are three degrees of breast drooping depending on the length of the nipple drooping relative to the inframammary fold and the distance from the sternal notch to the nipple.


Grade 1
Nipple on the line of the inframammary fold or 1 cm below it

2nd degree

The nipple is 1-3 cm away from the inframammary fold line

3rd degree

The nipple is 3 cm or more away from the line of the inframammary fold

The method and type of surgery is determined by the plastic surgeon before surgery, based on the degree of ptosis. For example, if a patient has grade I ptosis or pseudoptosis (the nipple is located above the submammary fold, but the gland itself is lower), then the problem can be solved with the help of a circular lift. In this case, the incision will be made around the circumference of the areola. If, with grade I ptosis, the patient also wants to increase breast size, then it is possible to eliminate the ptosis by installing anatomically shaped breast implants, without resorting to mastopexy. If the patient has II or III degree of ptosis, then there is a need for vertical mastopexy, that is, the suture during such an operation is located around the areola and vertically to the inframammary fold. Elimination of pronounced ptosis is performed using an anchor lift, an incision in the form of an inverted letter T. In case of pronounced ptosis of the breast, ptosis of the II-III degree and small breast volume, it is possible to perform a vertical or T-shaped breast lift with the simultaneous installation of implants, this operation is called endoprosthetics of the mammary glands with mastopexy. Recently, breast lifts are carried out using threads, the mammary glands are caught and suspended on the collarbone. The indications for such an operation are narrow; the appropriateness of using thread techniques is decided by the operating surgeon after an in-person examination of the patient.

The duration of the operation is 2-3 hours, after the operation the patient is left in the clinic for a day. The sutures are removed at 10-14 days. The rehabilitation period involves wearing compression garments and excluding any physical activity, as well as thermal procedures (bath, sauna, solarium). The final result of the operation can be assessed after 3-4 months.


Breast lift (mastopexy)

Breast lift (mastopexy)


  • Pshonkina Svetlana Yurievna
  • Ryabtsev Dmitry Andreevich


Breast lift (circular) 139 000*
Breast lift (vertical) 260 000*
Breast lift (T-shaped) 290 000*

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The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts from 2 to 4 hours.
At this time, the plastic surgeon removes excess skin that has formed as a result of stretching, the fat layer, if any, and then lifts the breast tissue, fixing it in the desired position. At the same time, the nipple-areolar complex rises. Today, there are several types of breast lift: areolar, vertical and T-shaped. The correction method is determined based on the patient’s specific problem and the degree of ptosis. After all, some cases require serious surgical intervention, and therefore large incisions. For some, it is enough to slightly adjust the breasts through a small incision around the areola.


Thus, the areolar approach is used in case of minor correction.
This type of lift involves two types of incisions around the areola in the shape of a crescent and a periareolar one along the outer edge of the nipple. This operation is less traumatic for the patient, since the tissue is damaged to a minimal extent. But, experts remind, this method is only available to women with mild ptosis. Vertical mastopexy is suitable for patients with moderate ptosis. It involves making incisions around the nipple, turning into an incision perpendicular to the inframammary fold. This allows you to lift the breast tissue as efficiently as possible. After such correction, a noticeable vertical scar remains. T-shaped mastopexy is applicable in cases of severe ptosis.

During the operation, the surgeon makes anchor-shaped incisions around the areola, vertically down and under the breast. This type of lift is considered the most difficult in plastic surgery. it requires high skill and experience from the surgeon. This type of lift allows you to eliminate the most severe ptosis. After a T-shape lift, long seams remain, which become almost invisible within a year.


Like any plastic surgery, breast lift is contraindicated for patients who suffer from cancer, cardiovascular and infectious diseases, injuries to internal organs, pregnant and lactating women, and diabetes mellitus.
It is also important to mention that some types of mastopeky are not recommended for patients who are planning a pregnancy in the next year. This is due to the need to give the body the opportunity to strengthen and recover.


As a rule, there are no serious complications.
The only possible symptoms are pain in the first days after surgery, bruising and swelling that disappear within a few weeks, redness and temporary loss of sensitivity. All these problems disappear on their own. Long-term unpleasant consequences include the formation of unsightly scars, long-term loss of sensitivity, asymmetry of the mammary glands and recurrent ptosis. But these, according to experts, are isolated cases. Such problems can be solved during re-correction. In other cases, the rehabilitation period is quite gentle and takes no more than two weeks. Of course, the final results are visible after the swelling disappears, after a few months, but in general, patients return to their usual lifestyle within 10-14 days.


Breast lift 292 100*

* Prices indicated for the first category of complexity of operations, the cost of the second category of complexity increases by 15%, the third category of complexity - by 30%. The final category of complexity is determined by the doctor during consultation.

Preparation period

All patients first undergo a consultation, during which the doctor analyzes the condition of the breast and the individual characteristics of the patient. Based on the data obtained, a specific breast augmentation option is selected, the nature of the implants, and the course of the operation is calculated.

It is necessary to collect a number of tests and conduct an ultrasound examination of the breast. All this allows you to plan the procedure in an optimal way to achieve the desired result with a minimum of injuries.


First of all, as with any surgical intervention, the presence of colds and exacerbations of chronic ailments is taken into account. You will also need the following results:

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • ultrasound examination of the lower extremities;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • ECG study.

During the preoperative period, a consultation with an anesthesiologist is required. Immediately before surgery, a light dinner is allowed. On the day of surgery, eating is strictly prohibited.

Initial consultation with a plastic surgeon

At the initial consultation, the patient tells the plastic surgeon what exactly she wants to change. Mammoplasty allows you to increase or decrease the size of the breast, improve its shape, eliminate asymmetry and ptosis. The patient also reports what diseases and operations she has undergone, what medications she takes, and whether she has any allergic reactions. Based on primary information and a study of the medical history, the doctor checks whether there are any obvious contraindications to the operation.

Sometimes dissatisfaction with appearance is purely a psychological rather than an aesthetic problem. If the intervention is inappropriate and entails more risks than benefits, then the plastic surgeon will try to convince the patient and explain why the operation is not necessary in her case.

Mammoplasty is not performed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. After completion of lactation, you should wait another 6-12 months. It is not advisable for the date of the operation to coincide with menstruation.

At the initial consultation, the plastic surgeon takes measurements, calculates the volume of the patient’s breasts and selects implants together with her. Then the doctor draws up a step-by-step operation plan, which takes into account even the slightest risks and options for eliminating complications.

For the patient and the doctor, the initial consultation is a search for a compromise between wishes and anatomical data. Do not be upset if the final scenario of the operation is slightly different from the original plan with which you come to the plastic surgeon. After consultation, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive medical examination.

Progress of the operation

Mammoplasty through the areola requires general anesthesia. The entire process does not take more than sixty minutes. First, a neat incision is made, it is located along the lower edge of the areola in the area with altered pigmentation. The total length of the cut will not exceed four centimeters. Next, a special subcutaneous tunnel is created that bypasses the breast tissue and allows you to create a pocket where the implant will be placed.

The implant is placed in the desired location through the same incision. After this, the seam is closed with a special material, which subsequently completely dissolves. Then all that remains is to buy compression garments and wear them during the rehabilitation period.

Size matters

Before surgery, it is necessary to assess your physique as impartially as possible. A fragile little girl with a huge bust looks somewhat disharmonious, doesn’t it? It is better to choose the size of your future breasts together with your surgeon. Already at the first consultation, you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the surgeon’s work and evaluate how this or that shape and different sizes look in life. In the same way, the shape of the implants is selected on an individual basis. In the name of naturalness, many girls prefer drop-shaped implants. They really look natural, but they cannot be recommended to all patients. Some girls look more natural with round implants. The doctor will help you choose implants based on the structure of the skeleton in the chest area, posture and the natural appearance of the bust. Of course, the final agreement takes place only together with the patient - the doctor will never impose his vision.

Rehabilitation after surgery

On the second day after surgery, the patient is discharged from the hospital. After four days, depending on your general well-being, you can return to your daily activities and work. During the first week after mammoplasty, an examination with a surgeon is scheduled once or twice, then examinations will be required every two weeks for the first month. Next, you will only need to visit the surgeon once.

For a week and a half after surgery, you are allowed to sleep exclusively on your back. At first, up to three weeks after mammoplasty, it is advisable to wear a compression cuff.

In the first months, the scars will stand out a little in color, but after a while they will completely disappear. Full aesthetic results are achieved after a month. Rehabilitation is much easier if all the instructions of the attending physician are followed exactly.

How to choose a competent specialist?

There is such a situation that, as soon as you enter the office of a surgeon, you feel some kind of warning ringing inside. No need, your inner voice tells you. No matter what feelings you may have - fear of offending the doctor, embarrassment, fear of losing an audience with even the most stellar doctor - you just need to turn around and leave. The indications for mammoplasty are most often aesthetic factors. For example, dissatisfaction with the shape, size or position of the breasts. Therefore, the surgeon must be chosen with the utmost care. It is important that he is not only a competent professional, but also a person with whom it is pleasant to communicate.

A trusting relationship between doctor and patient is essential for successful discussion of the operation itself and the desired results. It is morally difficult to discuss such issues with a person who is not trustworthy or, worse, unpleasant. When communicating with a doctor, it is fundamentally important to feel as calm and relaxed as possible. This is the key to not only trust, but also the success of the operation itself. Therefore, listen to your inner voice and look for an experienced surgeon with whom you will feel a “common wave”.

Requires time for rehabilitation

You will have to wear special compression garments for a month. Although there is nothing scary about it - the underwear is comfortable and looks attractive. You should also sleep strictly on your back for a week. If you forget and spend the night on your side or stomach, in the morning your bust will not be asymmetrical. For two weeks, it is highly undesirable to raise your arms above the shoulder line to prevent the implants from moving. The imposed restrictions ensure the normal formation of a capsule of connective tissue around the implant, which will help you stop feeling the implant as a foreign body and return to normal life without restrictions.

Active life will undergo changes

The rehabilitation period does not last so long, but during this time the usual comfort and seemingly ordinary actions will become something not quite ordinary. For example, there will be difficulties in performing household chores that require tension in the arms and chest. After undergoing general anesthesia, at first you will feel apathetic and drowsy. You will have to forget about active sports for at least two months. If life is impossible without a gym, try replacing it with a swimming pool or walking. And, of course, for six months you will have to forget about the bathhouse, sauna and other warming procedures. For the sake of beauty you will have to be patient.

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