Evgenia Feofilaktova showed a photo without makeup for the first time

Evgenia Feofilaktova is a former participant in the television project “House - 2”. Currently, the girl has her own business. She sells clothing from popular brands, and also participates in photo shoots, sings, and acts in films.

Arriving in St. Petersburg, she entered the University of Service and Economics. There Evgenia learned the basics of tourism business and hotel service. After receiving her education, the model moved to Odintsovo, where she got a job as an advertising manager.

Evgenia Feofilaktova

Personal life on “House 2”

Before “House-2,” Zhenya dated a man 13 years older than her, and in 2009 she came to the project, liking several participants at once.

Note that the girl on the show was interested in plastic surgery - she made her breasts larger, enlarged her lips and eyebrows.

At first, Evgenia began to build love with Nikita Kuznetsov . The couple lasted only 2 days, and then broke up.

Next, the ex-participant tried to date Alexander Zadoynov and Ilya Gazhienko. They were together with Zadoinov for a long time. Their couple had both romance and scandals, it was interesting to watch them.

After breaking up with Alexander, Zhenya created a couple with Anton Gusev , from whom the star became pregnant after 3 months of relationship. The young people immediately got married.

Evgenia Feofilaktova with her friend Daria Pynzar

Plastic surgery by Evgenia Feofilaktova - before and after photos

Date of Birth: October 18, 1985 Occupation: reality show
  • Photo by Evgenia Feofilaktova before and after operations
  • What happened to Feofilaktova’s figure after giving birth?

The most rated participant in the reality show "Dom-2" Evgenia Feofilaktova is known for her image of a glamorous beauty, in whom everything is brought to perfection: long thick hair, always flawless makeup, an even tan, snow-white teeth and, of course, expressive breasts. Now it’s hard to imagine that the star was once quite an ordinary girl with a pleasant, but rather ordinary appearance.

Looking ahead, we can state that it was Feofilaktova who became the first participant in “House” to undergo plastic surgery literally on live television. It was she who established a kind of fashion for surgery on the project - impressed by her new breasts, other girls followed Zhenya, which soon became a real problem for the organizers.

↑ What plastic surgeries did Evgenia Feofilaktova perform?

The star has so far undergone one full-fledged operation - breast augmentation, as well as injection lip surgery. In addition, she has admitted more than once that she likes to “pamper herself with procedures,” the number of which cannot be counted.

Fans of the TV show have repeatedly noted that Evgenia is an extremely passionate person, which, of course, affected her approach to her own appearance. If it weren’t for the pregnancy, it is very likely that Feofilaktova would again want to “touch up” something with a plastic surgeon.

However, not so long ago (in December 2012), the star safely gave birth to a little son, Daniel. This means that she will soon have to take a whole range of measures to restore her figure, which, as we know, is often not affected by pregnancy in the best way.

↑ Photo of Evgenia Feofilaktova before and after plastic surgery

Once on the project, Zhenya was faced with the need to stand out among the other participants and interest the male population of “House”. And the new breast size of the third (instead of the original first) certainly allowed her to add the necessary brightness to her image: this becomes obvious if you compare photographs of Feofilaktova before and after the operation.

Zhenya before and after breast augmentation:

Plastic surgeon Alexander Mikhailovich Abakumov, who worked with the star, also assessed the result as successful: the implants took root well, no complications arose, and the result was absolutely natural.

Feofilaktova before the operation...:

...and immediately after:

“The operation went completely unnoticed for me. Although, when they brought me to the operating table, I almost cried from anxiety and worry... And then - I already wake up, everything happened as if in a second, although about 40 minutes had passed, Feofilaktova shared her feelings.

“The first three days I was just dying from pain, I couldn’t even get out of bed, but then it became much easier. Three days later I already felt great, the only problem in the next few weeks was the need to sleep only on my back and the very pressing corset. I had to throw away half of my wardrobe; things no longer fit on me. But this only makes me happy! And most importantly, I no longer understand how I could live without this breast before! I don’t encourage or agitate anyone who is thinking about breast enlargement but is afraid, but there’s nothing scary about it.”

True, Feofilaktova’s new breasts alone were not enough - soon after the operation she decided to enlarge her lips, which could not be called thin before. Here Zhenya made a big mistake - instead of modern gels based on hyaluronic acid, which dissolve without a trace in six months or a year, she chose a biogel of the previous generation, which remains under the skin forever.

Evgenia Feofilaktova before and after lip surgery:

Outwardly, the result of the procedure turned out to be quite decent, although not all of her fans liked the new image of the star. But a much more serious problem is that such a gel can shift over time, distorting the shape of the lips and forming unevenness - and if this happens, the girl will have to go under the surgeon’s scalpel again: there is no other way to get rid of the foreign body pumped into the lips.

Photos before and after “everything”:

↑ Evgenia Feofilaktova after childbirth: will there be new operations?

It is no secret that after pregnancy and childbirth, many women notice serious changes in their once flawless body: stretch marks appear, the skin on the abdomen sags, and excess fat forms in the most unexpected places.

And, although Zhenya has already managed to demonstrate her toned figure at a “postpartum” photo shoot, few people know that behind this impeccability there is already a lot of work by cosmetologists. Since very little time has passed, any serious hardware procedures, not to mention plastic surgery, are contraindicated for Feofilaktova and the girl limited herself to a course of “tightening” LPG massage in combination with light anti-stress programs.

Evgeniya at an LPG session...:

...and from the injection master Dr. Merlin:

But, according to the Beauty Line clinic, a regular client, and recently whose face the star is, she will soon undergo a whole range of hardware procedures to correct the abdomen, hips and legs.

In addition, photos recently appeared on the Internet in which the famous Italian specialist in “beauty injections” Marco Merlin is working with Feofilaktova - which means that the changes will affect not only the figure, but also the face of Evgenia.

Life after the project

In June 2012, Feofilaktova and Gusev tied the knot. They had 2 weddings - a public one in Spanish style and only for relatives and friends of the newly-made family.

That same year, in December, Zhenya gave birth to a boy, who was named Daniel. Daria Pynzar was made godmother .

The Gusevs created their own online store, distributing children's clothing and other goods.

Now Evgenia independently tells subscribers about health, beauty, and fashion trends Instagram Her VKontakte .

Feofilaktova, without having modeling data (height 164 cm), performed on the catwalk many times showing designer clothes, sometimes even with her little son.

Gusev family

Divorce in the Gusev family

In 2016, the couple announced their divorce. This decision was made by Evgenia herself. She said that she and her husband had not lived together for a long time, and each had their own life.

The reason for the dissolution of the union was Anton’s affair with ex-participant of the project Victoria Romanets . The divorce took place without unnecessary emotions. The girl is not going to change her last name, since in business documents she is listed as Guseva everywhere.

There was no division of property either; the former spouses resolved everything peacefully by selling their joint business.

Now Anton helps in raising Daniel and often visits him.

A single seductress or a Rublev wife: the style of Evgenia Feofilaktova

Evgenia Feofilaktova
A single seductress, Rublev's wife - as soon as Zhenya is not called by admiring fans, who believe that such a beauty like her should certainly become the companion of some oligarch. And indeed, Evgenia prefers feminine images. Even at home, wearing an inconspicuous tracksuit or jeans, she manages to look sexy.

What is the secret of Feofilaktova’s attractiveness? Some believe that it’s her doll-like appearance and chiseled figure, while others are sure that the ex-participant of the scandalous reality show has a special charm, thanks to which she attracts men.

Zhenya's feminine figure is admired by her fans

But for now, Evgenia remains in the status of an enviable bride. Perhaps he is still choosing a worthy life partner.

Let us remind you that after a divorce from former “DOM-2” participant Anton Gusev (from him Zhenya gave birth to a son, Daniel, - note from StarHit)

) Feofilaktova tried to build new relationships, but, alas, they all ended unsuccessfully.

Even at home, Evgeniya manages to look sexy

Feofilaktova prefers tight-fitting jeans.
Relatively recently, she had a whirlwind romance with an Arab businessman and film producer Majid Giagia. The couple was getting ready to marry, thinking about children together, but this union was destined to last only a few months. Majid was never able to come to terms with the popularity and independence of his chosen one.

don’t miss Cherkasov, Zadoynov, Gusev - men of Evgenia Feofilaktova

“I headed the jury of the Miss Top Model of the World competition, which was held in Lebanon. And believe me, among all the girls I have never seen a lady more beautiful than Evgenia. Yes, there was a woman who took part there, a little like Zhenya, but that’s not it... I hope that one day our relationship will begin again, because Zhenya deeply touched my heart. Despite all our quarrels and insults, I still love her!” — Majid once confessed.

Feminine dresses are Evgenia’s special passion

But Evgenia did not want to return to the businessman; moreover, she was building a new relationship with a man whom she was in no hurry to introduce to the general public. Whether the couple is together now is still unknown. “He doesn’t want me to work, but I’m glad. I don’t like and don’t want to work. If I get bored, I’ll do something, which is unlikely,” Feofilaktova shared with subscribers back in the winter.

Photo: Instagram

Music and films

The girl loves to be creative. Also on the show, she tried to sing and recorded the song “Don’t teach me how to live,” as well as several other songs together with Dasha Pynzar.

Later, Zhenya starred in the video for the band “Breathe”, and also recorded the hit “Give Me The Fire” in English.

She also acted in films. Her debut took place in the drama “Egor Shilov”, where she played the girlfriend of a gangster.

Businesswoman Evgenia Guseva

Business in the life of Zhenya Feofilaktova

In 2022, Feofilaktova traveled to Chechnya to meet the family of Ramzan Kadyrov . The girl was invited to exchange experiences with the wife and daughter of a famous politician, who were also involved in business in the fashion world.

Next, Zhenya could be seen in the new reality show of the Friday , called “Instagram Girls”.

Now Evgenia Feofilaktova works or is with her son all the time. After filing for divorce, she began to develop her business even more, establishing collaborations with many brands.

Evgenia Feofilaktova and body plastic surgery

Feofilaktova before and after breast augmentation. Initially, Evgenia’s breasts were, frankly speaking, far from being an outstanding first size. Judging that it would not be enough to conquer men’s hearts, the girl decided to make breasts of a third size, for which she turned to plastic surgeon A.M. Abakumov. To make the mammary glands look natural, the doctor advised installing round-shaped implants and he was right: after the operation, which lasted about 40 minutes and passed without complications, the mammary glands look natural and organically complement Evgenia’s image. According to her recollections, the first three days after the operation were the hardest, then the pain subsided, but there were still inconveniences, for example, for several weeks she had to wear a pressure corset and sleep exclusively on her back. How Evgenia Feofilaktova’s body changed after mammary gland enlargement can be seen in the photo, and as for her mood, she is completely delighted; the girl was not even upset that due to the change in breast volume she had to throw away clothes that had become too tight.

Feofilaktova and figure correction. At the end of 2012, Evgenia gave birth to a child and, like all women who gave birth, she was faced with stretch marks, sagging skin on her stomach and fat deposits in the waist and hips. A tightening LPG massage and anti-stress cosmetology programs, including pressotherapy (a hardware procedure that has a powerful drainage effect), thalassotherapy (algae and wraps using special cosmetics), as well as manual massage, helped Feofilaktova regain her former shape.

The procedures were carried out in the capital's Beauty Line clinic; The reality show participant, who succeeded in improving her own appearance, signed an advertising contract with the administration and became the face of this dynamically developing clinic, with which the popular Italian cosmetologist Marco Merlin collaborates. It was he who gave Evgenia a face lift using non-surgical Face Reshaping technology.

It is possible that Feofilaktova also:

Shaped the cheekbones. It is possible that it was hyaluronic fillers, for example, Stilage, Teosyal or Juvederm, introduced into the cheekbones that made the face more expressive. But, unfortunately, not without loss of naturalness and natural charm.

She raised her eyebrows. This can be done either with Botox injections or with the help of mesothreads that form a frame under the skin that supports the skin in the forehead area.

It is likely that this is not the limit, and soon Evgenia Feofilaktova will “delight” her fans with further changes in appearance.

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