Crooked hands of a surgeon: which stars suffered from poor-quality plastic surgery

Tatyana Vedeneeva before and after plastic surgery + Photos and operations, her Biography, she is the host of the children's program “Good night, kids.”
The girl is very gentle and sweet in appearance and in life in general. As experts say, the girl underwent plastic surgery, and this is true, because how can one explain her youthful look at her age. At the moment, the actress is over sixty years old. She was born in 1953 on July 10th in the city of Stalingrad. Since childhood, Tanya had a strong character and an attraction to the theater. Secretly from her parents, the girl and her friend went to a theater club and at a certain moment wrote a letter to GITIS asking them to tell them the rules for admission to their institute.

Melanie Griffith

Antonio Banderos' ex-wife Melanie Griffith is guilty of excessive visits to plastic surgeons. Melanie’s face seems to say: “Don’t repeat my mistakes!” The actress's appearance was the envy of millions: blue eyes, white curls and a wide smile. Despite this, the star decided to undergo rhinoplasty. The idea to slightly correct the tip of the nose failed: instead of a neat bridge, Melanie got a terrible result.

A few years later, she pumped up her lips, cheekbones and had a facelift, which she had no intention of stopping. The result is a break in a marriage that lasts almost 20 years and a face that resembles plasticine. The daughter of Griffith and Banderas, Dakota Johnson, known from the film “50 Shades of Gray,” is a copy of her mother in her youth. We hope she doesn't repeat her mistakes and end up in the tabloid headlines as a victim of plastic surgery.

Vedeneeva before and after plastic surgery

At the moment, Tatyana Vedeneeva is trying to stop the aging process of her body.

It is becoming increasingly clear that Vedeneeva is undergoing various plastic surgeries. The effects of plastic manipulation are very noticeable on her face.

Plastic specialists got down to business and said that the star’s plastic surgery was unsuccessful and even spoiled her a little. From the photographs you can see that the line of her eyebrows is very stretched, we are also talking about the bridge of her nose, the shape of Tatyana’s lips is very specific, and her facial expressions leave much to be desired.

It all started from the moment Tatyana arrived at a social event. The woman’s updated appearance attracted all the attention of journalists; no one could understand what kind of person she was until she said her name. As the media say, the presenter simply killed her appearance for the sake of youth.

Elsa Patton

The star of the reality show "Housewives of Miami" Elsa is called the sister of "Catwoman". Well, they have a lot in common: a huge fortune, no wrinkles and a love of plastic surgery. There are no photographs of the star before plastic surgery, since she went under the surgeon’s knife in her youth. But on the Internet there is a photo of her daughter, Marisol Patton, who seems to be going to follow in her mother’s footsteps.

Elsa Patton lived to be 84 years old and is remembered by the world for her smile. One of the operations turned out to be too unsuccessful: huge implants were inserted into the American woman’s lips. After this, they began to talk about the wealthy lady as if her smile was carved with a knife. Patton is an example of the fact that in the pursuit of excessive rejuvenation, the main thing is to stop in time.

Vedeneeva's hopes and dreams

The answer came almost instantly, also with tasks. The parents were against this and dreamed that their daughter would devote herself to medicine or become a teacher, but they had to agree, because nothing compares with Vedeneyeva’s perseverance. Already in 1972, Tatyana moved to the capital. A year later, Tatyana began acting in films, and her very first role was in the film “Much Ado About Nothing.”

Elena Proklova

The star of the films “They are calling, open the door”, “The Snow Queen”, “Dove” and former TV presenter of Channel One Elena Proklova does not hide her passion for plastic surgery. The actress resorted to plastic surgery for the first time to correct the shape of her nose.

Rhinoplasty turned out to be successful, and Elena decided to improve her entire face. Lip fillers, a facelift and Botox injections - and Proklova has changed. Her face has lost its zest, for which both directors and spectators once loved the actress.


Tatyana Vedeneeva before and after plastic surgery are two completely different people, and therefore she tried to hide changes in appearance with the help of clothes and makeup. At the premiere of the film, Tatyana wore a very open and revealing outfit, namely a dark-colored cardigan and black tight-fitting jeans, a necklace and a large number of other accessories. The shoes used were ankle boots with very high heels.

There was also a difficult haircut, which was styled a little carelessly. Makeup was in moderation. Photos from the event spread across the Internet at the speed of light, and everyone was tormented by one question: “Why is the presenter doing this to herself?”

The opinion of ordinary people and experts about Tatyana’s changes

Tatyana Vedeneeva does not hide the truth from fans

It is obvious that the presenter has undergone more than one plastic surgery. At first, she apparently used gentle methods of preserving youth - fillers and hyaluronic acid injections. However, five years ago the public was shocked by the changes in Tatyana’s appearance. She didn't look like herself anymore. Viewers scolded the star for abusing plastic surgery and sympathized with her.

Experts claim that Vedeneeva underwent the following procedures:

  • blepharoplasty - eyelid lift;
  • facelift - improvement of the oval of the face, circular lift;
  • platysmoplasty - liposuction of the neck;
  • correction of cheekbones with fillers;
  • cheiloplasty - correction of the shape of the lips.

Not all interventions benefited the leader. When Tatyana first appeared in public after the transformation, many said that she had become another victim of plastic surgeons. The shape of the eyes changed, the lips squinted to one side, the face looked swollen and puffy.

Some experts said that such negative changes occurred due to incorrect actions of surgeons and the situation can only be corrected with the help of another operation. Some professionals consoled the audience. In their opinion, it takes time and serious rehabilitation for the face to look more natural. It is not known which expert was right. But today the beloved artist looks really younger than her years.

Tatyana Vedeneeva revealed the secrets of her personal life

Tatyana Vedeneeva revealed details of her personal life on the talk show “Secret for a Million”. Presenter Lera Kudryavtseva was touched by Vedeneeva’s story; I especially remember the period in the life of the TV star when she was married to Yuri Begalov.

The young people met when Tatyana was married for the first time. Vedeneeva no longer felt happiness with her husband, her feelings faded away, the man began to drink, left work and stopped paying attention to the child. Their relationship came to an end.

During a difficult time for Vedeneyeva, Yuri Begalov bought two trips to the Canary Islands and invited the presenter to join him. The woman agreed, but there was no intimacy between them on vacation. Yuri and Tatyana looked closely at each other, got to know each other better. Arriving in the capital, the couple began to meet more often. Vedeneeva divorced her husband and moved to live with Yuri. After two years of marriage, Begalov proposed marriage to her.

Tatyana became pregnant, but as a result of an accident she lost her child at 4 months. Vedeneeva has a son from her first marriage, but it didn’t work out with Yuri to have more children. Begalov and Vedeneeva divorced when the presenter found out that her husband had a mistress, for whom he bought a Mercedes and paid for a rented apartment.

Biography of the star

The TV presenter was born in Stalingrad on July 10, 1957. As a child, the girl did not have a dream of becoming famous, performing on stage and taking part in the filming of films. Tanya first thought about acting when she and her friend came to a theater club. At that time, the future famous actress was only 14 years old.

Then, before graduating from school, Tatyana decided to send a letter to GITIS, in which she asked to explain to her the rules for admission to the educational institution. Well, after receiving the answer, the girl firmly decided that she wanted to “storm” the Moscow theater school.

Tatyana's parents were surprised by such a non-standard choice of their daughter, but still did not refuse to support her. It is also worth noting that during the entrance exams, all applicants prepared incredibly difficult speeches with dramatic literary works, and Tatyana decided to read an excerpt from “The Ugly Duckling”, which won the hearts of the examiners.

Already in her first year, the girl began to try herself in filming and took part in the movie “Much Ado About Nothing.” Well, just one year later, Tatyana appeared in a popular television series called “Police Sergeant,” in which Oleg Yankovsky became her partner. However, real recognition came to the rising actress only after her role in the comedy “Hello, I’m your aunt!”

After the girl graduated from GITIS, she decided to join the troupe of the V. Mayakovsky Theater. But Tatyana did not work there for very long, and leaving this theater became a truly transitional episode in Vedeneeva’s life.

A friend suggested that Tanya try to find a job as a television announcer. At first, Vedeneeva worked only on night broadcasts and only in those episodes that were broadcast in the Far East. Afterwards, the girl was offered a job in the popular television program “Good night, kids!” And by the mid-80s, Tatyana became known throughout the USSR for both children and adults.

Childhood, adolescence, career

Tatyana was born on July 10, 1953 and was a very lively girl. Since childhood, she attended theater clubs, and when she grew up, against the wishes of her parents, she decided to conquer the theater stage. The talented girl was accepted into GITIS on her first try, after which she immediately began acting in films and theater. Her partners were already well-known actors, and Vedeneyeva’s fame as an actress came from her role in the acclaimed film comedy “Hello, I’m your aunt!”

Over time, Tatyana also conquered television. At first she was trusted only with night broadcasts, but after participating in the children’s program “Good night, kids!” she became a star on Channel One. In 1993, the presenter had to resign from television due to disagreements with her superiors. Tatyana lived abroad for several years and did not appear on air, and when she returned to Russia, she realized that viewers still love and remember her.

Now the presenter lives in a marriage with a businessman. This is her second husband. She has a common business with him - the production of sauces and environmentally friendly products under the Trest B brand. Vedeneeva reappears on television screens and social events.

Photo of the actress from her personal archive

Photo from portfolio

Photo from personal archive

Beautiful as always

Early career as an actress

Favorite TV presenter

Tatyana Vedeneeva complained about the sad outcome of the operation

In Soviet times, Tatyana Vedeneeva could be seen on TV screens in almost every apartment. Everyone remembers her beautiful, kind image in the children’s program “Good Night Kids.” Since then, the TV presenter has changed a lot. In her new image it is already difficult to find features that are familiar to many.

With age, Vedeneeva increasingly resorts to the help of plastic surgeons. Not long ago, Tatyana decided to change the shape of her eyelids. The woman went to a clinic abroad, where she underwent blepharoplasty. The result of the operation did not please the presenter and now she regrets the surgical intervention. In addition, she cannot hide the small cuts under her eyes. Vedeneeva also admitted that Botox injections help her maintain her youth and attractive appearance.

Fans are shocked by the new image of their favorite TV presenter. Tatyana Veniaminovna’s eyes became completely different, became sunken and changed shape.

Tatyana Vedeneyeva's stepmother deprived her of her father's apartment

Tatyana Vedeneeva openly told for the first time how she lost her expensive apartment because of unscrupulous relatives. And another unpleasant incident happened during the construction of the TV presenter’s country mansion.

The star could become the owner of an apartment belonging to her father. But before his death, the man decided to sell the property so that the proceeds would go to the grandson of his second wife. Thus, Vedeneeva was left without housing and without the money that she had applied for; in addition, her brother, who today does not have his own property, also applied for housing.

However, Tatyana’s stepmother did not act very well: not only did she persuade Vedeneyeva’s late father to sell the apartment, she carried out all transactions secretly. And when Vedeneeva’s father passed away, the TV presenter says, his wife didn’t even bother to report it.

What the artist herself says about plastic surgery

The actress is popular and appears in advertising campaigns.

Tatyana, like other film and television stars, carefully monitors her appearance. How old is the actress? The presenter will soon celebrate her 65th birthday, so it is not surprising that she went to a plastic surgery clinic. However, Vedeneeva does not even try to hide this.

In her interviews, she has repeatedly said that she has nothing against plastic surgery. According to the star, plastic surgery is not only acceptable, but also necessary. Tatyana believes that people are not born with wrinkles and bags under their eyes, so there is nothing wrong with eliminating these changes if you have the desire and finances allow.

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