What does scabies in the cheeks mean - interpretation of signs by day of the week

Inflammation of the facial nerve is an unpleasant ailment that does not go away painlessly. The main complaints of patients are sharp attacks of pain in the face, in the upper and lower jaws.

This inflammation is considered one of the most common among facial pains. Most often, the disease proceeds without a trace, but if treatment is neglected, paralysis may occur.

The disease most often occurs in women over 50 years of age; men are treated with this disease much less frequently. People with a genetic predisposition, such as a narrow bone canal, are also at risk. Due to this anatomical feature, there is an increased risk of pinching due to impaired blood supply and various inflammations.

Why is my right cheek itching?

Often people want to know why the cheek on the right begins to itch very much. In fact, this is a good sign that portends only positive changes in life. In the near future there will be good news regarding career and financial well-being.

Itching may also indicate that a person needs to give vent to emotions and feelings. You should not keep everything to yourself, as this can negatively affect your emotional state.

If the cheek on the right itches very much, it means you will soon have to go on a long trip. This could be a work trip or a trip to another country.

In rare cases, the right cheek begins to itch before a serious conversation with relatives.

1.What is urticaria and its causes?

In hives, light red, swollen blisters

. Usually, hives are the result of an allergic reaction, but sometimes hives appear for other reasons. The name urticaria, or nettle fever, appeared because the blisters look very similar to burns from the most common nettle.

Hives usually cause itching

, but sometimes it is accompanied by
a burning sensation on the skin
. Rashes and blisters can appear on any part of the body, even on the face, lips, tongue, throat or ears. The affected area of ​​skin can be any size - from a few millimeters to the size of an ordinary plate. Redness and swelling with urticaria go away over varying periods of time - from several hours to several weeks.

There is another condition somewhat similar to urticaria - Quincke's edema

. But in this case, the tumor begins under the skin, and not on its surface. With angioedema, deep swelling begins around the eyes and lips, and sometimes the genitals, arms and legs. Typically, angioedema resolves in less than 24 hours. In very rare cases, angioedema in the throat, tongue, or lungs can block the airway and cause breathing problems. And then it becomes life-threatening.

Why do urticaria and Quincke's edema appear?

Urticaria and angioedema develop when blood plasma leaks from small blood vessels in the skin in response to histamine production. Histamine is a chemical that is released from special cells located in these vessels. The production of histamine can be caused by a variety of factors - allergies, chemicals from food, exposure to sunlight, medications, insect bites. There are quite a few factors for the appearance of urticaria, and therefore it is not always possible to accurately determine its cause.

A must read! Help with treatment and hospitalization!

Itching of left cheek

Many people are interested in why their left cheek itches. This sign portends that a person will experience success in his personal life. Soon a love relationship will begin, which may ultimately end in a wedding. However, this is far from the only interpretation.

The sign may also mean that a business meeting will take place soon. It will help improve your financial situation and career growth.

If the itching is accompanied by a burning sensation, it means you will soon have to face unpleasant events. They will concern your personal life. You may have to end a long-term romantic relationship because your partner has cheated.

If both cheeks itch, it means conflicts with your loved one will soon begin.

Both cheeks itch

There are situations when people start to itch both cheeks at the same time. In fact, this is a bad sign, foreshadowing the approach of trouble. Most likely they will be related to personal life.

  • You should expect bad news from your loved one. Perhaps he decided to end the relationship and leave for someone else.
  • Also, a sign may foreshadow a meeting with an ill-wisher.

However, such itching also has another interpretation. If both cheeks itch not at the same time, but alternately, it means that soon everything will work out in your personal life. All quarrels with your soulmate will stop.

Swelling of the eyelid

The eyelids are folds of skin around the eyes, consisting of many organs, each of which plays an important role. The muscles help a person blink, the conjunctiva helps to moisturize the eyeball, and the meibomian glands retain moisture. Together they form a complex system, the main purpose of which is to protect the eyes from drying out, dirt, bright light and other negative environmental factors. Inflammation of one of the organs leads to the development of diseases, the main symptom of which is swelling of the eyelid.


Characteristic signs of developing pathology include:

  • swelling of the area around the eyes;
  • increased temperature (symptoms of barley, conjunctivitis, furunculosis);
  • pallor of the skin – with a non-inflammatory nature of the disease;
  • characteristic enlargement of lymph nodes - during the inflammatory process.

What complications can arise from eyelid swelling?

  1. When excessive internal pressure occurs, glaucoma occurs.
  2. Decreased visual acuity, complete blindness.
  3. Operable and inoperable cancer.

Description of the disease

Edema of the eyelid is a pathological accumulation of fluid in the area of ​​loose connective tissue. The process results in visible swelling around the eyes.

Swelling in this area forms quite easily. This is due to the fact that the subcutaneous layer of fiber and muscles are poorly developed, and there are many blood vessels. Swelling of the area around the eyes is a common phenomenon that causes a lot of inconvenience. In addition, this is an alarming sign indicating a malfunction that has occurred in the body. Many people first of all think about the aesthetic component. But if a cosmetologist can get rid of the external manifestations of the disease, he will not solve internal problems.

Swelling is a symptom of many diseases, as well as a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle. Thus, swelling can occur due to a violation of the drinking regime or diet, alcohol abuse, or addiction to salty foods. Such swelling is physiological in nature, disappears within 24 hours and does not require medical intervention.

If the swelling is systematic and does not go away on its own, it cannot be considered as a cosmetic problem - you need to contact an ophthalmologist.

Classification of eyelid edema

Depending on the history, there are several types of edema of the paraorbital region:

  1. Inflammatory. The cause is bacterial damage. As a result of the negative impact, suppuration begins. Pus accumulates in the paraorbital area, the eyelids swell. Externally, the pathology is expressed in the form of hyperemia of the eyelids, a noticeable thickening at the site of the disease.
  2. Non-inflammatory. Unlike the inflammatory variety, this process rarely manifests itself visually. The main symptoms are pale skin and swelling in the morning. It usually appears on the lower eyelids and indicates a malfunction of some internal organs - liver, kidneys, thyroid gland. It can also occur due to incorrect head position during sleep.
  3. Allergic. In case of contact with an irritant, it begins to develop rapidly. After eating a food that causes an allergy, swelling appears after a couple of hours. The most aggressive form of the reaction is Quincke's edema, in which not only the eyelids, but also the tissues of the head, neck, and larynx swell. This leads to difficulty breathing and therefore requires immediate medical attention.
  4. Traumatic. In this case, it is not necessary to injure the area around the eyes: the eyelid swells when the soft tissues and muscles of the face are damaged. This could be a bruise, surgery, consequences of plastic surgery, microtrauma caused by wearing contact lenses.
  5. Reactive. The cause of its appearance is an inflammatory process near the paranasal sinuses.

Causes of edema

The main causes of paraorbital swelling, which causes discomfort and spoils external aesthetics, can be divided into two categories - pathological and non-pathological.

Non-pathological causes include:

  1. Fatigue caused by increased eye strain, prolonged sitting at the computer, and lack of sleep.
  2. Diet violation. For example, the abuse of pickles, which retain water in the body.
  3. Drinking large amounts of liquid.
  4. Alcohol abuse. Alcohol displaces fluid from the body, which leads to a constant feeling of thirst. An unpleasant “bonus” is swelling of the paraorbital area.
  5. Incorrect head position during sleep. If you sleep on a low pillow or without one at all, you can provoke an abundant flow of blood to the head, which causes bilateral swelling. When sleeping on one side, fluid accumulates, resulting in unilateral swelling.
  6. Poor quality cosmetics, lack of habit of removing makeup.
  7. Eyelash extensions, tattooing, anti-aging procedures.
  8. Injuries. A bruise on the bridge of the nose provokes bilateral swelling. Trauma to the eye area is the cause of unilateral swelling. Various maxillofacial and plastic surgeries also lead to similar consequences.
  9. Predisposition. People with thin skin often experience swelling around the eyes in the morning after drinking an extra glass of water in the evening. Edema can also appear due to excessive physical exertion.
  10. Age. Over time, the tissue and muscles of the eyelids weaken, fat sag, and large amounts of fluid accumulate, causing “bags” to form.

If we talk about pathological edema of the paraorbital region, they can be provoked by both eye and general diseases:

  1. Barley. Characterized by pain, hardness, and swelling. The swelling gradually increases, the skin turns red, but the site of inflammation is localized. After opening the abscess, the swelling subsides.
  2. Conjunctivitis. The causes of pathology are often streptococci and staphylococci. In severe cases of the disease, swelling of the eyelids gradually begins to develop.
  3. Blepharoconjunctivitis. Symptoms: inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye and eyelids.
  4. Trachoma. Pathology caused by chlamydia.
  5. Chalazion. A disease involving the edges of the eyelid, meibomian gland, cartilage. In some cases it is chronic.
  6. Blepharitis. Inflammation of the edge of the eyelids, accompanied by hyperemia, peeling, swelling, itching, and loss of eyelashes. The cause of the pathology is an allergic reaction to external irritants.
  7. Ophthalmoherpes. Symptoms: swelling around the eye, pain, itching, redness of the conjunctiva.
  8. Benign and malignant neoplasms in the eye area.
  9. Tuberculosis of the eye.
  10. Graves' disease. Caused by an increased amount of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. It manifests itself as protrusion of the eyeball, swelling of the periorbital region.
  11. Demodecosis. Damage by the parasite, accompanied by loss of eyelashes, discharge of pus, redness, itching, swelling.
  12. Fatty hernia, sinusitis. Often provoke swelling of the lower eyelid.
  13. Diseases from the ENT system.
  14. Kidney diseases. Characterized by bilateral, pale, soft-to-touch swelling.
  15. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  16. Changes in hormonal levels. Sometimes small swellings are observed on certain days of the menstrual cycle. Swelling can also occur during pregnancy.

Not all pathologies indicated in the list have a real threat to human health and life.

Doctors are especially monitoring people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and endocrine glands.


To prevent swelling of the paraorbital area, experts recommend adhering to certain rules:

  1. Do not drink large amounts of liquid. In the evening, you should refrain from salty foods, as they provoke a feeling of thirst. Before going to bed, just drink a glass of herbal infusion and warm milk. This will quench your thirst and help avoid morning puffiness. Fans of soda, strong tea, and coffee should limit the amount of these drinks.
  2. Maintain personal hygiene. The eyelids need to be cleaned daily - morning and evening before going to bed. This is especially true for women who use decorative cosmetics. It is also important that each household member has a personal towel that needs to be changed regularly.
  3. Using quality products. Facial care products and cosmetics should be purchased from trusted manufacturers - this will help avoid purchasing low-quality or counterfeit products. You should also consult with a specialist before the tattoo procedure.
  4. Compliance with safety regulations. Some professions involve processes and tools that can damage the mucous membranes and skin around the eyes. To avoid this and maintain your health, you must wear special glasses while working.
  5. Eye protection in the summer. Direct ultraviolet rays have a negative effect on the eyes in particular and the body in general. To protect the delicate mucous membrane of the sun, you need to wear glasses, use an umbrella or a hat with a wide brim.
  6. Maintaining distance when communicating with people. If the interlocutor is coughing, sneezing, or has visual signs of eye diseases, such as stye, it is better to postpone communication until he recovers.
  7. Regular cleaning of premises. Doctors note that the number of patients with allergies to dust, mold and other household contaminants is growing every year. This is why it is so important to carry out thorough and regular cleaning of premises. It is also worth going through old things and getting rid of those that are no longer useful, because they are an excellent accumulator of dust in a living environment.
  8. Pet care. Animal fur is a powerful allergen to which a large number of people are sensitive. To prevent your furry pet from becoming the cause of illness, you must regularly vacuum carpets, rugs, treat upholstered furniture and textiles, and comb your pets thoroughly, especially during seasonal molting.

If paraorbital edema has already appeared or often “pleases” you in the morning, you need to contact a specialist who will help you find out the cause, adjust your daily routine, diet and drinking regimen.

How to treat eyelid swelling

  1. If the cause of swelling is a bruise, the eyelid usually immediately begins to increase in volume. In this case, it is necessary to wash your hands with unscented soap, since scented options can cause an allergic reaction. Then treat the injury site with an antiseptic and apply a cold compress - it will help stop the growth of swelling. Then cover the affected area with a sterile cloth and go to the emergency room.
  2. Cold compresses or ice cubes. Moreover, these can be cubes from herbal decoctions, such as calendula, mint or parsley. If necessary, the pieces are removed from the mold, wrapped in gauze, and carefully wiped over the eyelids.
  3. Tea lotions. It is especially convenient to use tea in bags, which must first be brewed and cooled to room temperature.
  4. Eye drops. In this case, it is important to consider the cause of the tumor. So, Oftalmoferon will help in case of eye damage from viruses. Tetracycline is indispensable when swelling is caused by bacteria.
  5. Decongestants. They are usually prescribed in case of blockage of the sebaceous gland. In a hospital setting, Tavegil will help cope with extensive swelling.
  6. Analgesics. The inflammatory process is often accompanied by painful sensations. To alleviate the condition, you need to take Analgin.
  7. Ointments. Hydrocortisone ointment has a pronounced antibacterial effect and helps eliminate swelling.
  8. Absorbents. You can use activated carbon, which will remove the substance that causes the swelling from the body.
  9. Antihistamines. You should take allergy medications only after seeing a doctor. Suprastin, Claritin, Zodak, Diazolin and others are usually prescribed.
  10. Use of liquid nitrogen. In the absence of metastases, the substance can help destroy the focus of a malignant neoplasm.
  11. Operation. Surgery will allow you to remove the cancer with excision of a small area of ​​tissue surrounding the tumor. If further tests are within normal limits, the patient undergoes plastic surgery to correct the defect.
  12. Application of drops. Drugs from the vasoconstrictor group are used. Vizin and Octilia have proven themselves especially well.

In the case of malignant neoplasms in the later stages, the prognosis does not look very optimistic. If a small area is affected, all tissue from the area is removed during surgery. If manipulation is not practical, the patient is prescribed radiation and chemotherapy.


You can help avoid swelling by following simple recommendations:

  1. Do not come into contact with substances that cause an allergic reaction.
  2. If itching occurs, it is important not to scratch it.
  3. Regularly visit doctors of various specialties.
  4. Rejection of bad habits.
  5. Controlling the amount of liquid you drink.

When contacting our center, the patient can be sure that he will receive the most modern, effective treatment, selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Timely consultation with a doctor, competent therapy, a healthy lifestyle, and following the doctor’s instructions are the key to a positive result with minimal financial costs.


Danilova Elena Fedorovna


18 years of experience

Interpretation depending on the day of the week

To find out exactly why your cheeks itch, you need to familiarize yourself with the interpretation of the signs for each day of the week.


If itching begins on Monday, then an unexpected surprise awaits the person. It can be presented by a loved one, work colleague or close friend. Also, itching at the beginning of the week portends meeting a new person. A friendly conversation will begin with him, which may end with a business proposal.

If your cheeks are very itchy on Monday, you should pay attention to your appearance. It is necessary to get yourself in order in the morning and put on decent clothes.

You may have to go on a romantic date in the afternoon.


Scratching your cheeks on Tuesdays is a bad sign that foretells conflicts with close relatives. To prevent them, you need to control yourself and control your emotions. If this is not done, the quarrel may get out of control and because of this it will be difficult to make peace.

Also, itching on Tuesday indicates that you will soon have to face a lack of money. Perhaps wages will be delayed at work. Therefore, it is recommended to save money and not make thoughtless purchases.

If it itches a lot on Tuesday, problems with finances will appear.


Itchy cheeks on Wednesdays only bode well.

  • Success awaits a person in all his endeavors. Therefore, in the near future it will be possible to do all the previously planned things.
  • Positive changes will also affect a person’s personal life. There is a high probability that you will soon be able to meet a worthy partner.
  • Also, a sign may mean that in a few days you will be able to improve your financial condition. This will allow you to acquire something that you could only dream of just recently.

If your itchy cheek turns red, it means you will meet new people in the near future.


Itchy cheeks on Thursdays foreshadow unexpected changes in life. They will affect career and family. You will be able to get a promotion and make peace with your loved one. The sign may also mean that you will soon have to receive guests. These could be relatives or close friends.

If your cheek not only itches, but also hurts, then you need to carefully monitor your health. Particular attention should be paid to eating. You need to give up junk food and stop drinking alcohol.

Itching on Thursday foretells the arrival of guests


If the itching appears on the last working day of the week, it means you will soon have to host guests at home. Most likely these will be relatives. However, a visit from close friends should not be ruled out.

The sign indicates that a person will have success at work and in his personal life. In the near future you will be able to get a promotion and increase in salary.

If on Friday the cheekbones on the right began to itch very much, you should prepare for the fact that you will soon have to face troubles.

They will concern relationships with your loved one. It is possible that your partner will betray you, which will lead to a break in the romantic relationship.


The Saturday itch foretells that serious financial problems will appear in the near future.

  • It is worth preparing for a delay in wages.
  • You will have to refrain from thoughtless purchases and try to save money.
  • You also need to give up loans and not borrow money.

This sign also has another interpretation, foreshadowing a romantic meeting. Perhaps your loved one will invite you on a date. Single women and men can expect to meet new people.

For guys and girls who are already in a relationship, the sign indicates an approaching quarrel.


Some people are interested in why a girl or guy’s right cheek itches on Sundays. This sign indicates that you will soon be attending a fun party or going on a picnic with close friends.

If on Sundays not only your right but also your left cheek itches, it means positive changes will occur in your life. The sign portends financial success and a change in field of activity.

Also, the Sunday itch can be considered a warning that you need to take care of your health.

If your cheeks itch on the last day of the week, you will soon have to go on a picnic with friends

Treatment for inflammation of the facial nerve

Drug treatment

Treatment of trigeminal neuritis is complex. The disease is first treated with medication - the patient is prescribed drugs that will alleviate the situation. These include painkillers, decongestants, vasodilators and B vitamins. Most often, the recommended medications are tablets, but you can speed up the recovery process by using ointments and gels. Sometimes doctors prescribe intramuscular injections.

In special cases, the recovery process of the facial nerve may be slowed down. Then the patient is prescribed glucocorticosteroids, which improve the metabolic processes of nervous tissue. Various biostimulants and hyaluronidases also contribute to a speedy recovery.

You cannot prescribe medications for yourself. Be sure to see a neurologist or neuropathologist at the first symptoms to determine the diagnosis and treatment strategy. Recovery medications are recommended to patients on a case-by-case basis, paying attention to the presence of chronic diseases, symptoms, and so on.


Another way to treat the facial nerve is surgery. However, doctors turn to this option quite rarely - only when the trigeminal nerve is ruptured. Surgery is also required if there is no effect from the conservative method after six months or a year. Surgical intervention is only relevant during the first year of the presence of the disease; later, the muscles on the face irreversibly atrophy.

The surgical process involves suturing the damaged area of ​​the facial nerve to restore its motor function.


The next treatment method is massage for the treatment of the facial nerve. The purpose of this method is to remove swelling, improve blood circulation, restore sensitivity and conduction of nerve impulses. Massage is contraindicated for tuberculosis, oncology, atherosclerosis and elevated temperature.

Initially, the massage therapist works only with the healthy side of the face, collar area, neck and area above the shoulders. Basically, the master uses rubbing, stroking, kneading and vibration.

For noticeable desired changes, it is necessary to conduct ten to twenty massage sessions from five to fifteen minutes. The duration is determined based on the degree of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, the goals of therapy and the dynamics of recovery.


The next treatment method is physical therapy. It alleviates the severity of symptoms, helps to activate metabolic processes in tissues and restore the functions of the facial nerve.

Doctors prescribe this course of treatment from the first days of the onset of neuritis. The list of physical procedures includes:

  • Ultrasound
  • Laser irradiation of blood
  • Electrophoresis of drugs
  • Microwave therapy
  • Exposure to ultra-high frequency electricity
  • Ozocerite treatment
  • Myoelectrostimulation
  • Darsonvalization

This complex is indicated for the first week of treatment. Doctors prescribe it together with medication. This tandem helps speed up the process of restoration of the facial nerve. And its most important advantages are the absence of side effects and painlessness.

Alternative Methods

There are also alternative treatment methods. These are procedures aimed at restoring facial muscles and eliminating the symptoms of facial neuritis. Such procedures include:

  • Clay or paraffin masks
  • Acupuncture
  • Reflexology
  • Injections to eliminate muscle disorders
  • Therapeutic baths
  • Taping – stretching the face using adhesive plasters
  • Immunosorption – purification of blood from antigens and antibodies
  • Biofeedback – facial muscle training

Gymnastics for the face

Also, in conjunction with complex treatment, you can do facial exercises. Before this, you need to consult with a specialist; the doctor will draw up an individual list of exercises based on the severity of the process, location of the lesion and symptoms. Typically, such gymnastics takes about ten minutes a day.

A standard set of exercises includes relaxing and tensing individual facial muscles. For example, to restore articulation, it is recommended to pronounce the sounds “u”, “o”, “and”. Afterwards, you need to bring your lower lip under your upper teeth and reproduce the sounds “v” and “a”.

Gymnastics for inflammation of the trigeminal nerve:

  1. Close eyes
  2. Raise your eyebrows
  3. Frown
  4. Squint
  5. Smile with your mouth closed
  6. Smile with your mouth open
  7. Puff up your cheeks
  8. Pull them back
  9. Whistle
  10. Widen your nostrils
  11. Curl your lips
  12. Raise your upper lip and return to the starting position
  13. Lower your lower lip and return to the starting position
  14. Take water into your mouth
  15. Rinse your mouth
  16. Close your mouth
  17. Run the tip of your tongue along your gums
  18. Move your tongue right and left

Interpretation by time of day

The meaning of the sign largely depends on the time of day. Therefore, in order to interpret it, it is necessary to take into account exactly when the cheeks began to itch:

  • In the morning. Sometimes itching appears in the early morning. This may mean that soon life will change for the better in every sense. Success will concern both personal life and career.
  • During the day. If it itches during the daytime, meeting new people is approaching. In the future, you will be able to make friends with them and become best friends.
  • In the evening. Evening itching portends changes in your personal life. Quarrels with a loved one can lead to a break in the relationship.
  • At night. If your left and right cheeks itch at night, this is not a very good omen. It indicates that a dark streak in life will soon begin.

If the itching in the evening is accompanied by a burning sensation, problems with work will begin.

Symptoms of demodicosis

Mites destroy the cells of the follicle walls and sebaceous glands. This leads to the appearance of keratinization, foci of inflammation, and pigmentation. Demodex migrates across the skin, exploring new areas; Thus, with increasing demodicosis, the signs of damage spread over an increasingly larger area. It is also assumed that mites cause sensitization of the body, that is, an allergic reaction is added to mechanical damage.

The main symptoms of demodicosis are:

Acne (acne)

Juvenile acne in most cases is a manifestation of demodicosis.

Skin redness

Redness may be accompanied by swelling of the skin.


Itching with demodicosis usually intensifies at night, when mite activity increases.

More about the symptom

Skin changes

Progressive demodicosis leads to changes in the skin: roughening, peeling, and the appearance of thickenings similar to scars. In the advanced stage, the skin takes on an earthy color.


When Demodex affects the eyelashes, signs of blepharitis (inflammation of the ciliary edge of the eyelids) develop: the eyelids begin to itch, turn red, swell, and may stick together. The eyes water, inflammation spreads to the conjunctiva - conjunctivitis develops. Loss of eyelashes is observed.

Interpretation for women

For girls, this sign portends a meeting with friends.
For young girls and women, such a sign portends that they will meet old friends. Such a meeting will bring them a lot of positive emotions. However, if the right cheek begins to itch in the evening, then this indicates financial difficulties.

Sometimes girls only have itching on their left cheek. This is a bad sign, indicating that a serious conversation with your lover will soon take place. The conversation will not be the most pleasant and may end in a quarrel. Therefore, when communicating with a loved one, you must try to control yourself so that the conflict does not get out of control.

For pregnant

Sometimes the cheeks begin to itch in pregnant girls. Some people consider this itching to be a bad sign. However, it foretells only good news. The sign indicates that the pregnancy will pass without complications and problems. If both cheeks often itch, this may mean that the woman will have twins or twins.

Itching warns guys of conflicts at work

Interpretation for men

For guys, the sign that itching on the left cheek foretells the approach of conflict situations.

  • In the coming days there will be a serious conversation with your boss at work.
  • A quarrel with close relatives or a lover is also possible.

Itching of the right cheek foretells success at work. You will be able to get a highly paid position. Because of this, you will have to spend a lot of time on business trips.

If you have to scratch both cheeks, you should expect success on the love front.

Acute pharyngitis

Acute pharyngitis can occur independently, and can also be accompanied by acute inflammation affecting the upper respiratory tract: rhinitis or inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.

Depending on the cause of development, acute pharyngitis occurs:

  • Viral – most often caused by rhinovirus;
  • Bacterial – caused by streptococci, staphylococci and pneumococci;
  • Fungal – source of the inflammatory process – Candida;
  • Traumatic - caused by damage to the pharynx and larynx: the throat was scratched by a sharp bone or burned by boiling water, severe stress on the ligaments;
  • Allergic – occurs when inhaling allergens or irritants, such as tobacco, exhaust fumes or dusty air.

Itching extends to cheekbones

There are times when the cheek begins to itch first, and then the cheekbone. This indicates that the person will soon be praised. Such praise can be related to work or family matters.

If the cheekbone on the left is itchy, you should prepare for the fact that false gossip will start spreading behind your back.

You need to wash your cheeks with holy water and the negativity will recede

2.What are the types of urticaria and Quincke's edema?

There are several different types of urticaria and angioedema:

  • Acute urticaria and acute angioedema
    . This is hives or swelling that lasts less than six weeks. The most common causes of this reaction in the body are food, drugs, latex or infections. Insect bites or some kind of internal disease are another cause of acute urticaria. When it comes to foods, the most common causes of hives are nuts, chocolate, fish, tomatoes, eggs, fresh berries, soy, wheat and milk. Especially if they are all consumed in their raw form. Medicines that may cause hives or angioedema include aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen), high blood pressure medications, or pain relievers (codeine).
  • Chronic urticaria or Quincke's edema
    . In this case, the hives or swelling last for more than six weeks. Usually the causes of this type of urticaria are more difficult to determine than in the case of the acute form of the disease. In fact, the cause of chronic urticaria may be the same, but perhaps it is all due to an autoimmune disease, chronic infections, hormonal disorders or malignant neoplasms.
  • Physical urticaria
    . This is a rash caused by direct physical impact on the skin. For example, from cold, heat, sunlight, vibration, pressure, sweating or exercise. In this case, hives usually appear in the area where the skin was directly exposed and rarely occur elsewhere. In most cases, physical hives go away within an hour of stopping exposure. Cold allergy is one of the most common forms of physical urticaria.
  • Dermatographism
    is hives that appear when the skin is rubbed or scratched too hard. Such urticaria can begin simultaneously with other forms of this disease.
  • Hereditary angioedema
    . This is a painful swelling of the tissue. The disease is inherited.

Visit our Allergology page

How to get rid of negative consequences

There are several ways in which you can get rid of the negative effects of omens:

  • Rinse the burning areas with holy water to cleanse yourself of negative energy.
  • Use white salt. It must be placed at the front door. You can also rub salt on your cheeks.
  • Apply ashes to your cheeks and rinse them with cold water.

If your right cheek itches, this means that soon everything in life will change. To find out the more precise meaning of such itching, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic interpretations of signs for boys and girls.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

Depending on the affected area and the set of symptoms, the strategy for diagnosing the disease is determined. To determine the location of nerve damage, the severity and dynamics of recovery, doctors prescribe a hardware diagnostic method, for example, electromyography. MRI and CT scans are used to determine the presence of tumors in the brain.

The patient may also be referred for a general or biochemical blood test, x-ray of the lungs, ultrasound of soft tissues or ophthalmoscopy.

You can be confident in the quality of the procedures performed in the clinic and the high accuracy of the results of MRI, CT and other methods of diagnosing various diseases. Medunion performs magnetic resonance imaging of all types: head, spine, abdominal cavity and joints using modern equipment.

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