Why your chin itches: the meaning of signs by day of the week for men and women, why girls’ faces burn

Oral dermatitis is a local skin lesion, which consists of small papules (pimples), usually localized around the mouth, which determines the name of the disease. Another name for this disease is perioral dermatitis. Most often, this type of dermatitis is diagnosed in young women, less often in older women, but can also occur in children and teenage boys. Oral (perioral) dermatitis is an unpleasant cosmetic problem, which can still be eliminated if the cause of its occurrence is correctly identified and an effective treatment regimen is selected.

Medical is a clinic that diagnoses and treats many diseases, including dermatological ones. The treatment regimen in each specific case is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Perioral dermatitis

Perioral dermatitis on the face is a disease that affects the skin.
It appears in the form of small pimples that form in the area of ​​the lips and mouth. It is accompanied by unpleasant itching, redness and negative consequences, which can be eliminated through a medical examination and properly selected treatment. In each specific situation, based on the results of the consultation, doctors recommend the patient medications that are relevant to his case. These include specialized pastes, ointments, sometimes hormonal drugs, as well as therapy that quickly eliminates burning and other symptoms. For perioral dermatitis, medications (ointment, tablets, cream) are selected based on medical diagnosis and tests. You can purchase the necessary medications for treatment on our website “Pharmacy 911”.

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Causes of perioral dermatitis

Various factors become prerequisites for the occurrence of the disease. It is generally accepted that the disease can occur in waves, during which the irritation on the skin passes and reappears. Doctors often identify hormonal changes as the cause of perioral dermatitis. Symptoms appear as a result of:

  • the use of drugs based on corticosteroids, which provoke the occurrence of rosacea, acne, blackheads and other cosmetic problems
  • pregnancy, when the body is at the stage of serious changes and hormonal changes. Dermatitis often worsens before the onset of menstruation.
  • using inappropriate decorative cosmetics
  • the use of pastes with fluoride, which provoke irritation of the epidermis
  • chapping after walking in the cold or sunbathing
  • infectious diseases
  • problems with immunity. They are usually caused by not getting enough vitamins.

Having discovered a corresponding problem, it is better to immediately go to see a doctor and find out how to treat perioral dermatitis on the face in adults.

Predisposing factors

Allergic bronchitis, the symptoms of which in adults and children are almost identical, usually proceeds according to a certain pattern. Penetration of a foreign allergen protein into the body provokes an inadequate immune response, which is manifested by profuse lacrimation, sneezing, and coughing. If the irritant is not promptly eliminated and the symptoms progress, reserve protection is activated, accompanied by hyperspasm of the bronchial tree and swelling of the ciliated mucosa that lines the internal respiratory organs.

As a result of constant irritation, the lung tissue begins to produce thick mucus, which gradually accumulates in the alveoli and becomes a source of bacterial infection. Stagnation and infection of mucus in the bronchi is the main cause of allergic bronchitis.

If a person has a strong immune system and good health, infection of bronchial tissues rarely occurs. The defense system quickly destroys the infection, preventing it from actively multiplying and spreading to healthy structures. But if the immune system is weakened and a person is prone to allergies, then under the influence of predisposing factors the risk of developing allergic bronchitis increases significantly.

Reasons that provoke the development of bronchitis of an allergic nature:

  • abuse of bad habits;
  • congenital or acquired immunodeficiency;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • passive smoking;
  • living in an unfavorable environmental environment;
  • uncontrolled use of drugs;
  • lack of competent treatment for allergic diseases;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • use of bedding with natural fillings: down, feathers;
  • work with industrial hazards, involving constant contact with chemical or organic substances.

For a long time, the immune system can suppress a foreign irritant that regularly penetrates the body, so a person will not suspect a tendency to allergies. But at a certain point, all the predisposing factors converge at one point, as a result of which a serious disease begins to progress sharply, the consequences of which sometimes have to be fought throughout life.

Symptoms of the disease

The first sign that you need to undergo an examination is the appearance of small blisters (papules) in the mouth and chin. In severe cases, they can spread throughout the face, reaching the cheeks, nose, eyes and temples. Papules are filled with clear liquid. Color varies from flesh-colored to pink to bright red depending on the stage of the disease. Pimples appear singly or in groups. The skin in these areas becomes rough. Bursting, papules form crusts. If you accidentally touch one, pigmentation will eventually remain on the skin.

Patients do not always experience serious pain. The sooner treatment of perioral dermatitis on the face in children and adults begins, the easier it is to get rid of the disease, and the lower the risk of unpleasant consequences. When you notice the first symptoms of the disease, make an appointment with a dermatologist.

Risk groups and similar diseases

Signs of the disease are most often found in women, but children and adolescents periodically experience them due to weakened immunity. In place of the blisters, ulcers often form. When spread over the entire face, it becomes a threat to vision, which is especially important in the situation with children. Therefore, when checking with a specialized doctor about how to treat perioral dermatitis in children, it is worth paying a visit to an ophthalmologist.

In the case of teenagers, the disease may not be detected immediately, because, experiencing hormonal changes, boys and girls often encounter skin problems. Blackheads and acne affect most people, so it can be difficult to notice papules at an early stage. Patients prone to allergies also rarely accurately diagnose the disease. Perioral dermatitis in children is often attributed to hormonal imbalance.

Sign: why a young girl’s chin itches

Many young unmarried beauties are waiting for their one and only prince and in most cases trust folk signs.

If you believe the signs, then an itchy chin on a young girl indicates an imminent meeting with that one and only guy, a passionate and stormy relationship, flowers, gifts, compliments. But, most likely, the relationship will not last long.

Itching can also indicate feelings such as jealousy on the part of your significant other.

Popular belief says that a young lady has a new admirer. In this situation, the girl must understand who is more important to her.

Diagnosis of perioral dermatitis

Having noticed the first signs of the disease, having felt unpleasant symptoms, you need to make an appointment with a specialized specialist. The initial appointment with a doctor consists of an examination, a description of the medical history based on the patient’s complaints and information about the individual characteristics of his body and possible reactions.

Before treating perioral dermatitis, tests are one of the mandatory procedures. They allow you to identify the prerequisites for the development of the disease and accurately diagnose it, without confusing it with herpes, rosacea and other skin lesions. You will need:

  1. Dermatoscopy. Gives an assessment of the epidermis and helps assess the course of the disease
  2. Scrapings. Determine the infectious nature if the symptoms have a corresponding origin
  3. Allergy tests. Demonstrate the level of skin sensitivity to staphylococcus and streptococcus

As a result of the examination, the doctor explains to the patient how to cure perioral dermatitis, clinical recommendations are entered into the disease record. A course of medications and therapy is prescribed.

Treatment of perioral dermatitis

A confirmed diagnosis usually requires an integrated approach. The treatment regimen involves a complete refusal of cosmetics, as well as corticosteroid drugs. The patient is advised to use antihistamines to relieve burning and itching. Herbal lotions are used to help reduce inflammation. Reflexology is used to stop symptoms by pressing on specific points or placing special needles.

Having weakened the symptoms, you can resort to the use of antibiotics to get rid of the infection if it is diagnosed during the examination. For perioral dermatitis, medications are prescribed by a doctor taking into account age, body characteristics, allergies and pregnancy. Strengthening the immune system and restoring the balance of intestinal microflora are important. The latter may require a specific diet. Avoid fried, spicy and fatty foods, snacks, sweets and fast food. Give up alcohol and cigarettes.


Treatment with ointment for perioral dermatitis is not always a panacea. In some cases, the disease can return, so the course of taking medications can be long. Any irritant often leads to the appearance of the disease. Following simple recommendations will help you avoid possible risks:

  1. Check the composition of cosmetic products and treat their choice with special attention
  2. Don't neglect personal hygiene
  3. Strengthen your immunity
  4. Eat right and monitor your digestive health
  5. Be aware of allergies
  6. Monitor hormonal balance during pregnancy, in case of possible changes due to nervousness, illness or other reasons

Perioral dermatitis detected at the first stage is the easiest and fastest to treat, so remain sensitive to the body’s signals and begin the fight against the first symptoms of the disease in a timely manner.

Interpretation taking into account the day of the week and time of day

Of no small importance for the correct interpretation of the meaning of itching is the time when it occurred.
It is believed that true predictions come in the dark, that is, in the evening and at night. The mind rests, and at this time the subconscious sends certain signals to a person. When trying to understand why your chin itched in the evening, you need to listen to your intuition. The sixth sense will tell you the exact meaning of the mysterious message.

Morning is a deceptive time of day, usually carrying no signs. Often the signs that come with the first rays of light are uninformative or even empty. During the day, a person is ruled by reason, intuition sleeps. Experts advise to be skeptical about such messages of fate.

People especially clearly explain why their chin itches, focusing on the days of the week.


A sure harbinger of professional success, career success, salary increase, getting the desired position. Fate testifies that the opportune moment has come to show yourself, to show your own talents and skills, to apply the acquired knowledge, to stand out from the team. The initiative will unexpectedly bring good luck, the authorities will show favor.


A sign of restoration of lost family or friendship ties. The opportune moment has come to make a call that the person has been hesitant to make for a long time. It's time to talk, apologize, and establish the former easy communication. You shouldn’t accumulate negativity, poisoning your own inner world. Life is short, and strong friendships are important and positive, so they need to be given back.


Fate hints that the long-awaited time for a pleasant holiday has come. Meeting close friends and having light conversations will improve your mood. Communication will bring positive emotions and relax you. An unexpected acquaintance with a person who can turn the existing way of life upside down is possible. He can become a future spouse, a loyal friend or a reliable advisor.


Negative sign. You are about to meet an unpleasant person. Knowledgeable people advise avoiding conflict situations and not getting into altercations, otherwise there is a high probability of making an enemy plotting behind your back. Thursday is considered a day not suitable for building relationships, so it is better not to make any appointments, especially if your chin is itchy.


A slight itching of the beard on Friday foreshadows a professional promotion, a noticeable increase in salary. Severe discomfort promises relaxation with friends, and with alcohol. However, the sign has a warning meaning. Among the close circle of a person who has felt an itch, there is an envious person, an ill-wisher. It is necessary to restrain emotional impulses and be more careful in judgment.


A good fateful sign, foreshadowing unexpected surprises. A loved one is preparing a romantic adventure - a walk, dinner, an unforgettable meeting that will evoke the brightest emotions. If there is no chosen one, you should expect pleasant surprises from relatives and friends. The coming day will give you excellent impressions, high spirits, and a wonderful rest.


A harbinger of an unforgettable romantic date, elation, warm memories, tender touches. Itching, accompanied by a feeling of burning skin, promises hot kisses and soul-stirring hugs. If your loved one is not there yet, then a whirlwind romance is expected in the near future. A date that initially seems fleeting will turn into a serious relationship.

An itchy beard is often a favorable sign of fate. However, if there is a negative interpretation, you should not be upset. Man is the architect of his own destiny. By receiving a warning, he can avoid life's difficulties and wrong decisions.



  1. Adaskevich V.P. Perioral dermatitis: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment / V.P. Adaskevich // Dermatology. – 2008. – No. 1. – P. 17–20.
  2. Grashkin V. A. Diagnostic criteria, epidemiology and substantiation of clinical and pathogenetic types of perioral dermatitis / V. A. Grashkin, M. S. Gromov // Voenmed. magazine – 2010. – No. 10. – P. 32–45.
  3. Rodionov A. N. Dermatocosmetology. Lesions of the facial skin and mucous membranes. Diagnostics, treatment, prevention / A. N. Rodionov. – St. Petersburg. : Science and technology, 2011. – 912 p.
  4. Karelina O. Yu. Perioral dermatitis: treatment with azelaic acid / O. Yu. Karelina, Yu. M. Karelin // Klin. dermatology and venereology. – 2006.

Popular questions about perioral dermatitis

How can you get perioral dermatitis?

Dermatitis is not contagious, as it is an individual reaction of the body to the use of fluoride-containing pastes, inappropriate cosmetics and drugs containing corticosteroids. In the case of diagnosing infectious preconditions for a disease, it is worth finding out its nature, but it will not become a reason to limit communication.

How does perioral dermatitis manifest?

The disease is characterized by the formation of papules, blisters filled with colorless liquid, which spread around the mouth and along the chin, rising to the eyes. Dry skin, itching and burning accompany the disease, but in the first stage patients experience minimal discomfort.

Is it possible to cure perioral dermatitis?

The disease is easily treatable if you follow your doctor’s recommendations, use the necessary medications and avoid products and products that can cause perioral dermatitis. Depending on the extent of the damage, the course can take from several days to several months.

Why does my forehead itch?

' width='321'>Warns only about good events.

  • The upper part near the hair itches - news from people with whom you have not communicated for a long time.
  • Lower forehead - romantic adventures are possible, you can win the person you have loved for a long time. The fan confesses his love, and it will be possible to restore the old relationship.
  • On the left side - to creative success, achieving a position, receiving the desired salary level.
  • The whole forehead - your life in the next few days will be filled with good events, luck awaits you at every step.

In addition to the above, you can use signs that will help you decipher the itching of moles located on the forehead. This will help make the prediction more accurate.

Using folk signs you will find out what will happen in the near future. Some people prefer to believe only in good beliefs. This may be right, but it's up to you to decide.

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