Why do eyelashes fall out in women and men? How can I stop this process?

Every day a healthy person loses 3 to 5 eyelashes. This indicator is considered to be the norm. However, in the case when this number increases significantly, in humans is formed weighty cause for concern.

There are a huge number of reasons that can provoke the loss of eyelashes: some of them are quite easy to correct, while others require immediate treatment.

Why eyelashes fall out: reasons

There are dozens of reasons that cause excessive hair loss. The most common ones include:

  • use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • eating disorder;
  • various diseases of the eyes and eyelids;
  • internal diseases.

Sometimes loss can signal the presence of quite serious diseases.

If such a symptom is detected, it is important to undergo a comprehensive examination and undergo a series of tests .

Are there differences in the causes of eyelash loss in men and women?

Keep in mind! In fact, the mechanism of hair loss in men and women is the same. The differences may lie in the reasons.

For example, in women, hair loss is often caused by poor-quality cosmetics or hormonal imbalance after childbirth.

In men, hair loss most often occurs due to infections or lack of vitamins.

Most common reasons

As noted above, eyelashes can fall out for a variety of reasons. The most common ones include:

  • lack of vitamins and microelements - while thinning of the hairline is the only external symptom. After rubbing your eye, up to 7-8 hairs may remain on your finger;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics - in this case, the chemical components of the product affect the hair follicles, destroying them and causing hair loss. Additional symptoms include redness of the eye and eyelid, as well as severe itching;
  • blepharitis - in this case, the eyelid swells and itches, eyelashes fall out rapidly, and peeling may occur. Over time, pustules form on the skin of the eyelid, causing a lot of inconvenience;
  • exposure to medications - especially often against this background, hair loss occurs in patients undergoing treatment for oncology.

It is important to understand! The causes of the problem can be both external and hidden.

Why do my eyelash extensions fall out?

During the extension process, one, two or three synthetic hairs are glued to a natural hair using a special glue.

Hair loss after extensions may be due to the following factors:

Types of madarosis, main symptoms

There is congenital and acquired madarosis, with complete or incomplete hair loss, isolated or combined with alopecia. Clinicians divide the disease into two forms:

  • superciliary, when the reason why eyebrows fall out is hormonal imbalance or atopic dermatitis, acute poisoning;
  • ciliary, in which the edge of the upper eyelid is necessarily drawn into the pathological process.

Symptoms are characterized by bilateral lesions. Clinical manifestations correspond to the reason why hair and eyebrows fall out:

  • with blepharitis - these are dry crusts, itching, burning, swelling of the periorbital area, lack of hair in places of maximum friction;
  • with atopic dermatitis - thinning of the eyelashes of the lower eyelid, swelling, formation of Denny-Morgan folds under the eyes, loss of eyebrows on the sides - Hertoge's symptom;
  • for endocrine pathologies - superciliary hair loss in combination with subtotal alopecia;
  • with drug etiology - a generalized process of hair loss, which stops after discontinuation of the drug;
  • intoxication provokes rapid and irreversible hair loss.

The most unpleasant thing about madarosa is not the reason why eyebrows and eyelashes fall out, but its consequences. This may be: keloid, sycosis, periorbital swelling


How long do eyelashes grow after they fall out?

For your information! Renewing eyelashes is a fairly long and slow process, but naturally, after they fall out, they continue to grow. A complete change in a row is carried out over several years.

It is also worth knowing that about half of the upper eyelashes and a third of the lower ones are in a state of “hibernation”. Let's look at the process of hair growth step by step:

  • follicle formation . Gradually, a new follicle begins to form under the “old” eyelash. As soon as it matures, hair loss occurs, which has “served up” its life;
  • active growth . The phase when the eyelash is actively growing takes on average from 1 to 1.5 months . After this, its growth stops;
  • life cycle . After hair growth has stopped, it “lives” for 3 to 6 months , then the process is repeated in a circle.

How are eyebrows related to trichology?

Trichology is the science of hair, its structure, and ways to solve emerging diseases.
In addition to the long strands on the head, nature has endowed humans with two more types of hair: bristly - those on the eyebrows and vellus - on the eyelashes. Trichology also deals with them, since the structure of such hairs is similar to the hair on the head, and they tend to change according to the same natural laws. On eyebrows and eyelashes, the hairs have thicker roots, but are much shorter in length - a maximum of 1-1.5 centimeters. On the eyebrows they are rougher, have a curved shape, and grow at a different angle. If with age the gray hair on the head is physiological, then the eyebrows and eyelashes do not always follow them, they reluctantly lose their pigment or do not part with it at all. However, the structure of any hair on the head and body is classic: root, shaft, hair follicle, cuticle.

Treatment and prevention of the problem

Like any other problem, hair loss is easier to prevent than to treat over time.

You should know! In this case, the only way out of the situation is to follow preventive measures.

Among the preventive measures, the following should be highlighted:

  • the need to choose only high-quality cosmetics . It is best to give preference to professional cosmetics;
  • it is important to monitor the expiration date of the product that comes into contact with the eyes and eyelids;
  • give preference to products with natural or hypoallergenic composition;
  • Take vitamin complexes regularly :
  • do not use other people’s towels and personal hygiene products;
  • wash your hands thoroughly before bringing them to your eyes;
  • Wear special safety glasses .

Cosmetical tools

Today, there are a huge variety of cosmetic products on the market to treat this problem.
The choice of one or another means must be made individually. Despite this, general principles for the selection of cosmetics can be identified:

  • It is best to choose preparations containing tocopherol and retinol . They allow you to restore the structure of the hairs, restore metabolism in the hair follicles and prevent hair loss;
  • May contain castor oil . This product has been one of the most effective eyelash care products for many years;
  • for protection , choose gels with vitamin C and kerotene .

Important to remember! It is best to buy high-quality cosmetics at a pharmacy or specialty store.

Folk remedies against hair loss

Traditional methods can be quite effective.

In addition, their use is possible as an addition to the main treatment .

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes will help strengthen hair follicles, eliminate fragility of eyelashes and make them long and thick. A variety of natural remedies will have a beneficial effect on the eyelid and strengthen the bulbs.

Here are the most popular recipes for treating brittle eyelashes. We are sure that you will be able to choose a suitable mask or lotion for yourself.

Causes and treatment of this phenomenon in a child

Eyelash loss in children can occur for the following reasons:

  • the occurrence of a stressful situation . For example, when transferring a child to a new school. In this case, the only way out of the situation is to seek help from a qualified psychologist;
  • presence of infectious diseases . These include conjunctivitis or barley. Treatment is prescribed by an ophthalmologist;
  • hormonal problems. Occurs more often in adolescents. Treatment in this case should be prescribed exclusively by an endocrinologist;
  • hereditary predisposition . This problem can be predicted in advance. If the child’s closest relatives experienced increased eyelash loss, then most likely a similar problem will develop in their offspring;
  • tick infection. Demodicosis is one of the most common problems. Infection most often occurs through contact with sick children or through general use of hygiene products;
  • taking medications . The problem can be corrected by replacing the drug or completely abandoning it.

Castor mask

Castor oil has been the most popular remedy for hair loss for many decades. This healing oil is also actively used to strengthen eyelashes.

To create a mask, you only need oil, which is applied to the eyelashes using a well-washed mascara brush. Castor oil should be left on the eyelashes for several hours, and then washed off with warm water. You should not leave the oil on your hair overnight; using it for too long can cause swelling of the eyelids and redness of the eyes.

What not to do if your eyelashes are weak or thinning

It is not recommended to use oils in their pure form: if they come into contact with the mucous membrane, they can cause discomfort, and too active components carry the risk of becoming an allergen. It is better to strengthen the eyelashes after extensions using oil-containing products designed specifically for the delicate eye area.

Do not apply products too close to the eyelid, to the root zone. You should retreat 2-3 mm so as not to clog the follicles and aggravate the situation.

It is not recommended to leave the products on overnight. They can cause swelling and also provoke cumulative allergies.

Associated symptoms

The main symptom of hair loss is a noticeable thinning of the hairs on the eyelid. Other signs include:

  1. Swelling, redness of the eyelids.
  2. My eyes start to itch.
  3. Swelling and itching of the eyelids appear.
  4. The skin on the eyelids is peeling.
  5. The patient feels pain and burning in the eye area.
  6. Redness of the mucous membrane of the organs of vision, the appearance of pus in them.

These symptoms indicate that you need to visit an ophthalmologist. If at least one of these signs appears in a newborn baby or an infant suffers from them, untreated pathology threatens loss of vision.

How to restore?

If a provoking factor is identified, it is worth observing yourself. “Usually eyelashes recover on their own 2-3 months after the end of the provoking factor. Additionally, you can use various eyelash growth stimulators - they are sold in pharmacies, if you choose, you can consult a doctor,” says Natalya Kozlova.

Article on the topic

Eyelashes like a doll's. An expert on the intricacies of extensions Naturally, from now on you should avoid exposure to bad habits and touch your eyelashes less. Then they will delight you with their healthy appearance longer.

In addition, if you notice any changes in the eyelash growth area, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, says the dermatologist. Only a doctor can correctly diagnose and select the optimal treatment tactics.

Mix of oils

Castor, almond, rose, grape and flaxseed oils have excellent anti-inflammatory, nutritional and antioxidant properties.

To treat fragility of eyelashes, all these oils can be mixed in equal proportions and the mixture can be applied to the eyelashes and skin of the eyelids for 15 minutes, after which it can be carefully removed with a cotton swab.

Castor oil with black rum

The unusual combination of castor oil and black rum not only strengthens the eyelashes, but also gives the hairs shine and elasticity.

To prepare the mask, just mix 2 drops of oil and 3 drops of alcohol, apply the mixture to your eyelashes for 20 minutes, and then rinse your eyes thoroughly with warm water. The mask should be applied every other day for two weeks.

Castor oil and rosehip oil

To prepare this healing mask you will need:

  • 15 drops of castor oil;
  • 15 drops of rosehip oil;
  • 15 drops of carrot juice;
  • 15 drops of vitamin A.

All ingredients must be mixed in a transparent beaker and applied to the eyelashes for 20 days. You can store the mask in the refrigerator.

Does mascara make a difference?

A separate question that worries many ladies is whether mascara affects the condition of their eyelashes. An expired version is usually mentioned as dangerous. “When choosing mascara for your eyes, you should pay attention, of course, to the expiration date. In addition, you should be sure to choose products exclusively from trusted places, and also choose the best brand for yourself,” says Natalya Kozlova.

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At the same time, even if it is a very beloved and expensive mascara, you should immediately stop using it as soon as the expiration date has expired. “You cannot use mascara even if it has thickened - attempts are often made to revive it in order to use it again. But you shouldn’t do that,” says the doctor.

Effective means for eyelash growth

The variety of cosmetics is overwhelming. How to choose an effective drug when eyelashes grow poorly? First of all, pay attention to its composition and active ingredients.

All products that promote hair growth can be divided into two large groups: those containing hormones and non-steroidal ones. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  1. Hormonal drugs.
    They contain hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. The body is able to synthesize them, and they, in turn, perform a number of functions: they help contract and relax muscle tissue, expand and contract blood vessels, and regulate various inflammations.

    The effectiveness of prostaglandins in the fight for long and thick eyelashes was discovered by accident. They were originally used to treat glaucoma and intraocular pressure. The patients were prescribed drops containing bimatoprost, which is a type of prostaglandin. The treatment helped to get rid of not only the disease. Patients found that after using the drug their eyelashes grew well and were impressed with the results.

    How hormone-like substances affect hairs is not completely known. There is a version that they increase the active phase of their growth. But be careful, as the use of hormonal drugs has side effects. These include unwanted pigmentation at the site of application, itching and burning, and skin irritation.

    A more serious consequence is increased blood circulation in the capillaries, as a result of which they increase in number. As a result, you can observe a spider vein on the eyelid, which is visually very prominent and can cause you aesthetic discomfort. Due to such a number of possible negative side effects, in many countries, for example, in the USA, hormonal drugs are sold only with a doctor's prescription.

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    Are your eyelashes growing poorly? Nothing helps, and you decide to resort to the help of prostaglandins? Hormonal drugs operate on the basis of the following active ingredients: bimatoprost, latanoprost, unoprost, dinoprost, travoprost or prostaglandins F2A. You can find this information on the product label. Be careful, the following brands contain hormone-like substances to enhance eyelash growth: Careprost, Carelash, Bimat, LiLash, MD Lash Factor, etc.

  2. Non-hormonal drugs.
    Do your eyelashes grow poorly after extensions? Don't want to resort to hormonal drugs? There is an exit. Preparations without steroids do not give such quick results, but they are absolutely safe and contain vegetable oils, natural ingredients and vitamins. Let's consider the types of active ingredients that will become your assistants in the fight for long and thick eyelashes:
  • Retinol, or vitamin A. Increases active growth phases.
  • Tocopherol, or vitamin E. Has an antioxidant effect on hairs and thoroughly nourishes them.
  • The sulfur-containing amino acid is taurine. Promotes the supply of blood to the follicles, making the bulb tenacious.
  • Peptides. They affect the hair follicle, help strengthen the structure of the hairs, and accelerate the restoration processes in the cells. Participate in the synthesis of keratin.
  • Glucosamine. Solves the problem of poor eyelash growth by firmly connecting them to the follicle.
  • Stem cells of plant origin. They help restore damaged cell structure and take an active part in the appearance of pigment.
  • Vegetable oils. Are your eyelashes growing poorly? Reviews from people who have encountered this problem vary, but in most cases they mention the effectiveness of castor, almond, coconut and olive oils. They promote active hair growth by nourishing and moisturizing them.
  • Panthenol. It has a protective function and creates a special film on the eyelashes. In addition, it moisturizes them and makes them shiny.
  • Proteins. These include dairy and wheat types. Effective in cases where eyelashes grow poorly. Useful for damaged hair structure, nourish and moisturize it, promote moisture retention. Their main advantage is the ability to penetrate deeply into cells, filling “glimpses” in the structure with protein.
  • Moisturizing ingredients: glycerin and aloe vera leaves. They protect the villi from external influences by creating a protective film on them. Promotes moisture retention and helps avoid dehydration.

The choice of non-hormonal drugs is large. We advise you to buy only proven products from well-known manufacturers. In this case, you can be confident in their safety. Avoid dyes and fragrances in cosmetics.

Castor oil, tannin and Vaseline

This amazing mixture not only strengthens eyelashes, but also promotes their growth and is hypoallergenic.

To prepare the mask, mix oil and petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1:3, and then add a pinch of fine tannin powder to this mixture.

The composition should be mixed well, left for several hours and generously lubricated with eyelashes. The mask is left for 15-18 minutes, and then the remaining product is removed with a cotton pad. Instead of tannin, you can add Shostakovsky balsam to the composition and use the mixture using the same method.

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