Gel eye masks, their purpose and tips for use

In this article we will talk about a relatively new invention in the beauty industry - a gel eye mask. Read on if you want to find out what it is, why it is needed and how to wear such a mask correctly.

We would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that we are not talking about a cosmetic mask (i.e., any substance applied to the skin). A reusable gel eye mask is a product that is placed on the face, made of a special material and filled inside with a special gel that retains cold or heat for a long time.

The gel can be poured into the mask itself, or in the form of balls. the Avon gel eye mask is not filled with a solid jelly-like gel, but with small gel beads.

There are masks of different shapes and sizes:

  • Full face, with slits for eyes, nose and mouth.
  • For the area around the eyes (shaped like a carnival mask with glasses) - this is the Spa Belle mask.
  • Overlays over the eyes - that is, not a mask, but “circles” filled with gel, which are placed on the eye sockets with the eyes closed - this is the Letual mask.

On the face, the mask seems to stick to the skin; moreover, it has an anatomically correct, comfortable shape due to the cutout for the nose.

Purpose of the product

In essence, cooling gel eye masks are a compress; their action is based on maintaining the temperature regime for a long time. The elastic polymer mask does not touch the skin when applied, but only warms or cools as needed.

A chilled eye mask is used in the following cases:

  • to relieve swelling;
  • getting rid of dark circles;
  • if there are small wrinkles around the eyes;
  • to give elasticity to eyelids;
  • with redness of the whites.

The mask helps if you need to relieve fatigue; it can also numb bruises, bruises, and be used for headaches and toothaches. The warming effect of the mask will be useful after hard work at the computer, to eliminate the painful condition caused by spasms.

Operating principle

The operating principle is heating and cooling. That is, a cooling product invigorates and relieves the effects of a night's sleep, and a warming product, on the contrary, relaxes and encourages sleep.

Stay up to date! The cooling mask has the following beneficial properties:

  • relieves swelling;
  • removes redness of the eyes by constricting blood vessels;
  • relieves tension;
  • reduces headaches;
  • relieves pain in the eyes;
  • tightens pores;
  • smoothes out crow's feet and wrinkles around the eyes;
  • increases muscle tone;
  • refreshes the look.

It can be used for hematomas (bruises), due to the absorbable action, pain is reduced.

In turn, the warming appearance of the product also has a number of advantages:

  • relaxes the muscles of the eyelids;
  • provides blood flow to the eyes;
  • relieves tension;
  • relieves pain;
  • prepares for bed.

Important! The product can also be used with additional products, which will speed up absorption by expanding pores and improving blood flow.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

Modern gel masks for the skin around the eyes are a kind of replacement for a compress with a herbal decoction, cooled or heated to the desired temperature. Our predecessors used instead of this extremely convenient device, heating pads or cloth soaked in tea, herbs or just water.

Cosmetologists advise not to use temperature eye masks with high intraocular pressure, if you have recently had eye surgery, or with retinal detachment. Existing viral diseases and infections are also a contraindication.

By itself, the gel inside the masks does not have any beneficial effect, only together with a device and with a certain temperature regime. Therefore, you should not squeeze it out to apply it to the skin, this will not provide any hydration or nutrition.

It is worth noting that warm compresses are not suitable for girls with oily skin and a tendency to acne. This procedure stimulates the production of sebum, which can cause acne and inflammation.

The following recommendations will also be useful:

  • the mask must be kept until the temperature changes (15-20 minutes);
  • Compresses filled with gel balls retain temperature better;
  • hot pads must be applied carefully so as not to injure the delicate skin of the eyes;
  • If you have eyelash extensions, it is better not to use warming masks;
  • after removing the mask, rinse it with running water;
  • The product must be stored in airtight packaging.

Cosmetologists advise starting to use reusable masks at the age of 25-30 years. Regular use will help cope with the first signs of aging. For care for mature skin, you need to carry out a course of 15-20 sessions, only then will the result be noticeable.

What is it for?

The product has two effects: cooling and warming. The choice depends on what the woman wants to achieve as a result.

For example, with a cooling effect, vasoconstriction occurs, which relieves puffiness and removes swelling.

This effect is best achieved after waking up; for example, the product can be applied before breakfast, which will combine two useful things together - rejuvenating the skin of the eyes and taking in essential microelements for the body.

The warming option is preferable to use in the evening, preferably before bedtime.

The warmth spreading around the eyes perfectly relaxes not only the skin, but also the eye muscles, which significantly reduces tension and helps remove redness.

Keep in mind! The opinion that the mask is fortified is erroneous; this can be considered as an advertising ploy.

The effect is achieved only through temperature exposure.

Types of masks

Reusable gel eye masks vary in shape and size. You can purchase a mask in the form of glasses for direct impact on the eyelids. There are circle-shaped pads filled with gel that fit comfortably over hooded eyes. Or a mask that covers the entire surface of the face with slits for the lips, nose and eyes.

The filling of the masks differs from those that contain a liquid gel substance or balls that provide an additional massage effect. Some are filled with a unique gel and various components, which, when heated, penetrate deep into the skin and provide comprehensive care.

A mask with gel beads is considered a more practical option, since if the polymer is damaged, all the contents do not leak out.


Patches are considered one of the types of gel masks. In appearance, these are small pieces of fabric, plaster or polymer, completely flat or voluminous. In exact translation, “patch” means “patch.” In theory, gel patches have a similar effect - they eliminate defects in the eye area. The mask can be designed for one use or for many uses, it all depends on the material and composition.

There are options with a moisturizing effect for thin and sensitive skin. Special patches for everyday use and smoothing out wrinkles. The latter act like injections from a cosmetologist, but the result is not long-term. There are masks with a draining effect against swelling, as well as for nourishing and healing the skin.

Top brands

Today, gel masks are represented by different brands:

  • De Co moisturizing gel eye mask relieves signs of fatigue and early aging;
  • reusable Eyes Cover glasses for relaxing and toning the muscle tissue in the eye area;
  • Medolla gel eye mask (cooling or warming) filled with beads;
  • Gezatone Breeze becomes a hot compress when immersed in hot water and a cold compress after 20 minutes in the refrigerator;
  • relaxing mask Masque Relaxant cooling;
  • Chinese-made Kristaller mask for both warming and cooling;
  • glasses with gel filler Bio-optic Cool Mask (complete with soothing decongestant lotion).

This is not the entire list of brands, it is much more extensive. Their action differs depending on the substance inside, shape and temperature characteristics.

Operating principle

The operating principle is heating and cooling. That is, a cooling product invigorates and relieves the effects of a night's sleep, and a warming product, on the contrary, relaxes and encourages sleep.

Stay up to date! The cooling mask has the following beneficial properties:

  • relieves swelling;
  • removes redness of the eyes by constricting blood vessels;
  • relieves tension;
  • reduces headaches;
  • relieves pain in the eyes;
  • tightens pores;
  • smoothes out crow's feet and wrinkles around the eyes;
  • increases muscle tone;
  • refreshes the look.

It can be used for hematomas (bruises), due to the absorbable action, pain is reduced.

In turn, the warming appearance of the product also has a number of advantages:

  • relaxes the muscles of the eyelids;
  • provides blood flow to the eyes;
  • relieves tension;
  • relieves pain;
  • prepares for bed.

Important! The product can also be used with additional products, which will speed up absorption by expanding pores and improving blood flow

How to use it correctly

Using gel eye masks is very simple. The cold compress should be placed in the refrigerator in advance for 30-40 minutes or in the freezer for 10 minutes. The warming mask should be immersed in hot water for a few minutes. Before use, adjust the fastening ties so that the device fits snugly on the eyelids or eye area (taking into account the shape and purpose). Loose straps will not provide the desired effect, and squeezing too tightly can lead to headaches.

The duration of exposure is recommended by the manufacturer. But basically, a cold mask is kept on the skin for about half an hour, and a warm mask – no more than 10 minutes. The frequency of procedures is determined individually, but do not be overzealous, once a day is enough. After use, it is advisable to wash the device with warm soapy water.

Before applying, be sure to cleanse the skin of cosmetics and wash with cool water. It is also recommended not to do the procedure “on the run”, but to lie down comfortably, relax, or even take a nap.

There is another useful tip for enhancing the effect of using a gel mask - apply an active gel, cream or serum under the eyes - under the influence of temperature, the product will be better absorbed.

For instructions on how to use the product correctly, watch the video:

The benefits of gel glasses for the skin around the eyes

This simple remedy is essentially a two-layer compress with a gel-like substance inside. After placing the mask in the refrigerator or hot water, literally after 10-15 minutes you can use it as a cold or warm compress.

A cool product is suitable in the following cases:

  • the appearance of puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • occasional redness of the eyes;
  • the appearance of wrinkles;

This product also helps strengthen and tone the skin, and therefore is great for eyelids.

With the help of a warm mask you can eliminate the following shortcomings:

  • dark circles associated with general fatigue of the body;
  • discomfort caused by general tension of the eye muscles;
  • pain associated with increased visual strain.

Review of real reviews from women

If you analyze numerous reviews, you can judge the popularity and effectiveness of gel masks. Women have either already tried this fashionable product, which performs a whole range of actions, or are planning to do so, and are deciding on the choice of the best manufacturer.

The advantages include:

  • ease of use, just heat or cool the mask;
  • reusable;
  • ease of use;
  • affordable price.

When buying a mask, it is important to understand that with its help you can only cope with cosmetic problems.

The use of a warm compress not only helps to eliminate external defects, but also has a quick relaxing effect. Women are advised to apply a warm gel mask to the forehead or back of the head to relieve headaches.

For information on inexpensive and effective cosmetics, including a gel mask, watch the video:

Types of collagen

Dehydration primarily affects the skin cells around the eyes. Collagen masks can restore the structure of even mature skin. The components of the masks penetrate the upper and middle layers of the skin, strengthening them and stimulating collagen production. Collagen can be of several types:

  1. An animal obtained from their skin. Its large molecules penetrate only into the upper layers of the dermis, but also have a moisturizing and tightening effect. May cause an allergic reaction.
  2. Vegetable, extracted from seaweed or wheat proteins. The molecules have a lower mass and are able to penetrate deeper levels of the skin. The cost is much higher compared to animal collagen.
  3. Marine, obtained from the skin of deep-sea fish. Its effectiveness is on par with herbal, sometimes even higher. Allergies may occur.

According to the recommendations of cosmetologists, it is better to start with plant collagen. The effective action of collagen depends on the accompanying components in the composition of the product. Additional ingredients: bio-gold, placenta, hyaluronic acid, pearl powder, silk proteins.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications for use:

  1. Symptoms of viral or bacterial eye inflammation , for example, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, etc.
  2. Increased intraocular pressure.
  3. Recent eye surgery.
  4. Cataract or glaucoma.

Remember! The use of a refrigerated mask more than 2 times a week, as well as prolonged retention on the eye areas, is contraindicated.


The mask consists of PVC material . Gel is used as a filler.

It is possible to add medicines and vegetable oils , it depends on the manufacturer.

Retinol is often added.

Hydroxyethylcellulose - makes the gel more viscous and helps maintain temperature.

Aloe extract, hyaluronic acid, placenta extract and vitamin complexes are also added.


Korean specialists developed the first patches, which are patches impregnated with a cosmetic product, which should be attached under the eyes to achieve the cosmetic effect declared by the manufacturer. Over time, such care began to be produced by other brands in the cosmetics industry.

What is

The patch is a droplet-shaped mask that follows the contour of the eyes. The effect of the product can be compared to express skin care:

  • moisturizing the skin of the eyelids;
  • increasing skin tone;
  • reduction of bags under the eyes;
  • lightening the skin around the eyes.

Patches are divided into fabric and hydrogel.

Fabric patches

The very first representatives of patches are fabric ones, resembling cut cotton pads, which should be applied dry to the cosmetic product in the eyelid area.

Fabric patches were the first to appear on the cosmetic market

Gel patches

Currently, gel patches are gaining popularity in the beauty industry, the effect of which depends on the active substance included in the composition.

The patch is impregnated with a special solution, the base is made of a gel-like substance, with active ingredients of plant origin.

Effect of the hydrogel patch mask:

  • hydration;
  • smoothing;
  • nutrition;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • drainage effect.

It should be remembered that the effect of such a mask can be seen immediately, but without maintenance it will not last long.

Mode of application

Apply patches to cleansed facial skin along the eye contour, hold for 20-30 minutes, remove, and also apply a light moisturizer for the skin of the eyelids.

Popular representatives

The cosmetics market has a wide range of patches with any effect, the most popular are:

  • hydrogel diamond mask from Kims is valued on the market for its natural composition and fights wrinkles well;
  • Shangpree is famous for its unique composition with gold, which promotes rapid tissue regeneration;
  • Tonymoly syn ake, effective in the fight against age;
  • Dewytree gold patches contain snail extract aimed at nourishing and moisturizing the skin;
  • patch from Faberlic helps remove dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.
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