Japanese Asahi facial massage: rejuvenating technique by Yukuko Tanaka

Yukuko Tanaka is a name that many readers of the “Over 30” women’s club have heard of. That's why we decided today to talk about Yukuko Tanaka's massage.

Yukuko Tanaka, as you might have already guessed, even if you suddenly heard this name for the first time, is from Japan. She has taught women all over the world to achieve anti-aging. The face, when this massage technique works on it, really looks fresher.

Yukuko Tanaka has invented a special technique that uses facial massage to achieve an anti-aging effect. This massage is called Zogan. The most important thing is that Yukuko Tanaka confirmed with all her appearance how correct and useful it is to do a massage using her technique. So, at 60, her face looked all forty.

Japanese Zogan is an Asahi massage, so if suddenly you only know the second name, you won’t be mistaken: no matter what it’s called, it has a positive effect on the face in any case. Of course, if you do everything right.

Let’s discuss exactly how to do it right now.

A little about the author

Yukuko Tanaka began to learn the secrets of skin care from her childhood. Her grandmother owned a beauty salon, where the girl loved to spend time and watch manipulations. Having matured, Yukuko-san received the profession of a makeup artist and stylist. Working with clients, observing the desire to hide wrinkles and look younger, the girl remembered the massage that her grandmother practiced. Having mastered the technique again, Yukuko Tanaka improved it by testing the techniques on herself.

The result of many years of work was the book “Facial Massage”, published in 2007. The publication brought the author popularity throughout the world. Fashionistas tried massage and were satisfied.

Yukuko Tanaka's facial massage technique has another romantic name - Asahi, which means “morning sun”. This name is the highest praise, a kind of sign of quality, indicating that the facial massage created by Yukuko Tanaka, like the image of the rising luminary sacred to any Japanese, brings people goodness, joy, change, and the beginning of a new life.

The main proof of Zogan’s effectiveness is the author’s appearance. At the age of 60, a woman could hardly reach 40. The Japanese woman was fond of smoking, but thanks to the Zogan method, the bad habit did not affect her skin color.

Yukuko-san died in 2013. Opponents of the author’s method and envious people claimed that the reason for his death was massage. But that's not true. The woman was killed by lung cancer, which developed as a result of cigarette abuse. Yukuko Tanaka left early, but left behind a technique that is used by thousands of women.

Massage techniques

Those wishing to master the Japanese lymphatic massage Tanaka should pay attention to the fact that its techniques differ in many ways from the generally accepted classical canons:

  • The Tsogan technique is called two-finger, since the main instruments of influence are most often the middle and index fingers.
  • Movements on the face are not always performed along massage lines: each zone has its own trajectory that must be strictly followed.
  • We try to carry out all manipulations painlessly, but with the obligatory creation of pressure. This rule does not apply to areas where lymph nodes and blood vessels are concentrated, where the intensity of the impact is reduced to nothing. It is impossible to fulfill this requirement without knowledge of the main groups of lymph nodes of the face and neck.

  • Massage is most often done while standing or sitting, trying to maintain posture. But recent observations have shown that in a supine position, tissues and muscles are easier to correct, as they relax better.
  • The effect is enhanced by special base products applied to thoroughly cleansed skin. Yukuko Tanaka recommended using homemade oat or rice milk, as well as cosmetic cream.

All textbooks suggest starting to master lymphatic massage techniques with the most frequently repeated movement, which should end each stage of the procedure. It will be performed in a certain sequence:

  • The middle, index and ring fingers are pressed to the center line of the forehead, counting to three.
  • Move them towards the temples, pressing moderately on the skin.
  • At the desired point, turn your hands at a right angle.
  • They run their fingers along the contour of the face, first to the ears, where they hold the pressure for 3-5 seconds, and then along the lateral lines of the neck down to the collarbones.

Opponents of the technique are trying to prove that massaging the skin too intensely stretches it and only aggravates the situation, adding wrinkles and folds. Practice shows the opposite: such movements stimulate the outflow of lymph well, rejuvenating the face. And the best proof of the effectiveness of massage is a photo of Yukuko Tanaka herself. Can you believe that she is 60 years old here?

Positive effect

Why did the procedure become popular? After several weeks of use, a person receives:

  • Getting rid of swelling;
  • Reduction of wrinkles;
  • Healthy skin color;
  • Removing toxins;
  • Tightening effect (double chin and sagging cheeks disappear).

Thanks to Zogan, a woman looks as if she has become younger and lost extra pounds.

For another Japanese facial massage technique, Kobido, read a useful article on facesave.ru.

Instructions for implementation

The set of exercises of Japanese Zogan massage is extensive. Actions are selected individually. Age, existing problems, skin type are taken into account. A universal option for performing rejuvenation exercises consists of the following effects:

  1. The middle fingers are applied to the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. The pads of the fingers rest against the wings of the nose. Make a smooth movement of your fingers down and up. Perform 5–8 repetitions. The block is completed by rubbing the wings of the nose. The movements are energetic, directed from the back to the sides, reaching the cheeks. A series of exercises helps eliminate nasolabial folds and improve breathing.
  2. The situation in the mouth area can be improved by working the area with jerky pressure from the middle fingers with moderate force. Move from the center line of the chin to the sides. The circle is completed above the middle of the upper lip. The exercise helps eliminate wrinkles and lift the corners of the lips.
  3. To prevent sagging of the cheeks, the hands are tightly connected with the palms inward, and the top is unclenched. Cover your lips with your palms slightly open and move upward towards the wings of your nose. From this position they make a move to the temples. These movements are performed with significant pressure.
  4. To eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, swelling, circles, work the area with circular movements. Start from the outer corner, moving along the edge of the orbit as carefully as possible. The effect on the upper eyelid is similar, it goes in the opposite direction, more intensive treatment is expected.
  5. The forehead area is supported by working on the area from the middle to the temples. A series of similar movements are carried out, affecting the entire surface of the forehead.

Each movement is performed 5–8 times, do not forget to do the final lymphatic drainage movement. Watching a short version of gymnastics with pictures, a program about the Japanese technique will help you master the actions more reliably.

Reasons for rejuvenation

Why is Yukuko Tanaka's Japanese facial massage so effective? The technique differs from that usual for Russian and European schools. Features of the technique:

  • The action is directed not only to the skin, but also to muscles, bones, lymph;
  • Movements follow the paths of lymph flow, and not along massage lines;
  • Manipulations are carried out with fingers and palms using little physical force.

Thanks to this, blood circulation improves, excess fluid leaves, and along with it swelling. Elasticity returns to the mice, the skin becomes elastic and smooth.

Efficiency of the procedure

The complex effects of Japanese massage involve the skin, muscles, connective tissue, and skull bones. Deep study helps to quickly achieve tone. After the sessions, the tissues acquire firmness, elasticity, and take on a natural shape. There is an emergency tightening of sagging skin and smoothing out wrinkles. The lifting effect is the most popular result of such procedures.

The effect on lymph flow has a significant detoxifying effect. Accumulated toxins and impurities are removed. The skin begins to function fully. Internal processes are activated, the quality of the integument improves.

Asahi facial massage: indications

Yukuko Tanaka's facelift gymnastics are popular among women over 30 years old. At a younger age, a lighter version is used.

The procedure is especially useful for those who:

  1. Eyelids swell;
  2. There are dark circles under the eyes;
  3. Gray skin color;
  4. Pronounced facial and age wrinkles;
  5. Sagging eyelids, cheeks;
  6. A double chin has formed;
  7. Wide face with unclear contours.


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Yukuko Tanaka's facial massage involves a forceful effect on the body, therefore it has some contraindications:

  1. Dermatitis, rash, redness;
  2. Problems with facial vessels;
  3. FLU, runny nose, sinusitis;
  4. Sore throat;
  5. Inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  6. Diseases related to the lymphatic system;
  7. Cancer.

After the procedure, the face becomes thinner, so those with thin oval shapes and fragile girls should avoid it.

Find out why the author of Japanese massage Yukuko Tanaka died

We receive a lot of letters from our subscribers.

And no, no, and a letter will flash with a question about the cause of death of Yukuko Tanaka.

Sometimes they write things that make your hair stand on end.

And that Zogan’s rejuvenating facial massage became the reason for premature departure,

and that liver cancer (from a reader’s letter) contributed to the death of this wonderful woman, and much more.

So here it is. Let's dot all the i's.

What Yukuko Tanaka, the author of the world-famous Zogan massage, really died from, see the video below.

Along with me in the frame is my 3-month-old son. Please love and respect.

Enjoy and informative viewing!

And for those who know Japanese and want to learn in detail about the life and death of Yukuko Tanaka, links:

For those who don’t know Japanese, Google Translator will help you.

True, my assistants say that only 40 percent is clear and ask me to translate anyway.

That’s why I read and translate for myself, my assistants and you, dear reader.

Sometimes I make mistakes in my native language, sometimes I get confused in words in the desire to find a decent translation (I still notice that sometimes I think in Japanese). And yet I do something useful.

Do everything with soul. Bring irreparable benefit to this world. And perhaps one day your name will be as famous throughout the world as the name of Yukuko Tanaka.

And someone will already repeat you...

Be creative and enjoy life! Best regards, Alena Sobol

Basic principles of Asahi facial massage

Asahi facial massage is performed in beauty salons. You can independently study the technology of self-massage and do it yourself at home. Another option: master the technique with a friend and do it to each other.

For Yukuko Tanaka’s facial massage to be beneficial, you need to follow the basic rules developed by the author:

  • Clean skin. It is important not only to get rid of makeup, but also to cleanse the pores. Use a proven cosmetic product to which you are definitely not allergic;
  • Clean hands;
  • Moisturizing with cream (oil). Hands should glide over the skin so as not to injure it;
  • Knowledge of technology. Ideal option: take a course or read a book;
  • Accuracy, precision of movements. There should be no pain during the massage;
  • Straight back. If it is difficult to sit upright, you can lie down.

Interesting: How to train yourself to drink more water.

Preparing for the session

Cleansing is a mandatory procedure before performing a Japanese massage. The skin is freed from cosmetics, a light cleanser (gel, foam) and toner are used. To enhance the effect, it is permissible to steam the skin a little by taking a warm bath or shower. This is often overlooked when preparing for the procedure.

Clean covers are lubricated with oil (cream). There are special compositions for Japanese massage sessions. You can prepare a suitable base yourself using low-fat base oil.

To increase the effectiveness of the effect, add 1-2 drops of esters that are suitable for your skin type and are useful for solving existing problems.

Pre-study movements, sequence of actions. Knowing the location of the lymph nodes is a must. Mistakes when performing actions can negatively affect your appearance and health.

Attention! The procedure is performed in any comfortable position that allows you to maintain your posture. When self-massage, the most common position is sitting (standing) in front of a mirror.

Possible problems

Speaking about the positive effect of Zogan, it should be remembered that errors and side effects are possible. Undesirable consequences and ways to combat them are outlined in the table.


  • For a long time I could not adapt to the correct massage technique. But after I “filled up” my hand and did several sessions, I really noticed improvements. This was primarily noticeable on the forehead. Wrinkles smoothed out.
  • After giving birth I recovered. And, of course, this was reflected on the face. By doing this massage daily, my face became thinner and cheekbones appeared. It is important to move strictly along the lines! Exercising to lose weight also helped improve my appearance.
  • I got pimples after the massage. But as I later found out myself, it was an allergy to the cream. The cream should ideally match your skin type.
  • After several procedures I did not see any results at all. Then, after carefully reading the article, I realized that I did not press my fingers on the skin enough. It was as if I was just holding them, but I had to apply pressure. The main thing is that it doesn't hurt.

Useful tips

  1. Until you master the technology completely, you can turn on video tutorials and do massage synchronously;
  2. Zogan is designed for women, but if men have indications, the procedure will benefit them;
  3. Refrain from long manicures to avoid injury during the session;
  4. Wash your face with warm water after the session to remove any remaining oil.

Yukuko Tanaka gave the world the secret of youth of Eastern women. The massage she has perfected makes you feel younger, more beautiful, and more confident.

Consolidate the result

You will be able to achieve an improvement in your condition after the first session. A pleasant feeling of skin tone will come, blood will flow to the integument. The color will improve, swelling and dark circles will decrease. To achieve a sustainable cosmetic effect, you will need 5–7 sessions. You can get rejuvenating results in 10–20 procedures. You can consolidate your achievements by regularly performing sessions.

Advice. Maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle, controlling facial expressions, and supplementing achievements with face-building gymnastics exercises will make the results of the procedures more noticeable.

Relieving swelling from the eyes

Using the pads of your middle fingers, touch

the outer corners of the eyes and, without pressure, slide to the inner corners, as if resting on the bridge of the nose - these are the beauty points (stay at the point for 3 seconds). Next, you should increase the pressure and run your fingers in a circle just below the eyebrows - where the edge of the eye socket is located. Stop at the outer corners and hold the pressure for 3 seconds.

Personal experience

We hope that our article helped you learn how to do Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage at home. By spending only 15 minutes a day on such rejuvenation, you can achieve tangible results: maintain your youth longer or restore your former beauty.

Without a doubt, Zogan facial massage is not a panacea for age-related ills. It should be supported by a healthy diet and clean water, and also monitor the absence of stress. Be sure to use anti-age cosmetics in combination with salon and home beauty treatments. Do face building so that your facial muscles firmly hold the contour of your face in their hands and do not allow it to sag.

We welcome your comments and feedback! If you liked the article, share it with your friends on social networks and messengers.

Who should not use Tsogan?

Like any other manual technique, Asahi massage has a number of contraindications for use:

  • Disturbances in the normal functioning of the lymphatic system;
  • Diseases affecting the ENT organs, as well as colds and runny nose;
  • Tendency to rosacea manifestations;
  • Acne, allergic rashes and acne.

Please note that one of the effects of this massage is facial slimming. Girls who already have sunken cheeks should take into account that this feature can give the face a more tired and sad look. In this case, the massage should be carried out with caution, concentrating mainly on the forehead and upper cheekbones.

In cases where it is impossible to carry out a classic Zogan massage, you can try other methods of influence, for example, snail massage or cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen. Simple physical exercises on the neck muscles also have a beneficial effect on skin tone and promote rejuvenation.

Smooth out nasolabial folds and shape the nose

Place your middle fingers in the depressions near the wings of the nose and make 5 sliding movements from bottom to top and back. Then, adding your ring finger, rub the back of your nose, moving towards your cheeks. Don't forget about the finishing movement.

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Useful information on how to remove fat from calves -

Operating principle of Japanese technology

It’s not for nothing that Tanaka’s massage is called Tsogan, which translates from Japanese as “to create a face.” Indeed, with the help of certain techniques it is possible to turn back time, stop skin aging, remove wrinkles, and remodel the oval. What is the reason for such an amazing transformation?

  • First of all, the procedure affects the lymphatic system. As a result, the outflow of fluid is activated, which takes with it all substances that poison the body, causing a strong detox effect.
  • During the session, the deep structures of the face are worked out: muscles, fascia, connective tissues. Massage movements even affect the bones of the skull, returning them to their correct position, eliminating asymmetry.
  • Tsogan promotes the formation of acetylcholine, a substance that causes excitation of muscle fibers. As a result, the muscles not only quickly recover, but also increase their performance, tighten, and become more elastic. As a result, the oval of the face is leveled, jowls and double chin disappear.

The skin is the first to respond to massage techniques. Irritated sensory endings located here send nerve impulses to the cerebral cortex. The response is the functional changes occurring in the body:

  • Increased blood circulation, due to which the skin is saturated with nutrients and oxygen.
  • Local temperature rise, which increases tissue permeability and accelerates metabolic and enzymatic processes.
  • Activation of the outflow of lymph and venous blood, as a result of which swelling, stagnation disappear, and hematomas resolve.
  • Opening the pores and cleansing the sebaceous and sweat ducts helps harmful substances leave the body faster.

In addition, using stroking and rubbing techniques, we mechanically remove dead and exfoliated particles of the epidermis from the surface.

As a result of all these changes, the face becomes unrecognizable in a short time: wrinkles, sagging, puffiness, puffiness disappear, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, and healthy in tone.

Caution won't hurt

The main limitation when performing Japanese massage procedures is the need for careful pressure on the lymph nodes. Careless, excessively intense actions can cause harm to health. Any doctor will confirm this. The overall treatment of the tissues is deep, but the presence of pain is unacceptable.

Perform actions with prior consultation with a doctor in case of rosacea or skin rashes. Japanese Asahi Zogan sessions are an excellent solution for those with curvy figures. Thinness is aggravated by active actions.

You will have to abandon the Japanese Zogan massage technique if:

  • inflammatory diseases (runny nose, sore throat, fever);
  • damage to skin integrity;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • oncology;
  • problems with the heart, blood vessels;
  • autoimmune diseases.

It is recommended to postpone massage sessions during menstruation or high blood pressure.

In order to maintain a young, blooming appearance until old age, you will have to try. Appearance needs to be taken care of from an early age. Massage is a promising option. You just have to perform the actions regularly, without skipping procedures without good reason.

Before we get to the fun part, let’s outline the dangers that await us. Tsogan massage is not a medicine, but it also has its contraindications. Experts do not recommend Asahi Japanese rejuvenating facial massage for people with the following problems:

  • rash on the face;
  • rosacea and other pathological manifestations on the face;
  • pharyngitis and otolaryngological abnormalities;
  • there is an acute respiratory viral infection;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

Girls and women whose faces have a thin subcutaneous fat layer should be especially careful about the lymphatic drainage procedure. Active gymnastics can lead to unnatural thinness of the face and thereby harm your health.

Each age has its own approach

In advanced Japanese facial massage, self-massage techniques are expanded into 5 age groups to effectively combat age-specific facial changes.

This does not mean that you need to do only exercises from your category. Those who are older can use exercises from the younger categories. First of all, focus on the condition of your face.

Next, we will give step-by-step descriptions of Zogan massage techniques (each will be combined into one small block) with explanatory videos after them.

The main goal of Japanese Asahi massage for twenty-year-olds is simple - maintaining a youthful appearance and healthy skin. Therefore, Tanaka recommends using gentle techniques that will take no more than 2-3 minutes.

Do 3 repetitions of each of the following (be sure to end each with a finishing movement):

  1. Make a ring with your thumb and index finger. Place them near the corners of your mouth. Start moving towards the ears.
  2. The next block involves the middle and ring fingers. Place them on the sides of the nose exactly along the line of the nasolabial fold. Slowly move along it from top to bottom. Go around the mouth and finish by connecting your fingers in the center of the chin.
  3. Place your fingers in the center of the frontal area, smoothly move towards the outside of the forehead until you reach the temples.
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