How long does the laser hair removal procedure take?

How long does the procedure take on different parts of the body?

The time of a procedure such as laser hair removal depends on several factors. First you need to choose a laser, which comes in several types. Exist:

  • diode;
  • neodymium;
  • alexandrite.

It is advisable that the procedure be carried out with dark hair on light skin. Then there will be no problems with lasers, because any of the ones mentioned will do.

If your skin is dark, tanned, your hair is blond, red, or gray, then you need to choose a laser installation more carefully. You also need to take into account the individual characteristics of the client.

Another common question is at what age can this procedure be done. Is it necessary, for example, to spend money and time on laser bikini hair removal? Laser hair removal is acceptable for women and men over 18 years of age. Girls require written consent from their legal representatives. Nobody set a maximum age - there are no restrictions on the upper age limit. However, older adults have an increased risk of adverse reactions and discomfort after the procedure.

The laser hair removal procedure lasts from 5 to 60 minutes. Masters can do it in about 15 minutes, if we talk about hair removal from:

  • upper lip;
  • temples;
  • chin;
  • belly;
  • interbrow area.

But it is worth remembering that the duration of the laser hair removal procedure depends on the complexity in different parts of the body. So, processing takes from 20 minutes to 1 hour:

  • belly;
  • buttocks;
  • backs;
  • lower back;
  • hands;
  • hips;
  • shins.

The bikini area, considered one of the most labor-intensive, also takes on average about half an hour.

Experienced cosmetologists advise women to use package offers. That is, order several types of laser hair removal at once at competitive prices. For example, it is advisable to spend time on laser hair removal of the bikini, thighs and lower legs.

Experts say that special attention should be paid to choosing a center. Proven professionals should work there. The place should inspire trust and a feeling of comfort. Everything must be sterile, clean and hygienic. It must be remembered that procedures are carried out only in equipped rooms.

In no case should you forget about special glasses. During manipulations, the doctor and the patient should wear eye protection from the effects of sharp flashes of laser light. Only in this case will the master most likely be truly professional in his field and remove body hair efficiently. If you do not follow this rule, negative consequences and health problems may occur.

The duration of the laser hair removal procedure is short. Only further - less. The time frame depends on the color of the hairs, age and sensitivity of the body. Impulses can greatly influence a person. After the first session, you should not think that everything is over. You should start preparing for the next sessions.


They are divided into absolute and relative.


  • Oncological diseases;
  • Systemic blood diseases;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Decompensated forms of diabetes mellitus;
  • Chronic skin and systemic diseases;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Active pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • True photodermatitis.


  • Hormonal therapy with certain drugs;
  • Pregnancy lactation;
  • Herpes in the active stage;
  • Skin damage;
  • Benign formations with a tendency to develop;
  • Diabetes;
  • The use of drugs that cause photosensitization of the skin;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Having a fresh tan;
  • Taking antibiotics;
  • Diffuse toxic goiter.

The presence of a tattoo on the area being epilated can also be considered a relative contraindication. The fact is that the dye in the skin, just like the melanin pigment in the hairs, attracts laser radiation. Therefore, in some cases, it is possible to affect both the paint and the vegetation, causing it to fade and blur the outline of the design. If you want to remove hair and keep a bright tattoo, you should pay attention to other methods of getting rid of hair.

Before starting the procedure, Cleo Line specialists always talk with the client and determine whether there are relative or absolute contraindications.

How many sessions are needed for different areas of the body?

You need to attend several sessions to roughly calculate how long laser hair removal will last next time. It is recommended to do repeated hair removal no earlier than 1.5-2 months after the first time in the salon. During this time, the skin manages to restore everything lost. This can be considered the prevention of adverse reactions.

Please note that the number of sessions cannot be determined immediately. The cosmetologist himself should help with this after a thorough examination.

Also, the number of flashes depends on the type of laser, its power, and area. Everything is usually discussed by the doctor at the first consultation, which is very convenient. The entire course, how long laser hair removal lasts, is structured individually. There can be either 2 or 10 flashes at a time. Ideally, you will need about 40-60 flashes.

How often do you need to go for procedures? On average, about a couple of months (6 to 8 weeks) should pass after the first session. If everything did not go very well the first time, then the procedure is repeated after 4 weeks. But this rarely happens.

After visiting the salon, you need to look at your feelings and adverse reactions on your body. It is especially recommended to monitor the behavior of your body after laser hair removal of a deep bikini, which lasts a little longer than usual.

Laser hair removal - how it works and how it works, how the process of hair removal occurs in women

Laser hair removal is a radical method of hair removal. The mechanism of its action is based on the fact that melanin contained in follicles is capable of absorbing light waves in the range of 700-800 nm.

When hit by flashes of the beam, the pigment is intensely heated, resulting in its destruction. Nearby structures are also affected - sebaceous glands, growth zone, blood and lymphatic vessels. The hair falls out along with the dead root. Destructive processes are practically not felt by the body, the procedure is completely painless.

Laser hair removal is successfully used to remove hair from any part of the body. The effectiveness of the method depends on the correct choice of device depending on the degree of saturation of the melanin pigment.

Indications and results - in what cases is the procedure necessary?

Laser hair removal is a method of aesthetic medicine. The decision to perform it is not a therapeutic indication. There are several cases when it is advisable to resort to the procedure:

  • the presence of hair on the body, its active growth;
  • high pain threshold, individual intolerance to classical hair removal methods (waxing, sugaring and others);
  • professional requirements for athletes;
  • a large number of ingrown hairs, their regular appearance.

The technique works with natural hair color in a range of shades from dark to light brown. You should consult with a cosmetologist to choose the most effective method depending on the characteristics of the phenotype.

How many outbreaks occur during a depilation session?

The number of flashes depends on the type of laser, its power, and area of ​​the area. On average, in one pulse, the beam covers 2.5 cm2 of the surface of the epidermis. At the first consultation, the cosmetologist will tell you how many flashes will be needed for a particular part of the body. Their number can vary from 2 to 10 in one session. A total of 40-60 flashes are usually needed to achieve a visible result.

Find out how many flashes are needed when epilating the thighs in this material.

How long does it take for hair to start falling out?

The rate of hair loss after laser hair removal depends on the saturation of melanin and the device used for the procedure. According to statistics, 80% of people experience noticeable results only after the second session. The visible effect is noticeable after 3-4 months, for modern devices – 2 weeks.

Follicles of a light shade are destroyed more slowly than dark ones - this is due to the content of the melanin pigment in their composition.

Why are multiple procedures needed?

Experts say that the result of hair removal remains for a long time. It lasts for 5-10 years. Again, this number depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. To maintain the effect, you need to repeat laser bikini hair removal at least once a year. Especially if it occurs in the area of ​​fast-growing hair.

Everyone's body develops differently. No one knows initially how the body and skin will behave, what reactions there will be to the laser, or at what speed new hairs will grow. You just have to observe this and draw your own conclusions. It is more convenient to do this with a personal cosmetologist. The total number of sessions depends on the power of the light exposure of the device and the area of ​​the body. This is why several procedures are necessary.

Here is the approximate number of sessions to ensure that hair is removed and the skin is in perfect condition:

  • face – 3 sessions;
  • armpits, arms - 5-6 sessions;
  • legs - 7-10 sessions;
  • back – 6 sessions;
  • stomach - 5 sessions;
  • bikini - 4-8 sessions.

Laser hair removal is a truly effective way to remove unwanted body hair. Considering the duration of the entire course, this is a long option. However, one session does not last very long.

Skin care after laser hair removal

For 3 days, an aerosol or cream “Panthenol” should be applied to the treated areas of hair removal (morning and evening).

It is necessary to exclude or significantly limit the use of cosmetics containing irritating substances (scrub, alcohol, etc.).

3 days after hair removal you should refrain from visiting the sauna, steam bath or swimming pool. It is recommended to use moderately warm water for washing and showering.

For 2 weeks before going outside, you need to apply sunscreen with SPF to the epilation area.

During the course of procedures, it is not recommended to use a vibrating epilator, or pluck hair with tweezers, remove it with wax or depilatory creams.

Sunbathing is prohibited for 2 weeks after laser hair removal.

Indications and contraindications for hair removal services

The most common reasons for choosing laser hair removal are:

  • unwanted hair on the face and body;
  • tendency to ingrown hairs, especially on the face and bikini area;
  • increased skin sensitivity, excluding other methods of hair removal;
  • considerations of economy - despite the undoubtedly high cost of the procedure in comparison, for example, with bioepilation, only laser hair removal gives the effect of smooth skin for months and years (if you undergo a course of treatment recommended by a doctor).

In the cosmetology department of our clinic you can undergo a variety of types of hair removal, such as:

  • laser facial hair removal;
  • eyebrow hair removal;
  • hair removal of temples;
  • laser hair removal of the upper lip;
  • armpit hair removal;
  • breast hair removal;
  • epilation of the bikini area;
  • deep laser hair removal;
  • epilation of legs;
  • back hair removal;
  • epilation of thighs, etc.

1 Laser hair removal in MedicCity. It is successfully carried out even on the face!

2 Laser hair removal in MedicCity

3 Laser hair removal in MedicCity

4 Laser hair removal in MedicCity

5 Laser hair removal in MedicCity

6 Laser hair removal of toes in MedicCity

Like other laser techniques, this one has a number of serious medical contraindications.

Laser hair removal is prohibited in the following cases:

  • malignant neoplasms of the skin;
  • cancer;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • varicose veins;
  • acute infections;
  • tuberculosis;
  • herpes;
  • diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation;
  • photodermatitis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • taking certain medications (to be clarified at the clinic before registering for the procedure).

Hair removal services are offered everywhere today, but laser treatment is a serious medical procedure that must be performed by a dermatocosmetologist who knows everything about the structure of the skin, hair growth cycles and the body’s reaction to this or that effect.

1 Laser hair removal

2 Laser hair removal

3 Laser hair removal

4 Full description of the picture

Possible consequences

Sometimes complications can occur after laser hair removal. These include:

  1. Redness. Regarded as a variant of the norm. Usually appears on sensitive skin. The symptom goes away on its own within a day.
  2. Swelling, bruises, blisters. Their occurrence depends on how correctly the laser hair removal was carried out and whether the cooling was sufficient. Another reason why this can happen is failure to follow the preparation rules or the presence of a fresh tan.
  3. Allergic manifestations in the form of dermatitis, urticaria, itching. May be a consequence of intolerance to the anesthetics used.
  4. Inflammation of the follicle – folliculitis. The reasons are increased sweating due to the characteristics of the body or visiting a sauna or bathhouse in the early period after the procedure.
  5. Dark spots. They appear mainly on tanned skin or when skin care rules were violated after a session (during prolonged exposure to the sun without the use of special protective equipment).
  6. Exacerbation of herpetic infection. Appears if there was already a disease, against the background of weakened immunity.
  7. Loss of vision, photophobia, conjunctivitis. Reasons: laser hair removal is carried out with errors, the order of its implementation is violated, the need to use glasses is neglected, or some of them do not fit tightly.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, and to make laser hair removal as effective as possible, it is important to conscientiously choose a salon and a good specialist.

Laser hair removal is an effective method of getting rid of unwanted hair

Before the session, it is important to familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications, and the specifics of implementation. In advance, in some salons you can do a free trial procedure, which allows you to evaluate how suitable laser hair removal is.

Of no small importance is preparation for the session and subsequent skin care, which should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist. The number of procedures required depends on the skin type, structure, hair color, and area of ​​the area being treated.


The duration of the result, as well as a decent appearance of the dermis, can only be ensured with good aftercare. Let's consider what rules will need to be followed.

If this is not QOOL hair removal, then you need to limit your exposure to the sun for 14 days after the procedure. If the rays are scorching and you can’t go out, be sure to wear a hat with a brim and apply sunscreen. The beach, solarium and other similar places are strictly prohibited. It should be borne in mind that several sessions are needed, so tanning restrictions may last for six months, or even longer.

Take this into account when planning your vacation. When the procedure is completed, the last step is to apply a sedative. The first time a specialist will do this

Next, you apply the same product yourself for a couple of days. This will allow the skin to recover faster. You should refrain from intense sports training. They will provoke sweating, which can cause irritation and rashes. In addition, the swimming pool and sauna are prohibited. You should avoid using alcohol-based products for a week. When some time passes after the procedure, you may notice hair regrowth. They can be shaved or removed with tweezers. Don't worry that it will always be like this. This number of hair removal sessions is due to the fact that there are active hair follicles and there are dormant ones. The laser affects only active ones, while sleeping ones remain unharmed. Over time, there are fewer and fewer dormant bulbs. If you are taking antiviral drugs before the procedure, you should not suddenly stop taking them. It takes about three more days to consolidate the result.

It is also recommended to remember that each organism is individual. In some cases, the result of hair removal, even if everything is done according to the rules, may not last long. This is due to age, health status, and nationality. For example, in Eastern women, re-vegetation appears much earlier than in Slavic women. Girls with hormonal diseases may not get results at all.

There is also such a disease as hirsutism

This is increased hair growth, which instantly attracts the attention of others and causes disgust. Women and children suffer from this pathology

In women, hirsutism can be a consequence of very serious illnesses that lead to infertility and other serious consequences.

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