How to prepare for deep bikini laser hair removal for the first time

Unfortunately, traditional body hair removal techniques such as shaving, depilatory creams, waxing, etc. have temporary effects. After a certain period of time, the pleasant smoothness on the skin disappears and you have to spend time and money again to get rid of unwanted hairs. This is why laser hair removal is so popular all over the world, because it allows you to remove hair for a long time or even forever. The procedure is highly effective and practically does not cause pain.

Hair removal using a diode laser has other significant advantages:

  • After the procedure, the hairs become thinner, grow more slowly, and simply disappear over time.
  • The effect lasts for six months; you do not need to shave or carry out other exhausting procedures all this time.
  • Laser hair removal is a less painful method of hair removal in hard-to-reach and delicate areas (bikini area, armpits, area above the upper lip, etc.), when compared with waxing and sugaring.
  • The skin is not injured, and the problem of ingrown hairs disappears.

But in order for the result to please you, you need to perform certain preparations for laser hair removal. So, we will tell you in detail how to properly prepare for laser hair removal and what not to do before the procedure.

Preparing for laser hair removal: 5 taboos

Answering the question of how to prepare for laser hair removal, we can say that preparation does not require any special effort from the client. Basically, all you need to do is take a shower before the procedure - your skin should be clean and there should be no makeup on it. You also need to shave with a regular razor. In general, advice on how to prepare for laser hair removal is more about what not to do before the session.

So, there are 5 taboos for patients who plan to get rid of hair using a diode laser:

  1. Do not sunbathe for 14 days before the procedure (not only on the beach, but also in the solarium).
  2. Do not use beauty products that contain alcohol (tonic, lotion, etc.) for 3 days before hair removal.
  3. Do not use any other hair removal methods other than standard shaving with a regular razor for 4 weeks before the session.
  4. Do not take antibiotics 14 days before the procedure.
  5. Do not drink alcohol one day before hair removal.

All these tips before laser hair removal have explanations. Thus, antibiotics should not be taken because they cause increased sensitivity of the skin to light. Therefore, if you neglect this recommendation, you can get a burn and hyperpigmentation. The same applies to alcohol-containing cosmetics.

Alcohol is undesirable for the reason that its presence in the body often causes pain during hair removal; hyperemia and slight swelling after the procedure often occur. As for shaving, it is undesirable to pull out hair because in this way the hairs are removed completely, and those that are located under the skin. And when carrying out a procedure using a laser device, the “invisible” part of the hair is needed - it is a conductor of light energy to the hair follicle. After all, the laser beam is absorbed by melanin, which is contained in the hair. It’s worth talking about tanning in more detail.

Possible consequences

Cosmetologists claim that laser hair removal does not cause harm and does not cause severe pain. And possible negative factors after the laser can arise due to the stupidity of the client himself (did not adhere to contraindications) or a cosmetologist who is not sufficiently qualified. These include:

  • skin burns;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • inflammation of the hair follicle (folliculitis);
  • herpetic rash;
  • vision problems arise only when the patient does not wear special eye protection glasses intended for laser hair removal. Light rays negatively affect the retina of the eyeball.
  • Swelling or redness after manipulation. They go away on their own within 24 hours, without pharmaceuticals. But this can also be avoided if you ask the specialist in advance to cool the skin before starting the procedure.

Why is it so important not to sunbathe before laser hair removal?

The desire to acquire a chocolate skin tone is quite understandable. But it's worth putting off going to the beach or tanning studio for a while if you want to say goodbye to unwanted hair thanks to laser. Before laser hair removal, it is necessary to exclude exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin for 2 weeks, since under its influence melanocytes produce too much melanin. The skin becomes dark and the effectiveness of the procedure is significantly reduced. In addition, the client is at serious risk of being burned.

It is believed that a light tan obtained simply by moving around the city is not critical for laser procedures. But you can play it safe and use sunscreen with SPF 30 or more.

Recommendations after the session

Types of laser hair removal

In addition to proper preparation for laser hair removal, an important point is proper care after irradiation.

In the first 60-120 minutes

In the first hour after the procedure, the skin is irritated. She requires some care. The best thing to do is to go home straight away and get some rest. If itching is present, you can soothe the skin with ice water and aloe juice. Clothes should be comfortable, clean, and made of pleasant cotton.

After the procedure, the dermis can be soothed with aloe gel

24 hours after laser

On the first day, you should not expose the dermis to heat attacks. You can wash only with slightly warm water. Hot water affects blood circulation, which can result in bruising.

After 48 hours

It is not allowed to visit the sauna, do sports training, or swim. At this time, you need to rest and relax more, avoiding an increase in body temperature.

After 72 hours

After three days, the irradiation site can be treated with fluid creams, decorative cosmetics, and deodorants. But you still shouldn't attend swimming training. You should refrain from massage and drinking alcohol.

7 days later

Derma has already calmed down. However, doctors do not recommend visiting the beach, swimming in the sea, or swimming pool. When going out in the sun, it is important to use products with UV protection. For a week after the procedure, you should eat well and avoid diets and any activities that weaken the immune system.

14 days later

At this time, the effect of the laser begins to appear. Some hairs fall out on their own. It is not recommended to use tweezers or remove hairs yourself at this time. This action can cause the formation of abscesses.

21 days later

Starting from the third week, the ban on visiting the pool and swimming in the sea is lifted. However, you should periodically exfoliate the area where the laser was used.

Preparing for laser hair removal: how long to wait after waxing/sugaring

Recommendations on how to prepare yourself for laser hair removal include observing certain deadlines between hair removal and previously performed sugaring/waxing. If before the laser the client removed hair using wax, sugar paste, or an electric epilator, you need to wait 2 weeks. Sometimes it takes more time. This is due to the fact that at least part of the hair is necessary for laser hair removal to be effective, and during sugaring/waxing the hairs are completely pulled out. In this case, the laser beam simply has nothing to destroy.

The principle of operation of the method

Laser hair removal is the effect of a powerful light source (laser beam) on pigmented hair cells. The beam is programmed to affect melanin (the pigment found in hairs). In the deep layers of the dermis, light energy is converted into heat. The beam literally burns the hair root. As a result, the hair follicle cells become thinner and die. Laser-damaged hair falls out and never appears in the same place again. After 6-10 sessions, you can completely part with the hated vegetation.

Note! There are several types of lasers that help remove hair. The most popular is the diode installation. Such devices can most often be seen in cosmetology clinics.

Maintaining “pauses” between laser hair removal sessions

Laser hair removal involves not one session, but a course consisting of a certain number of sessions. Not a single laser device can rid a client of “excess” body hair in one single time. Light energy affects only those hairs that are actively growing at the time of treatment, so after the first session only 15-20 percent of all hair is removed. Over the next 10 days, hairs will gradually fall out, but others will “wake up”.

With each procedure performed, the amount of unwanted hair will decrease, and the time intervals between sessions should increase. The minimum pause is three weeks, and the maximum is 2 months. It is very important to observe these pauses and not interrupt the course you have started. Otherwise, the effectiveness of laser hair removal is reduced and may disappear altogether. A full course takes about a year. But after all the sessions, the client can forget for a long time about the need to shave or tear off wax strips - for a period of 1-3 years. This period is very individual and depends on many factors. First of all, hormonal levels and heredity.

Diode laser for hair removal: how the procedure works

First, you need to come for a consultation with a cosmetologist who will tell you who needs diode laser hair removal, how to prepare, inform you about the condition of your hair type, conduct a laser test for skin sensitivity, and ask about your general health. The specialist will determine your skin type, hair structure, number and interval of visits. Despite the fact that the procedure is completely safe and suitable even for delicate areas of the skin, such measures are necessary to eliminate individual intolerance.

Laser hair removal is almost painless, you only feel tingling and warmth. The areas above the upper lip, abdomen, groin and armpits are especially sensitive. If you are more susceptible to pain, the area can be numbed with a gel or cream.

In this case, it is necessary to test the skin in advance to know whether the drug will cause allergies. You should apply it to your wrist and observe for 30 minutes. If there is no reaction, everything is fine, the cream is suitable.

Session duration varies from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The duration of the procedure depends on the treatment area. For example, 10 minutes is enough to treat your feet. But be prepared for the fact that the diode laser leaves redness after the first procedure, which will disappear within 2 hours. This is a completely normal reaction. To soothe the skin, use panthenol or cooling gel.

Features of preparation for epilation of the upper lip

What to do before epilating the area above the upper lip? As in the case of the intimate area and other areas, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Avoid tanning 14 days before hair removal.
  • Do not use antibacterial drugs 14 days before hair removal.
  • Avoid waxing, sugaring, depilatory creams and using tweezers for 2 weeks.
  • Avoid using beauty products that contain alcohol for three days before visiting a cosmetologist.
  • On the day when the laser hair removal session is scheduled, remove hair above the upper lip (with nail scissors or shave) and do not use any cosmetics.

There is one nuance of preparation, as with epilation of the bikini area. If the patient is prone to the appearance of herpes on the lips, it is recommended to take an antiviral drug for 7 days before the session, as well as for 7 days after the session.

Also, since the skin above the upper lip is a very sensitive area, you may want to consider anesthesia in advance. If the client has a low pain threshold, the cosmetologist may suggest topical anesthesia to minimize pain.


Laser hair removal, like other types of hair removal, has contraindications. Before visiting a specialist, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications:

  • fresh tan on the skin;
  • skin diseases in the acute stage or chronic;
  • moles or saw marks on the body;
  • ODS
  • Oncological diseases;
  • herpes;
  • varicose veins - this ban mainly applies to the arms and legs;
  • the body’s tendency to form keloid scars - tissue proliferation during injury;
  • presence of burns;
  • pregnancy period;
  • breastfeeding;
  • the presence of allergic reactions: rash, irritation;
  • skin damage: abrasions and scratches.
  • minors under 18 years of age.

Some general preparation tips

It is recommended to carry out a preparatory procedure before the first session. Laser exposure on a small area of ​​skin will allow you to understand how painful the procedure is for the client, and will also help him understand what the technique is all about and dispel fears. It is also very important to exclude all contraindications. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor, and only then go for laser hair removal if there are no diseases.

Preparation for laser hair removal according to all the rules is the key to the effectiveness of the session and achieving an ideal result without unpleasant consequences. In addition, it is important to prepare high-quality equipment for removing unwanted hair. You can purchase a certified laser device from the Medicalaser store. We have been producing cosmetology equipment for more than 10 years, which was appreciated by professionals not only in Russia, but also in all nearby countries. The range includes high-quality diode lasers and multifunctional devices.

Skin care after hair removal

It is recommended to follow the following tips to care for your skin during sessions:

  • hair removal after laser hair removal can only be done with a razor; it does not affect the follicle, which has a good effect on further sessions;
  • for one day, try not to wet the treated area;
  • do not go to the gym for the first 3 days;
  • take only contrast showers for 12 days;
  • do not apply scrubbing agents to the epilated area;
  • If hair removal was carried out in the facial area, it is better to refrain from makeup for one day.
  • It is recommended to apply Bepanten or children's cream, which has a softening effect, to the skin where there was laser exposure.

Preparation for the laser procedure is not difficult, the main thing is to listen to the advice and requirements of the cosmetologist. In this case, the smooth effect will last for many years.

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