Top 13 Fashion Tips for Women with Small Breasts

Where does the complex come from?

Problem from childhood

It all starts with adolescence. Girlfriends get their first bras and then their boyfriends. It’s a shame to change clothes during physical education, you persuade your parents to buy a bra for you too, but in response you hear: “Why?”

Stereotypes imposed by society

On the covers of magazines and in films there are beauties with large busts. Ideal parameters, calculated down to the centimeter, which for some reason all women need to strive for.

Failed Relationships

Your boyfriend has hinted or said openly that he likes bigger breasts and it would be nice for you to do something with yours.

Evelina Bledans and the “vulgar bodysuit”

It’s good that Natasha Koroleva’s subscribers don’t look at Evelina Bledans’ page. Otherwise, they would definitely have suffered a blow. After all, Evelina allows herself to appear not only in a revealing dress, but simply in a bodysuit on her naked body.

Evelina Bledans, photo - Instagram

However, the presenter’s fans are not silent either. They say that Evelina does not behave like a real mother. They say that a decent woman will not expose her nipples to everyone and be photographed in such provocative poses.

Here’s another example, but not from my own backyard, but from a premiere film screening.

Evelina Bledans, photo – RIA Novosti/Ekaterina Chesnokova

And sometimes people start throwing mud at celebrity women even if they have underwear. If the latter goes a little overboard with the depth of the neckline - that’s it, censure is guaranteed. See what they say on social networks about famous ladies who really love outfits with revealing cutouts in the chest area. More about this: Chest at the ready. Star cleavage girls who got their busts

What influences men's preferences

There are several theories about the reasons for men's interest in women's breasts, as well as possible factors that influence size preferences. And none of them gives women with small busts reasons for complexes.

The quest for fatherhood

Some evolutionary biologists believe What Is It About Men and Breast Size? that men subconsciously associate a woman’s breasts and, in particular, their size with procreation. Large breasts signal the health of the chosen one, the ability to bear and nurture offspring. During the study, Preferred female body proportions among child-free men. It turned out that men who are ready to have children prefer women with large breasts. And those who are not planning children are satisfied with their companion’s small breasts and consider impressive sizes less attractive.

Financial position

Scientists, trying to find a scientific explanation for men's preferences, conducted several more interesting studies Resource Security Impacts Men's Female Breast Size Preferences. The first looks for a connection between a man's financial and social status and his preferred breast size. It turned out that men with low earnings and social status chose large breasts, while those with financial security preferred medium size.


In the second part of the same study, hungry and well-fed men were tested. Hungry participants found larger breasts attractive than well-fed participants. The scientists concluded that the results of this and previous studies are consistent.

Men who feel a lack of resources prefer larger breasts than those who do not need any resources.

Sexist views

And finally: men who hold sexist views prefer Men's Oppressive Beliefs Predict Their Breast Size Preferences in Women to large breasts over small or medium ones.

Emma Watson

It is nothing short of magical to watch Emma Watson grow from a sweet little child into an internationally recognized feminist, intellectual and actress.

She also happens to be a stunningly cool woman who not only has the looks, but also the brains that make her successful in this world. The actress has largely taken over the world at her age, which we are immensely happy about.

She has her own global book club, she acts, she has a college degree, she speaks about women's rights at the United Nations, and she still does amazing photo shoots.

Why is it important to get rid of the complex?

Any complex or lack of self-confidence reduces the quality of life. You are afraid that someone will notice your push-up. You don't buy a revealing dress because you don't think you're sexy enough for it. Or you are embarrassed to approach the man you like because of low self-esteem.

But your breasts are not you, they are just a part of your body that you don’t need to focus all your attention on.

The complex of small breasts can develop into serious self-doubt: first you are unhappy with the size or shape, then you realize that your nose is not very good, and the little toe of your left foot could be prettier. And if you are 100% sure that implants (and only they) will make you truly happy, most likely this is not the case.

Beauty standards imposed by society are changing. Yesterday, triple-volume eyelash extensions, watermelon-sized silicone breasts and lips resembling a baboon's butt were the objects of many girls' dreams. Today, fortunately, natural beauty and health are in trend. And the breasts that nature has endowed you with are worthy of love and respect.

Admit it, you're wondering which actress has the biggest breasts? And how big is it?

Still from the TV series “Mad Men”

We are already in a hurry to respond! Her name is Christina Hendricks and she has a size 7 breast. And, as Christina herself claims, she is real (breasts, I mean). She played in such TV series as Firefly, Detective Rush and Mad Men, and can also be seen in The Neon Demon.

But with the breast size of Hugh Hefner's favorite Playmate Pamela Anderson, things are much more interesting. Nature endowed Pam with a three, but then this figure changed several times, reaching the fifth.

Photo: Playboy

By the way, among film stars today there are many owners of luxurious figures. Therefore, for this delightful autumn Friday, we have gathered in one place bright actresses with prominent breasts and hot Instagram - in our opinion, this is a very good combination.

How to stop having complexes

1. Remember that women's breasts are beautiful. And size doesn't matter here.

2. Love and accept yourself. Confidence attracts much more than breasts (if we talk about serious relationships, of course).

3. Stop worrying about what others think of you. You are not a million dollars that everyone wants you. And that's okay.

4. Think about the fact that women with large breasts have as much complex as you about this.

5. Treat yourself with irony.

6. Don’t project your thoughts onto other people: you think that when they first look at you, a person thinks: “How small she is!” And it didn’t even occur to him.

7. Know that many girls with small breasts are proud of it 9 women reveal why they're proud of their small boobs. Why are you worse?

8. If the complex prevents you from living a normal life and nothing helps, contact a psychotherapist and sort out the problem.

9. Find the advantages of small breasts:

  • Men like it: many prefer that their breasts simply fit into the palm of their hand. And if a young man breaks up with you because of his breast size, breathe out. You are very lucky, and now you can find someone who will truly love you.
  • You don't have to wear a bra.
  • Small breasts look neat and aristocratic.
  • You won't have back pain due to a heavy bust.
  • It makes you look younger.
  • You can wear a dress with a deep neckline, and it won't make you look like a prostitute. You can basically wear whatever you want.
  • Your breasts, most likely, will not sag with age (or will have a less sad appearance).
  • Sleeping on your stomach or sunbathing is comfortable.

Love yourself for who you are. This is the most valuable quality.

Elena Letuchaya and “lost shame”

The star of “Revizorro” always carefully monitors her wardrobe gets it for her exposed breasts. Subscribers are happy to look for dresses on the presenter’s Instagram that do not involve wearing underwear. And when they find it, they uncover the chest of reproaches.

Without denying the beauty of Letuchaya, followers still turn to the words “shame,” “disgrace,” and “depravity.” The presenter is advised to wear underwear and not set a bad example for the children.

"God! How can you even wear such dresses without a bra??? Or not even in such dresses, but in principle. Have people generally lost their embarrassment??”

“A great example for children!”

Rules for choosing underwear

To choose the right size for yourself, you need to take two measurements: the circumference of the chest at its highest point and the circumference directly under the chest.

Bra sizes are indicated as a number and a letter, where the number is the circumference under the bust, and the letter is the cup volume. Cups start from size AA, which is theoretically equivalent in the size range customary from Soviet times to size zero, A to the first, B to the second, and so on. But almost everything is not so simple and they need to be selected long and carefully.

So what size are small breasts? Isn't it zero? In fact, yes, but there are actually a lot of options for the relationship between these numbers and letters, even for one specific breast. And you should not mistakenly believe that a small breast can only have a cup size of A or AA, it can also be a C, it all depends on the ratio of the cup size and the width of the back, as well as the individual structure. The point is that you should look at the size as a whole, and not just the cup size in isolation from the back length. So, the cup size and back length in 70C and 80A are approximately the same, but their location is different. Here are some useful tips when choosing underwear:

  1. During fitting, you need to twist, raise and lower your hands to understand if there is any rubbing.
  2. After trying on, you need to pay attention to whether the bra has left even imperceptible marks somewhere. After daily wear, these invisible marks can turn into severe calluses.
  3. You need to pay attention that the ribbon with the fastener sits evenly and does not ride up, which can happen either from the straps being too tight or due to the incorrectly selected cup size.
  4. There are many types of cups and it’s worth trying to try them all on.
  5. The breasts should not fall out or, on the contrary, dangle in the bra, but sit tightly and be clearly fixed.

Also, even before selecting the size, it is important to decide on the style and whether foam rubber and bones are needed. Yes, such models will make your breasts appear larger, but in the summer it will be very hot. And some dresses require seamless bras.

Lily Allen: curvy hips

Singer Lily Allen believes that her curvy hips should be hidden from prying eyes. But in vain! The star once admitted: “All jeans are designed for girls with slender legs and graceful hips. With my hips, I can only afford dresses and skirts...” Lily, why limit your wardrobe so much because of an imaginary problem?

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Penelope Cruz: small butt

While some girls dream of reducing the size of their hips and butts, Penelope Cruz, on the contrary, is dissatisfied with her “fifth point” - it’s too small! “As a child, I did ballet, so my butt is now too graceful, it would be better if it were bigger...” admits Cruz. The actress also said that during the filming of the film “The Return” by Pedro Almodóvar, she wore a fake butt under her skirt to make the image more realistic. “I felt wonderful with her!” - said the star.

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz in a swimsuit

Cameron Diaz is just over 40 years old and she's still able to hold her own against these 20-year-old starlets! She is eternal and her beauty is undeniable. Long legs, nice skin and a smile that says it all: Cameron is one of the sexiest actresses of all time. We've loved her since we first saw her transformation from model to actress.

Confirming this modeling stereotype, Cam may be small in size, but she has legs to die for.

In fact, her entire body is the perfect combination of athletic and feminine. We love how she embraces her maturity and is in perfect harmony with who she is.

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