How to lengthen your legs: 30 tips for choosing the right clothes and shoes

thin legs

deficiency of soft tissue on the inner surface of the legs

uneven distribution of soft tissues along the inner and outer surfaces of the legs,

thin, crooked or, conversely, thick ankles and pronounced popliteal fossae

asymmetry of the legs (lipofilling is performed in combination with or without endoprosthetics)

true O-shaped deformation

And also a disproportion of the legs in cases where a large massive thigh is combined with a thin lower leg. Even in this case, depending on the initial anatomy, as in the well-known saying, there are three options: for correction, you can reduce the volume of the hips by performing liposuction; increase the volume of the legs with lipofilling; perform a combination of liposuction with lipofilling.

Cruroplasty photo

Photos before and after surgery of patients who have already undergone cruroplasty (thigh surgery) at the Abrielle plastic surgery clinic can be found in the Photo Gallery section.

After shin replacement or osteotomy, lipofilling can effectively complete the creation of soft, beautiful contours.

In addition, each woman has her own concept of “ideal legs”. Therefore, in each specific case, to obtain the maximum aesthetic result, we select individual correction tactics based on the patient’s wishes and ideas about beauty and harmony.

The greatest visual effect of straightening and creating a beautiful shape of the legs is achieved by combining liposuction of areas with excess fat deposition and lipofilling - filling the areas with a lack of volume with adipose tissue. The source of your own adipose tissue is usually those places where a particular patient has it in excess. As a rule, these are flanks, belly, thighs, riding breeches, etc. It turns out that the figure’s shortcomings literally turn into its advantages. Excess body fat, which is moved according to certain rules, helps to model slender, proportionally folded legs.

How to make your legs more beautiful reviews

“The result of enlarging the legs with lipofilling exceeded all my expectations. I am very happy! Thank you everybody!" Zhanna, 28 years old. You can see this and other reviews about lipofilling of the legs of patients at the Abrielle plastic surgery clinic on our website in the Reviews section.

Ways to lengthen legs at home

You can change the shape of the lower limbs using:

  • shoes;
  • clothes;
  • exercises to lengthen the legs;
  • surgical interventions.

Surgical operations are performed in the following cases:

  • the presence of a defect in the skeletal system;
  • inability to fix the problem at home.

Increasing the length of both legs is a rather long process that requires regular effort.

If your legs are shorter than you would like, you need to:

  1. Walk with a straight back. Correct posture makes a person's silhouette visually slimmer and longer. In order to walk straight, you need to straighten your shoulders, pull in your stomach and hold your head high.
  2. Dancing, swimming, doing exercises, walking in the fresh air.
  3. Form an easy gait. Do not sway when walking, look straight ahead, and do not take too large or small steps.

If you make these recommendations a habit, you can get rid of complexes about short legs and gain the necessary confidence.

Photo gallery of works

Girl 14 years old. Shortening of the right lower limb by 6 cm. Lengthening the lower leg.

Boy 15 years old. Shortening of the right femur by 6 cm after injury. The thigh was lengthened using the Ilizarov apparatus

Woman 44 years old. Shortening of the right femur by 5 cm and external rotation are consequences of hematogenous osteomyelitis. We lengthened the femur and brought the axis to the correct position.

Boy 3 years old. Congenital shortening and valgus deformity of the left hip. The femur was lengthened and the deformity was eliminated.

Male 39 years old. Shortening of the right femur by 6 cm after a fracture and unsuccessful operations.

Visual way to lengthen legs

Rules for selecting clothing for existing problems with the length of the lower extremities:

  1. Choose shoes with high, stable heels (if there are no contraindications). The optimal shoe height is 7 cm. You cannot overload the leg muscles for a long time in order to avoid varicose veins and the growth of bunions on the big toe.
  2. In winter, you need to wear boots with high or medium tops made of natural materials.
  3. Skirt length – mini.
  4. Avoid wearing low-waisted dresses or jeans that sit high on the hips.
  5. Pants preference:
  • knee flare;
  • classic;
  • samples with striped colors.
  1. Avoid contrasting colors in wardrobe items and large jewelry.
  2. Clothes must be selected in the same color scheme.
  3. Sandals in the summer - white or beige tones, without ties on the shins.

Postoperative period

After lipofilling surgery of the legs, patients are observed for 24 hours in the clinic. Doctors at our clinic will give recommendations, adherence to which will allow you to quickly return to your normal lifestyle.

After surgery, compression garments must be worn for 4 weeks on the liposuction areas.

The first 3 to 5 days after lipofilling, swelling and discomfort are possible. The recovery period after lipofilling of the legs lasts about 3-4 weeks, during which it is recommended to: reduce physical activity, avoid alcohol and saunas for a month, wear compression garments and low-heeled shoes. During the first 3 months after surgery, partial resorption of adipose tissue is possible (about 15–20%). The final engraftment of fat occurs within 3 months after lipofilling.

Operable lengthening

Indications for surgical intervention:

  • shortening of one or both limbs after a fracture;
  • congenital malformations (dysplasia);
  • inability to walk independently;
  • different leg lengths;
  • plastic surgery if a person wants to increase his height.

Operation stages

The intervention is a dangerous and painful procedure due to the high risk of complications and the length of the rehabilitation period.

The method is based on the use of Ilizarov's construction. Before the operation, the patient undergoes a general blood and urine test, an ECG, and consults with specialists and a therapist.

For 14 days, you should stop taking blood thinning medications, smoking and alcoholic beverages, and you should not eat food on the day of the intervention.

Lengthening is carried out in a hospital setting under general anesthesia using a device for external and internal fixation. For stretching purposes, the doctor makes a medical fracture of the femur or a dissection of the tibia and fibula.

The operation consists of several phases:

  • Dissection of bone tissue and application of the Ilizarov apparatus.
  • Gradual enlargement of the limb. Stretching begins 7 days after the osteotomy. The speed depends on the patient’s age and individual characteristics. The average growth of bone tissue is 1 mm per day.
  • Fixation is the time at which ossification of the obtained result occurs. This phase can last from six months to 18 months.

Simulation of the result of the operation

Each woman has her own unique personality, each has anatomical structural features, as well as ideas about the ideal shape of her legs, therefore, after a detailed discussion before the operation, preoperative modeling of the future shape of the hips and legs is performed.

The adipose tissue transplanted into the lower leg grows blood vessels and takes root in the new location - this guarantees a long-lasting, stable result after the operation. And one more important point! Adipose tissue contains the largest number of stem cells compared to other tissues, and your own injected fat will significantly improve the texture and color of your leg skin.

The occurrence of allergic reactions, contractures, paresthesias or rejection is excluded, since one’s own adipose tissue is transplanted. Our patients receive slender, even legs that will delight them for many years.

Physical exercise

Leg lengthening can be achieved without surgery using gymnastics. Before you start exercising, you need to choose shoes for exercise. Physical education should be carried out on a non-slip surface. There should be no pain or discomfort when performing movements.

After training, it is useful to take a contrast shower and massage the muscles to improve blood circulation and tissue nutrition.

Exercises on the gymnastic wall

  • Grab the bar and hang with your arms outstretched so that your feet do not touch the floor. Perform the task with a gradual increase in time.
  • Tilt towards the right foot. The body position is maintained with the help of the left limb, which is brought behind the crossbar. Do not bend the knee joint. The exercise starts from the lower tiers, gradually moving higher.

Stretching (splits)

Precautionary measures:

  • do not try to do full stretching in the first classes;
  • do a warm-up before the exercise;
  • Gymnastics should not be performed if you have joint problems or injuries.

Progress of the operation - lipofilling of the legs

Leg shape correction using lipofilling is performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation is 1 - 2 hours (depending on the number of liposuction zones that need to be treated to obtain the required amount of adipose tissue: the more there are, the longer the operation will last). Liposuction and lipofilling are performed through miniature punctures that heal, leaving virtually no marks.

The plastic surgeon makes incisions in places where the scar from the operation will be least noticeable. So, for example, when performing liposuction on the inner surface of the thigh, an incision is made in the inguinal fold; if the area of ​​the knee joints and the upper third of the legs is being corrected, an incision 2–4 mm long is made in the popliteal fossa; in the ankle area, when correcting the shape of the ankles, etc. When, a long time ago, to the question: “How did you manage to create a perfect David from a block of stone?”, Michelangelo answered: “I take a stone, and then simply cut off everything unnecessary.” Performing liposuction, the plastic surgeon “cuts off” the excess, giving the legs slimness. And the final shape is created in the process of lipofilling of the legs, when the surgeon “sculpts” ideal contours according to individual “measures”.

Contraindications to special exercises

You should not exercise on exercise machines or with a load if you have the following conditions:

  • glaucoma;
  • heart diseases;
  • hernias;
  • prosthetic joints;
  • cerebral aneurysm;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • pregnancy;
  • recent operations, injuries.

There are many ways to lengthen your legs, but before you start, you should consult a doctor to avoid complications.

How to surgically lengthen legs

Leg lengthening without surgery does not always achieve the desired effect. In this regard, the possibilities of modern medicine will be almost limitless. So, how do you surgically lengthen your legs?

  1. Using the Ilizarov apparatus, existing leg bones are broken and put back together, building new joints.
  2. This is a long process that will take about six months, plus the same amount of time will be spent on rehabilitation.
  3. Growing bones occurs under the influence of physical activity, using physiotherapy and developing joints.
  4. Hardware leg lengthening is an expensive and very painful procedure. There is a risk of disruption of the entire musculoskeletal system.

Surgery is a radical solution and is usually used to correct defects and injuries.

Yet this method is mainly created to correct orthopedic defects and complex injuries. It is especially indispensable for open fractures of the limbs in various places.

The best alternative to such an operation would be women's tricks with visual deception and correctly selected clothes.

If you want something more, you can always take an x-ray of your dominant hand and find out whether growth of your bones is still possible. If yes, specific exercises and hormonal diets will help you. But only after consultation with a medical specialist.


We wave our legs in different directions. First forward - backward, then right - left. Stop, swing forward, hold it as high as possible, and slowly lower it. We make a similar movement with a delay back. We perform static extension swings.

Then we intensively kick the imaginary ball, stretching out the toe, alternating with an imaginary hanging bag, and also try to kick. It is permissible to use a real pillow or pear, adapting it conveniently. Such swings are called “karate swings” and have a beneficial effect on increasing height.

Want to pump up your legs quickly? Train to failure

And now we’ll figure out how you can quickly pump up a man’s legs (and of course a girl too!) in the gym, and what bodybuilding methods are best to use for this.

We are all different. Some people have genetically large hips and can exercise at partial strength and still have large legs. And someone will have to sweat, pumping up their legs. After doing squats, you will feel like you were run over by a train. But often, despite all efforts, there is no significant growth. So what's the deal?

Forced reps

Many people perform shoulder or chest sets to the point of exhaustion every workout, but cannot handle the same load on their legs. Why is this happening? Forced repetitions are what will help you build up your legs quickly. And yes, this also applies to squats in the gym.

Reference . In forced repetitions, unlike negative repetitions, partner assistance in the concentric phase should be minimal. Help begins only when the athlete can no longer perform a clean repetition with the selected weight. In fact, the partner reduces the weight of the weight, thereby allowing you to extend the set. One set should contain no more than 1-2 forced repetitions, and there should be no more than 2-3 such sets per workout.

Before you pick up a barbell and start squatting, you need to warm up well.

Mandatory warm-up

We recommend warming up with an exercise bike, elliptical or intense work on a treadmill for at least 8-10 minutes.
Work at a moderate pace, enough to work up a sweat. Immediately after this, spend 10 minutes stretching. Remember: you need to stretch not only your quadriceps, but also all the muscles in your legs and lower back. To complete your warm-up, do 2-3 sets of 20, 18, 15 repetitions of leg extensions on the machine.

You shouldn’t push yourself; on the last set of the warm-up you should be fully prepared for hard work. Check: your back is pressed tightly against the backrest, your hips are pressed against the seat. And most importantly, additionally tighten your quadriceps. If you think that this is too much for warming up, don’t worry, it’s necessary.

Now you are ready to begin leg pumping exercises.

Leg training is the most difficult and energy-intensive; it is the one that puts the maximum load on the entire body, allowing you to create the basis for building up general muscles.

By paying due attention to exercises for the lower part, you are guaranteed to avoid the most common imbalance - a developed core and thin legs.

Agree, such a ridiculous picture will not add confidence, but sculpted and strong legs are what you need for the image of a strong man.

Veklich V.V. fixation device

When performing an operation to increase the height or lengthen the legs, doctors at the Ladisten clinic use the patented apparatus of V.V. Veklich.

In the development of the Veklich apparatus (the modernized Ilizarov apparatus), the disadvantages of ergonomics and invasiveness were taken into account and corrected. The device does not have needles that injure the skin, instead there are arcs and semi-rings; the installation of such a device is minimally invasive. This design reduces the rehabilitation period, since soft tissues are virtually not injured.

It is worth noting that the Veklich device is quite lightweight and ergonomic, so the patient’s rehabilitation during the period of wearing the device and recovery occurs with minimal discomfort. Its shape and size are developed individually, taking into account the anatomical characteristics of the patient.

Walking on your toes

Restore your breathing and stand on your toes with your back straight. Keep your chin parallel to the floor. You need to start walking, trying to stretch your fingertips as much as possible, with a “doe’s gait.” For the best results of the exercise, place a book or tray on the top of your head.

The task is to hold the object on your head while walking, keeping your back straight. Persian beauties performed the exercise daily with grace and ease, carrying jugs of wine and trays of fruit on their heads.

We pump up our legs with lunges and extensions in the simulator

Leg straightening is a useful exercise for the legs, both in warm-up and for work during the main workout. Since this is a growth exercise, you must be extremely careful. It seems simple, but many athletes get burned by it. Straighten your entire leg from your quads to your calves.

Leg straightening in the simulator

How you do this is another important question. Extension is carried out by tensioning the quadriceps, but also try to simultaneously pull your feet up. Make sure your back is firmly pressed into the seat and your hips are not lifting off.

And of course, don’t ignore lunges if you want to quickly build up your leg muscles. You will be surprised, but many people do this exercise incorrectly.

When performed correctly, a clear line is drawn not only in the quadriceps, but also in the hamstrings, and the shape of the buttocks also improves, which is especially important for girls.

Additional leg workout

Let’s summarize all our thoughts on the topic in the final complex:

  • Barbell squats, 6 sets: 15, 15, 12, 10, to failure, to failure.
  • Deep squats with a barbell, 3 sets: 15, 12, 10 times.
  • Lunge with dumbbells forward, 3 sets: 18, 15, 12 times.
  • Lunges with a barbell, 4 sets of 40-60 repetitions on each leg.
  • Leg straightening in the simulator 3 approaches: 18, 15, 12 times.

Calf raise

Rise onto your toes and lower yourself smoothly. Performed 20-30 times, several approaches per day. The action stretches the calf muscle lengthwise.

Calf training

Then make the task a little more difficult. Try to lean your back tightly against the wall, raise your arms up, trying to keep your posture as straight as possible. Stand on your toes, slowly lower onto your heels. Do the exercise 30 times. The movement is sliding and leisurely.

Lunges with hips forward


  • We stand so that the right leg is in front and the left leg is behind. Arms bent at the elbows;
  • make a shallow lunge on your right leg;
  • we return to the starting position and with a powerful movement bring our left leg in front of us;
  • We change sides and do the same, but with a lunge on the left leg.

Perform for 30 seconds on each leg.


A little about standards

Thin waist and long legs - here she is, a modern young lady. The expression “legs from shoulders”, although it sounds ironic, quite clearly expresses the cherished dream of any beauty. And it’s actually not that difficult to implement. It takes patience and regular exercise. As a result, after six months the length of the legs will increase by 2-3 cm. These numbers, of course, are not stunning, but visually such progress will be difficult not to notice. Moreover, the sooner you start training, the better, because after 25 years a person’s growth stops.

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